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How Bad Is This Water Crisis Going To Get?


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I went on well water delivery a little more than 1 month ago when the city water went from every other day on, to every other 3 days, at pressure so low, it can barely get up the pipe and into the tank.

Delivery man used to show up within the hour. That has grown to 2 to 4 hours. Today it's 6 to 7 hours. Demand is growing, and he's had to switch to another source and today's rate is 200 Baht vs. 150/1,000 liters. I see a trend forming.

This gunna get ugly by May. Even if it starts raining by July, it'll take months to recover and get into anything resembling positive territory.

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I read the first and last pages of this thread. Reality is we are in a global drought. Retired here in Thailand a couple of years ago. Lived in San Diego previously for 30 years. Water allocation, preservation and distribution have been a great interest of mine for some time.

Almost a billion people lack access to clean drinking water at present.

My belief, please don't "crucify" me. Is along the lines of the ancient Pali and Hindu texts that predicted these times thousands of years ago. They stated that because of the cumulative effect of "bad karma" incurred by a society full of unwanted and misguided progeny. The rains would cease to the point there would be no more crops and people would feed on their own children.

I know sounds like good movie material. Mad Max 3 or or are we on 4? Anyway no matter how you slice it, the powers that be in Southern California or Thailand are obviously not interested in the health and welfare of the population. In fact in California and Oregon bills have been passed to remove numerous dams costing the taxpayers millions. Brilliant?

The ancient texts go on to say that in this time demons take birth in human form and occupy the positions of world leaders. And their only purpose is to create havoc. Do I hear Mad Max 5...

On a positive note "Whiskey's fer drinkin'. Water's fer fightin' over" - Mark Twain

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I read the first and last pages of this thread. Reality is we are in a global drought. Retired here in Thailand a couple of years ago. Lived in San Diego previously for 30 years. Water allocation, preservation and distribution have been a great interest of mine for some time.

Almost a billion people lack access to clean drinking water at present.

My belief, please don't "crucify" me. Is along the lines of the ancient Pali and Hindu texts that predicted these times thousands of years ago. They stated that because of the cumulative effect of "bad karma" incurred by a society full of unwanted and misguided progeny. The rains would cease to the point there would be no more crops and people would feed on their own children.

I know sounds like good movie material. Mad Max 3 or or are we on 4? Anyway no matter how you slice it, the powers that be in Southern California or Thailand are obviously not interested in the health and welfare of the population. In fact in California and Oregon bills have been passed to remove numerous dams costing the taxpayers millions. Brilliant?

The ancient texts go on to say that in this time demons take birth in human form and occupy the positions of world leaders. And their only purpose is to create havoc. Do I hear Mad Max 5...

On a positive note "Whiskey's fer drinkin'. Water's fer fightin' over" - Mark Twain

Oh dear!!!blink.png

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Arrived in Phrae province yesterday after 2 months out the country. The mighty Yom river is but a stagnant pond. No water is flowing yet the locals are wasting water as if everything is normal.


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I read the first and last pages of this thread. Reality is we are in a global drought. Retired here in Thailand a couple of years ago. Lived in San Diego previously for 30 years. Water allocation, preservation and distribution have been a great interest of mine for some time.

Almost a billion people lack access to clean drinking water at present.

My belief, please don't "crucify" me. Is along the lines of the ancient Pali and Hindu texts that predicted these times thousands of years ago. They stated that because of the cumulative effect of "bad karma" incurred by a society full of unwanted and misguided progeny. The rains would cease to the point there would be no more crops and people would feed on their own children.

I know sounds like good movie material. Mad Max 3 or or are we on 4? Anyway no matter how you slice it, the powers that be in Southern California or Thailand are obviously not interested in the health and welfare of the population. In fact in California and Oregon bills have been passed to remove numerous dams costing the taxpayers millions. Brilliant?

The ancient texts go on to say that in this time demons take birth in human form and occupy the positions of world leaders. And their only purpose is to create havoc. Do I hear Mad Max 5...

On a positive note "Whiskey's fer drinkin'. Water's fer fightin' over" - Mark Twain

The ancient texts go on to say that in this time demons take birth in human form and occupy the positions of world leaders. And their only purpose is to create havoc.

And their names are Barrack, Angela and Hillary

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Arrived in Phrae province yesterday after 2 months out the country. The mighty Yom river is but a stagnant pond. No water is flowing yet the locals are wasting water as if everything is normal.

Like I said unwanted misguided progeny...

