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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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This entire concept of "transgender" rights is being foisted upon normal people by strident political activists who care not a whit about the repercussions of their actions. They can't even provide a legal definition of what a "transgender" is, yet they want to allow men into the bathrooms with vulnerable women and girls. It's completely ridiculous.

Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

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Most cisgender people will come around someday to better understanding transgender issues. I'm gay and totally cisgender and I had to learn about transgender issues from scratch as are so many people in the U.S. now. I'm sure this will not be any problem with the current younger generation, so older cisgender bigots may wish to take a chill pill. Things change. The country won't explode because more compassion is shown to transgender Americans any more than when marriage equality became the law of the land.

Edited by Jingthing
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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.

If you have been in a female bathroom you must have seen that it's only stalls and no urinals, there is no way a young girl can see a person standing and urinate unless they are looking over the walls. And also the trans gender females are like other female sitting down when using the bath room.
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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.

If you have been in a female bathroom you must have seen that it's only stalls and no urinals, there is no way a young girl can see a person standing and urinate unless they are looking over the walls. And also the trans gender females are like other female sitting down when using the bath room.

Yes, on the lack of urinals in female toilets.

On the sitting down ... that depends on the individual transgender person as well as where they're at in their personal transition process.

TMI, I'm sure.

Generally people go into toilets just to do their business and get the hell out of there ASAP, not spy on other people.

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News Flash . . . No one in the US except the numbskull politicians and a few idiots the media can find or dredge up to interview gives a dang about any of this.

In fact, I never hear anything about this stupid topic unless I sign in to this forum located on the other side of the planet. No one at work talks about it. No one at the gym talks about it. None of my friends have ever talked about it. My extended family has never said anything about it. My wife has never said anything about it. I maybe hear something about it once every week or two in a 15 second news blurb, but otherwise . . . nada . . .

Yet, wow . . . this topic goes on for days and days, weeks and weeks, months and months on here. Hilarious.

Candidly, the vast majority (99.9999%) of the people in the US think this is a freaking joke. Oh wait, I have a seen a few FaceBook posts from the few nutty, bunkered up loons that find there way to my news feed talking about it . . . They think Obama is a freaking joke so perhaps that is why he is caught up in subject matter perceived as a freaking joke.

Actually, I am starting believe (as I type this) that Obama just hates and is very prejudice to certain segments of the population (like white, happy, normal, successful folks) and he does really strange and bizarre things he thinks will piss them off. Lol, this is all a bunch of hoopla and normal, successful, happy people just roll through their lives (and roll their eyes) ignoring the drama queen tabloid material that strange people try to infuse into our lives. When you think about it, it is really bizarre.

Use a stall. No one give a crap about this stuff and I suppose they have been using what ever bathroom they please even before this somehow because another ridiculous Obama agenda. . . . Heck, the more I think about it, Obama has be doing this just because he is trying to piss of people he dislikes and wants to offend. There is really no other logical explanation for some of the bizarre stuff he does and says. Lol, he is really one strange dude . . .
Edited by F430murci
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Oh yeah . . . I heard on the radio yesterday morning that Bruce Jenner turned Kaitlin Jenner wants to become Bruce Jenner again by de-transitioning Kaitlyn Jenner back to Bruce Jenner . . .

I am curious about how this works now with someone like Bruce/Kaitlyn (is he/she back to Bruce now since he wants to change back). If one transitions from male to female, but now wants to de-transition back from female to male . . . what bathroom do they use?

At the end of the day, bathroom rules and etc. won't resolve the underlying issues as seen with Bruce/Kaitlyn now apparently Bruce.

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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom. There are MANY documented incidents of transgendered people being attacked.

I guess you have never been to Stringfellows in Pattaya."biggrin.png

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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom.

I, for one, don't believe this oft repeated statement. It's total BS as far as I'm concerned.

