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Bangkok Cabbie Arrested for Attempting to Rape Passenger

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Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

Possibly this is because Thailand does not publicise it's true figures in order to save face... also the big and more important fact is the punishment for such crimes is much more severe in developed countries instead of a small fine and a slap on the wrist, this also goes for most crimes committed e.g. robberies, snatching valuables from innocent people walking down the street - this is a really bad Thai trait. Stealing motorbikes, cars etc. people can expect jail time and not just a small fine & "don't do it again telling off" - Sorry No glass house here check it out..!!!

And just as possible, without any evidence to back up your inane allegation, is your suggestion not being the case.

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Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

No worse than most? You must be joking. Most are backward spoilt mommy boys who think they are allowed to do what they want. The reason why TH does not figure on global rape statistics is because most Thai women don't report rape to the authorities out of shame. Why is that? Because those same backward spolit mommy boys will blame them for being raped. Just as the mayor of Koh Tao said that it was the tourists fault for getting in harms way. It's their mindset, how they are wired, so to see another farang man say they are no different than us; speak for yourself mate but not for all of us

"The reason why TH does not figure on global rape statistics is because most Thai women don't report rape..."

Really? Perhaps you could explain the logic of your daft statement. If the rapes are not reported then, by definition, you cannot know about them in order to make your comment about statistics, can you?

I suggest that based on your weird allegation that it is not the Thai men who are backward.


Why was there no news conference for the Mecedes driver that killed the two students? The rich and famous are immune to news conference?


Just a reminder to all that quote on this blog. We are in Thailand. This is not Europe UK or America.

This is a third world country with third world standards. What is not accepted by the Western World is acceptable by Thai's.

These public transport operators need to be educated about new standards that is acceptable by the western wold.

Plenty of tourist from all over the world is visiting Thailand and experiencing all types of treatment that is not acceptable from these public transport operators.

The penalties on these misbehaving must be striker and not just a slap on the hand and a friendly warning "Don't do that again"

Just a reminder to you, Thailand is not a third world country.

The rest of your post deserves nothing but contempt also.


Why was there no news conference for the Mecedes driver that killed the two students? The rich and famous are immune to news conference?


1. He was admitted to hospital.

2. There was so much publicity that even if he wasn't in hospital there would have been no need.


....another primitive mind....


...so many of them have these primitive excuses.....and they seem to think this is reasonable....

You are right. Except maybe your assumption: "they seem to think..."


" Speaking to reporters at the police news conference, Patiwat claimed he robbed the victim because he needed money to pay off his debt, and he attempted to assault her because he felt “sexually aroused.”

In the twisted minds of a Thai Cabby, it makes it alright to act on one's urges, with complete disregards

to other humans you have entrusted to serve.....

I just hope that THIS cabby, will not end up with a 3,000 baht fine and a 3 months license suspensions

as the cabby earlier this week got....

Better not fine him. Better put him in a room with the girls, Father, Uncles, and Brothers for 30 , minutes.


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

Agreed. But also, if we are higher in the statistics it s because these things occasionally do get REPORTED and also the perps are PUNISHED...


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

No worse than most? You must be joking. Most are backward spoilt mommy boys who think they are allowed to do what they want. The reason why TH does not figure on global rape statistics is because most Thai women don't report rape to the authorities out of shame. Why is that? Because those same backward spolit mommy boys will blame them for being raped. Just as the mayor of Koh Tao said that it was the tourists fault for getting in harms way. It's their mindset, how they are wired, so to see another farang man say they are no different than us; speak for yourself mate but not for all of us

"The reason why TH does not figure on global rape statistics is because most Thai women don't report rape..."

Really? Perhaps you could explain the logic of your daft statement. If the rapes are not reported then, by definition, you cannot know about them in order to make your comment about statistics, can you?

I suggest that based on your weird allegation that it is not the Thai men who are backward.

That coming from a Scouser, hahaha. Typical Scouse logic that only other Scousers will understand.

Just because the rapes are not reported doesn't mean there are no statistics about the rapes. I have a Thai wife who has many many family members and also many many friends.