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I read the first and last pages of this thread. Reality is we are in a global drought. Retired here in Thailand a couple of years ago. Lived in San Diego previously for 30 years. Water allocation, preservation and distribution have been a great interest of mine for some time.

Almost a billion people lack access to clean drinking water at present.

My belief, please don't "crucify" me. Is along the lines of the ancient Pali and Hindu texts that predicted these times thousands of years ago. They stated that because of the cumulative effect of "bad karma" incurred by a society full of unwanted and misguided progeny. The rains would cease to the point there would be no more crops and people would feed on their own children.

I know sounds like good movie material. Mad Max 3 or or are we on 4? Anyway no matter how you slice it, the powers that be in Southern California or Thailand are obviously not interested in the health and welfare of the population. In fact in California and Oregon bills have been passed to remove numerous dams costing the taxpayers millions. Brilliant?

The ancient texts go on to say that in this time demons take birth in human form and occupy the positions of world leaders. And their only purpose is to create havoc. Do I hear Mad Max 5...

On a positive note "Whiskey's fer drinkin'. Water's fer fightin' over" - Mark Twain

The ancient texts go on to say that in this time demons take birth in human form and occupy the positions of world leaders. And their only purpose is to create havoc.

And their names are Barrack, Angela and Hillary

Actually they all small time puppets. Hillary is certainly a big time demon...

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Driving around north west Thailand the last two days. Most of the ponds are dry or have a foot or two of water. The river banks are wider than I have seen for years. A few smaller rivers are dry.

Not sure when this will change but if no major rain in the next three to four weeks I think there will start being runs on drinking water. Just in case I have stocked 8 packs above what I normally keep. That should at lease hold me over until I can book a flight.

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There has been no water supply in parts of rural Khampaeng Phet for months now and the 2 fire truck from the tessaban are out 8 hours a day 5 days a week and are having trouble just keeping up. The last delivery we had was over 3 weeks ago.

I have 20 ongs cross connected and 7 as spare for the tanker to pump into. They each hold about 1,500 usable litres and I am now down to the last 6.

Originally my wife and family laughed at the "stupid farang" for having so many ongs, but not anymore.

Lol.... as far back as 9 months ago I was warning the local farang population via our local facebook community page, and I was mocked and laughed at by some of them as a 'doom monger' and with comments like 'the sky is falling, the sky is falling'..... Now all you get on there is people having water problems.... Now they are not taking the pi$$. So it is not just limited to Thais. smile.png

You are the anti-Noah.

indeed, his hidsight seems to be a smidgeon better than 20/20

Sadly of my 27 ongs I am now down to 2 full ones and 4 at about 1/3 full. We haven't had any water delivered for about 6 weeks and tonight is the start of Songkran.

The bad news is that my family are not here at the moment and won't be back until Thursday and the good news is exactly the same except that there is only me using water until then.

The really good news is that I have plenty of (Thai) whiskey, soda and ice and plenty of Austrian Stroh 80% proof rum and a lot of coco cola.

My Songkran will be lonely for a while but very happy.

Sawadee Pee Mai.

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If you go to war with your neighbours Mr Tough Guy it`s not going to end good for you.

If you do have wells then you should go and have a word with the head man and discuss how you can help the community because in actuality that water does belong to the whole village, all you have done is paid to have wells installed as a means of syphoning off the water onto your land, so in effect they are right. But if you are determined to place a barrier of hostility between the community and yourself, then I wish you all the best with that.

Ha you dont know the head of the village here, he is sick to death of the villagers also, he told us he wish he had never applied for the job, nothing but childish bickering and inventing stories tittle tattle, he actually got the village water supply working whereas the old head of village did bugger all ,even when I offered to buy them a new pump at 40k baht for free they still said they would have to ask the committee and it would take a month or two ( useless) and it was frequently off and filthy which led to my two wells being dug............his words, he's ex army. good bloke, he also doesnt like the orbortor who is totally on the make he "knows" what they are like.

Some of you must spend all day crapping yourself wondering what the neighbours are gonna do to you, wouldnt say "boo to a goose"

I am lucky enough to have very good neighbours who are also good friends.

Sadly enough where I live is on a granite slope so I cannot drill a bore hole and the closest I get to water is 350 metres. If however I had enough water I would most certainly share with my neighbours and, through the PuYaiBan with anyone else who is desperately in need of water.

However that is just me. YMMV.

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Sadly of my 27 ongs I am now down to 2 full ones and 4 at about 1/3 full. We haven't had any water delivered for about 6 weeks and tonight is the start of Songkran.

