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Civil servant denies copy-paste doctoral thesis was plagiarism


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Civil Servant Denies Copy-Paste Doctoral Thesis Was Plagiarism
By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter

Comparison of a a doctoral dissertation and book published three years earlier. Image: Poe Limkul / Facebook.

BANGKOK — “A Thai Buddhist temple, or wat, is not a building but a place, a complex that serves as a community centre for religious rites, learning, social life, recreation and even festivals," read Wattana Boonjub’s 2009 thesis on Thai architecture.

As a researcher discovered and shared online recently, there was one problem with that and many other sentences from Wattana’s dissertation. Someone had written exactly the same thing three years earlier in a book titled “Architecture of Thailand.”

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1461151588&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2016-04-21

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“I didn’t plagiarize the book. I merely lifted the content for my use,” said Wattana,... “I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithi’s work. I didn’t have enough wisdom to come up with that work on my own.”

Sadly, this a problem throughout the whole education system here. Copying is not seen as cheating, and letting people copy is not seen as helping them to cheat. The last sentence says it all. If this guy doesn't have enough wisdom, he shouldn't get the PhD!

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When Oak Shinawatra was caught carrying papers into an exam the Deputy Director of Ramkamheng Uni dismissed it as no big deal.

There was an outcry about cheating and how it was condoned but nothing happened and the issue, all aspects, died a very quick death.

On a personal note, at the last school I worked at I warned two students about talking during an exam and indicated they would be removed if they continued.

They complained to the dept head claiming they were only talking about ' personal things ' which she accepted and said was ok so surprise, surprise I was warned not to be so strict in future.

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When Oak Shinawatra was caught carrying papers into an exam the Deputy Director of Ramkamheng Uni dismissed it as no big deal.

There was an outcry about cheating and how it was condoned but nothing happened and the issue, all aspects, died a very quick death.

On a personal note, at the last school I worked at I warned two students about talking during an exam and indicated they would be removed if they continued.

They complained to the dept head claiming they were only talking about ' personal things ' which she accepted and said was ok so surprise, surprise I was warned not to be so strict in future.

That's nothing. I caught a whole class studying the answers to a final that was listed in numerical order the same as the final. When I asked them where they got those answers they told me their Thai teacher gave it to them. It was her final test. When I reported it with the proof, I was told they would investigate. Later, they called me into their office and told me it was OK. They then proceeded to tell me I did the same when I reviewed using questions related to the final. Even though I never used test questions and never allowed my students to write it down, and certainly never reviewed in the same order as my test questions were. Studying for a final and reviewing is not the same as memorizing their answers that their Thai teacher gave out in a list.
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As cheating in rampart and a developed art for Thai students, I countered this by structuring 3 sometimes 4 different exam papers using identical questions arranged in different patterns. I also arranged the papers on the desks prior to the students arrival in a pattern that ensured no 2 like papers we alongside, in front or behind each other. Didn't stop the attempts of cheating but ensured the wrong info. was usually past on. ?

Edited by Artisi
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Clearly not compliant with Harvard recommendation on references and citations.

Perhaps the University has 'other standards'

One can only wonder what else was plagiarised? His standing in international community will be questioned I am sure if he tries to publish any of 'his own work'

I have to say I am 'shocked' that such a fine outstanding bastion of education would allow this to happen........NOT

Now how much was that PhD at Chatuchak?

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As cheating in rampart and a developed art for Thai students, I countered this by structuring 3 sometimes 4 different exam papers using identical questions arranged in different patterns. I also arranged the papers on the desks prior to the students arrival in a pattern that ensured no 2 like papers we alongside, in front or behind each other. Didn't stop the attempts of cheating but ensured the wrong info. was usually past on. ?

The problem is even when they fail they still manage to get a pass mark and if the price is right a high one at that.

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When Oak Shinawatra was caught carrying papers into an exam the Deputy Director of Ramkamheng Uni dismissed it as no big deal.

There was an outcry about cheating and how it was condoned but nothing happened and the issue, all aspects, died a very quick death.

On a personal note, at the last school I worked at I warned two students about talking during an exam and indicated they would be removed if they continued.

They complained to the dept head claiming they were only talking about ' personal things ' which she accepted and said was ok so surprise, surprise I was warned not to be so strict in future.

As far as I remember he had to leave the university for one year was allowed to continue after.
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Not only is he dumb enough to plagiarise another's work, not only is he dumb enough to do it so badly he gets caught, but he is so dumb he thinks this is an acceptable justification

"I didnt plagiarize the book. I merely lifted the content for my use, said Wattana, who works as a linguist in the Department of Fine Arts literature and history division. I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithis work. I didnt have enough wisdom to come up with that work on my own.

This guy takes stupidity to a whole new level.

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Not only is he dumb enough to plagiarise another's work, not only is he dumb enough to do it so badly he gets caught, but he is so dumb he thinks this is an acceptable justification

"I didnt plagiarize the book. I merely lifted the content for my use, said Wattana, who works as a linguist in the Department of Fine Arts literature and history division. I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithis work. I didnt have enough wisdom to come up with that work on my own.

This guy takes stupidity to a whole new level.

Stupid, but par for the course.
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unfortunately thai education revolves around face so that students can do as they please and still pass, add a brown envelope to it and you get an even higher grading. The education of thais will never improve until such time as they actually make them all actually pass written exams and not simply use other peoples work or cheat sheets, all that is happening now is the dumbing down of the populace. Many teachers simply do not want to have to "teach", just as police do not want to "police", something to do with an aversion to actually doing what they are paid for but that is very normal here and there is not a lot wee can do about it. Those that run the education department dont want it to change either, an educated populace can think for themselves and will not accept what the politicians simply say, that would really put the cat amongst the pidgeons. If the board simply allow this to go through without any sort of reprimand it will show just how pathetic a thai degree is.

