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German prosecutors probe TV satirist who ‘insulted’ Turkey’s Erdoğan


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German prosecutors probe TV satirist who ‘insulted’ Turkey’s Erdoğan


GERMANY -- German authorities are investigating whether a satirical TV presenter who allegedly “insulted” Turkey’s President Erdoğan could face charges.

Jan Böhmermann’s poem contained references to paedophilia and bestiality. His own channel said it had clearly “crossed the boundary from satire into slander” and pulled the late-night programme from a repeat airing.

Chancellor Angela Merkel called the programme “unacceptable” and “deliberately insulting” towards Turkey’s president, and phoned the country’s prime minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to say so.

The public channel ZDF received around 20 complaints after the broadcast and there were protests outside the German consulate in Istanbul.

German law forbids insults of organs or representatives of foreign states, prosecutors are examining whether criminal proceedings can be brought and have asked ZDF to provide a video.

But it is thought the Turkish government might have to demand charges for proceedings to go further.

It has been revealed that following a previous broadcast by Böhmermann, the German ambassador to Turkey was summoned by the government in Ankara for an explanation.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-11

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The Turkish government regularly 'asks' for German media to do this or that, like stop a broadcast in Kurdish language (in nothern Germany, mind you). Nothing to worry about, they go away after a while and you hear nothing of it ever again

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Enlightened countries have freedom of speech especially against government leaders. It's almost impossible for a "public figure" to sue for defamation and if they do it's for money and it's not a crime. The government would never bring an action for defamation on behalf of itself or anyone else.

Freedom of speech means the freedom to be objectionable or people wouldn't need that freedom as a guarantee.

What the hell happened to Germany?

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Here's a sign that's up in Jacksonville, Florida right now. Of course Europe, especially the Daily Mail is all aflutter about it. Who cares? It's just someone's opinion, but I suppose there are places in Europe where this would be a crime.

Europeans have forgotten what freedom is, and have allowed their governments to RULE them when it's supposed to be the other way around.

Daily Mail


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The biggest problem facing Germany is the enforced mandated guilt complex that has been enforced upon them and still is enforced upon the German peoples as a result of issues in the middle of the last century.

Of course the Germans mustn't criticise others as that is politically incorrect. The crimes against humanity have to be paid for even if it means a loss of freedom for the German peoples themselves.

Yet other states, nations commit far worse misdeeds and of course are never criticised for it even though their crimes are murderous, the purloining of peoples property in all its forms, arson etc and economic blockades and sanctions.

Tut Tut Germany, you must not extract the Micheal regarding the Treacherous Turks and their multi faced their megalomaniac self serving dictatorial Presidents actions and attitudes and the ongoing massacre of others that is wrong.

Free speech is a crime and banned in Turkey, so now the Treacherous Turks think that their malignant ideals should also be practised in Germany,

Germany has to and must exorcise the evil spirit of enforced guilt that they have been possessed with at the behest of other states and nations this is the 21 st century not the 20th century.

Seems as if the ego of Erdogan is a trifle fragile when the truth is exposed about him and his aims and actions he is, a nasty creature a piece of goods who is about as trustworthy as a rabid dog in a corner.

So ignore the Treacherous Turks wind bagging Germany and tell the world the truth Germany.

Hold your heads up high you Germans, you owe nothing to the world the past has gone.

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This E fellow is the..um... person who must be absolutely obeyed in totalitarian Turkey, and he can only produce 20 complaints?

You'd think at least 99% of Turks would be up in arms. His PR minions are slipping.

Sounds more like another one of Merkel's (countless) knee-jerks than anything else.

Edited by Hayduke
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Although I think, the piece wasn't very good, Boennermann has all the right to say about the fascist Erdogan, what he likes in Germany!

Turkey doesn't like it?

Well, booo->deleted< hooooo!

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German law forbids insults of organs or representatives of foreign states. Interesting one.

Freedom of speech includes insulting someone.

Really, there is quite a number of people now who have to be insulted, or worse.

Who is to judge?

