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Obama warns UK it will be at ‘back of the queue” for US trade if it votes to leave EU


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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.

Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.

Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.

I am neither proponent of the U.K. remaining in the EU, nor exiting the EU. I was simply rebutting the statement that Obama is telling the UK what to do. I do not believe he is. Obama is simply stating that the US will not make a trade deal with the U.K. a priority. What UK citizens choose to do with this information is their choice.
he made the threat of "get to the back of the queue" reffering to a trade agreement. Today i read that he wants us to back him up in a possible war with Russia...we should say "sorry Barry mate, <expletive> OFF, GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE" what goes around comes around.

not really.

This is what happens. The American's say 'jump!'.

You answer 'how high?'

All in the expecation that they'll throw you a bone when it comes to trade talks.

Welcome to the world of not being in the EU....

It is called Realpolitik.....and it only gets prettier from here.

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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.

Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.

Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.

Obama and the US had nothing to do with you giving the power to the EU. YOU decided to do that. You now want a 'divorce' so to speak and there are consequences with that divorce. That's all. It means those deals with the EU that include Britain will likely have to be renegotiated.

Like any divorce, you will lose some things and you will gain some things. Obama is pointing out one of the things you may lose.

It is an internal matter with external consequences.

.....I would suggest that the British be very careful in accusing Obama of meddling in another countries affairs.

the people didn't give our powers away...our moronic, money grabbing government did that...we, the people only voted for the economic treaty EEC, NOT the EU...Get your facts right.

You say Britain must be very careful over YOUR President??? Why? What you gonna do? Invade us? hahaha, you didnt even defeat a third world country, why the threats?

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IMHO, everything Obama touches turns brown and mushy.

Nobel Peace Prize awarded On basis of pigmentation.

The Syrian "Red Line".

Obvious race card player.

Obama, Clinton, and Kerry keep shoving their arrogant noses in other countries business. No one really respects or takes seriously anything that goes in to or comes out of their mouths.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes in contrast to British foreign policy ?.....ha ha. What exactly has the "empire" accomplished since losing it all ? Is Tony Blair being your Middle East envoy for peace the best you have to show ?

Here is the sad fact you will not want to admit. Your government needs the EU markets to keep the economy growing...there is no way out once in. You will hem and haw and demand certain concessions from Brussels but in the end ...NOTHING will change. Face it...because it's coming. Britain is too small to survive on its own as an economic entity in a globalized world. Sorry...that is the fact of the matter. Now enjoy your tea and the taxes you pay to a bunch of curmudgeonly old families who laugh at you as you struggle to make ends meet. House of Lords....what a joke.

Britain too small? You are the joke mate. We are bigger than Switzerland, and they do very well. Too small? We have the 6th largest economy in the world...too small? We give 350 million pounds a WEEK to the EU, and what we get back, they tell us how to spend it. Too small? I think you have mistaken us for a different country mate. We have done it before, and can do it again...too small? very funny, you were joking right? 555
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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.

Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.

Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.

I am neither proponent of the U.K. remaining in the EU, nor exiting the EU. I was simply rebutting the statement that Obama is telling the UK what to do. I do not believe he is. Obama is simply stating that the US will not make a trade deal with the U.K. a priority. What UK citizens choose to do with this information is their choice.
he made the threat of "get to the back of the queue" reffering to a trade agreement. Today i read that he wants us to back him up in a possible war with Russia...we should say "sorry Barry mate, OFF, GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE" what goes around comes around.

not really.

This is what happens. The American's say 'jump!'.

You answer 'how high?'

All in the expecation that they'll throw you a bone when it comes to trade talks.

Welcome to the world of not being in the EU....

It is called Realpolitik.....and it only gets prettier from here.


We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

Edited by Ghostnigel
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USA gave their manufacturing industry away to the Chinese, USA jobs lost, hmmm, so the UK must be worried, hmmmm..

Detroit looks nice this time year, the sun shining on the derelict buildings, its a picture....and Obama wants to tell us how to think?

20 billion in debt, can you trust this man?

Edited by Ghostnigel
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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.

Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.

Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.

