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AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively


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The GOP fat cats realize that Trump won't win a National election so they are putting money behind Cruz.

It's like watching a snake eat a rat.

But neither will Cruz. He's a fanatical extremist and shockingly creepy. As a democrat it is fun to watch the republicans squirm.
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Cruz's disruptive behavior in the senate makes him unfit to govern. Most republicans get that.

Is this majority of Republicans you refer consist mostly of the same Republicans who don't get that Donald Trump is unfit to govern? Do you really trust the discernment of these people? Do you realize that between them Cruz and Trump command the support of over 70 percent of the Republican electorate? That leaves less than 30% of Republicans who support Kasich or no one. Since when is less than 30% a majority?
I think you're wrong about the actual level of the support for Cruz. Much of it if not most is because he is probably the only one who can stop a Trump nomination. That's his top message and it's working. The Trump support on the other hand is more committed and based on the behavior at his hysterical rallies more worthy of being committed.

If that were the case, why wouldn't they all have gone over to Kasich instead? He's obviously more electable.

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As for banning open or (licensed) concealed carry, Kasich would have no power under the law to ban or otherwise restrict this specifically for the convention. However, the Republican Party and Quicken Loans Arena are not parts of the government, so either could choose to ban carrying of firearms in the convention by posting the appropriate signs. Unlicensed open carry may be banned if they serve alcohol, but even in this case, people with concealed carry licenses would still be allowed to carry as long as they didn't drink. Plus, security will likely be handled by Federal Agents and they probably have federal authority to ban firearms that trump the state laws of Ohio. But in any case, it will not be Kasich making the decision as you claimed.

Who's going to cater to the event? I'm referring, of course, to the spiked cool-aid.

How would you like to be the authority who goes up to a big tattooed fellow who's got an automatic rifle strapped to his back, and two handguns snug in holsters on his belt, and a derringer strapped diagonally across his chest. "Excuse me sir. I'd like you to step over here and take a breathalizer test." a few minutes later; "You didn't pass. You're 0.01 over the limit. I'm going to have to confiscate all your weapons. You'll get them back the day after the convention. Just take these four chits to the downtown police station. Do you have any knives on your person?" "And would you do me a favor, and ask all those fellows over there. Yes, the gentlemen wearing Hell's Angels jackets - would you ask them to come over here to take breathelizer tests. If they don't pass, I'll have to also confiscate the chains they carry over their shoulders. Thanks. And while you're at it, go over to that other corner and get all those Mexican fellows with Bandido written on their denim vests."

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Cruz's disruptive behavior in the senate makes him unfit to govern. Most republicans get that.

Is this majority of Republicans you refer consist mostly of the same Republicans who don't get that Donald Trump is unfit to govern? Do you really trust the discernment of these people? Do you realize that between them Cruz and Trump command the support of over 70 percent of the Republican electorate? That leaves less than 30% of Republicans who support Kasich or no one. Since when is less than 30% a majority?
I think you're wrong about the actual level of the support for Cruz. Much of it if not most is because he is probably the only one who can stop a Trump nomination. That's his top message and it's working. The Trump support on the other hand is more committed and based on the behavior at his hysterical rallies more worthy of being committed.

If that were the case, why wouldn't they all have gone over to Kasich instead? He's obviously more electable.

That's a complicated thing because of the way this race has played out and it's timing.

People didn't take Trump seriously until it was almost too late.

When they did see he was on the road to nomination, Cruz was way ahead of Kasich.

So just based on numbers, Cruz and many of his supporters are right, the best bet to stop Trump being nominated is Cruz.

Of course sure thing Cruz has a solid bible thumper base but that wouldn't be enough to get him where he is now ... a real shot at a 2nd ballot nomination. So he's got the thumpers PLUS the Stop Trump REALISTS.

Kasich has a relatively more reasonable base plus some Stop Trumpers that are also too disgusted by Cruz.

As far as electability, people voting in primaries are generally more passionate and electability isn't always the top priority.

And the attraction for an outsider which both Trump and Cruz represent in different ways, is indeed the hot fashion now and Kasich definitely isn't that.

