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Andyfletch RIP :(


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44 is young for a heart attack. Did Andy have a problem before with his heart or was it totally unexpected?

I'm approaching that age and it makes me think about making some lifestyle changes.

Was Andy a big lad? Did he drink a lot?

Not a particularly big chap, hard to guess his weight, 90k or so I would think.

As previously noted, he certainly liked a drink or 10 and smoked a lot more than he ought (he gave up several times in the period I knew him).

I was not aware of a history of heart trouble, but found out after his death that he was on blood pressure medication, apparently he had complained of occasional chest pains for a while too (warning, Will Robinson!!!).

Adding to this was probably job related stress, like myself he was an independent Consultant Engineer, not always a low-stress occupation.

I suppose, taking this all together we could say it was coming, but still a mighty shock to us all :o:(

The loss of a dear friend has set an awful lot of us thinking about health, exercise and beer. I hope we all have the willpower to follow up.

EDIT: Thai-Spy, thanks for the suggestions, already sorted.

Edited by Crossy
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It wasn't so long ago that someone on the other side of the world could have passed on and most wouldn't even be aware of it. Thanks to the internet, all of us have friends not only in our immediate vicinity but across the globe as well.

I'm relatively new here so I never had the chance to get to know Andy, but to those of you who have been a part of this board for a long time I offer my condolences. Condolences as well, and especially, to family and friends who knew Andy in the real world and were closest to him.

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I have to admit, I didn't intereract on this forum with andyfletch too much but from what I read he seemed like one of the good guys. But with of without anyone's 'approval of his posts' it's such a shame that someone has to go so young and I feel for the family. I think you can safely pass on condolences from the community that is this website for whatever it's worth, I'm sure he'll be missed here by many a member.

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I have to admit, I didn't intereract on this forum with andyfletch too much but from what I read he seemed like one of the good guys. But with of without anyone's 'approval of his posts' it's such a shame that someone has to go so young and I feel for the family. I think you can safely pass on condolences from the community that is this website for whatever it's worth, I'm sure he'll be missed here by many a member.

good words bkkmadness, well said and my condolences go out too.

It seems that he may be one of the first active members to pass away, so I will talk to the boss and suggest that we have some sort of a pinned "In Memorium" for members who have passed on.

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44 is young for a heart attack. Did Andy have a problem before with his heart or was it totally unexpected?

I'm approaching that age and it makes me think about making some lifestyle changes.

Was Andy a big lad? Did he drink a lot?

Not a particularly big chap, hard to guess his weight, 90k or so I would think.

As previously noted, he certainly liked a drink or 10 and smoked a lot more than he ought (he gave up several times in the period I knew him).

I was not aware of a history of heart trouble, but found out after his death that he was on blood pressure medication, apparently he had complained of occasional chest pains for a while too (warning, Will Robinson!!!).

Adding to this was probably job related stress, like myself he was an independent Consultant Engineer, not always a low-stress occupation.I suppose, taking this all together we could say it was coming, but still a mighty shock to us all :o:(

The loss of a dear friend has set an awful lot of us thinking about health, exercise and beer. I hope we all have the willpower to follow up.

EDIT: Thai-Spy, thanks for the suggestions, already sorted.

I heard that one...I am the same and am still recovering from my last assignment, 7 weeks on from my last day at work...not a good business to be in if you are in any way fragile healthwise....

to the family and friends of andyflech, please receive my condolences...

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Thats a nice thought Bronco. This community is a part of peoples lives that stay in Thailand and it'd be nice that we can have the same 'process/decorum' on here as a net forum that you'd find in other 'real life' organisations.

I think with the net being so modern its easy to discard TV as a simple website and posters merely part of the numbers that build it, but times change and a loss from our community here is a blow to it, that's one less guy to post an encouraging word or two during anothers difficult times, one less guy that gives advice that might help someone make or break a marraige or push a worrying father through that time when they have there first kid etc. We in fact all give each other a surprising amount of support and help during times of trouble and it's worth recognising.

I've seen people like Jockie get married on here, Daleyboy having a kid and a dozen other posters go through life changing moments, and of course death is sad but true part of life.

