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Dogs in the news again at Bangkok police flats!


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Dogs in the news again at Bangkok police flats!


Image: Sanook

BANGKOK: A man reported being bitten by a dog in the same area where a policeman famously shot one last week.

The case of sergeant Wasawat Sukthai caused a national storm and led to admissions and apologies on national television about using his gun to shoot a dog and injure another at an apartment building for police employees in Lat Yao, northern Bangkok.

Now another man who was helping a police friend move household items at the same block of flats has reported to Pahonyothin police that he was bitten.

Yuthasak Tonngam's left leg bite had already been shared 5,000 times on social media. He said he was helping a police friend and after was leaving the flats on a motorcycle taxi when a pack of around six dogs approached menacingly.

He said one bit him in the unprovoked attack. He had to be taken to hospital and there was no apparent owner to seek recompense from, said Yuthasak.

Source: Sanook

-- 2016-04-16

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The soi dog problem is out of control and is just another easily solved one that Thais are unwilling to do anything about. Shooting the odd one is good but a mass culling is needed to get them off the streets, out of 7-11 doorways, away from wats and moo baans. They are a health menace, a road hazard and a noise problem, However, Thais do have a sentimental view of soi dogs now and there is a good reason for that, while they are still feeding them but letting them run amok things will only get worse.

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thai3, on 16 Apr 2016 - 07:32, said:

The soi dog problem is out of control and is just another easily solved one that Thais are unwilling to do anything about. Shooting the odd one is good but a mass culling is needed to get them off the streets, out of 7-11 doorways, away from wats and moo baans. They are a health menace, a road hazard and a noise problem, However, Thais do have a sentimental view of soi dogs now and there is a good reason for that, while they are still feeding them but letting them run amok things will only get worse.

Thais have this skewed understanding and beliefs that feeding stray dogs is a benevolent and merciful act

to which they will be amply rewarded in the now and the afterlife.....

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The soi dog problem is out of control and is just another easily solved one that Thais are unwilling to do anything about. Shooting the odd one is good but a mass culling is needed to get them off the streets, out of 7-11 doorways, away from wats and moo baans. They are a health menace, a road hazard and a noise problem, However, Thais do have a sentimental view of soi dogs now and there is a good reason for that, while they are still feeding them but letting them run amok things will only get worse.

I think religion has a part to play, that mangy dog with half its insides dragging on the ground may well be a reincarnation of a bad person.

Then there is people problems, one soi here in Hua Hin that has a lot of vacant land infested with mangy dogs is attended by good samaritans that bring them bags of food.wai2.gif

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When a dog attacks a person it should be put to rest.

Interesting. Where do you stand when a person attacks a dog?

Please read the next article - "A chicken rice vendor took his knife to a defenseless dog, beating, then knifing him to death, in an event caught on camera and shared on social media."

Although it is unlawful and unlikely to happen, I would shed no tears if this person was physically punished.

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The soi dog problem is out of control and is just another easily solved one that Thais are unwilling to do anything about. Shooting the odd one is good but a mass culling is needed to get them off the streets, out of 7-11 doorways, away from wats and moo baans. They are a health menace, a road hazard and a noise problem, However, Thais do have a sentimental view of soi dogs now and there is a good reason for that, while they are still feeding them but letting them run amok things will only get worse.

I think religion has a part to play, that mangy dog with half its insides dragging on the ground may well be a reincarnation of a bad person.

Then there is people problems, one soi here in Hua Hin that has a lot of vacant land infested with mangy dogs is attended by good samaritans that bring them bags of food.wai2.gif

Yea,, and that just attract more mangy dogs,,, Exterminate on a Government Program That's what is Needed,,,,

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'Although it is unlawful and unlikely to happen, I would shed no tears if this person was physically punished.

why ? the man put down a dangerous dog that bit, I would do the same and so would you if you had any sense

Edited by thai3
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....they care so much about the dogs' well-being....how about dishing out some money to have them spayed or neutered.....

Not sure who "they" are or if a valid measure of caring is the amount of cash you have in your pocket.

There are organizations in Thailand that do spaying and neutering.

One example

Soi Dog sterilised more than 107,259 dogs and cats in Thailand. This has had a significant and positive impact that is very evident on the streets.
When Soi Dog Foundation started working on Phuket in late 2003 our aim was quite clear: To stop the appalling suffering experienced by the majority of stray dogs and cats on Phuket island.
Soi Dog firmly believes that the ONLY effective and humane method of achieving this objective is to spay & neuter these dogs and cats and so prevent even more unwanted animals being born and suffering death by starvation, injury and disease, or inhumane methods of culling.

But responsible pet ownership isn't exactly a hallmark of western countries either.


Across Britain, the situation has become so desperate healthy but unwanted dogs are now being put down at a rate of one every two hours.