Kasich has made the electability case for a long time, and he's right, that he's the most electable, but that hasn't helped him much.

The electability issue for the democrats is more complex.

Polls show Sanders to be more electable, but HRC is also electable, and I think there is a gut feeling (and true I think) that Sanders if nominated would be eaten alive with the SOCIALIST red baiting thing. Not entirely unfairly either.

I detest Trump and Cruz and am no fan of Kasich either, but as far as INTELLIGENT tactics ... Cruz wins by a mile.

True he won't have the first ballot 1237 but assuming Trump doesn't either, his position is excellent for nomination.

Fine with me ... can't see him possibly winning the election.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think you're wrong about the actual level of the support for Cruz. Much of it if not most is because he is probably the only one who can stop a Trump nomination. That's his top message and it's working. The Trump support on the other hand is more committed and based on the behavior at his hysterical rallies more worthy of being committed.

If that were the case, why wouldn't they all have gone over to Kasich instead? He's obviously more electable.

That's a complicated thing because of the way this race has played out and it's timing.

People didn't take Trump seriously until it was almost too late.

When they did see he was on the road to nomination, Cruz was way ahead of Kasich.

So just based on numbers, Cruz and many of his supporters are right, the best bet to stop Trump being nominated is Cruz.

Of course sure thing Cruz has a solid bible thumper base but that wouldn't be enough to get him where he is now ... a real shot at a 2nd ballot nomination. So he's got the thumpers PLUS the Stop Trump REALISTS.

Kasich has a relatively more reasonable base plus some Stop Trumpers that are also too disgusted by Cruz.

As far as electability, people voting in primaries are generally more passionate and electability isn't always the top priority.

And the attraction for an outsider which both Trump and Cruz represent in different ways, is indeed the hot fashion now and Kasich definitely isn't that.

Kasich has made the electability case for a long time, and he's right, that he's the most electable, but that hasn't helped him much.

The electability issue for the democrats is more complex.

Polls show Sanders to be more electable, but HRC is also electable, and I think there is a gut feeling (and true I think) that Sanders if nominated would be eaten alive with the SOCIALIST red baiting thing. Not entirely unfairly either.

I detest Trump and Cruz and am no fan of Kasich either, but as far as INTELLIGENT tactics ... Cruz wins by a mile.

True he won't have the first ballot 1237 but assuming Trump doesn't either, his position is excellent for nomination.

Fine with me ... can't see him possibly winning the election.

Also, given the irrationality and fearfulness of the electorate about terrorism, if some incident were to occur, Hillary would be a much stronger candidate.

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This is news?? Come on!

My state GOP were jumping ship last fall before the primaries. They run the state government no matter if we have a dem governor. They stand to be blown out come election because of how many people will turn out TO VOTE AGAINST TRUMP. That includes the moderate Repugs; Ouch

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Moreover, Kasich as governor of Ohio is responsible for order in Cleveland. Nobody likes that guy, not ever. He never does his job right no matter what. So is Kasich going to allow delegates and others in central Cleveland to carry firearms outside the convention center, whether open carry or concealed carry. Or will Kasich ban weapons from the central city zone, search anyone on suspicion, confiscate and arrest or not. Nobody anywhere likes that guy one way or the other.

Clearly, you have never been to Cleveland...

I don't think attendees of the convention carrying firearms is what people need to worry about.

Plus, I think you over estimate the power of the governor in the state of Ohio. (As a hint, Ohio heavily restricted the power of the governor because we had a crappy governor when we were a US territory.)

Been to and also many times through Cleveland on several driving trips between Boston and Chicago (to include Buffalo NY). Stopped off several times to visit a buddy from Army dayze, in the Cleveland suburb of Painesville (aptly named) to include his Brit wife whom he married while under the supervision of Uncle Sam at our assigned duty station across the Potomac from Washington.


You dunno nothin about me so stop the Trumpish talkin. Montreal also beats a former US territory any day or night and twice on Sunday during brunch.

Sorry, it was a euphemism, like when The Dude says "Obviously, you're not a Golfer" when the Nihilists ask what a bowling ball is.