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Software to detect plagiarism is easily available, reliable, and is used by many international schools, the International Baccalaureate system, and, of course, real Universities.

If the universities were concerned about it they would put every submitted thesis through this software test - it could even be done retrospectively and degrees and PhDs stripped from those who don't deserve them.

Will it happen?.......Nah

Read this for further inside view of this broken system;


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As a thesis reviewer for Thai Phd candidates I frequently must remind the authors that proper citations are required when using material directly from sources. The main goal for many Phd candidates seems to be the degree and not the knowledge obtained from the research, thus copying other's work is deemed acceptable. Universities appear to do very little about this and other cheating. This attitude prevents real progress in many fields of research, also many Phd holders become university lecturers. Is it any wonder Thailand lags far behind other ASEAN nations with regard to eduction.

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...wonder why so many 'graduates'....with degrees.....even doctorates......are so inept....???

...no mystery .....

...I was once offered a job 'writing theses'.....I was told 'You could be working for years....there are hundreds, if not thousands to write'....

..I could not bring myself to do it...

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He also questioned the intentions of the researcher who brought the matter to public attention.

This seems to be a major problem in Thailand - attack the person who reveals the crime... coffee1.gif

I'm surprised - amazed even - that he hasn't taken the person who exposed his cheating to court for damaging his reputation. That is the normal way things work in Thailand. Perhaps he hasn't thought of it yet.

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He also questioned the intentions of the researcher who brought the matter to public attention.

This seems to be a major problem in Thailand - attack the person who reveals the crime... coffee1.gif

I'm surprised - amazed even - that he hasn't taken the person who exposed his cheating to court for damaging his reputation. That is the normal way things work in Thailand. Perhaps he hasn't thought of it yet.

Give it time, Lawyers with similar degrees will be consulting judges with similar degrees, who live in houses built by engineers with similar degrees, employing builders with similar degrees, who bank with bankers with similar degrees...........................

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When Oak Shinawatra was caught carrying papers into an exam the Deputy Director of Ramkamheng Uni dismissed it as no big deal.

There was an outcry about cheating and how it was condoned but nothing happened and the issue, all aspects, died a very quick death.

On a personal note, at the last school I worked at I warned two students about talking during an exam and indicated they would be removed if they continued.

They complained to the dept head claiming they were only talking about ' personal things ' which she accepted and said was ok so surprise, surprise I was warned not to be so strict in future.

Did they tell you: "Trust them- they are Thai?"

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As a thesis reviewer for Thai Phd candidates I frequently must remind the authors that proper citations are required when using material directly from sources. The main goal for many Phd candidates seems to be the degree and not the knowledge obtained from the research, thus copying other's work is deemed acceptable. Universities appear to do very little about this and other cheating. This attitude prevents real progress in many fields of research, also many Phd holders become university lecturers. Is it any wonder Thailand lags far behind other ASEAN nations with regard to eduction.

So, do you know why they don't use "turnitin" or one of the other plagiarism software products available? Is it unwillingness to deal with the extent of the problem? fear of loss of face?

Aas the software simply checks the entire internet for similar patterns, it presumably works as well on Thai script as roman. The only sources it won't detect are those never published online, and they are hardly likely to be found by students either.

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A friend used to do work as a proof reader and he used the software available to detect plagiarism.

One paper he was given was from a teacher at a university who was trying to get a PhD and the paper concerned was almost completely copied from other sources.

When this was pointed out the teacher went ballistic and my friend was threatened with everything from defamation to hospitalisation and deportation.

The uni didn't want to know as the teacher was studying privately and it ' wasn't their business ' no matter what he was doing.

Copying etc is not only condoned those involved can expect to be protected which shows exactly the lack of standards and morals here.

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A friend used to do work as a proof reader and he used the software available to detect plagiarism.

One paper he was given was from a teacher at a university who was trying to get a PhD and the paper concerned was almost completely copied from other sources.

When this was pointed out the teacher went ballistic and my friend was threatened with everything from defamation to hospitalisation and deportation.

The uni didn't want to know as the teacher was studying privately and it ' wasn't their business ' no matter what he was doing.

Copying etc is not only condoned those involved can expect to be protected which shows exactly the lack of standards and morals here.

Unfortunately a familiar tale and as others have pointed out when copying, plagiarism etc is discovered the spotlight tends to be turned on the person who identifies it and not the offender.

Sad isn't it but Thainess in all its glory.

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He also questioned the intentions of the researcher who brought the matter to public attention.

This seems to be a major problem in Thailand - attack the person who reveals the crime... coffee1.gif

I'm surprised - amazed even - that he hasn't taken the person who exposed his cheating to court for damaging his reputation. That is the normal way things work in Thailand. Perhaps he hasn't thought of it yet.

Give it time, Lawyers with similar degrees will be consulting judges with similar degrees, who live in houses built by engineers with similar degrees, employing builders with similar degrees, who bank with bankers with similar degrees...........................

And yet. so many poorly-educated Thai women outsmart so many well-educated westerners.

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It was not plagiarism anyway, it was only copy-paste...

It is totally legal, Windows office has it as an open option in Words and Excel documents cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

If i go to Thai university and give them a dictionary, can I also please get a PhD, pretty please?

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