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Watana's daughter seeks US hand to look into human rights contravention


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Which specific "human rights" don't I value?

Myself and every Thai I know is currently about their business in exactly the same way they did before. Well - with the exception of there being no violent political protests, we no longer have 2 opposing political groups dividing the country.

I currently don't have to worry about my wife getting stuck in the car with one of our children and a gun battle breaking out in the street.

I simply have not met the "shitload" of unhappy people you mention. I know hundreds of Thai people and this is one of the topics of discussion. Without exception they are all happy that the violence has passed. Many are dissapointed with the lack of progress but these people are not unhappy with the state of affairs.

In terms of the freedoms lost - these were the freedoms that saw people killing each other in the street. As mentioned - every Thai I know is happy that that is over.

Nobody is really going to prison just for voicing an opinion. We are all voicing our opinions here. Thai websites are the same. People talk about this stuff all the time.

You are, after all, expressing your dissent quite freely here, without risk whatsoever - so please don't try to make out like you are in North Korea.

It's the shit-stirring that has been curtailed - the stuff that was previously bringing people out into the streets. It's not missed.

Well for instance the right to express yourself, the very subject of this thread. In case you haven't read the OP, it handles the detainment without arrest warrant or due process of an individual criticizing the current government and the draft charter they produced.

Now if you find that acceptable behavior you are extremely selfish. People should have a right to criticize, there should be room for debate, otherwise this country will never move forward.

That you have not met those people, does not mean they don't exist, get out that ivory tower and go up north or in issaan, those people do not praise this government, and for good reason. In fact I meet those people even in Krung Thep, the place I suppose you are coming from, considering the violence occurred there and your worries about your wife.

I was here during that time too, and at no point was I worried about my partner being shot, a gross exaggeration of the actual situation. Those worries would have been more appropriate when the army did the shooting back in 2010...

And yes, pedro, people are going to prison for voicing an opinion, there have even been people jailed for liking or sharing facebook posts, again get out that tower, back into the real world.

Your assertion that we no longer have two rival political groups is incredibly naïve. It is only a matter of time until that will become apparent to you.

It's no use sjaak327. A good number of the few remaining junta supporters don't care what the junta does as long as there are no demonstrations.

I wonder if they think military rule would have been preferable in many Western countries in the 60's during the student uprisings?

Probably yes.

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Read my post more carefully since your questions - though they are with respect somewhat puerile - have already been covered there.

But since you apparently believe Thailand's record on human rights and freedom is on a par with that of the US you might be better employed continuing this conversation at some bar for blue collar foreigners where such opinions are I believe quite common.

Once again you're misinterpreting what i'm saying. I didn't say the US and Thailand's "human rights and freedoms" are on a par (the same). I simply said that the US and Thailand both have bad reputations.

If that's your position so be it.

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Which specific "human rights" don't I value?

Myself and every Thai I know is currently about their business in exactly the same way they did before. Well - with the exception of there being no violent political protests, we no longer have 2 opposing political groups dividing the country.

I currently don't have to worry about my wife getting stuck in the car with one of our children and a gun battle breaking out in the street.

I simply have not met the "shitload" of unhappy people you mention. I know hundreds of Thai people and this is one of the topics of discussion. Without exception they are all happy that the violence has passed. Many are dissapointed with the lack of progress but these people are not unhappy with the state of affairs.

In terms of the freedoms lost - these were the freedoms that saw people killing each other in the street. As mentioned - every Thai I know is happy that that is over.

Nobody is really going to prison just for voicing an opinion. We are all voicing our opinions here. Thai websites are the same. People talk about this stuff all the time.

You are, after all, expressing your dissent quite freely here, without risk whatsoever - so please don't try to make out like you are in North Korea.

It's the shit-stirring that has been curtailed - the stuff that was previously bringing people out into the streets. It's not missed.

Well for instance the right to express yourself, the very subject of this thread. In case you haven't read the OP, it handles the detainment without arrest warrant or due process of an individual criticizing the current government and the draft charter they produced.

Now if you find that acceptable behavior you are extremely selfish. People should have a right to criticize, there should be room for debate, otherwise this country will never move forward.

That you have not met those people, does not mean they don't exist, get out that ivory tower and go up north or in issaan, those people do not praise this government, and for good reason. In fact I meet those people even in Krung Thep, the place I suppose you are coming from, considering the violence occurred there and your worries about your wife.