Before this one I had a different Thai gf also with 100's of friends/family and before that one, etc, etc. After coming to Thailand for almost 20 years and now living here for almost 15 all over the country, one sees/hears a bit more than the average Scouser who doesn't leave Pattaya.

Because I don't have the statistics doesn't mean I don't know how many rapes occur in Thailand.


Notice, if you will, the strong cultural trait of not fully placing blame. I don't know whether it is from the Police, or the journalists, but printing the dumb-ass lame excuses of these perps, which they always do, is tantamount to accepting their excuse and suggesting relinquished responsibilty.

Road accidents are the same: Somchai lost control of his vehicle due to the heavy rain. No, Somchai was driving too fast, recklessly even, for the conditions.


Just a wee note to the apologists; that you guys protect the Kingdom against the average negative farang, bashing the nation or it's people for no good reason at all; ok, there is something Robin Hoodish in that endeavor but that you argue just to be right because you are defending some scumbag taxidriver who tried to rape an innocent woman is beyond my comprehension. It's a simple fact that most things here are not regulated in any way and scumbags from any caliber, hi-so or lo-so, can get away with almost anything here for the right amount of money. So to see some apologists shouting that Thailand is no different than any other country is just pure BS. Human nature is also not the same anywhere. More BS. Culture, upbringing and rules are not the same here as in other countries and the price of life does seem to be much lower here than in most other 'civilized' places. To deny this and even argue endlessly about this is pure idiocy. I'm not saying that one place or it's people are better or worse but some places just have more laws that most people do usually abide to and here it just seems as if Th is more and more becoming like a lawless Micky Mouse nation. Only newcomers, apologists or ostriches would deny this


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

You really have no idea. Clueless in fact.

This is a male dominated society with a totally inefficient police force ...rape scenes are prominent in almost every Tv drama its part of the culture..

They simply dont get reported because

your chances of getting a conviction are zero.

your chances of being shamed are high .

your chances of being blamed for making the man rape you are high.

Rape occurrences here are far higher than in developed nations and anyone who thinks otherwise is a simple muppet.


....another primitive mind....


...so many of them have these primitive excuses.....and they seem to think this is reasonable....

Who is "them"? Cab drivers? Thai people?


Prayuth Chan-ocha has renewed his pledge to stamp out wrongdoing among the taxi ranks, such as refusing to use meters and raping passengers. Good idea, Prayuth.



Crime only occurs because no penalty exist.

Rape. MURDER. Corruption. Tainting a crime scene. Kill 9 and get community service.

I say. Let's all have a banquet.

But for the victims, God Bless You.

If I was a billionaire, I would help.

But alas, I fly low and slow.


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

I know this leads off topic but I can't let it pass. Search Youtube or Google for 'Sweden rape' and you will find out a lot. France, Germany and The UK which you also mentioned are cursed with the same demographic problem as Sweden: This is the problem that the people in several European countries are now forbidden by law to ever mention by name. Norway has the same problem but shouts it out loud. Google "Norway rape" too, Now back to our Thai taxi driver. Dark skin, no amulet chains around his neck.....Hmmmmm I wonder.

PS The US has a rape problem too, as you also quote. It is very concentrated in certain high crime cities with other cities with extremely low rape rates.. It could also be said that in the USA rape largely involves a certain specific demographic but not quite the same one that blights Europe.


" Speaking to reporters at the police news conference, Patiwat claimed he robbed the victim because he needed money to pay off his debt, and he attempted to assault her because he felt “sexually aroused.”

In the twisted minds of a Thai Cabby, it makes it alright to act on one's urges, with complete disregards

to other humans you have entrusted to serve.....

I just hope that THIS cabby, will not end up with a 3,000 baht fine and a 3 months license suspensions

as the cabby earlier this week got....

In the twisted minds of Lakorn scriptwriters, it's romantic for the male protagonist to rape the female protagonist in the story, only to later feel remorseful and fall in love with the female protagonist. Of course, the female protagonist will forgive and accept the rapist.