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The Turkish government regularly 'asks' for German media to do this or that, like stop a broadcast in Kurdish language (in nothern Germany, mind you). Nothing to worry about, they go away after a while and you hear nothing of it ever again

No they don't go away, in fact they're on their way, almost 80 million of them

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He, he, good job, what a cretin! The more little Adolf complains, the more free & widespread advertisement.
Thus the blokes who wrote that Erdogan-song he complained about just recently (calling in the German ambassador etc.) saluted him as a fellow comedian - in fact Turkeys greatest one - and officially made him 'Employee Of Tha Month' for making their song so well known.

Subsequently they added English as well as Turkey subtitles, lool ...

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In the same program the Pope was depicted as a senile old man who had shitted his pants (or is it gown?).

That was all right then. Never mind that he is a head of state, namely Vatican. And he is also the head of a billion or so Catholics.

But since he was the representative of wrong faith, Merkel did nothing. Germany is sinking to new low by the day.

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Enlightened countries have freedom of speech especially against government leaders. It's almost impossible for a "public figure" to sue for defamation and if they do it's for money and it's not a crime. The government would never bring an action for defamation on behalf of itself or anyone else.

Freedom of speech means the freedom to be objectionable or people wouldn't need that freedom as a guarantee.

What the hell happened to Germany?

What happened to Germany - they voted for Merkel. And the Mutti wants to turn them into the paradise utopia that the old DDR envisioned where the state controls everything for you, so you have no worries and can live happily and contended. They will even control what you are allowed to see, hear and read to make sure you're not worried or bothered by disruptive elements.

She's generous though, and wants to share this throughout the EU in creating a monster state where elections don't really change anything, and bureaucrats control everything. Of course Germany will be a little bit more equal and need to manage everything.

Now the egotistical dictator Erdogan, in his quest for a new Ottoman style Empire, with himself as undisputed, never criticized, leader for life, can't stand anyone poking fun at him, or revealing things about his family. So he pulls Merkel's lead and tells her to sort this latest "insult" out and stop it happening again.

Gawd help Europe.

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Here's a sign that's up in Jacksonville, Florida right now. Of course Europe, especially the Daily Mail is all aflutter about it. Who cares? It's just someone's opinion, but I suppose there are places in Europe where this would be a crime.

Europeans have forgotten what freedom is, and have allowed their governments to RULE them when it's supposed to be the other way around.

Daily Mail


The EU countries are all nanny states. Freedoms are shrinking everywhere. They are even taking away their access to currency in many countries and nobody complains. That of course is the problem, people just accept it as normal and don't push back on the government.

The billboard in this picture is in exceptionally bad taste and it is just wrong to tar everyone in a religion with the same brush. However, I would rather live in a world where whack jobs can post things like this than one where government or public opinion is able to prevent me from expressing my opinion. Clearly there are laws pertaining to pornography, unacceptable language etc. in place to control those particular expressions of an opinion that a society/laws deem inappropriate.

Just look at Thailand, anything said about anyone is immediately defamation with the concomitant harassment and court case. It's a stick used to control freedom of expression

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Stupid beyond belief, extrapolating from this train of thought and going back to the German who they dare not mention, Hitler..if other countries at the time had the same laws that Germany has now they would not have been able to satirise Adolf, think Charlie Chaplin and Herr Schiclegruber, various derogatory songs, cartoons and articles would have been censored.

Maybe Erdogan feels violated and needs a safe space, nobody talk bad about the poor poor man, hurty feelings not nice.

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For all you, complaining about what happened to Germany: do you actually understand, what Boehmermann said?

I do and as much as I would say, he is allowed to say it and as much as I think it is great that Erdogan gets it big time...the devil is the detail!

Boehmermann actually walks a very, very thin line with what he says and how he says it!

Some parts of the "poem" could be considered downright racist and could be considered hate- speech!

And hate-speech is not protected under freedom of speech in Germany!

...and never was!

I know, it is hard to grasp for US- citizens, but in Germany we tried to learn from the past!

Do I think, Boehmermann should be prosecuted on however he hurt the feelings of a fascist dictator?


Is he on a very slippery slope?

Yes, he most certainly is!

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Enlightened countries have freedom of speech especially against government leaders. It's almost impossible for a "public figure" to sue for defamation and if they do it's for money and it's not a crime. The government would never bring an action for defamation on behalf of itself or anyone else.

