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Brexit: Opposition leader Corbyn backs vote to stay in the EU


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I really don't understand the need for such shallow cliched responses

As I have stated many times the decision is non trivial and requires real thought

A common point is the obscene inequality we have in the UK, partly due to avoiding some parts of the social chapter. Do people really want a social structure closer to US "values"? I don't.

I think on balance the social democratic ( no capitals) ideas of (certainly Northern) Europe are what most of us value in a civilised country

I think EU has reigned in some of the Thatcherite urges. Certainly, working people are far better protected

We wisely opted out of the Euro and the Schengen zone.

I value being able to live and work anywhere in Europe.

Note recent comments by the Bank of England and the IMF. You really think this is all a conspiracy?

For me, staying in and sorting things out from within is the sensible route. I have no time for Jeremy but if he can marshall some support, great

THINK about what sort of country you really want to live in!

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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

you are mixing your comparisons Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump (or probably Cruz)

I love Corbyn and he's bringing a breath of fresh air to UK politics but i also hate the PC crap. Love all his policies apart from his softness on bombing the shit out of IS

I suppose you also like his gleeful comment, after PC Blakelock had his head hacked off in the riots a number of years back, that "The protesters gave the police a good hiding".

He's just a commie traitor.

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Life is so unfair. The UK desperately needs a Trump and instead we get a Corbyn. This dangerous and naive man will do more to advance the caliphate and sharia across the UK than anybody else. What I find odd, is that as a representative from the extreme left, he is supposed to be championing human rights incuding rights of minorities such as LGBT, yet his sharia rollouts will do exactly the opposite. Time for the left to get their thinking hats on, and lay off the PC BS.

you are mixing your comparisons Corbyn is far more like Bernie and Cameron like Trump (or probably Cruz)

I love Corbyn and he's bringing a breath of fresh air to UK politics but i also hate the PC crap. Love all his policies apart from his softness on bombing the shit out of IS

I suppose you also like his gleeful comment, after PC Blakelock had his head hacked off in the riots a number of years back, that "The protesters gave the police a good hiding".

He's just a commie traitor.

Can you provide a link to that, please? I have tried a few different searches and all come up blank.

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