I was here during that time too, and at no point was I worried about my partner being shot, a gross exaggeration of the actual situation. Those worries would have been more appropriate when the army did the shooting back in 2010...

And yes, pedro, people are going to prison for voicing an opinion, there have even been people jailed for liking or sharing facebook posts, again get out that tower, back into the real world.

Your assertion that we no longer have two rival political groups is incredibly naïve. It is only a matter of time until that will become apparent to you.

We are all expressing ourselves on here. You say that people should have the right to criticize - which is exactly what you are doing here. How come you can criticize on here if things are so bad? If regular people are being carted off to jail for Facebook posts, how come you are allowed to post here with impunity. Pretty simple - because the situation is nowhere near as bad as you are trying to paint it.

I am not selfish - the people blocking roads for their 'team' were the selfish ones. The people shooting into those crowds were selfish. The people setting fire to buildings were selfish. And that is the type of behavior that is being curtailed.

As for going to Isaan - I do go regularly and I hear the same story - a total disillusionment in team Thaksin and a disappointment in lack of progress with reform under this government.

As for my partner almost getting shot, she did indeed get stuck in the car with our child in it close the Bangkok Bank near Phra Kanong when someone threw a grenade at it and the military went after them and there was shooting - so please, don't tell me what my family has and hasn't experienced. You have absolutely no clue.

Bottom line - is the military has made it clear that politics is banned. The same politics and politicians that nearly plunged the country into civil war. Watana is one side of that coin.

People so quickly forget that we had blood in the streets.

Watana is a Thaksin lackey. He has been told many times not to say things that would cause divisions - the sort of divisions that saw blood in the streets.

The fact is - a bunch of drama queens want to say Thailand is like North Korea when in actual fact Thailand is just like Thailand has always been - just a lot more peaceful since the coup and most Thais I know are thankful for that.

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^^ People being jailed, taken to reeducation camps, not allowed free speech. A single person in charge of a country with an article to do anything he likes whenever he wants, without any other person's review. No judicial process from crimes, military officers that can have the right to do anything they want, go into people's houses without warrants.

If you cant see just how screwed up this country's situation is, you obviously are so lost in life that no person could ever convince you of anything.

So Im not going to try....

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^^ People being jailed, taken to reeducation camps, not allowed free speech. A single person in charge of a country with an article to do anything he likes whenever he wants, without any other person's review. No judicial process from crimes, military officers that can have the right to do anything they want, go into people's houses without warrants.

If you cant see just how screwed up this country's situation is, you obviously are so lost in life that no person could ever convince you of anything.

So Im not going to try....

Yes - for incitement.

For the sort of things that have been causing deaths in this country.

It's a long cooling off period.

Maybe if people had played nicely then this would not be happening - but they didn't, did they? The shot, they bombed, they closed down roads and caused problems for the 99.999% of the population that were just trying to get on with their lives.

So you will have to excuse me if I don't shed a tear.

As for me being "lost in life" - I think you'll find it's you that has lost your way. This is a discussion, I am as entitled to my opinions on this topic as much as anyone. You are NOT entitled to attempt to insult me simply because you disagree. That is childish. Grow up.

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^^ People being jailed, taken to reeducation camps, not allowed free speech. A single person in charge of a country with an article to do anything he likes whenever he wants, without any other person's review. No judicial process from crimes, military officers that can have the right to do anything they want, go into people's houses without warrants.

If you cant see just how screwed up this country's situation is, you obviously are so lost in life that no person could ever convince you of anything.

So Im not going to try....

Yes - for incitement.

For the sort of things that have been causing deaths in this country.

It's a long cooling off period.

Maybe if people had played nicely then this would not be happening - but they didn't, did they? The shot, they bombed, they closed down roads and caused problems for the 99.999% of the population that were just trying to get on with their lives.

So you will have to excuse me if I don't shed a tear.

As for me being "lost in life" - I think you'll find it's you that has lost your way. This is a discussion, I am as entitled to my opinions on this topic as much as anyone. You are NOT entitled to attempt to insult me simply because you disagree. That is childish. Grow up.

I havent lost my way, I know right from wrong. I know what a free society is. I know what a stolen country is. I know what a military junta does. I know what a elected government does.

I would disagree with you or anybody who promotes that its ok for a military to steal a country from a democratically elected government. And this isnt the first time the Thai military has overthrown its own elected government.