There have been countless examples in this thread of men wearing women's clothing committing crimes against women and girls in women's toilets. But the promoters of this ill-conceived, sociology experiment claim that these criminals are not really "transgender". How they know this, we don't know, and isn't it also very convenient for the position they're taking? rolleyes.gif

And when you ask them what's the legal definition of "transgender", they suddenly go quiet or attempt to change the subject. coffee1.gif

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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom. There are MANY documented incidents of transgendered people being attacked.

Exactly correct. Even the bigoted governor of North Carolina has acknowledged that such attacks haven't been a problem AT ALL.

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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom. There are MANY documented incidents of transgendered people being attacked.

I guess you have never been to Stringfellows in Pattaya."biggrin.png

This one got a good loud laugh out of me. Thanks for that.

I stumbled in there years ago and quickly backed out, never to darken that particular door again.

By the way, just wondering. If I identify as a dog can I piss on fire hydrants?

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Oh yeah . . . I heard on the radio yesterday morning that Bruce Jenner turned Kaitlin Jenner wants to become Bruce Jenner again by de-transitioning Kaitlyn Jenner back to Bruce Jenner . . .

I am curious about how this works now with someone like Bruce/Kaitlyn (is he/she back to Bruce now since he wants to change back). If one transitions from male to female, but now wants to de-transition back from female to male . . . what bathroom do they use?

At the end of the day, bathroom rules and etc. won't resolve the underlying issues as seen with Bruce/Kaitlyn now apparently Bruce.

Bruce, aka Caitlynn, has a much more serious problem than which toilet to use.

If he becomes a man again he will have to play golf from the men's tees and can't use the ladies tees any longer.

However, I guess if a transgender can switch back and forth, he could always be a lady on his golf days and a man the rest of the time.

Looking back, I might have missed out on a good deal when I was a regular golfer. sad.png

Edited by chuckd
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Bruce, aka Caitlynn, has a much more serious problem than which toilet to use.

If he becomes a man again he will have to play golf from the men's tees and can't use the ladies tees any longer.

However, I guess if a transgender can switch back and forth, he could always be a lady on his golf days and a man the rest of the time.

Looking back, I might have missed out on a good deal when I was a regular golfer. sad.png

It's a false story and stop spreading it.

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The problem is Perverts are going to use this new law (and in some cases, already have) to troll for little kiddies.

You want your daughter in the same bathroom with an adult man?

I don't think so...thumbsup.gif

Laws are already on the books about that. You're just using a right wing scare tactic that has NOTHING do with access to bathrooms for trans people.

And the new law will be used by these perverts. They will claim trans status and be allowed in. You are smart enough to understand this.

That's an issue but its not the main problem. The main issue is that the entire population is being made to conform to the beliefs of 0.5% of the population. And lets face it, that's all it is is a belief, an instinct a feeling a delusion a psychosis perhaps. It exists in their mind, but everyone else is made to change their own behaviours and belefs on what is acceptable based on it. I think this is a major overreach and I think it won't stand.

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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom.

I, for one, don't believe this oft repeated statement. It's total BS as far as I'm concerned.

There have been countless examples in this thread of men wearing women's clothing committing crimes against women and girls in women's toilets. But the promoters of this ill-conceived, sociology experiment claim that these criminals are not really "transgender". How they know this, we don't know, and isn't it also very convenient for the position they're taking? rolleyes.gif

And when you ask them what's the legal definition of "transgender", they suddenly go quiet or attempt to change the subject. coffee1.gif

You dont have to believe it. But, it shows how closed minded you are as evidenced by your bigoted, uneducated comments.

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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom.

I, for one, don't believe this oft repeated statement. It's total BS as far as I'm concerned.

There have been countless examples in this thread of men wearing women's clothing committing crimes against women and girls in women's toilets. But the promoters of this ill-conceived, sociology experiment claim that these criminals are not really "transgender". How they know this, we don't know, and isn't it also very convenient for the position they're taking? rolleyes.gif

And when you ask them what's the legal definition of "transgender", they suddenly go quiet or attempt to change the subject. coffee1.gif

You dont have to believe it. But, it shows how closed minded you are as evidenced by your bigoted, uneducated comments.

