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Triple entry to non o visa

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I have a triple entry tourist visa which runs out on the 28th April which I can extend by another 30 days.

I wish to convert under the 30 day consideration to a non o based on a thai child.

My question is it still possible considering the timing and extension. I do not wish to leave the country because of health reasons.

I have the birth certificate with my name, court papers legalizing me as the father and 400k in the bank.

Thanks Martin

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The change of visa status from a tourist visa to a non immigrant visa based upon qualifying for an extension based upon being the parent of a Thai can only be done at Bangkok immigration. You will need at least 15 days remaining on your 60 day entry and/or the extension when you apply.

You will need proof your child is living with you, I suggest you contact Bangkok immigration to confirm their requirement to apply for the visa.

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Your tourist visa entry could also be extended by 60 days based on visiting your child, if necessary. When you're ready to apply you will need to make two visits to Bangkok immigration and followed, later, by two to your local immigration office.

  • During the first to Bangkok you will provide proof of your parenthood and money in the bank and pay 2,000 baht for a non immigrant visa.
  • About two weeks later you go back to Bangkok and they will issue, and immediately use, the non immigrant visa and stamp your passport with a new 90 day permit to stay.
  • Within the last 30 (45 at some offices) days you can apply for a 1 year extension of stay at your local immigration office. They will want to see proof of your parenthood and 400K in your bank. The application will be put under consideration for 30 days.
  • When you make your last visit they will stamp your passport with a 1 year extension of stay.
Edited by elviajero
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