Let me ask you a simple question. Dont you think the military should have arrested Suthep and his band of thugs when they started all the nonsense? THAT is what has put this country into this situation. If they really wanted to protect Thailand and its government that would have shown good faith. The military should have protected the people and the voting process instead of taking over the country for the umpteenth time like they did. The military junta loves to criticize politicians when they have done more harm to this country than anyone. The military is for protecting a country from outside foreign forces and not STEALING it from the people.

You have lost your way because from your post you do not know right from wrong. Not an opinion, not an insult but, a simple fact.

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Which specific "human rights" don't I value?

Myself and every Thai I know is currently about their business in exactly the same way they did before. Well - with the exception of there being no violent political protests, we no longer have 2 opposing political groups dividing the country.

I currently don't have to worry about my wife getting stuck in the car with one of our children and a gun battle breaking out in the street.

I simply have not met the "shitload" of unhappy people you mention. I know hundreds of Thai people and this is one of the topics of discussion. Without exception they are all happy that the violence has passed. Many are dissapointed with the lack of progress but these people are not unhappy with the state of affairs.

In terms of the freedoms lost - these were the freedoms that saw people killing each other in the street. As mentioned - every Thai I know is happy that that is over.

Nobody is really going to prison just for voicing an opinion. We are all voicing our opinions here. Thai websites are the same. People talk about this stuff all the time.

You are, after all, expressing your dissent quite freely here, without risk whatsoever - so please don't try to make out like you are in North Korea.

It's the shit-stirring that has been curtailed - the stuff that was previously bringing people out into the streets. It's not missed.

Well for instance the right to express yourself, the very subject of this thread. In case you haven't read the OP, it handles the detainment without arrest warrant or due process of an individual criticizing the current government and the draft charter they produced.

Now if you find that acceptable behavior you are extremely selfish. People should have a right to criticize, there should be room for debate, otherwise this country will never move forward.

That you have not met those people, does not mean they don't exist, get out that ivory tower and go up north or in issaan, those people do not praise this government, and for good reason. In fact I meet those people even in Krung Thep, the place I suppose you are coming from, considering the violence occurred there and your worries about your wife.

I was here during that time too, and at no point was I worried about my partner being shot, a gross exaggeration of the actual situation. Those worries would have been more appropriate when the army did the shooting back in 2010...

And yes, pedro, people are going to prison for voicing an opinion, there have even been people jailed for liking or sharing facebook posts, again get out that tower, back into the real world.

Your assertion that we no longer have two rival political groups is incredibly naïve. It is only a matter of time until that will become apparent to you.

We are all expressing ourselves on here. You say that people should have the right to criticize - which is exactly what you are doing here. How come you can criticize on here if things are so bad? If regular people are being carted off to jail for Facebook posts, how come you are allowed to post here with impunity. Pretty simple - because the situation is nowhere near as bad as you are trying to paint it.

I am not selfish - the people blocking roads for their 'team' were the selfish ones. The people shooting into those crowds were selfish. The people setting fire to buildings were selfish. And that is the type of behavior that is being curtailed.

As for going to Isaan - I do go regularly and I hear the same story - a total disillusionment in team Thaksin and a disappointment in lack of progress with reform under this government.

As for my partner almost getting shot, she did indeed get stuck in the car with our child in it close the Bangkok Bank near Phra Kanong when someone threw a grenade at it and the military went after them and there was shooting - so please, don't tell me what my family has and hasn't experienced. You have absolutely no clue.

Bottom line - is the military has made it clear that politics is banned. The same politics and politicians that nearly plunged the country into civil war. Watana is one side of that coin.

People so quickly forget that we had blood in the streets.

Watana is a Thaksin lackey. He has been told many times not to say things that would cause divisions - the sort of divisions that saw blood in the streets.

The fact is - a bunch of drama queens want to say Thailand is like North Korea when in actual fact Thailand is just like Thailand has always been - just a lot more peaceful since the coup and most Thais I know are thankful for that.

Ivory tower. You haven't been following the news apparently. What I wrote is factual. Mr Watana was incarcerated without due process for remarks posted on facebook. Several other individuals have been arrested and charged for liking or sharing facebook post. Countless others have had attitude adjustment sessions, simply because their opinion isn't appreciated by the junta.

That we on here are allowed to continue criticizing is simply because the government isn't closely monitoring this site and the anonymity our usernames provide us...

