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Hundreds injured on the Greece-FYROM border


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Hundreds injured on the Greece-FYROM border
By Catherine Hardy | With REUTERS


ATHENS: -- Hundreds of migrants and refugees have been injured during a confrontation with police on the border between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

Eyewitnesses say FYROM police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowds on the Greek side of the fence separating the two countries.

Crowds had gathered at the fence near the camp in Idomeni.

Eyewitnesses say a small group tried to talk to the Macedonian border officials.

The officials refused to open the border and the group became angry, bystanders say.

Some started to make their way towards the border.

A Macedonian official said a large group of migrants left the camp and surged towards the fence.

Aid workers say they have treated people for exposure to tear gas. Other injuries have been reported.

The injuries (from MSF)
300 treated
30 for rubber bullet wounds
More than 30 with open wounds
200 with breathing difficulties from tear gas
Achilleas Tzemos, deputy field coordinator with the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), added that many women and children had respiratory problems caused by exposure to tear gas.

What Greece says
Greece says police on the FYROM side of the joint border used tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades to push the migrants back.

Athens says the use of force is unacceptable.

“The indiscriminate use of chemicals, rubber bullets and stun grenades against vulnerable populations, and particularly without reasons for such force, is a dangerous and deplorable act,” said George Kyritsis, a Greek government spokesman for migration coordination

“We urge the authorities of FYROM to comprehend the potential risks the use of violence against refugees and migrants entails.” he went on.

What FYROM says
FYROM authorities will only confirm the use of tear gas.

“They threw rocks at the Macedonian police. The police fired tear gas in response,” said a FYROM official on condition of anonymity.

“The migrants were pushing against the fence but standing on the Greek side of the border. The fence is still there, they have not broken through.”

Police in Skopje said three officers have been hurt.

A FYROM police spokesperson says the situation is now under control.

Why are people stuck on the border?
Migrants at the Idomeni camp are demanding the border with the FYROM be opened.

A cascading shutdown of borders has meant more than 10,000 people have been stranded at the camp since February.

The Greek authorities have been trying to persuade those at Idomeni to move to other reception camps.

However, many are refusing to go.

In the last year, more than a million people fleeing poverty and conflict in the Middle East have poured into Europe through Greece.

The EU is implementing an accord whereby all new arrivals will be sent back to Turkey if they do not meet the criteria for asylum.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-11
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"without reasons for such force, "

as I understand there was a violent mob trying to enforce their entry into a country where they do not belong

More than enough reasons to use "such force" I think

they did not use deadly weapons - which should also be allowed if necessary - Seems it is going to be a war against unwelcome invaders

Edited by sweatalot
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"Police in Skopje said three officers have been hurt."

Sure hope these three victims of the violent Muslims recover quickly, brave men protecting their nation, its traditions and beliefs. Good to see when the smoke cleared the gate was still there...get some!

"Achilleas Tzemos, deputy field coordinator with the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), added that many women and children had respiratory problems caused by exposure to tear gas."

So it shows the old Muslim tactic of using human shields was in use here, a bunch of animals that do this to women and children.

And does anyone know why the MSM keeps referring to these illegal migrants as "stuck"? Not stuck can always go back, just not forward.

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Thousands of illegal migrants refusing to co-operate with authorities' requests, demanding this and that, turning angry and violent when their demands aren't instantly met. Many purely illegal economic migrants, many young single men, economic chancers

Working out really well then Angela?

Where is Mrs. Merkel hiding these days?

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Carrying on in a violent manner as if they were in the middle east isn't going to help. What country wants to let this violent scum in.

Well, since European men are such puzzies, we'll send some American women over there to protect them. tongue.png


Nope Yank, we ain't. We just don't benefit from your 2nd Amendment that your very wise founding fathers put into your constitution and which people like Obama and Clinton will do their best to take away from you.

We've been disarmed and caroled by left wing socialist liberal governments who want all to be reliant on the state and thereby controlled by the state.

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It's simple. Announce to the mob, " You have 10 minutes to move away and disperse or lethal force will be used"

Use the 10 minutes to set up several heavy machine guns...

Use as required.....

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ISIS has stolen the idea that Muslims have had for hundreds of years of killing infidels and turned it into their own idea of killing infidels. whistling.gif

That's why large populations of Christians lived in the Moslem middle east for almost 1500 years while in Christian Europe Moslems were never tolerated at all. Because Moslems believed in killing infidels? Ignorant much?

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Carrying on in a violent manner as if they were in the middle east isn't going to help. What country wants to let this violent scum in.

Well, since European men are such puzzies, we'll send some American women over there to protect them.

Yes, please do that, that would make for a refugees-welcome party.

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Carrying on in a violent manner as if they were in the middle east isn't going to help. What country wants to let this violent scum in.

Exactly. Just watching that video I thought to myself it looked like the middle-east was coming to Europe. Which is absolutely going to culturally enrich and help us here, according to Angie.

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Unfortunate scenes at the border to say the least, but ultimately once the message 'You are not welcome on our, OUR territory' is made crystal clear and it is plain the authorities are not bluffing, the better it will be for all parties in the long run.

Edited by baboon
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You know, I really want to say something nice here, I really want to. But regardless of what drivel press are releasing here as in 'Macedonian police were firing rubber bullets at THE DESPERATE' or 'desperate people trying to storm the border', it's just so hard to love them when they are throwing stones and slingshots at police, fling back those inhumane teargas cannisters, and everything else...

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ISIS has stolen the idea that Muslims have had for hundreds of years of killing infidels and turned it into their own idea of killing infidels. whistling.gif

That's why large populations of Christians lived in the Moslem middle east for almost 1500 years while in Christian Europe Moslems were never tolerated at all. Because Moslems believed in killing infidels? Ignorant much?

Reading your user name, I believe you were indeed stillborn. smile.png


An irrelevant insult is just a particularly ungracious way of conceding that you have no answer to the point I raised. I accept your surrender.

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Only uneducated, low information, racist, hateful bigots would believe that this isn't secular and modern and liberal. Women's rights groups should follow this example. This is cultural enrichment at its finest.


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You know, I really want to say something nice here, I really want to. But regardless of what drivel press are releasing here as in 'Macedonian police were firing rubber bullets at THE DESPERATE' or 'desperate people trying to storm the border', it's just so hard to love them when they are throwing stones and slingshots at police, fling back those inhumane teargas cannisters, and everything else...

they were also shouting allah hu akbar while trying to violently storm the border. Check out the liveleak vids - shocking. This does not win my heart and mind, although others will no doubt offer unconditional support, because Christians might have done bad stuff 1500 yrs ago. Oh really
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Get angry. Get real angry. Then get even more angry. Demand that your politicians and the unelected traitors of the EU give you your country back.

Whilst I will agree with you 100%

The fact of the matter is this.

Over the last 3 decades, the vast majority of the people of Europe the EU have been turned into a tribe of eunuchs.

Edited by SgtRock
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Tough Titty, thanks Macedonia for having a realistic stance. Its the UN's job to keep these people safe in the first country they find refuge .

There is not an open door to benefits in a carefully chosen destination.

We owe these people nothing, we can use common humanity to care for them where they are, until they can return to their own countries.

Not welcome: Somalis, Afghans, Nigerians, Algerians, Serbians, Albanians etc. etc, they are persona non grata of the highest order and a direct threat to western societies.

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