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Gunman holds up Kasikorn bank in Bangkok, flees with 1.8 million baht

Jonathan Fairfield

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All the ATM's I have seen are changed from inside the bank! Seems a bit stupid changing them outside.

You have seen different ATMs then me.

All that I saw changing the money cartridge were opened from the front below the terminal/keyboard.

Watched this a couple of times in Central Plaza Khon Kaen.

But as far as I remember there was always at least two or more men engaged and a caliber .38.

The good old times are over.

This lax handling of cash money can not go on.

A female clerk carrying around 100'000s if not a million Baht, crazy.

On one my first visits to Thailand I was stunned to see a bank clerk opening the drawer of her desk filled with wades of cash blink.png

what did you expect to see in the desk draw ??

Why, just enough for the next few customers or the next 1/2 hour, as is now SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) through most Western countries. Less money available to steal, less likelihood of a robbery. Safer happier staff. and easier to cash-up at E.O.D.

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On one my first visits to Thailand I was stunned to see a bank clerk opening the drawer of her desk filled with wades of cash blink.png

Where else would you suggest a bank clerk, whose job it is to keep a constant stream of customers supplied with cash, keep that cash? Bank clerks in your country do exactly the same thing.

Have you been into a bank in another country recently? I guess NOT! Such a sight is now most uncommon. These Thai customers aren't all withdrawing. Many are depositing or transacting other things. Even in Thailand I would guess that most money is withdrawn at ATM's and only older people or people withdrawing very large sums would be doing it at the counter. Many customers will be business people depositing cash because Thailand is not big on EFTPOS yet and is therefore still largely a cash society and they are wary of robbery or theft. Furthermore, most people ride motorbikes and do not drive cars. I am sure that here most people only draw a few hundred or thousand at a time as they need it so they are not carrying a lot around on a motorbike. That is what my family here do, anyway. The big problem here with wads of money is that that the biggest Thai bank note is the equivalent of just $US30!!!!!

Edited by The Deerhunter
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On one my first visits to Thailand I was stunned to see a bank clerk opening the drawer of her desk filled with wades of cash blink.png

Where else would you suggest a bank clerk, whose job it is to keep a constant stream of customers supplied with cash, keep that cash? Bank clerks in your country do exactly the same thing.

They don't!

Have you read post #15?

If yes and still don't get the point then I can't help.

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Bank security here is a joke. One gang of 1960 East London Blaggers with a Mk2 Jaguar would have a field day here....and no Sweeney to chase them either !

Ah yes, sitting in he Bangkok traffic in a MK2 Jaguar doing zero miles per hour. Good plan.

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All the ATM's I have seen are changed from inside the bank! Seems a bit stupid changing them outside.

You have seen different ATMs then me.

All that I saw changing the money cartridge were opened from the front below the terminal/keyboard.

Watched this a couple of times in Central Plaza Khon Kaen.

But as far as I remember there was always at least two or more men engaged and a caliber .38.

The good old times are over.

This lax handling of cash money can not go on.

A female clerk carrying around 100'000s if not a million Baht, crazy.

On one my first visits to Thailand I was stunned to see a bank clerk opening the drawer of her desk filled with wades of cash blink.png

Try going to the villages in Myanmar....usually just a box or a bucket to keep the cash.....but no thieves either.

None alive anyway.

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A navy seal stole money?? Impossible. Don't the know every single American soldier is a bonafide hero for life entitled to our undying support and admiration? At least that's what the TV says.

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All the ATM's I have seen are changed from inside the bank! Seems a bit stupid changing them outside.

Most modular type ATM's unfortunately are not the 'hole in the wall (permanently fixed) type ATM, though security should be ramped up on every restock. I wonder where the door security officer was?

Edited by Garry
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All the ATM's I have seen are changed from inside the bank! Seems a bit stupid changing them outside.

Most modular type ATM's unfortunately are not the 'hole in the wall (permanently fixed) type ATM, though security should be ramped up on every restock. I wonder where the door security officer was?

He was robbing the bank.

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All the ATM's I have seen are changed from inside the bank! Seems a bit stupid changing them outside.

I too have seen some - I seem to recall them at places like 7-Elevens where the only parts of the unit that are external are the monitor/keypad and the bill extraction unit.. Everything else is inside... But, this kind of set up seems to be in the minority as most I see are the more traditional front-accessing style.

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