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NCPO appoints new head of Fisheries Department to speed up solving illegal fishing problem


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NCPO appoints new head of Fisheries Department to speed up solving illegal fishing problem

BANGKOK, 21 April 2016 (NNT) - The chief of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) used his power under Section 44 of the temporary charter to transfer the director-general of the Fisheries Department and appointed his replacement. The transfer is to expedite solutions to Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.

The Royal Gazette publishes the NCPO chief’s 17/2559 order which removes Wimon Chanthararothai from the position of Fisheries Department director-general. Mr. Wimon was transferred to the Office of the Prime Minister as a special inspector-general.

At the same time, the department’s deputy director-general, Adisorn Phromthep, was promoted as the new director-general.

Agriculture minister Gen Chatchai Sarikulya said the transfer was made to benefit the country’s efforts to tackle IUU fishing. He stressed that the department had been restructured, increasing manpower to urgently push forward with the plan to eliminate IUU fishing. The minister added that other relevant departments would also be evaluated.

-- NNT 2016-04-21 footer_n.gif

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But I thought it was reported recently the problem of IUU fishing was sorted, the EU inspectors seemed to think so and surely they did a thorough investigation. So what happened ? ?

The "solutions" put in place are rather fragile and dependent on compliance by the unwilling fishing industry and resistance to corruption by the regulatory bodies including the Royal Thai Navy. Technology is also used to track vessels which will need to be kept in good working order and the results processed in a timely and accurate fashion and violations acted on decisively. Possibly designed as a short term fix to escape from the sanctions threat, backsliding will inevitably happen and the incomplete progress made so far will be lost, so sustaining the current improvement is not a given. There are hundreds of boats still tied up with illegal fishing gear just waiting it out in the expectation that rules will be relaxed in time.

Additional to that International press and environmental watchdogs have their teeth into the story and will be on the lookout for further violations of human rights and activities.

So IUU fishing is far from sorted and the short term fix will require strong leadership if it is to become permanent.

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Fishery chief removed for delay in resolving IUU fishing


BANGKOK: -- The Thai government has removed the Fisheries Department chief over his delay in solving the illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing issue.

In an order issued under Section 44 of the interim constitution by Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha and published in the Royal Gazette which was released yesterday, director-general of the Fisheries Department Mr Wimol Jantrarotai was moved to the PM’s Office with immediate effect.

Adisorn Promthep, the deputy director-general, was appointed the agency’s new director-general, the order stated.

Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Gen Chatchai Sarikulya confirmed the removal of the fishery chief reason that his character as an academic has made him unable to achieve the assigned work on schedule, prompting the need for change.

He voiced hope that the new chief could work faster, better and achieve in making progress and resolving the IUU problems.

He stressed the need for change as the one year deadline for Thailand to meet the European Union’s IUU requirement is approaching.

He said he wanted the Fisheries Department to work more efficiently, adding if the new chief still could not achieve the goal, he could also be removed.

EU yellow-carded Thailand on April 21 last year after it failed to resolve the required IUU fishing.

Thailand is expected to report its progress in solving the IUU problem to the EU in Brussels next month.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/160435

-- Thai PBS 2016-04-21

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