Freedom of speech means the freedom to be objectionable or people wouldn't need that freedom as a guarantee.

What the hell happened to Germany?

What the hell happened to Germany?

The EU.

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What Germans do in Germany is not the business of Turkey.

The German government should know that an protect their citizens

Perhaps it's illegal in Germany to accuse people of having sex with children and animals?

Although I would have thought it's a civil matter rather than a criminal one.

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The biggest problem facing Germany is the enforced mandated guilt complex that has been enforced upon them and still is enforced upon the German peoples as a result of issues in the middle of the last century.

Of course the Germans mustn't criticise others as that is politically incorrect. The crimes against humanity have to be paid for even if it means a loss of freedom for the German peoples themselves.

Yet other states, nations commit far worse misdeeds and of course are never criticised for it even though their crimes are murderous, the purloining of peoples property in all its forms, arson etc and economic blockades and sanctions.

Tut Tut Germany, you must not extract the Micheal regarding the Treacherous Turks and their multi faced their megalomaniac self serving dictatorial Presidents actions and attitudes and the ongoing massacre of others that is wrong.

Free speech is a crime and banned in Turkey, so now the Treacherous Turks think that their malignant ideals should also be practised in Germany,

Germany has to and must exorcise the evil spirit of enforced guilt that they have been possessed with at the behest of other states and nations this is the 21 st century not the 20th century.

Seems as if the ego of Erdogan is a trifle fragile when the truth is exposed about him and his aims and actions he is, a nasty creature a piece of goods who is about as trustworthy as a rabid dog in a corner.

So ignore the Treacherous Turks wind bagging Germany and tell the world the truth Germany.

Hold your heads up high you Germans, you owe nothing to the world the past has gone.

I agree the Germans should not kowtow to the Turks.

However, I can't think of any nation carrying out an extermination programme of six million people. So please tell what nations did worse things?

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It was actually a quite entertaining "poem". The poem does make rap lyrics look like kindergarten stuff.

I can definitely understand erdogan being insulted / offended...but that should not give him the right to file charges to boehmermann. It's sad that this is becoming a discussion. I wish Germany would just tell him to f-off and fix his own problems and people before worrying what's going on in Germany.

I also wish that comedians around the world stand up and write nice poems similar to boehmermanns in his support.

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Enlightened countries have freedom of speech especially against government leaders. It's almost impossible for a "public figure" to sue for defamation and if they do it's for money and it's not a crime. The government would never bring an action for defamation on behalf of itself or anyone else.

Freedom of speech means the freedom to be objectionable or people wouldn't need that freedom as a guarantee.

What the hell happened to Germany?

I almost considered liking one of your posts. Then I remembered your quite vigorous support for this guy:

Donald Trump vowed to ‘open up’ libel laws to make suing the media easier https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/02/26/donald-trump-vows-to-open-up-libel-laws-to-make-suing-the-media-easier-heres-how-he-could-do-it/

Donald Trump pledges to curb press freedom through libel laws http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/26/trump-pledges-curb-press-freedom-libel-laws-first-amendment

You don't see some disconnect here?

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What Germans do in Germany is not the business of Turkey.

The German government should know that an protect their citizens

Perhaps it's illegal in Germany to accuse people of having sex with children and animals?

Although I would have thought it's a civil matter rather than a criminal one.

In this case possibly a criminal matter, from the OP...

"German law forbids insults of organs or representatives of foreign states, prosecutors are examining whether criminal proceedings can be brought"

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I know, it is hard to grasp for US- citizens, but in Germany we tried to learn from the past!

It is not hard just to US citizens. I am European and simply say that either you have the freedom of speech, which Europe was built on, or you don't.

I wish you Germans all the very best with your PC lives but let us that are not German live our lives without your influences.

Adn when it comes to Mutti and EU, it will fall. All socialistic systems eventually will. They run out of other peoples money.

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What Germans do in Germany is not the business of Turkey.

The German government should know that an protect their citizens

Perhaps it's illegal in Germany to accuse people of having sex with children and animals?

Although I would have thought it's a civil matter rather than a criminal one.

In this case possibly a criminal matter, from the OP...