Uhm, let's analyze from a rational, logical point of view. Like rape, it probably happens way more often than people realize. The issue, however, is that dudes getting their tails whipped by drag queens in the rest room are very unlikely to report such incidents. I have it on very good information that the prevalence of drag queen initiated beatings of helpless straight white dudes is only exceeded by unreported incidents of alien abductions and the number of good decisions by Obama.

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Nowhere in the 2-3 threads on this topic have I seen the actual law under discussion outlined. I went looking for it today and it seems that this transgender bathroom issue is but a minor inclusion in a wider law that was passed. The transgender thing seems to have garnered all of the attention but other aspects of the law are much more worrisome.

In addition to all the transgender bathroom ballyhoo the law prevents city and county govts. from setting minimum wage standards for private employers and limits how people can sue for discrimination in state court. It also allows for all other provisions of the law to stand if any specific provision is struck down by a court.

It looks like a really bad law to me, and my take is that the transgender thing was included to take eyes off other aspects of the law which are pretty indefensible. I think the Democrats are making a mistake by fixating on the transgender issue, trying to create a cultural wedge issue for Fall elections (let's be honest, that's what's going on here). They should be attacking the law in toto. Even then its still a local issue.

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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom.

I, for one, don't believe this oft repeated statement. It's total BS as far as I'm concerned.

There have been countless examples in this thread of men wearing women's clothing committing crimes against women and girls in women's toilets. But the promoters of this ill-conceived, sociology experiment claim that these criminals are not really "transgender". How they know this, we don't know, and isn't it also very convenient for the position they're taking? rolleyes.gif

And when you ask them what's the legal definition of "transgender", they suddenly go quiet or attempt to change the subject. coffee1.gif

You don't "believe" this statement?

If you want to "believe", go to church!

It has been pointed out repeatedly, that statistics show no (even with the benefit of a doubt: very, very few) incidents, involving trans- people, molesting anyone!

There are though, thousands of REPORTED AND FILED cases of heterosexuals, molesting women, children and even animals!

...and there are already laws against that!

It is no question of "believe"!

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It has been pointed out repeatedly, that statistics show no (even with the benefit of a doubt: very, very few) incidents, involving trans- people, molesting anyone!

There are multiple posts on this thread which show evidence of men wearing women's clothes assaulting women and girls in women's toilets. This is a fact.

But the promoters of this sociology experiment say, "Oh, they're not really transgender". rolleyes.gif

Is that right?

So, answer this simple question: What's the legal definition of a "transgender"?


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There has NEVER been an incident where a transgendered person has ever attacked anyone in a bathroom.

I, for one, don't believe this oft repeated statement. It's total BS as far as I'm concerned.

There have been countless examples in this thread of men wearing women's clothing committing crimes against women and girls in women's toilets. But the promoters of this ill-conceived, sociology experiment claim that these criminals are not really "transgender". How they know this, we don't know, and isn't it also very convenient for the position they're taking? rolleyes.gif

And when you ask them what's the legal definition of "transgender", they suddenly go quiet or attempt to change the subject. coffee1.gif

You don't "believe" this statement?

If you want to "believe", go to church!

It has been pointed out repeatedly, that statistics show no (even with the benefit of a doubt: very, very few) incidents, involving trans- people, molesting anyone!

There are though, thousands of REPORTED AND FILED cases of heterosexuals, molesting women, children and even animals!

...and there are already laws against that!

It is no question of "believe"!

That's right! These Trannies have a wicked temper when they feel slighted.smile.png

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Nowhere in the 2-3 threads on this topic have I seen the actual law under discussion outlined. I went looking for it today and it seems that this transgender bathroom issue is but a minor inclusion in a wider law that was passed. The transgender thing seems to have garnered all of the attention but other aspects of the law are much more worrisome.