You are extremely selfish, those people were demonstrating for something they believe in, a constitutional right. Spare me the drama queen grenade story, it wasn't as bad as you make it out to be.

In a democracy people do not always agree, hence demonstrations. This junta is trying to make Thailand one happy country by oppressing freedoms that we once took for granted. History teaches us, such experiments always fail and often result in massive violence, the kind which your drama queen grenade doesn't compare.

Thailand most definitely has changed, and not for the better, but to acknowledge that, one needs to enter the real world, something you are obviously incapable of.

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Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!

In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

Edited by 2fishin2
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Which specific "human rights" don't I value?

Myself and every Thai I know is currently about their business in exactly the same way they did before. Well - with the exception of there being no violent political protests, we no longer have 2 opposing political groups dividing the country.

I currently don't have to worry about my wife getting stuck in the car with one of our children and a gun battle breaking out in the street.

I simply have not met the "shitload" of unhappy people you mention. I know hundreds of Thai people and this is one of the topics of discussion. Without exception they are all happy that the violence has passed. Many are dissapointed with the lack of progress but these people are not unhappy with the state of affairs.

In terms of the freedoms lost - these were the freedoms that saw people killing each other in the street. As mentioned - every Thai I know is happy that that is over.

Nobody is really going to prison just for voicing an opinion. We are all voicing our opinions here. Thai websites are the same. People talk about this stuff all the time.

You are, after all, expressing your dissent quite freely here, without risk whatsoever - so please don't try to make out like you are in North Korea.

It's the shit-stirring that has been curtailed - the stuff that was previously bringing people out into the streets. It's not missed.

Well for instance the right to express yourself, the very subject of this thread. In case you haven't read the OP, it handles the detainment without arrest warrant or due process of an individual criticizing the current government and the draft charter they produced.

Now if you find that acceptable behavior you are extremely selfish. People should have a right to criticize, there should be room for debate, otherwise this country will never move forward.

That you have not met those people, does not mean they don't exist, get out that ivory tower and go up north or in issaan, those people do not praise this government, and for good reason. In fact I meet those people even in Krung Thep, the place I suppose you are coming from, considering the violence occurred there and your worries about your wife.

I was here during that time too, and at no point was I worried about my partner being shot, a gross exaggeration of the actual situation. Those worries would have been more appropriate when the army did the shooting back in 2010...

And yes, pedro, people are going to prison for voicing an opinion, there have even been people jailed for liking or sharing facebook posts, again get out that tower, back into the real world.

Your assertion that we no longer have two rival political groups is incredibly naïve. It is only a matter of time until that will become apparent to you.

We are all expressing ourselves on here. You say that people should have the right to criticize - which is exactly what you are doing here. How come you can criticize on here if things are so bad? If regular people are being carted off to jail for Facebook posts, how come you are allowed to post here with impunity. Pretty simple - because the situation is nowhere near as bad as you are trying to paint it.

I am not selfish - the people blocking roads for their 'team' were the selfish ones. The people shooting into those crowds were selfish. The people setting fire to buildings were selfish. And that is the type of behavior that is being curtailed.

As for going to Isaan - I do go regularly and I hear the same story - a total disillusionment in team Thaksin and a disappointment in lack of progress with reform under this government.

As for my partner almost getting shot, she did indeed get stuck in the car with our child in it close the Bangkok Bank near Phra Kanong when someone threw a grenade at it and the military went after them and there was shooting - so please, don't tell me what my family has and hasn't experienced. You have absolutely no clue.

Bottom line - is the military has made it clear that politics is banned. The same politics and politicians that nearly plunged the country into civil war. Watana is one side of that coin.

People so quickly forget that we had blood in the streets.

Watana is a Thaksin lackey. He has been told many times not to say things that would cause divisions - the sort of divisions that saw blood in the streets.

The fact is - a bunch of drama queens want to say Thailand is like North Korea when in actual fact Thailand is just like Thailand has always been - just a lot more peaceful since the coup and most Thais I know are thankful for that.

Ivory tower. You haven't been following the news apparently. What I wrote is factual. Mr Watana was incarcerated without due process for remarks posted on facebook. Several other individuals have been arrested and charged for liking or sharing facebook post. Countless others have had attitude adjustment sessions, simply because their opinion isn't appreciated by the junta.