You can argue that moral education begins at home, but crime prevention must surely start with TV stations.


Just looking at the faces, the expressions and the body language in the photo,....................... the guy in pink is the last one I'd pick as a rapist.just goes to show!


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

All those places are 1st world countries with professional forces. They submit every rape that they process. You wouldn't be able to pay them off to make a charge disappear. Not looked at the list myself, but is Uganda on it ?


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

And this has 'what' to do with regards to the story of a taxi driver raping his passenger in Bangkok?

It happens in other countries so it's alright if it happens in Thailand?

How about Thailand leading the way? It happens in other countries but not in Thailand. That is the headline I want to see.


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

Possibly this is because Thailand does not publicise it's true figures in order to save face... also the big and more important fact is the punishment for such crimes is much more severe in developed countries instead of a small fine and a slap on the wrist, this also goes for most crimes committed e.g. robberies, snatching valuables from innocent people walking down the street - this is a really bad Thai trait. Stealing motorbikes, cars etc. people can expect jail time and not just a small fine & "don't do it again telling off" - Sorry No glass house here check it out..!!!

And just as possible, without any evidence to back up your inane allegation, is your suggestion not being the case.

So how many years in jail has the Red Bull cop killer served so far ?


Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

No worse than most? You must be joking. Most are backward spoilt mommy boys who think they are allowed to do what they want. The reason why TH does not figure on global rape statistics is because most Thai women don't report rape to the authorities out of shame. Why is that? Because those same backward spolit mommy boys will blame them for being raped. Just as the mayor of Koh Tao said that it was the tourists fault for getting in harms way. It's their mindset, how they are wired, so to see another farang man say they are no different than us; speak for yourself mate but not for all of us

Thai soaps (nam nao = dirty water) undoubtedly contribute to the appalling mindset of some Thai men towards women as these soaps commonly feature scenes of men being abusive towards females.


" Speaking to reporters at the police news conference, Patiwat claimed he robbed the victim because he needed money to pay off his debt, and he attempted to assault her because he felt sexually aroused.

In the twisted minds of a Thai Cabby, it makes it alright to act on one's urges, with complete disregards

to other humans you have entrusted to serve.....

I just hope that THIS cabby, will not end up with a 3,000 baht fine and a 3 months license suspensions

as the cabby earlier this week got....

I don't think he thought it was alright .....why would he have fled to Rayong if he did? I assume all law breakers all over the world do it because they have the "urge " to do so?

Oh! for gods sake, keeping on about glass houses and western countries.When i was a kid,i was brought up to respect and love my sisters and brothers.Also to respect my mum and dad.I was brought up to respect women and to treat them as equals.Thai men are brought up in the exact opposite.They see women as just a commodity for their personal use.Women are second class citizens here.Listen to the remarks that even our illustrious leader has made about them.it must be ok if he says so.A sexual emergency because he was aroused.I bet he wouldn't have been so aroused if he knew there would surely be a 7/9 year sentence at the end of it in a nick where rapists are sectioned for their own safety.Remember,a lot of cons have wives and girlfriends who are at risk when their men go to prison.The treatment of women here is despicable,they are seen as chattels, to be used as men see fit.What about the remarks the police have made in sexual assault cases,dismissed completely out of hand.How would it be if your wife/gf was raped by a guy who said she made him feel sexually aroused? 'Oh its ok nomchai,just dont do it again"

Unfortunately.this piece of of human crap will make all the apologies,pay a minimal sum and walk away.

Statistics say about Thailand not being in the top ten,well,thats because the women here have it instilled into them,that everybody will look down on them,that they are damaged goods,that no other Thai man will look at them.What clap trap! but these are the reasons many rapes go undiscovered and women feel they have no right to make a Thai thug lose faith.This is the sort of shit that went on in Dark ages Britain,when the lord of the manor was given the right of Prima Noche.

And this is also the the reason why Thailand is still 3rd world and will never develop any further because of these Archaic and draconian belief's.

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