I am neither proponent of the U.K. remaining in the EU, nor exiting the EU. I was simply rebutting the statement that Obama is telling the UK what to do. I do not believe he is. Obama is simply stating that the US will not make a trade deal with the U.K. a priority. What UK citizens choose to do with this information is their choice.
he made the threat of "get to the back of the queue" reffering to a trade agreement. Today i read that he wants us to back him up in a possible war with Russia...we should say "sorry Barry mate, <expletive> OFF, GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE" what goes around comes around.

Please provide a link to a credible news site where Obama asked the UK to go to war with Russia.

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We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

um, yeah - clearly you are a bit slow on the uptake.

Clearly you hadn't noticed, your empire faded around the 1940's. Sure you've got few possesions around the place (gibraltar anyone?), but you ain't the superpower you once were.

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We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

Don't mean to bust your bubble, but:



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We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

um, yeah - clearly you are a bit slow on the uptake.

Clearly you hadn't noticed, your empire faded around the 1940's. Sure you've got few possesions around the place (gibraltar anyone?), but you ain't the superpower you once were.

Super power comes with populous numbers, that is why the USA has problems with Russia and China.....

Your contribtion is kindly noted there, Trans.

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We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

um, yeah - clearly you are a bit slow on the uptake.

Clearly you hadn't noticed, your empire faded around the 1940's. Sure you've got few possesions around the place (gibraltar anyone?), but you ain't the superpower you once were.

Super power comes with populous numbers, that is why the USA has problems with Russia and China.....

I believe the current problems the USA has with Russia and China have little to do with the size of their population...a bit off topic...

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USA gave their manufacturing industry away to the Chinese, USA jobs lost, hmmm, so the UK must be worried, hmmmm..

The UK gave up their manufacturing jobs in favour of the service industry a long time ago.

We need to remember that UK governments have little interest in protecting anyone other than the elite. The politicans are either part of the elite, or intending to become part of that establishment. Which is why its hard to believe a word they say, especially when it comes to scaremongering.

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In the UK you can get to govern with 10 shillings in the bank...gigglem.gif

I do believe Obama wasn't very wealthy when elected. Not poor, but far from wealthy. Though that will change shortly! LOL

When you have the backing of George Soros, the Chicago political machine and all the labor unions, you don't need to be wealthy.

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USA gave their manufacturing industry away to the Chinese, USA jobs lost, hmmm, so the UK must be worried, hmmmm..

Detroit looks nice this time year, the sun shining on the derelict buildings, its a picture....and Obama wants to tell us how to think?

20 billion in debt, can you trust this man?

Sorry, Nigel. It's $20 Trillion, with a 'T'.

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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.
Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.
Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.
I am neither proponent of the U.K. remaining in the EU, nor exiting the EU. I was simply rebutting the statement that Obama is telling the UK what to do. I do not believe he is. Obama is simply stating that the US will not make a trade deal with the U.K. a priority. What UK citizens choose to do with this information is their choice.
he made the threat of "get to the back of the queue" reffering to a trade agreement. Today i read that he wants us to back him up in a possible war with Russia...we should say "sorry Barry mate, OFF, GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE" what goes around comes around.

not really.

This is what happens. The American's say 'jump!'.

You answer 'how high?'

All in the expecation that they'll throw you a bone when it comes to trade talks.

Welcome to the world of not being in the EU....

It is called Realpolitik.....and it only gets prettier from here.

We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

It has been my experience that people who are always looking back while trying to move forward tend to stumble.
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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.
Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.

Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.

I am neither proponent of the U.K. remaining in the EU, nor exiting the EU. I was simply rebutting the statement that Obama is telling the UK what to do. I do not believe he is. Obama is simply stating that the US will not make a trade deal with the U.K. a priority. What UK citizens choose to do with this information is their choice.
he made the threat of "get to the back of the queue" reffering to a trade agreement. Today i read that he wants us to back him up in a possible war with Russia...we should say "sorry Barry mate, OFF, GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE" what goes around comes around.

not really.

This is what happens. The American's say 'jump!'.

You answer 'how high?'