I was more referring to your lack of knowledge of the Ohio legal system. Kasich does have some responsibility for public order in Ohio. However, law enforcement is primarily at the local level in Ohio. That is, it is Frank Jackson, the mayor of Cleveland, and the Cleveland Police Department, who will have the primary responsibility. The only law enforcement of any size that Kasich is in charge of is the Ohio Highway Patrol. However, the jurisdiction of the Highway Patrol is very limited (owing to the history of a very restricted executive branch in Ohio), and is primarily just being traffic cops. In fact, in order for Kasich to be able to order the Highway Patrol to help provide security at the convention, he would need to have the mayor of Cleveland request their help (see Ohio Revised Code Section 5503.02).

As for banning open or (licensed) concealed carry, Kasich would have no power under the law to ban or otherwise restrict this specifically for the convention. However, the Republican Party and Quicken Loans Arena are not parts of the government, so either could choose to ban carrying of firearms in the convention by posting the appropriate signs. Unlicensed open carry may be banned if they serve alcohol, but even in this case, people with concealed carry licenses would still be allowed to carry as long as they didn't drink. Plus, security will likely be handled by Federal Agents and they probably have federal authority to ban firearms that trump the state laws of Ohio. But in any case, it will not be Kasich making the decision as you claimed.

As for the "attendees of the convention carrying firearms is what people need to worry about," that is related to the very, very small area of downtown that is "nice." If you stray a few blocks in the wrong direction, you end up in some pretty bad neighborhoods. Probably not as bad as, say, Chicago, but you wouldn't want to be walking around alone. However, since it is a major event, there will be lots of people around and there should be a big police presence, so it really should be OK.

Ohio heavily restricted the power of the governor because we had a crappy governor when we were a US territory.)

It's certainly good to know Ohio has had only one? "crappy" governor since its time as a Territory of the United States (1787) and then since becoming the 17th state in 1803 (sort of -- Ohio statehood had to be confirmed by act of Congress in 1953 after the discovery of a 150 year-old formal legal snag).

Cleveland is in Ohio and John Kasich is governor of Ohio. Rotsa ruck to Kasich on that one.

So If Trump Supporters Riot at the Cleveland RNC Convention, Will Gov. Kasich Call Out the National Guard?


Why Kasich Should Be in No Hurry to Get to Cleveland

It will be…problematic…for the governor of Ohio to take the stage at the Republican convention and call for the party to rally behind him if the second-largest city in his state is in flames just outside the doors of the convention hall.

“If Trump is nominated, then the anti-Trump forces massed outside the arena will do their thing, and sadly, violence will likely be part of it. If Trump is denied the GOP nomination due to convention maneuvering, then the Trump forces massed outside the arena will do their thing, and sadly, violence will likely be part of it.

“Kasich may call out the National Guard, and Cleveland will certainly deploy its police force,” he said.

Kasich is a talented politician, and he may indeed be able to pull off a simultaneous convention-upset and riot-suppression effort. But if he does, it will have no obvious precedent in modern political history.


Also keep in mind the Ohio National Guard killed four students and wounded nine other students at Kent State University in 1970 under another Republican governor, John Rhodes who might have been yet another "crappy" governor and under whose orders the National Guard was put there to "control" the anti-Vietnam war demonstration. Despite several trials in Ohio no one was convicted.

As to the Cleveland PD, it is under Department of Justice supervision given the DoJ finding that its police have engaged in a "pattern or practice" of racial discrimination. But ahh, these delegates will be white, unless Condoleezza Rice shows up to maybe talk about a "mushroom cloud" over the city in the same way she lied about Iraq for GW Bush and his Dick Cheney.

Cleveland PD are no saps however, all 1200 of 'em. They know they will need three times that number of police alone to "control" the city during the convention.

So Cleveland PD is gathering police from outside communities, to as far away as Chicago. However, there is a state law complicating this. The Ohio law says no police may be used in Ohio from "distant" jurisdictions, which means the Chicago PD has had to reevaluate its plan to cooperate by sending some of its own PD to Cleveland. Then again, given the Chicago police riot against the 1968 Democratic National Convention and tens of thousands of mostly young demonstrators, who would want 'em another time to begin with. Looks like only the Cleveland PD had thought of it.

