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Prayut names Thaksin as plotter behind protests


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The sharp and sustained fall in oil prices is making someone very desperate to be back to the feeding trough...

So are you privy to inside information regarding Thaksin's financial dispositions or are you as usual full of......?

I mentioned 'someone' and you labelled him. You have inside info of my mind?

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Ahh now the PM has even resorted to "but but but THAKSIN!". And of course some of the Prayuth TV fan club have come to parrot his statements.

Perhaps some people are sick and tired of this bully regime such as they were in 92, 76. 74....Was it Thaksin's fault then too?

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Even someone who gets it frequently wrong, naming no names here (hint, the letters P & M), has got to be right occasionally, perhaps this is that time, who knows ?

Or should we believe that the former hero wonder-kid would never ever do such a thing, and if so, why should we think that ?

Because he once promised that he had Quit Thai Politics ? whistling.gif

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

While I understand the dilemma TV faces with respect to what apparently the government is saying you cannot express in public, wouldn't it simply be better to ban all news and discussion of the government rather than make rules that posters are not allowed to either be truthful or say the obvious?

Okay, how about if we call the government a "military regime" (that phrase, by the way, comes from the very first paragraph of the article linked in the original post)?

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We look forward to the evidence that Prayut undoubtedly has - just a tiny scrap of admissible evidence.

Perhaps the PM does not believe that there are Thai citizens with a sense of moral justice?

From the article, "Prayuth, who regularly posits himself as a selfless peace-maker, seemed to immediately regret invoking Thaksin by name."

He who must not be named....

They're trying to erase Thaksin from history, they've already erased him from Thai history textbooks. However when people are risking arrest to express dissatisfaction with the junta, the urge to name a scapegoat becomes almost irresistible.

Edited by heybruce
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Extract from his now infamous rumble with the reporters ' demonstrations could block the charter referendum, just as past protests had obstructed election'.

Is he attacking the Dem and Suthep or just his usual loose mouth. Me think the latter.

​ ​

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Prayut as some obsessive compulsive disorder.

He could fit well with some posters here.

So there are two things we can say :

the Junta is still not able to restore unity (who had any doubt...) as more and more people stand up against their dictat laws

They will raise the favorable opinion to the Shinawatra family by showing the NCPO is worse, far worse than Thaksin

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The sharp and sustained fall in oil prices is making someone very desperate to be back to the feeding trough...

So are you privy to inside information regarding Thaksin's financial dispositions or are you as usual full of......?
I mentioned 'someone' and you labelled him. You have inside info of my mind?

You mean you are obsessed with anyone besides Thaksin?? Man, you need professional help!

Just kidding, yours is a very simple mind to read.

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Whether Thaksin is behind the protests or not, under Thai Law (and numerous examples of previous cases), it would seem that Prayuth can now be sued by Thaksin for defamation of character.

Update - I just read the full exchange between Prayuth and the reporter. IMHO, one of these guys is losing his marbles......

1. Many allege the Thai judiciary are not famous for their independence, nor for dispensing law-based justice. They are better known for far different things. Not me of course, I'm much to circumspect, but many do. Personally I think the Thai judiciary do a splendid job under difficult conditions.

2. I'll bet you I know which one is is marble-less. I'll bet you do too.

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Affiliates of the losers of the last 4 democratic election allowed to rule forever.

Winners of the last 4 democratic elections not allowed to protest about it.

Take that you upstart britches, don't ever forget that you aren't the ruling elite.


Perfect ruling system for Thailand and it's culture and society.

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Ahh now the PM has even resorted to "but but but THAKSIN!". And of course some of the Prayuth TV fan club have come to parrot his statements.

Perhaps some people are sick and tired of this bully regime such as they were in 92, 76. 74....Was it Thaksin's fault then too?

Duh, of course it was!!

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The sharp and sustained fall in oil prices is making someone very desperate to be back to the feeding trough...

So are you privy to inside information regarding Thaksin's financial dispositions or are you as usual full of......?

Oh dear, how swift you are to defend Thaksin by attacking someone who dare comment against him.

And you don't even support him..................................

Thaksin told Forbes the Shin family fortune increased by a whopping 450% during the years of the PTP government. Wonder how much they've increased since?

Edited by Baerboxer
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Ahh now the PM has even resorted to "but but but THAKSIN!". And of course some of the Prayuth TV fan club have come to parrot his statements.

Perhaps some people are sick and tired of this bully regime such as they were in 92, 76. 74....Was it Thaksin's fault then too?

Duh, of course it was!!