This community will hopefully be here in ten years, twenty years, it may very well outlive us all, a record of the posters who have done there time and passed on is certainly appropriate.

Edited by bkkmadness
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Thats a nice thought Bronco. This community is a part of peoples lives that stay in Thailand and it'd be nice that we can have the same 'process/decorum' on here as a net forum that you'd find in other 'real life' organisations.

I think with the net being so modern its easy to discard TV as a simple website and posters merely part of the numbers that build it, but times change and a loss from our community here is a blow to it, that's one less guy to post an encouraging word or two during anothers difficult times, one less guy that gives advice that might help someone make or break a marraige or push a worrying father through that time when they have there first kid etc. We in fact all give each other a surprising amount of support and help during times of trouble and it's worth recognising.

I've seen people like Jockie get married on here, Daleyboy having a kid and a dozen other posters go through life changing moments, and of course death is sad but true part of life.

This community will hopefully be here in ten years, twenty years, it may very well outlive us all, a record of the posters who have done there time and passed on is certainly appropriate.

Great post BKK. I think its a great idea. George?

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It is with deepest regret that I have to announce the sudden and totally unexpected death of my close friend Andy Fletcher (andyfletch).

Andy suffered a massive heart attack on sunday morning only hours after his final post on ThaiVisa, sadly he died before reaching hospital.

My heart goes out to his partner Nid and all the family and friends he leaves behind.

Rest in Peace my dear friend.

Sincere condolences for the loss of your friend, Crossy. This must be a very difficult time.

Whilst I did not know Andy, the words of those who did, along with Andy's avatar, show that he was quite a character and will be missed by many.

I also feel for those he has left behind and wish them well in coming to terms with their loss.

I know very well that doing so is not easy.

May Andy RIP.

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It is with deepest regret that I have to announce the sudden and totally unexpected death of my close friend Andy Fletcher (andyfletch).

Andy suffered a massive heart attack on sunday morning only hours after his final post on ThaiVisa, sadly he died before reaching hospital.

My heart goes out to his partner Nid and all the family and friends he leaves behind.

Rest in Peace my dear friend.

Sad news indeed Crossy. Pass on TV's heartfelt condolences. RIP.

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Thanks for all the kind words.

Now, let the saga posted below be a warning to all who get divorced from Muslims!!!

Posted with the kind permission of the original author of the email.

The Saga of Andy Fletcher

Dear Friends of Andy

On Sunday 29th October 2006, Andy passed away after a massive heart attack at his home in Bangkok. His partner Nid was with him and called and called for medical assistance before Andy lost consciousness. Nid tried to resuscitate Andy with mouth to mouth and chest pressure, without success. Medical assistance arrived about 15 minutes later, but their attempts at resuscitation also failed. The message was spread around the world to all who could be contacted.

Using Andy’s phone several attempts were made to contact his ex wife in Kuala Lumpur although, as she admitted later, she had been too busy to answer a call from her former husband. The couple was divorced in Malaysia in Dec 2004/Jan 2005. Eventually friends in KL were able to advise her of the death of her ex husband and arranged to meet her, along with a small group of close friends, that evening in the Chestnut Bar, Ampang. Although divorced she expressed a desire to see Andy one last time and they promised to help her.

She recognised and acknowledged that Andy was happy in Bangkok with Nid, and that he had said in a recent phone call that he would like to live and die in Thailand. Andy’s ex wife indicated that she would travel to Bangkok to see Andy’s body.

On many other occasions Andy had expressed his desire to live and die in Bangkok and that his remains be kept here in Thailand. Arrangements were made by his friends to have a Thai service and cremation in accordance with Andy's wishes and the wishes of his partner and his parents, brothers and daughters.

The ex wife was asked by the British Embassy to sign a release form so that the funeral could take place in Bangkok.

At this point a new problem arose: The ex wife discovered that due to the registration of their marriage in the UK, she found that, despite the full divorce under religious and civil law in Malaysia, she could convince the British Embassy and Malaysian Embassy that she was the immediate next of kin. She then initiated a new plan and, by means only to be described as devious, she carried out the despicable act of claiming the body back to Malaysia for a Muslim burial.