Good luck to Governor John Kasich in Cleveland at the Republican National Riot Convention in mid-July.

Edited by Publicus
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Ohio heavily restricted the power of the governor because we had a crappy governor when we were a US territory.)

It's certainly good to know Ohio has had only one? "crappy" governor since its time as a Territory of the United States (1787) and then since becoming the 17th state in 1803 (sort of -- Ohio statehood had to be confirmed by act of Congress in 1953 after the discovery of a 150 year-old formal legal snag).

Cleveland is in Ohio and John Kasich is governor of Ohio. Rotsa ruck to Kasich on that one.

So If Trump Supporters Riot at the Cleveland RNC Convention, Will Gov. Kasich Call Out the National Guard?


Why Kasich Should Be in No Hurry to Get to Cleveland

It will be…problematic…for the governor of Ohio to take the stage at the Republican convention and call for the party to rally behind him if the second-largest city in his state is in flames just outside the doors of the convention hall.

“If Trump is nominated, then the anti-Trump forces massed outside the arena will do their thing, and sadly, violence will likely be part of it. If Trump is denied the GOP nomination due to convention maneuvering, then the Trump forces massed outside the arena will do their thing, and sadly, violence will likely be part of it.

“Kasich may call out the National Guard, and Cleveland will certainly deploy its police force,” he said.

Kasich is a talented politician, and he may indeed be able to pull off a simultaneous convention-upset and riot-suppression effort. But if he does, it will have no obvious precedent in modern political history.


Also keep in mind the Ohio National Guard killed four students and wounded nine other students at Kent State University in 1970 under another Republican governor, John Rhodes who might have been yet another "crappy" governor and under whose orders the National Guard was put there to "control" the anti-Vietnam war demonstration. Despite several trials in Ohio no one was convicted.

As to the Cleveland PD, it is under Department of Justice supervision given the DoJ finding that its police have engaged in a "pattern or practice" of racial discrimination. But ahh, these delegates will be white, unless Condoleezza Rice shows up to maybe talk about a "mushroom cloud" over the city in the same way she lied about Iraq for GW Bush and his Dick Cheney.

Cleveland PD are no saps however, all 1200 of 'em. They know they will need three times that number of police alone to "control" the city during the convention.

So Cleveland PD is gathering police from outside communities, to as far away as Chicago. However, there is a state law complicating this. The Ohio law says no police may be used in Ohio from "distant" jurisdictions, which means the Chicago PD has had to reevaluate its plan to cooperate by sending some of its own PD to Cleveland. Then again, given the Chicago police riot against the 1968 Democratic National Convention and tens of thousands of mostly young demonstrators, who would want 'em another time to begin with. Looks like only the Cleveland PD had thought of it.

Good luck to Governor John Kasich in Cleveland at the Republican National Riot Convention in mid-July.

A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat.

Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way. However, the heavy toll negates any sense of achievement or profit.

Another term for this would be "hollow victory".

I watched a YouTube video yesterday of a redneck Trump delegate about to go "Postal."

He's never "been this pissed off" - "perhaps it is time that sane men went armed and did what was needed." - "Fed up being cheated, lied to, robbed and abused" - "We can't let them get away with this!!! "

Trump supporters, planning on going down in flames.

Edited by CousinEddie
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Crackpot extremists.

Same as Trump himself.

They can only see the world in its extreme form and to react in only extreme ways.

Trump is already toast as the polling and the odds state unequivocally.

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Trump polls 60% in New York .... but he is losing so say the lefty loons .... bwahahahahahahahahahahha.

Trump has been declared politically dead every week since a year ago ... but just keeps chugging away ... leading in number of delegates.

There are hundreds of news stories about Trump's political demise but the only thing that scummed were the news articles ...


Edited by JDGRUEN
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Crackpot extremists.

Same as Trump himself.

They can only see the world in its extreme form and to react in only extreme ways.

Trump is already toast as the polling and the odds state unequivocally.

An 'extremist' calling other people extremists ... that's extreme :)

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