In addition to all the transgender bathroom ballyhoo the law prevents city and county govts. from setting minimum wage standards for private employers and limits how people can sue for discrimination in state court. It also allows for all other provisions of the law to stand if any specific provision is struck down by a court.

It looks like a really bad law to me, and my take is that the transgender thing was included to take eyes off other aspects of the law which are pretty indefensible. I think the Democrats are making a mistake by fixating on the transgender issue, trying to create a cultural wedge issue for Fall elections (let's be honest, that's what's going on here). They should be attacking the law in toto. Even then its still a local issue.

Exactly - what we are seeing right now is the loudest, most extreme voices effectively stifling mature debate.

You have the pro-trans side insisting that anyone that disagrees with trans access is a bigot. Also (and more alarmingly), there is a big push to accept trans people for what they are and to equate a cure of trans people to the ill-conceived cure for homosexuality. In other words, that people who feel they are in the wrong body should not be told it's in their head and that anyone that pushes anything other than acceptance is a bigot. "cure" is now bigotry.

Then you have the anti-trans side insisting that straight pervs in dresses will run amok in little girls changing rooms. Even in this thread a video was posted of a girl sexually abused by her swim coach. How they are related, heaven only knows.

What we aren't seeing is facts and figures and mature, well thought out debate.

For example:

- What is the actual trans population

- of those what percentage are 'passable' - in other words, what percentage are probably using the opposing bathrooms already without anyone noticing

- what is the percentage of trans people that eventually get over it, that get cured?

- in what scenarios would females actually be at risk, for example in schools, will there be scenarios where girls are left alone with grown men in locker rooms? I would imagine not as kids will be supervised anyway

- what is the impact of applying this law to children where 98% of confused boys and 89% of confused girls simply grow out of it?

- how do you define 'transgender' - or how do you restrict access to just the people with the condition?

You can always mitigate risk. The devil is always in the details and the lasw could be more complex than a simple opening of floodgates. There could be different rules for different scenarios.

But the chances of an actual

None of this is being discussed. People are discussing the issue in an all or nothing/for us or against us m

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Nowhere in the 2-3 threads on this topic have I seen the actual law under discussion outlined. I went looking for it today and it seems that this transgender bathroom issue is but a minor inclusion in a wider law that was passed. The transgender thing seems to have garnered all of the attention but other aspects of the law are much more worrisome.

In addition to all the transgender bathroom ballyhoo the law prevents city and county govts. from setting minimum wage standards for private employers and limits how people can sue for discrimination in state court. It also allows for all other provisions of the law to stand if any specific provision is struck down by a court.

It looks like a really bad law to me, and my take is that the transgender thing was included to take eyes off other aspects of the law which are pretty indefensible. I think the Democrats are making a mistake by fixating on the transgender issue, trying to create a cultural wedge issue for Fall elections (let's be honest, that's what's going on here). They should be attacking the law in toto. Even then its still a local issue.

Exactly - what we are seeing right now is the loudest, most extreme voices effectively stifling mature debate.

You have the pro-trans side insisting that anyone that disagrees with trans access is a bigot. Also (and more alarmingly), there is a big push to accept trans people for what they are and to equate a cure of trans people to the ill-conceived cure for homosexuality. In other words, that people who feel they are in the wrong body should not be told it's in their head and that anyone that pushes anything other than acceptance is a bigot. "cure" is now bigotry.

Then you have the anti-trans side insisting that straight pervs in dresses will run amok in little girls changing rooms. Even in this thread a video was posted of a girl sexually abused by her swim coach. How they are related, heaven only knows.

What we aren't seeing is facts and figures and mature, well thought out debate.

For example:

- What is the actual trans population

- of those what percentage are 'passable' - in other words, what percentage are probably using the opposing bathrooms already without anyone noticing

- what is the percentage of trans people that eventually get over it, that get cured?

