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area in bangkok


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Hi , its been a while since ive stayed in bangkok ,

Looking at spending a week there soon , I like to be in area that has plenty going on at night , usually stayed in nana in the past , sois 8 and 11 have appealed to me in the past as places to stay , nice sois plus plenty going on around them

Thinking of staying a bit further up around Asoke , how does it compare to NANA area ? or maybe I should stick to Nana

Is it safe to walk between the two areas late late at night and how long does it take ? is there a time at night when you would say for safety I would get a cab now ?


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If it is that kind of nightlife you are after, there is no need to leave the Nana area. Asoke has Soi Cowboy, though.

I believe downtown Bangkok is incredibly safe even at nighttime, though if you are rather crawling than walking after one too many Singha or Chang, then this might be another story

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Asoke and Nana are one BTS stop apart - about a 10-15 minute walk. Very easy.

I have never had any problems at that area at night, even as a female. Though, I have to say that I am not out late late at night.

There are tons of hotels in that area, so depending upon your price range, I dont think you will have a problem in finding something suitable. As you are aware, the area by Nana and Asoke are very active. Lots to see and do, both in daytime (shopping centers, coffee houses, etc.) to nighttime (restaurants, pubs, etc.)

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Nana Hotel, end of Soi 4. The finest accommodation and services available anywhere in Thailand. Why look any further?

Now the breakfast has been moved to the wonderful 60s ballroom it's reminding me even more of the "Grand Budapest Hotel" I love the place.
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