A shocking report for across Britain found more than 47,500 dogs have been thrown out onto the streets by their owners across Britain.

The appalling level of animals being discarded amounts to 280 strays every day.


In the US

Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats. Each year, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized (1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats).
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The soi dog problem is out of control and is just another easily solved one that Thais are unwilling to do anything about. Shooting the odd one is good but a mass culling is needed to get them off the streets, out of 7-11 doorways, away from wats and moo baans. They are a health menace, a road hazard and a noise problem, However, Thais do have a sentimental view of soi dogs now and there is a good reason for that, while they are still feeding them but letting them run amok things will only get worse.

I think religion has a part to play, that mangy dog with half its insides dragging on the ground may well be a reincarnation of a bad person.

Then there is people problems, one soi here in Hua Hin that has a lot of vacant land infested with mangy dogs is attended by good samaritans that bring them bags of food.wai2.gif

Which makes them healthier and prone to breed more prolifically!

I know expats who spend many thousands of baht feeding these dogs but who never consider taking even one for sterilization!facepalm.gif

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Something I didn't know for many years = The King of Thailand loves dogs.

I also love dogs.

I was a paper boy - been bitten many many times :-)

No dog will bite me now. I wouldn't care anyway.

Dogs are mans best friend. I realize many people ( including Thai ) have fear.

Very hard to get past your fear of a dog.

Laughs - the smart ones hang out in front of 7/11 because of the air conditioning.

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Brother in law lives in these police flats. The dogs in there are quite aggressive. They bark, snarl and run at you as you walk into and out of the flats.

I, or my family, have never been attacked when visiting, but it is an unsettling experience when you're coming out in the dark late at night with small children in tow.

It is never a 'quiet' walk out.

Having been 'surprise attacked' by two dogs recently and having to fork out the medical bills for treatment, I would be looking for the nearest handgun should I or my family get attacked.

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Honestly, which are more aggressive - the strays or the ones owned by locals who allow (and encourage) the dog's bad behaviour? The last thing you want is cops with a centre-fire handgun shooting at dogs. A marksman up high shooting straight into the ground - and through the dog - with a rimfire is the way forward. Nothing would improve civic amenity more than getting a grip of badly behaved dogs, and if the locals knew that a snapping attack could result in their job getting shot they'd change their behaviour. It's a complete <deleted> nuisance to be bimbling along enjoying your day and then suddenly having to deal with half a dozen aggressive uncontrolled dogs. It shouldn't be happening and it terrifies and upsets a lot of vulnerable people,

People come back from countries and tell their friends what their experience was. Morocco's tourist industry has never been what it should be because the government isn't prepared to enforce rules that would mean that people have a decent experience. Allow every half-wit to bug the tourists and - lo - you have no tourists. The BBC documentary on Suvarnabhumi had a girl with a massive hole in her leg from being bitten by a dog. You can't buy advertising like that. You wouldn't want to.

Edited by Craig krup
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The soi at the back of my condo is guarded by dogs. I believe most of them are owned by the residents there. Every early morning till noon and late afternoon till early evening, the dogs are let out. They bark and chase after cyclists and motorcyclists randomly.

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Something I didn't know for many years = The King of Thailand loves dogs.

I also love dogs.

I was a paper boy - been bitten many many times :-)

No dog will bite me now. I wouldn't care anyway.

Dogs are mans best friend. I realize many people ( including Thai ) have fear.

Very hard to get past your fear of a dog.

Laughs - the smart ones hang out in front of 7/11 because of the air conditioning.

Indeed, years back I saw a fat soi dog having a nap inside a 7/11 almost every afternoon until he disappeared one day.

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2 dog stories in one day! I love it. I am a self-confessed dog-hater. There are working dogs and all the rest are muck-making machines that spread diseases and cause accidents. Until a responsible government takes control & does something about this problem that harms its citizens and discourages tourists then people will take the law into their own hands. Som nam na.

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2 dog stories in one day! I love it. I am a self-confessed dog-hater. There are working dogs and all the rest are muck-making machines that spread diseases and cause accidents. Until a responsible government takes control & does something about this problem that harms its citizens and discourages tourists then people will take the law into their own hands. Som nam na.

And I'm a self confessed dog hater hater. Dogs are the most wonderful faithful friends a person could have and spread much joy and happiness, give me dogs over people any day.

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Fasteddie - you are mixing with the wrong people if you prefer dogs to humans. Dogs may spread joy in your world, in mine they spread diseases and dog-dung + a few road accidents on the side.

What diseases?

Rabies, Dogs and Humans Leptospirosis, Dogs Salmonella, Dogs and People Campylobacteriosis Cryptosporidiosis Worms Ringworm

The above can be found at - http://dogcare.dailypuppy.com/can-canines-pass-fungal-infections-humans-6011.html

It is a site for dog-owners. I got bored- there are others but given your preferred life-style it would not be well received.

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