So do what proportion of the protests against the Junta do you believe are spontaneous and have nothing to do with Thaksin?

Anyone who thinks he'll quietly go away really doesn't understand the real game or what's at stake here.

Just as all those who took to the street to protest the contrived Amnesty Bill designed to remove all criminal convictions and charges from Thaksin and place him well and truly above the law weren't Junta supporters, or Suthep supporters, so those who protest against the Junta aren't all Thaksin fans.

I wonder what proportion of those protesting the Junta are actually Thaksin stooges as against those that aren't?

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Prayut as some obsessive compulsive disorder.

He could fit well with some posters here.

So there are two things we can say :

the Junta is still not able to restore unity (who had any doubt...) as more and more people stand up against their dictat laws

They will raise the favorable opinion to the Shinawatra family by showing the NCPO is worse, far worse than Thaksin

I don't think he has OCD, though I understand why you might say that. What I do think, is that he is definitely a Narcissist, and probably features the other 2 components of the dark triad as well If he were a patient of mine, I would be recommending medication because I think he's not a very well budgie.

In my opinion, narcissism and psychopathy are extremely common in TL, more so than I recall noticing in any other country, though I haven't lived in them all of course. It seems even more widespread than in the USA by a considerable margin. and that ought to be worrying for the government, though they show no signs of being concerned.

Mental Health in TL is an elephant in the room, even more so than the mean IQ of the population, which is a major contributor to the appalling standards of education here. As I'm sure we all know, education standards and IQ levels are highly interdependent, the better the quality of teaching, the higher the mean IQ and vice-versa. The quality of education and the extent of superstition are inversely proportional - I suspect that successive governments have deliberately kept the population under-educated and superstitious, the more easily to keep them frightened and compliant.

Sorry for the serious tone to what may have been a flip comment, but I do actually think mental health is a serious problem here. As is drinking, a general amorality and very prominent tendencies to violence for what elsewhere would be considered trivial reasons.

Edited by Winniedapu
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The sharp and sustained fall in oil prices is making someone very desperate to be back to the feeding trough...

So are you privy to inside information regarding Thaksin's financial dispositions or are you as usual full of......?

Oh dear, how swift you are to defend Thaksin by attacking someone who dare comment against him.

And you don't even support him..................................

Thaksin told Forbes the Shin family fortune increased by a whopping 450% during the years of the PTP government. Wonder how much they've increased since?

Dare comment against him? I have commented against him numerous times and I will do so in the future, especially if he comes back as (de facto) leader.

What I have an issue with are posters who are spectacularly unable to say anything wrong about the junta because they actually believe the junta's claim that Thaksin is the root of all evil. Un effin' believable!

"And you don't even support him.................................."

Support? I detest the guy but that doesn't make the junta's actions right. We both know that them taking power has nothing to do with ridding the country of corruption and nepotism and everything to do with access to the trough, as well as other matters we cannot discuss.

"Thaksin told Forbes the Shin family fortune increased by a whopping 450% during the years of the PTP government."

Has someone finally found a link to that interview yet? I wouldn't be surprised if he said it but if there is no link then it's not something you can quote.

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Ahh now the PM has even resorted to "but but but THAKSIN!". And of course some of the Prayuth TV fan club have come to parrot his statements.

Perhaps some people are sick and tired of this bully regime such as they were in 92, 76. 74....Was it Thaksin's fault then too?

Duh, of course it was!!

So do what proportion of the protests against the Junta do you believe are spontaneous and have nothing to do with Thaksin?

Anyone who thinks he'll quietly go away really doesn't understand the real game or what's at stake here.

Just as all those who took to the street to protest the contrived Amnesty Bill designed to remove all criminal convictions and charges from Thaksin and place him well and truly above the law weren't Junta supporters, or Suthep supporters, so those who protest against the Junta aren't all Thaksin fans.

I wonder what proportion of those protesting the Junta are actually Thaksin stooges as against those that aren't?

True, too many people treat politics as an either/or proposition; if one is against the junta, they must be for Thaksin, if they're for neither, then it must be Suthep.

Some of us are against the whole sorry lot.

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Affiliates of the losers of the last 4 democratic election allowed to rule forever.

Winners of the last 4 democratic elections not allowed to protest about it.

Take that you upstart britches, don't ever forget that you aren't the ruling elite.


Perfect ruling system for Thailand and it's culture and society.

A clear, concise and accurate summary.

Perhaps "affiliates" could be replaced by "backers"/

But I quibble.

Edited by JAG
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