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Man's plastic surgery and hormone treatment wows Thais


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"If you make merit in this life you will be beautiful in the next, but if you change your face in this life you will be beautiful in this one."

My first story on an empty stomach. I batter go back to bed. Or should I get my nose done? Silicone arse? Hmmmm.

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looks ugly to me but Thais love anything fake

but this guy apart I can't see, if the chromosomes stay male or female, anyone can 'change' sex right? they can only 'pretend' which, in itself, I have no problem with if they are happy

Edited by LannaGuy
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What is it they feed children here that makes them want to become transgenders sad.png

A study by the University of Hong Kong revealed that effeminacy in males in Asia to be higher than anywhere else in the world. effeminism increased in likelihood the more children were born into a family.

The second high rate of effeminism is among Hispanics, which is why South America has so many transgenders. It would also explain why the Philippines has a disproportionately high number of transgender.

We all know that transwomen start life as gay makes, they don't choose to be gay and effeminate, some are so far over on the scale of effeminacy that they feel more as though they are female than make, despite being born with male genitalia.

In the old days we used to call effeminate men "poofs", even some gay makes hated "poofs", one famous gay male, Graham Chapman of Monty Python fame, publicly expressed his disdain despite being guilty of the criminal acts (Homosexuality was illegal in the UK until 1967).

No one has yet been able to explain why some people are born gay, anymore than why some people enjoy watching 22 men kicking a pigs bladder around a big lawn, or why some people take an unhealthy interest in pick-up trucks!

It takes all sorts to make a world.

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Tghe same guys that are crapping on this kid aer the same ones that if they saw him/her on the street would turn to look and admire. LOL

You never know for sure what alot of them are.

If you had not seen the title and the other pictuers whould you think she was a beautiful thai girl.

I know I would.

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looks ugly to me but Thais love anything fake

but this guy apart I can't see, if the chromosomes stay male or female, anyone can 'change' sex right? they can only 'pretend' which, in itself, I have no problem with if they are happy

Sex and gender are different things, I can't claim to fully understand the differences myself, but at least I'm trying to understand.

The correct use of pronouns would be a good start for most of the posters on this thread though!

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Good on those people that follow their dreams without hurting others and screw the classless ones whose evolution doesn't stretch beyond what they see!

And screw those who only see in black and white and cannot show any respect or tolerance for any colourful difference.

What a drab, conventional world of blandness and mediocrity they live in!

Vive la difference!

(Now label me a ladyboy lover! cheesy.gif )

While I agree in principle with your post, I like your tagline even more, as it is both hilarious, and true. If since childhood you have been the recipient of what amounts to a mass induced character disorder, then been constantly surrounded by people who support and propagate the notion that this affliction is not only normal, but desirable, there oftentimes is no hope for recovery: “If you could reason with religious people there would be no religious people.” ― I would go a step further and say if you could reason with the larger percentage of humankind, absurdities of all stripes would be eliminated within a generation. Obviously, this is not the current state of affairs, anywhere. We need to stop looking at the vehicles, and begin to focus on the occupants. We are all head cases, given the right set of norms. So, let's not think more highly of ourselves, than we ought. Kudos to both Awayego, and Empireboy.

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I have nothing against them. Not my cup of tea. The ones that are criminals ruin the reputation for the rest of them......I was in the hospital here for three weeks and one nurse, a ladyboy was the best nurse I have ever run into...both as a Dr and a patient....

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I'm not surprised that this is a big story in Thailand, the land that's obsessed with external beauty to the point that people here preen shamelessly in public. I have lived here for 12 years and I've come to the conclusion that Thais are some of the most self-absorbed people in the world. They are posers and the majority of the people I've met are empty shells.
People here think all eyes are on them, they look to see if others are watching them, they strut they flash their iPhones that they have bought using a 2000 baht a month payment plan.

It's a disease that I've seen in young and old alike.

And before any of you start telling me that it's the younger generation and that they do the same stuff in Europe or USA, I willl tell you know that your'e wrong. THais are over the top.

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I'm not surprised that this is a big story in Thailand, the land that's obsessed with external beauty to the point that people here preen shamelessly in public. I have lived here for 12 years and I've come to the conclusion that Thais are some of the most self-absorbed people in the world. They are posers and the majority of the people I've met are empty shells.

People here think all eyes are on them, they look to see if others are watching them, they strut they flash their iPhones that they have bought using a 2000 baht a month payment plan.

It's a disease that I've seen in young and old alike.

And before any of you start telling me that it's the younger generation and that they do the same stuff in Europe or USA, I willl tell you know that your'e wrong. THais are over the top.

It was odd when I first moved here to see people openly preening themselves looking into their motorbike mirrors, sometimes pulling over to the side of the road specifically for that reason. But it's not just in Thailand you see that, people in other S.E Asian countries do it too.

As for this guy, before his transition he's the spitting image of a guy I know here, disconcerting to think that if he fixed himself up into a her, I'd probably <deleted> him.

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From the land that brought you the knock-off Rolex and knock-off females! What a country!

Like China hasn't brought knock off rolexes. As for his transformation, I'd suggest you read a bit more international news papers, does Jenner ring a bell

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