- in what scenarios would females actually be at risk, for example in schools, will there be scenarios where girls are left alone with grown men in locker rooms? I would imagine not as kids will be supervised anyway

- what is the impact of applying this law to children where 98% of confused boys and 89% of confused girls simply grow out of it?

- how do you define 'transgender' - or how do you restrict access to just the people with the condition?

You can always mitigate risk. The devil is always in the details and the lasw could be more complex than a simple opening of floodgates. There could be different rules for different scenarios.

But the chances of an actual

None of this is being discussed. People are discussing the issue in an all or nothing/for us or against us m

This topic is fascinating to me. It seems that some schools have a policy that allows for transgenders on sports teams. It wasn't that long ago that East German female weightlifters were being disqualified from competition for taking male hormones. While Males, Females and LGBT folks are equal before the law, there is no question in my mind that the male of the species has greater size and strength than the female. Brave New World!


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It has been pointed out repeatedly, that statistics show no (even with the benefit of a doubt: very, very few) incidents, involving trans- people, molesting anyone!

There are multiple posts on this thread which show evidence of men wearing women's clothes assaulting women and girls in women's toilets. This is a fact.

But the promoters of this sociology experiment say, "Oh, they're not really transgender". rolleyes.gif

Is that right?

So, answer this simple question: What's the legal definition of a "transgender"?


Prove it brother. Post up the police reports. Post up the facts.

Dont try and put anymore strawman arguments up. Back up your opinion with facts relevant to the OP.

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Why is it that conservatives always go to the crotch when they want to distract the public from the important issues?

Planned parenthood

gay marriage


going potty

All centered around the crotch, be it male, female or otherwise.

They seem to be hung up on genitals.

It's time to grow up and deal with the real issues guys!.

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Bruce, aka Caitlynn, has a much more serious problem than which toilet to use.

If he becomes a man again he will have to play golf from the men's tees and can't use the ladies tees any longer.

However, I guess if a transgender can switch back and forth, he could always be a lady on his golf days and a man the rest of the time.

Looking back, I might have missed out on a good deal when I was a regular golfer. sad.png

It's a false story and stop spreading it.

Just like your Ted Cruz, George Zimmerman pic?

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Bruce, aka Caitlynn, has a much more serious problem than which toilet to use.

If he becomes a man again he will have to play golf from the men's tees and can't use the ladies tees any longer.

However, I guess if a transgender can switch back and forth, he could always be a lady on his golf days and a man the rest of the time.

Looking back, I might have missed out on a good deal when I was a regular golfer. sad.png

It's a false story and stop spreading it.

Just like your Ted Cruz, George Zimmerman pic?

Not at all. I acknowledged that error. This is a different thing and it is 100 percent FALSE. Jenner is NOT changing back to Bruce. Deal with it. BTW, if you want to be on my ignore list, post one more time about that acknowledged error about that picture on a thread unrelated to it, and you'll get your wish.

Edited by Jingthing
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Bruce, aka Caitlynn, has a much more serious problem than which toilet to use.

If he becomes a man again he will have to play golf from the men's tees and can't use the ladies tees any longer.

However, I guess if a transgender can switch back and forth, he could always be a lady on his golf days and a man the rest of the time.

Looking back, I might have missed out on a good deal when I was a regular golfer. sad.png

It's a false story and stop spreading it.

Just like your Ted Cruz, George Zimmerman pic?

Not at all. I acknowledged that error. This is a different thing and it is 100 percent FALSE. Jenner is NOT changing back to Bruce. Deal with it. BTW, if you want to be on my ignore list, post one more time about that acknowledged error about that picture on a thread unrelated to it, and you'll get your wish.

Perhaps he didn't know the report was false when he posted. Same as you.

I couldn't care less if I'm on your ignore list.

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Perhaps, but I noticed the members that posted that falsehood have never publicly acknowledged their error, as I did about the photo.

So, yes, obviously that makes me the bigger man ... neener neener neener. giggle.gif

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