All who know Andy are aware of his non Muslim status. In Malaysia he converted for her benefit, the minute he left the shores his religion became a matter between he and his maker and he renounced the faith that he had never practiced.

Andy’s brothers flew to Bangkok to try to prevent this abomination.

By this time the UK Embassy believed that there was no option but to release the body to the care of the person that they believed was the next of kin and the body was released for transport to Malaysia and Andy’s ex wife.

Andy’s brothers tried many times to contact this woman to tell her of the wishes of Andy, his blood relatives, parents, siblings and daughters, and to plead for a change of heart for the sake of Andy. Once again the calls went unanswered. Other friends in KL and Bangkok also attempted to call Andy’s ex wife and explain the situation to her, but these calls also went unanswered.

Andy’s ex wife then sent notice of the Muslim burial, by sms and email, but failed to notify his true family.

We have other friends, who had been disturbed by this whole affair, to thank for being able to pass this information to his brothers, parents and daughters.

The body of Andy Fletcher was taken from us by a process of duplicity resulting in what can only be described as an illegal body snatch. Andy’s divorce from his Malaysian wife was completed in accordance with both the civil and religious requirements of Malaysian laws and custom and his ex wife did not have any legitimate claim to Andy’s body. It is difficult to comprehend what benefits a long divorced ex wife could obtain from such an action, bearing in mind that it was in direct conflict with the wishes of the deceased, his parents, siblings and friends.

In Bangkok on Friday 3rd November a service took place in the Buddhist Temple attended by many friends and led by Nid and Andy's brothers, David and Steve.

We also owe many thanks to Dave Ashby who took responsibility for the arrangements and gave Nid the care and support she needed throughout this sad time.

Andy’s spirit will forever be in Bangkok, and he will be forever amongst us.

Bless you Andy, we miss you.

If there is still lingering doubt in any mind about the whole rights and wrongs of this body snatch, below is a portion of an email that Andy sent to his friend in Malaysia on 12th October 2006.


Hows tricks in KL? I'm back in BKK having done 5 months in Taiwan -!!!!

CAn you do me a favour.

I need to get a copy of my divorce papers, And Rozita seems reluctant to send them to me. Can you go to JAIS in Shah Alam and get me a copy.

My Muslim name was Adam Andy bin Abdullah"

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this is all so sad, especially reading about the funeral. there was a big controbersy regarding another funeral of a man who was muslim with an indian wife in malaysia earlier this year. (cant remember the exact details), but it was the other way round in that the wife wanted him to have a hindu funeral, but the muslim authority were the ones that imposed the muslim rites. however he was some known mountaineering malaysian.

in the case of Andy, Id say it would have been difficult even though he was divorced according to both sharia (family) and civil law of the country, which means ex-wife should have had no say whatsoever. unlucky though that the UK embassy showed other record (not clear of the details there...perhaps they got married under UK law and didnt get divorced or notify UK?)

but I guess my comments now or any analysis of situation of what can or cannot be done in malaysia is too late :o

in the end the only comfort is for his family to remember that no matter what the details or what was done to his body, his soul is now resting in peace.

warm regards and condolences to family and friends

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Maybe there's more to the story and Andy had some assets back in the UK which she's trying to 'collect' ? (since the marriage was officially registered in the UK and maybe not un-registered ? :o )

But other than that it's really unheard of that the British Embassy let the body go Malaysia, claimed by his ex-wife...

Didn't the BE contact his parents and other family which have a direct bloodline to Andy ?



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Absolutley disgusting....

Personally I feel when you are dead you are dead and where your body is makes little difference, it is afterall just a body used whilst we are living.

That doesn't mean we all think like that though and Andy had made his own wishes clear to family and friends.

This woman sounds extremely devious, sounds like she think she may be getting a payout of sorts.

There's certainly an ulterior motive.

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Name and shame the one responsible at the embassy for releasing the body?

I doubt it's their fault, I expect they have rules and guidelines to follow. Blame needs to be placed on the UK legal system I guess. It works in most cases but in this case it clearly did not.

It seems to be more and more common that UK law is protecting foriegners and not the UK citizens it shoudl protect.

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