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Thailand scuppers migrant rescue ship's operations


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Thailand scuppers migrant rescue ship's operations
Oliver Holmes, south-east Asia correspondent

Migrant Offshore Aid Station charity says Bangkok gave go-ahead but later prevented import of two drone helicopters needed to find people in distress

LONDON: -- A privately funded ship that had travelled to south-east Asia to save drowning migrants at sea has abandoned its mission after Thailand prevented the transfer of key equipment from reaching the ship, the charity’s founder has told the Guardian.

The Migrant Offshore Aid Station, run by American entrepreneur Christopher Catrambone and his wife, Regina, has rescued almost 13,000 people in the Mediterranean Sea and moved one ship, the MY Phoenix, to the Andaman Sea.

The Phoenix had been due to launch two unmanned helicopters to search large areas of the ocean to assess trafficking and prevent loss of life. The 40-metre ship would then rescue any migrants in distress and bring them to land.

Full story: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/14/thailand-blocks-migrant-rescue-ships-operations-in-andaman-sea

-- The Guardian 2016-04-14

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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

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First impressions of the Thais opposition to this humanitarian effort, which is likely at zero cost to the Thai government, could be that the military do not want outsiders discovering migrant routes?

The Guardian article gives a pretty dismal account of the Thai side of things......again, a disgraceful show of either ignorance, or self protection.

But....the good aspect is that there's always satellite imagery........which hopefully, after this incident gets back to the US, someone will be concerned enough to do something further.

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The Thai Govt puts Thai people first. What's wrong with that ? Wish the UK Govt would do the same instead of wasting millions on foreign aid and allowing thousands of undocumented migrants into the country. Maybe the American owner to take whoever he finds back to the States with him and the ones from the Med too..

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The Thai Govt puts Thai people first. What's wrong with that ? Wish the UK Govt would do the same instead of wasting millions on foreign aid and allowing thousands of undocumented migrants into the country. Maybe the American owner to take whoever he finds back to the States with him and the ones from the Med too..

The Thai govt puts itself first, it has no interest in the sheeple except to keep them sheeple

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Some Months ago while watching news about the Euro gimme-grant problem I asked my Wife, what does Thailand do with migrants ? " The Army shoots them and buries them in the jungle" was here reply...

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The Thai Govt puts Thai people first. What's wrong with that ? Wish the UK Govt would do the same instead of wasting millions on foreign aid and allowing thousands of undocumented migrants into the country. Maybe the American owner to take whoever he finds back to the States with him and the ones from the Med too..

The Thai govt puts itself first, it has no interest in the sheeple except to keep them sheeple

I can't argue with that.. But whether it's in their own self interest, the countries or the peoples it is still Thai first..

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First impressions of the Thais opposition to this humanitarian effort, which is likely at zero cost to the Thai government, could be that the military do not want outsiders discovering migrant routes?

The Guardian article gives a pretty dismal account of the Thai side of things......again, a disgraceful show of either ignorance, or self protection.

But....the good aspect is that there's always satellite imagery........which hopefully, after this incident gets back to the US, someone will be concerned enough to do something further.

And if US does do something the'll likely be lambasted here on TV.com and told to mind their own business.

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The stupids have their priorities reversed. They are harassing those who are trying to do good, yet they let an internationally wanted illegal fishing trawler (= poachers) escape: http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/2015/09/09/interpol-wanted-poaching-vessel-kunlun-and-its-illegal-catch-escape-from-thailand-1744

All these corrupt Thai officials should be strung up by their necks on the lamp posts of Bangkok.

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So what was he doing with the ones he found in the Med? Taking them back to their port of origin and dumping them there i hope. NOT helping them into Europe. The Thai Govt was probably afraid that if they cooperated too much he might bring them here. All of you TVF posters who don't live here might think that is a good idea but I'll bet that most of us who live here do not want more "refugees here." Do a search on Youtube about the horror stories coming out of the Euro-zone countries who have welcomed these Migrants and decide if you would want them where you live???? Cold, but first things first. Charity begins at home. These people do not give any impressions of turning out to be assets where they settle. And that is the understatement of the century!

