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Fewer New Business Licenses Registered In 3q06


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Fewer people registered for new business licenses in 3Q06

BANGKOK: -- The Department of Business Development disclosed that the number of new business licenses in the 3rd quarter reduced by 11.55 percent when being compared to the same period of last year.

Mr. Dusit Uchuopongamorn, the Deputy Director-General of the Business Development Department, said 11,913 people registered for new business licenses with a total value of 34,642.24 million baht between July and September, 2006. 5,018 of them were from Bangkok, while the remaining 6,895 were from regional areas.

At the same time, 4,506 people revoked their business licenses with a total value of 71,724.54 million baht. 2,068 of them were from Bangkok and its surrounding areas, while 1,986 were from other provinces.

The business sector with the largest number of license revocation in the third quarter was the building construction business, while the second and third places were service and real estate businesses respectively.

--thaisnews.com 2006-11-02

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A bit tapping on my calculater yields:

11,913 newl business startups of an average value of 2.9 M.

4,506 business closedowns of an average value of 15.9 M (mainly in the building construction and real estate businesses).

Do we see a general shift from big biz to SME's here - or do the numbers merely reflect that the guys behind the condo-projects, etc. are taking precautions against money-back-claims and law-suits, etc.?

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This is a massive loss of foreign investment and confidence by anybodys standards. Will they be able to stop the rot?

With the new visa requirenents and Thai business laws, investing in Thailand is a risk. We have scrapped the project we were working on and may never revive it.

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With all the face saving that goes on here, the The Governments have been blind to the fact that much of the investment is "lifestyle" investment as my friend puts it.

Many of us come here, open small businesses and pump money into them from our savings and real jobs offshore. In my case, I put my already taxed earnings (from a Malaysin company) through my shop sales so my books balance and the wages and taxes get paid again, and my "O" visa is safe for another year. but for how long?

There is also the business community in Bangkok some (not all) happy to put up with the shit because life in Thailand is still sweet, fun and lively.

Put restrictions on one side of the scales and take the fun out of Thaialnd with crackdowns, midnight closings, peeing in jars, no dancing, no street markets and it will make a difference. Slowely, but it will make a difference. My kids tell me their English teacher left last week and the Principal asked the expats kids if any of their parents wanted to teach!

The talk of the town these days is how to get out and where to live in future years. More so now than finding ways to get legal.

I'm only 50, have lived here 10 years and visited for 10 before that. I really don't want to put up with this when I am retired and many others are of the same mind. I see the poor retirees every time I go into Immigration, looking worried, perplexed, bewilded and angry. The expat community (legal and Tourist) have almost totally shut up shop as regards bringing in any more money into the country.

They will obvisouly blame something or somebody else though... TIT

Edited by Steph1012
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