"German law forbids insults of organs or representatives of foreign states, prosecutors are examining whether criminal proceedings can be brought"

Next you will need to define what an insult is, and while that is as such easy with this case, you might find it surprisingly hard to insult a politician in Germany. There was one Fj Strauss in Germany, could have written a book about his trials and tribulationsCould well be a way back for this Böhmermann fellow into the protection of sartire.

BTW this §103a StGB provision is only for the foreign head of state, all other representatives would have had to have been in Germany in an official function. Erdowahn's now telling the press he's going until the last port of appeal, yes? Will be much quicker than he thinks.

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The biggest problem facing Germany is the enforced mandated guilt complex that has been enforced upon them and still is enforced upon the German peoples as a result of issues in the middle of the last century.

Of course the Germans mustn't criticise others as that is politically incorrect. The crimes against humanity have to be paid for even if it means a loss of freedom for the German peoples themselves.

Yet other states, nations commit far worse misdeeds and of course are never criticised for it even though their crimes are murderous, the purloining of peoples property in all its forms, arson etc and economic blockades and sanctions.

Tut Tut Germany, you must not extract the Micheal regarding the Treacherous Turks and their multi faced their megalomaniac self serving dictatorial Presidents actions and attitudes and the ongoing massacre of others that is wrong.

Free speech is a crime and banned in Turkey, so now the Treacherous Turks think that their malignant ideals should also be practised in Germany,

Germany has to and must exorcise the evil spirit of enforced guilt that they have been possessed with at the behest of other states and nations this is the 21 st century not the 20th century.

Seems as if the ego of Erdogan is a trifle fragile when the truth is exposed about him and his aims and actions he is, a nasty creature a piece of goods who is about as trustworthy as a rabid dog in a corner.

So ignore the Treacherous Turks wind bagging Germany and tell the world the truth Germany.

Hold your heads up high you Germans, you owe nothing to the world the past has gone.

I agree the Germans should not kowtow to the Turks.

However, I can't think of any nation carrying out an extermination programme of six million people. So please tell what nations did worse things?

Well I don't have the figures but a certain country did carry out it's own act of genocide against Armenians.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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The biggest problem facing Germany is the enforced mandated guilt complex that has been enforced upon them and still is enforced upon the German peoples as a result of issues in the middle of the last century.

Of course the Germans mustn't criticise others as that is politically incorrect. The crimes against humanity have to be paid for even if it means a loss of freedom for the German peoples themselves.

Yet other states, nations commit far worse misdeeds and of course are never criticised for it even though their crimes are murderous, the purloining of peoples property in all its forms, arson etc and economic blockades and sanctions.

Tut Tut Germany, you must not extract the Micheal regarding the Treacherous Turks and their multi faced their megalomaniac self serving dictatorial Presidents actions and attitudes and the ongoing massacre of others that is wrong.

Free speech is a crime and banned in Turkey, so now the Treacherous Turks think that their malignant ideals should also be practised in Germany,

Germany has to and must exorcise the evil spirit of enforced guilt that they have been possessed with at the behest of other states and nations this is the 21 st century not the 20th century.

Seems as if the ego of Erdogan is a trifle fragile when the truth is exposed about him and his aims and actions he is, a nasty creature a piece of goods who is about as trustworthy as a rabid dog in a corner.

So ignore the Treacherous Turks wind bagging Germany and tell the world the truth Germany.

Hold your heads up high you Germans, you owe nothing to the world the past has gone.

I agree the Germans should not kowtow to the Turks.

However, I can't think of any nation carrying out an extermination programme of six million people. So please tell what nations did worse things?

Correction, it was not the German nation but the allmighty Nazis with their SS and gestapo who did the extermination. There were quite a few generals who stood up against the mad-man. They paid with their lives.

Erdogan is organizing the genocide against the Kurds and therefore no need for any protection against him from verbal attack or other.

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Although I think, the piece wasn't very good, Boennermann has all the right to say about the fascist Erdogan, what he likes in Germany!

Turkey doesn't like it?

Well, booo->deleted< hooooo!

Actually he doesn't by law. Just as Thailand has a Lesse Majesty Law Germany has one protecting Heads of State of Foreign Governments. Right r wrong it is the law.,

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