The bad news is that my family are not here at the moment and won't be back until Thursday and the good news is exactly the same except that there is only me using water until then.

The really good news is that I have plenty of (Thai) whiskey, soda and ice and plenty of Austrian Stroh 80% proof rum and a lot of coco cola.

My Songkran will be lonely for a while but very happy.

Sawadee Pee Mai.

I've got the opposite. Relatives showing up from the water happy place called BKK, so as they arrive, Mrs. is giving them the field conditions lecture.

I'll have to listen in on the next one, see how she handles the Yellow Mellow/Brown Down translation. laugh.png

Sawasdee Pee Mai to you too.

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As Billd said, we need to endure until the first timid rains in few weeks and than wait for the end of the Nino effect and possibly a switch to the ENSO - (Nina) conditions.

Perhaps in 18 months or so, we will be talking about torrential rains , floods and overflows of rivers.

Thailand would need a serious program and a big investment to revamp its dams-dikes-reservoirs system to better face both droughts and floods.

Now we are always switching between emergencies.

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As Billd said, we need to endure until the first timid rains in few weeks and than wait for the end of the Nino effect and possibly a switch to the ENSO - (Nina) conditions.

Perhaps in 18 months or so, we will be talking about torrential rains , floods and overflows of rivers.

Thailand would need a serious program and a big investment to revamp its dams-dikes-reservoirs system to better face both droughts and floods.

Now we are always switching between emergencies.

way better though to spend billions on a ferking hi-so speed train

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As Billd said, we need to endure until the first timid rains in few weeks and than wait for the end of the Nino effect and possibly a switch to the ENSO - (Nina) conditions.

Perhaps in 18 months or so, we will be talking about torrential rains , floods and overflows of rivers.

Thailand would need a serious program and a big investment to revamp its dams-dikes-reservoirs system to better face both droughts and floods.

Now we are always switching between emergencies.

way better though to spend billions on a ferking hi-so speed train

The PM has already informed us that there will be no popular populous spending. Only toy trains, planes, tanks subs the toys for boys. The rains will come problems solved. Ouija board economics will continue. There is always money for Bangkok spending but forget the rest of us. Cloud seeding amulets is the only answer. They cost little money. Hope springs eternal here.

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Winds down the peninsula now coming from the Andaman side, so maybe a little rain soon. Village supply is off at night, so I make sure our tank is full at days end. If it comes to the worst, up to the local HW springs for a wash and laundry.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Edited by Mosha
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I`m am guessing the water supplies will keep running during Songkrang because there is money involved in what is now a commercial festival just like Christmas. After Songkrang I think the s**t will hit the fan, certain areas are going to be left without water supplies. Months ago I predicted something like this would happen and have got myself prepared.


Bought plastic storage bins kept inside the house and had a big concrete tank built in the garden. If the water goes we are good for another 2 months.

I have noticed that over the last 3 years each time there is a storm these are preceded by localised mini hurricanes. 80 mph winds that continue for about 20 minutes and can last for up to an hour. Each time we have lost several tiles from the roof and deeply concerned about how severe these winds can get because each year the winds seem to increase in strength. Now, every time I hear thunder in the distance and a storm approaching I start wondering if the house is going to get blown down by the winds. I am not doom and glooming, but be prepared because things could start getting wild around here.

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I`m am guessing the water supplies will keep running during Songkrang because there is money involved in what is now a commercial festival just like Christmas. After Songkrang I think the s**t will hit the fan, certain areas are going to be left without water supplies. Months ago I predicted something like this would happen and have got myself prepared.


Bought plastic storage bins kept inside the house and had a big concrete tank built in the garden. If the water goes we are good for another 2 months.

I have noticed that over the last 3 years each time there is a storm these are preceded by localised mini hurricanes. 80 mph winds that continue for about 20 minutes and can last for up to an hour. Each time we have lost several tiles from the roof and deeply concerned about how severe these winds can get because each year the winds seem to increase in strength. Now, every time I hear thunder in the distance and a storm approaching I start wondering if the house is going to get blown down by the winds. I am not doom and glooming, but be prepared because things could start getting wild around here.

Remember that thread. Can't stop the heat, but I did buy another rain water storage tank. Besides the 6 big ongs, I have 2,1850 liters of tank rain water in reserve. I haven't tapped them yet as I'm able to get well water delivered but that's become more difficult in the past month. I think the wells will be stretched thin by this time next month. I took precautions but clear I should have done more at the end of last rain season to prepare for the severe dry season.

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