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Thai gov unveils new attitude adjustment program


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Gov unveils new attitude adjustment program

BANGKOK, 4 April 2016 (NNT) - The government has unveiled its new “attitude adjustment” program for those with dissenting political opinions, while affirming that it is not a breach of civil rights.

Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan said the program will last between three to seven days and will be carried out by the Royal Thai Army. The program will immediately enroll those deemed necessary for attitude adjustment. Their results will be compiled for the program's evaluation and future adjustments.

In response to suggestions that former Prime Minister Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh canceled his press conference on the threat of reshuffling public officials, Gen Prawit denied that any threat was made and also claimed he had not recently been in contact with the former premier.

-- NNT 2016-04-04 footer_n.gif

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They're going to ' enroll ' those considered necessary for AA !

ENROLL, they're just making this whole nonsense worse and I'm sure they really believe civil rights are not being infringed.

Anytime now there will be another call for reconciliation yet they are the ones flushing any chances away with heavy handed, bully boy behaviour.

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Ian sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry

i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry

i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry

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The occupiers of the people's house , certainly have a lopsided slant on life, that is both alarming and borders on psychopathic , to give them credit it makes laughable reading, however the seriousness of this makes the real world look plain indeed, something this administration would know nothing about, the real world that is. ...........................................coffee1.gif

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The concept reminds me too much of the re-education centres set up by Pol Pot, not good.

"re-education' under Pol Pot meant death with no chance of parole......As reprehensible these buffoons are, I don't think they'll go that far.....yet....

Edited by Merylhighground
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what is actually the content of such a program?

are people allowed to talk about it?

Program???? Top Secret, aka, everyone whom they dislike, WITH or WITHOUT evidence, INNOCENT or GUILTY,...... doesn't matter....

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"while affirming that it is not a breach of civil rights."

What a load of nonsense! It amounts to kidnapping and false imprisonment!

When will the real psychological torture start happening? And what was the real reason why those two guys died while in military custody?

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cmsally, on 04 Apr 2016 - 18:07, said:

S... my calender is all messed up, for some reason it says April 4th and not 1st

I said that and then did an edit ... don't want to be invited for AA

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There is literally no defending this.

YES, THERE IS a lame defense!! Just ask the Anti-Thaksinistas and Pro-Suthepistas that were clamoring for the coup and closing Bangkok down.

That is their brand of Democracy.

Where are they now? Are they finally taking their meds to keep their OCD under control?

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