That we on here are allowed to continue criticizing is simply because the government isn't closely monitoring this site and the anonymity our usernames provide us...

You are extremely selfish, those people were demonstrating for something they believe in, a constitutional right. Spare me the drama queen grenade story, it wasn't as bad as you make it out to be.

In a democracy people do not always agree, hence demonstrations. This junta is trying to make Thailand one happy country by oppressing freedoms that we once took for granted. History teaches us, such experiments always fail and often result in massive violence, the kind which your drama queen grenade doesn't compare.

Thailand most definitely has changed, and not for the better, but to acknowledge that, one needs to enter the real world, something you are obviously incapable of.

.001% of people get involved in politics.

The rest of us get on with life.

You represent the .001% of people that are misled by politicians that use you to put their noses at the trough.

And you call me selfish? At least I'm not delusional.

Thailand has never at any point been a democracy. Thailand HAS been on the brink of civil war, thanks to self serving politicians and the sheep that follow them.

What people are being arrested for is incitement, to prevent a repeat of the above.

The 99.999% of us with any common sense understand this.

Edited by pedro01
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I hate the junta as much as anyone, but if me and fellow 'farangs' had told her what we thoight of her father and his ilk when they were in power, she'd have called us a 'farang' and told us to mind our own business.

Now she turns to foreigners when the boot's on the other foot. Trying to have your cake and eat it.

And by the way, no I don't think her father should be in detention for speaking out. But he probably should be in prison for other things he's done.

Don't include me in your 'us foreigners'
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Ivory tower. You haven't been following the news apparently. What I wrote is factual. Mr Watana was incarcerated without due process for remarks posted on facebook. Several other individuals have been arrested and charged for liking or sharing facebook post. Countless others have had attitude adjustment sessions, simply because their opinion isn't appreciated by the junta.

That we on here are allowed to continue criticizing is simply because the government isn't closely monitoring this site and the anonymity our usernames provide us...

You are extremely selfish, those people were demonstrating for something they believe in, a constitutional right. Spare me the drama queen grenade story, it wasn't as bad as you make it out to be.

In a democracy people do not always agree, hence demonstrations. This junta is trying to make Thailand one happy country by oppressing freedoms that we once took for granted. History teaches us, such experiments always fail and often result in massive violence, the kind which your drama queen grenade doesn't compare.

Thailand most definitely has changed, and not for the better, but to acknowledge that, one needs to enter the real world, something you are obviously incapable of.

.001% of people get involved in politics.

The rest of us get on with life.

You represent the .001% of people that are misled by politicians that use you to put their noses at the trough.

And you call me selfish? At least I'm not delusional.

Thailand has never at any point been a democracy. Thailand HAS been on the brink of civil war, thanks to self serving politicians and the sheep that follow them.

What people are being arrested for is incitement, to prevent a repeat of the above.

The 99.999% of us with any common sense understand this.

Not according to the general election of say 2011 where the voter turnout was 66% or thereabouts.

Yes you are selfish, as long as you can live your shielded live, the rest can shove it, for an immigrant a shameful position, you show no respect for the people that live in this country.

You seem to have no problem with the blatant human rights abuses of this government against Thai citizens, have no problem that several rights have been taken away from those same Thai citizens. You are a guest in this country, and therefore should show those people some respect.

Having an opinion about this government or their constitution has nothing to do with 'incitement' but with freedom of speech, a vital part of the universal declaration of human rights, which Thailand signed.

Common sense, your posts show a serious lack of common sense, as well as a huge lack of empathy towards the citizens of Thailand. I for one would support deportation of any immigrant that willingly supports what the junta is doing.

Oh and by the way, the army has historically always had their noses in the trough, only the most naïve and uninformed people believe otherwise. Know your Thai history, you obviously have no clue whatsoever.

Edited by sjaak327
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.001% of people get involved in politics.

The rest of us get on with life.

You represent the .001% of people that are misled by politicians that use you to put their noses at the trough.

And you call me selfish? At least I'm not delusional.

Thailand has never at any point been a democracy. Thailand HAS been on the brink of civil war, thanks to self serving politicians and the sheep that follow them.

What people are being arrested for is incitement, to prevent a repeat of the above.

The 99.999% of us with any common sense understand this.

The 99.999% of us with any common sense understand this.

Your argument may be right, though I think it is naive, but it is certainly not helped by lying.

