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How sure are we that the process of getting the cat out doesn't harm the snake? Have they kept one after doing the "forced boak up" to see whether it's still alive thirty days later?

I was thinking the same thing and snake should have been aloud to eat is pray.

Not good to pull the food out like that how would the man like it if I put his dinner out like that not very smart people to do that to the snake.

If you did that back home in my country to a snake you would get in to big trouble.

George...when was the first and last time you saw a snake???

Get 6 foot of brown snake in your kitchen standing up and coming at you and you would change your touchy feely attitude pretty darn quick I can assure you old mate.

Oops sorry you actually have to get away from the latte sipping inner city two month mongering in Thailand crowd to know about that.

Mudcrab, as long as you have a snare, it's actually much easier to catch a snake than it is to kill it. Also much safer. I have caught about 5 pythons and two cobras (and half a dozen other harmless snakes as well as the occasional monitor lizard) and relocated all of them. Below are two examples. One Reticulated Python - same as the snake in the video, and the other a monocled cobra. And one python had eaten one of my cats because that's what snakes do, they eat things. Forcing the dead cat out was a strange decision, but I'll reserve judgement. In general, though, it is better to make a snare. Snakes aren't ll that smart. It's easy to get the loop over their head from a safe distance. And once you do it's easy to bag them or can them and take them away. Also less messy!

I agree. I made my own snare from a length of bamboo and some cord, way back. Over the years I've captured many snakes and relocated them. One just this week. A golden tree snake inside the house. The most difficult part of this being trying to keep the wife from jumping up and down, shouting advicecoffee1.gif

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How sure are we that the process of getting the cat out doesn't harm the snake? Have they kept one after doing the "forced boak up" to see whether it's still alive thirty days later?

I was thinking the same thing and snake should have been aloud to eat is pray.

Not good to pull the food out like that how would the man like it if I put his dinner out like that not very smart people to do that to the snake.

If you did that back home in my country to a snake you would get in to big trouble.

George...when was the first and last time you saw a snake???

Get 6 foot of brown snake in your kitchen standing up and coming at you and you would change your touchy feely attitude pretty darn quick I can assure you old mate.

Oops sorry you actually have to get away from the latte sipping inner city two month mongering in Thailand crowd to know about that.

I don't know about George, but I see snakes frequently. Nearly always golden tree snakes - or at least I assume that's what they are blink.png and so pay little attention.

Cobras are also common around here, and although some have reared up - making it obvious that they are cobras - I've often wondered how many of the v big snakes that I've seen wandering around are cobras rather than the rat snakes I'd happily assumed!

A few years ago there was one in my kitchen, fortunately spotted by my cleaner who also gathered it up in a dust pan and escorted it outside . A few weeks ago there was one on my 'computer area' window, which I (again) assumed was a golden tree snake so ignored it until I'd finished my email - and then opened windows and encouraged it back outside with a broom.

In short, I have nothing against snakes and wouldn't kill one - but, if one had ate one of my much loved pets - I'd care more about getting my pet back than the snake

Of course this isn't logical - but love never is..


Cats are pretty quick. How does a snake eat a cat? I would like to see a prequel.

Cats are quick but pythons are a flash in comparison. The cat may well be mesmerized like the pup in the following:

Puppy seems entranced just before the python in a flash grabs the dog by its head before constricting it…





Cats are pretty quick. How does a snake eat a cat? I would like to see a prequel.

Cats are quick but pythons are a flash in comparison. The cat may well be mesmerized like the pup in the following:

Puppy seems entranced just before the python in a flash grabs the dog by its head before constricting it…




I wish I had not seen this awful video, but it does show you the extent that some will go to be cruel to poor dogs. Sicko's all.

I have no problem in people keeping snakes and feeding them mice/rats - at least the vermin kind - not like the ones one of my daughters kept as pets, they were very nice friendly rats (came right after the ferrets - probably lucky not the other way around). But for me, household dogs and cats should not be fed to snakes, even anesthetized cats as one poster proudly boasts. Rabbits also, especially just after reading "Watership Down". Funny I have no problem eating rabbits.

In the wild it is a different story and I don't think we should interfere with nature too much, but keeping snakes out of residential areas can be a problem. Nice to remove to a better place if it can be done safely, but not so easy if you happen to live close to a fairly wild area and I have no problem in killing cobra's and vipers that get too uppity (the cobra's always get eaten anyway) but pythons can easily be removed to somewhere else.

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