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The stupids have their priorities reversed. They are harassing those who are trying to do good, yet they let an internationally wanted illegal fishing trawler (= poachers) escape: http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/2015/09/09/interpol-wanted-poaching-vessel-kunlun-and-its-illegal-catch-escape-from-thailand-1744

All these corrupt Thai officials should be strung up by their necks on the lamp posts of Bangkok.

youre gonna need more lamposts

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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

They are human trafficers

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“We have the Thai navy shadowing us. We had them come across our bow. It’s like being cut off on the road,” he said.

Just normal driving - they know no better! I am sure they weren't really trying to protect their vested interest in people traffiking!

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How dare these migrants flee violence and civil war, persecution and death, goodness me they really are selfish.

Heck I bet they're poor and smelly as well.

Well done that government there, we need more actions like this.

It takes real courage to abandon men, women and children in this manner.

Now if you don't mind I need to puke.

Edited by Bluespunk
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How dare these migrants flee violence and civil war, persecution and death, goodness me they really are selfish.

Heck I bet they're poor and smelly as well.

Well done that government there, we need more actions like this.

It takes real courage to abandon men, women and children in this manner.

Now if you don't mind I need to puke.


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I don't get it. Why didn't they just bring the drones on the ship? Second question: what does this organization do with the migrants they rescue? The article doesn't seem to explain (though admittedly I only glossed it). Thailand doesn't want them as 'official' refugees, so why should they expect Thailand to help bring them in?

In any case, an organization that 'rescues' migrants is only encouraging more migrants to arrive. The only appropriate action is to escort them back. Very expensive I know, but anything else creates a moral hazard.

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Scanning this thread I wonder just how many of those who replied have actually read the article in the Guardian. The Ocean Rescue Vessel went through all the correct channels with a whole raft of Thai authorities to get clearance for the two helicopter drones to transit through Thailand and be shipped on board the vessel so that they could continue their searches in the Andaman Sea for people in trouble. At the last minute Thai Customs threw the spanner into the works for so long that the vessel had to abandon the final phase of its search operations. OK, who ordered Customs to take this negative approach? Why didn't the Govt, (Junta) Thai Navy etc, who had already cleared the transit step in and tell Customs it had been cleared? There are a whole mass of questions that need to be asked - but won't be, and about the only sensible comment I have read in this thread is that this is another self inflicted would in the Thai foot and is unlikely to be ignored or passed over by the international community. I hope it won't be anyway. Frankly, I think this is a disturbing trend here at the moment that ranks right up with re-education/attitude adjustment camps, paranioa over red bowls, ok to have a meeting to support the draft charter but not ok if you are deemed to be either ambiguous or against it.... need I go on?!

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Don't think I could have faced reading "The Guardian" thanks bah.gif

I ll agree, it's not particularly to my taste, but it is the only sensible British newspaper which is consistently reporting the goings on in Thailand.

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How dare these migrants flee violence and civil war, persecution and death, goodness me they really are selfish.

Heck I bet they're poor and smelly as well.

Well done that government there, we need more actions like this.

It takes real courage to abandon men, women and children in this manner.

Now if you don't mind I need to puke.

Well it was lucky that the Brits didn't run away but stood and fought the oppressors, nearly eighty years ago.

Give the migrants a gun, ammo and send them back to defend their homelands and womenfolk. After all, in the Eurozone, the migrants left their women and kids behind when they fled.

Forgive me while I vomit.

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How dare these migrants flee violence and civil war, persecution and death, goodness me they really are selfish.

Heck I bet they're poor and smelly as well.

Well done that government there, we need more actions like this.

It takes real courage to abandon men, women and children in this manner.

Now if you don't mind I need to puke.

Well it was lucky that the Brits didn't run away but stood and fought the oppressors, nearly eighty years ago.

Give the migrants a gun, ammo and send them back to defend their homelands and womenfolk. After all, in the Eurozone, the migrants left their women and kids behind when they fled.

Forgive me while I vomit.

Yep, after reading your post I understand the need to vomit.

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