You don't know that 99.999% of the population understand anything, and pretending to do so makes you seem a little... 'odd'.

Please try to keep it real, or at least only slightly fictional.

Edited by Winniedapu
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Posts in violation of the UPDATED NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTING IN THAILAND NEWS, specifically these parts:

Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.
Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.
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Probably on orders from Thaksin they are just trying to stir things up..Most of these guys belong in Prison which is they can put this guy. They are already put together a plan before to go the embassy trying to get all the press they can. So when this same bunch giant telling the Americans you farang not your business get out of Thailand they are begging forhelp. Thaksin himself has 13 very serious corruption cases against him which would give him over 100 years in Prison even if the court's gave medium sentences not max.

Put this guy in jail and let him rot.

Bla, bla, bla, Thaksin, bla, bla, bla.

I honestly think that if the junta started murdering little babies that would be OK for a few of the posters because of the bogeyman in Dubai.


Oh dear! Did you forget it was PTP's supporters murdering babies as part of their campaign for democracy?

Trust you to bring up that one horrific incident and paint it as a PTP policy. How ingenious!

And I trust you to downplay the TWO incidents. UDD and PTP leaders cheering from the stage ring a bell?

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Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!

In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

In civilized countries a crime is a crime and elected criminals go to jail. And governments don't try to vote for an amnesty for their friends and for the crimes they are committing while in office - such an act would be considered a corrupt abuse of office.

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Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!

In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

In civilized countries a crime is a crime and elected criminals go to jail. And governments don't try to vote for an amnesty for their friends and for the crimes they are committing while in office - such an act would be considered a corrupt abuse of office.

Amnesty bills are introduced all over the world. Presidents and PMs pardon criminals also. Its normal business and NOT a "corrupt abuse of office"

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Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!

In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

In civilized countries a crime is a crime and elected criminals go to jail. And governments don't try to vote for an amnesty for their friends and for the crimes they are committing while in office - such an act would be considered a corrupt abuse of office.

Amnesty bills are introduced all over the world. Presidents and PMs pardon criminals also. Its normal business and NOT a "corrupt abuse of office"

Not to mention the fact that Thailand currently has an active amnesty for a few coup mongers, One that did not have a single vote from someone with an electoral mandate.

None of these criminals will ever go to jail.

It always cracks me up when coup supporters talk about amnesty and justice.

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Her Father main ringleader of the rice scheme corruption. He should be in jail!
In civilized countries a failed government policy is just that, a failed policy. Population votes during next election, leader voted out of office.

Funny how we have TV members acting like Thais...burn them in the streets, send them to jail. Then sue them when they are "defamed." As I always say, the people of Thailand act like kindergarden schoolchildren.

And to clarify this thread is not about a failed rice policy.

The reason why his daughter is asking for outside help is because she cant look inside because the country and especially the junta, doesnt care about its people.

In civilized countries a crime is a crime and elected criminals go to jail. And governments don't try to vote for an amnesty for their friends and for the crimes they are committing while in office - such an act would be considered a corrupt abuse of office.

Amnesty bills are introduced all over the world. Presidents and PMs pardon criminals also. Its normal business and NOT a "corrupt abuse of office"

Not to mention the fact that Thailand currently has an active amnesty for a few coup mongers, One that did not have a single vote from someone with an electoral mandate.

None of these criminals will ever go to jail.

It always cracks me up when coup supporters talk about amnesty and justice.


They have amnesty for who they want only. People who they feel they can control.

Watana is not one of them therefore his daughter is looking for help..

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Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest

- in favor of the corrupt governments before which want to have their nose in the trough again

in the name of what they call democwacy (whatever they mean with this word or how they think it should be pronounced)

"Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest"

I guess you don't follow the situation in Thailand very closely or you would have known that the junta is perfectly capable of looking bad without any help from anyone.

Whether or not the NCPO is capable (of what you say), the Thaksin owned Pheu Thai party members seem active is stirring up people and emotions (especially on TVF) and denying, or non-denying they do such.

Anyway the letter was dropped (at the Embassy). Don't call us, we'll call you, later, probably, in due time

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Watana is playing a game. He knew exactly what he was doing and that he would end up in detention for "attitude adjustment". Just another in a long line of people using politics for self (long term) gain.

What a shameful and mean spirited post.The profound stupidity of it is also striking since it overlooks a universal practice that democracy activists seek to expose repression - often by dramatic gestures.
So you believe activists make gestures to prove a point. Isn't that what I have written! But if you believe people like him do it for the good of the people perhaps you should be questioning your own judgement.

The profound stupidity is with Watana and family thinking his undramatic gesture is going to have any impact with the US.

It's a pointless exercise to attempt to look into people's hearts.Who knows what the real motivation is? One judges people by what they say and what they do.By these criteria Watana seems heroic.

And you are completely wrong in suggesting that the US and other leading democracies are taking no notice.

"(In the race of life) Always back the horse named self-interest, son. It'll be the only one trying" ( Paul Keating - former Australian PM)

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Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest

- in favor of the corrupt governments before which want to have their nose in the trough again

in the name of what they call democwacy (whatever they mean with this word or how they think it should be pronounced)

"Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest"

I guess you don't follow the situation in Thailand very closely or you would have known that the junta is perfectly capable of looking bad without any help from anyone.

Whether or not the NCPO is capable (of what you say), the Thaksin owned Pheu Thai party members seem active is stirring up people and emotions (especially on TVF) and denying, or non-denying they do such.

Anyway the letter was dropped (at the Embassy). Don't call us, we'll call you, later, probably, in due time

Does anybody understand what this gibberish means? He seems to be suggesting forum members are the key culprits as regards the Junta's shocking reputation by stirring up emotions.This is real Loony Tunes stuff.

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Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest

- in favor of the corrupt governments before which want to have their nose in the trough again

in the name of what they call democwacy (whatever they mean with this word or how they think it should be pronounced)

"Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest"

I guess you don't follow the situation in Thailand very closely or you would have known that the junta is perfectly capable of looking bad without any help from anyone.

Whether or not the NCPO is capable (of what you say), the Thaksin owned Pheu Thai party members seem active is stirring up people and emotions (especially on TVF) and denying, or non-denying they do such.

Anyway the letter was dropped (at the Embassy). Don't call us, we'll call you, later, probably, in due time

Does anybody understand what this gibberish means? He seems to be suggesting forum members are the key culprits as regards the Junta's shocking reputation by stirring up emotions.This is real Loony Tunes stuff.
It is deliberately crafted gibberish posted in order to derail the thread. Engage him and he will come up with more. It's what he does when he wants to close down the discussion but has no arguments, so please just ignore him and he will slink back under his bridge quickly enough.
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Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest

- in favor of the corrupt governments before which want to have their nose in the trough again

in the name of what they call democwacy (whatever they mean with this word or how they think it should be pronounced)

"Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest"

I guess you don't follow the situation in Thailand very closely or you would have known that the junta is perfectly capable of looking bad without any help from anyone.

Whether or not the NCPO is capable (of what you say), the Thaksin owned Pheu Thai party members seem active is stirring up people and emotions (especially on TVF) and denying, or non-denying they do such.

Anyway the letter was dropped (at the Embassy). Don't call us, we'll call you, later, probably, in due time

Does anybody understand what this gibberish means? He seems to be suggesting forum members are the key culprits as regards the Junta's shocking reputation by stirring up emotions.This is real Loony Tunes stuff.

No such thing, my dear chap. I'm not at all suggesting TVF posters are the culprits, only wondering about them as possibly uninformed casualties. But then, your English is supposed to be good enough to now suggest you start to turn deaf when someone writes what you don't like.

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"Another part of the premeditated plan to make the government look bad and to incite unrest"

I guess you don't follow the situation in Thailand very closely or you would have known that the junta is perfectly capable of looking bad without any help from anyone.

Whether or not the NCPO is capable (of what you say), the Thaksin owned Pheu Thai party members seem active is stirring up people and emotions (especially on TVF) and denying, or non-denying they do such.

Anyway the letter was dropped (at the Embassy). Don't call us, we'll call you, later, probably, in due time

Does anybody understand what this gibberish means? He seems to be suggesting forum members are the key culprits as regards the Junta's shocking reputation by stirring up emotions.This is real Loony Tunes stuff.
It is deliberately crafted gibberish posted in order to derail the thread. Engage him and he will come up with more. It's what he does when he wants to close down the discussion but has no arguments, so please just ignore him and he will slink back under his bridge quickly enough.

At times I think us non-native English speakers are better in understanding English than the native English variety. Furthermore you suggest I will avoid an on-topic discussion, but it would seem it's you who tries to do so.

Anyway, the letter is delivered.

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