All in the expecation that they'll throw you a bone when it comes to trade talks.

Welcome to the world of not being in the EU....

It is called Realpolitik.....and it only gets prettier from here.


We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

It has been my experience that people who are always looking back while trying to move forward tend to stumble.

especially when they have no idea what they are looking back at........

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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.

Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.

Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.

Obama and the US had nothing to do with you giving the power to the EU. YOU decided to do that. You now want a 'divorce' so to speak and there are consequences with that divorce. That's all. It means those deals with the EU that include Britain will likely have to be renegotiated.

Like any divorce, you will lose some things and you will gain some things. Obama is pointing out one of the things you may lose.

It is an internal matter with external consequences.

.....I would suggest that the British be very careful in accusing Obama of meddling in another countries affairs.

the people didn't give our powers away...our moronic, money grabbing government did that...we, the people only voted for the economic treaty EEC, NOT the EU...Get your facts right.

You say Britain must be very careful over YOUR President??? Why? What you gonna do? Invade us? hahaha, you didnt even defeat a third world country, why the threats?

Because it would be bad for the UK, bad for Europe, bad for the USA and bad for the liberal world order generally

Now read up about it or ask a grown up

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USA gave their manufacturing industry away to the Chinese, USA jobs lost, hmmm, so the UK must be worried, hmmmm..

Detroit looks nice this time year, the sun shining on the derelict buildings, its a picture....and Obama wants to tell us how to think?

20 billion in debt, can you trust this man?

Sorry, Nigel. It's $20 Trillion, with a 'T'.

Haha! And here's the thing, it doesn't matter the USD is the reserve currency!

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USA gave their manufacturing industry away to the Chinese, USA jobs lost, hmmm, so the UK must be worried, hmmmm..

Detroit looks nice this time year, the sun shining on the derelict buildings, its a picture....and Obama wants to tell us how to think?

20 billion in debt, can you trust this man?

Sorry, Nigel. It's $20 Trillion, with a 'T'.

Haha! And here's the thing, it doesn't matter the USD is the reserve currency!

Indeed, but that is way over the heads of most.

Edited by samran
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It has been my experience that people who are always looking back while trying to move forward tend to stumble.

especially when they have no idea what they are looking back at........

Or pining for the days when the reliant robin ruled the roads.... Edited by samran
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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.
Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.
Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.
I am neither proponent of the U.K. remaining in the EU, nor exiting the EU. I was simply rebutting the statement that Obama is telling the UK what to do. I do not believe he is. Obama is simply stating that the US will not make a trade deal with the U.K. a priority. What UK citizens choose to do with this information is their choice.
he made the threat of "get to the back of the queue" reffering to a trade agreement. Today i read that he wants us to back him up in a possible war with Russia...we should say "sorry Barry mate, OFF, GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE" what goes around comes around.

not really.

This is what happens. The American's say 'jump!'.

You answer 'how high?'

All in the expecation that they'll throw you a bone when it comes to trade talks.

Welcome to the world of not being in the EU....

It is called Realpolitik.....and it only gets prettier from here.

We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

If you are referring to Samran I think you'll find he's Australian of Thai origin.
Although I could be wrong.
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people are quite happy to tell Thailand wht to do but if someone says something about THEIR country....OOOOOOOOH!

When did a Thai leader invite the leader of another country to come to Thailand and criticize the aspirations of a large part of the populace?

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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.
Ok then, role reversal time....how would americans like it if we told you/they it would be in your best interests to give your country over to the Canadians, and that they will make 60% of american law, and tell you what you can and cannot do. And you will have no control of your own borders. Would you vote for that? No way would you/they.
Before you start saying we voted for this in 1975, we didn't. We voted to join the EEC, (European Economic Community), which in turn changed into this monster. Ruled by the biggest crooks on the planet. No thanks.
I am neither proponent of the U.K. remaining in the EU, nor exiting the EU. I was simply rebutting the statement that Obama is telling the UK what to do. I do not believe he is. Obama is simply stating that the US will not make a trade deal with the U.K. a priority. What UK citizens choose to do with this information is their choice.
he made the threat of "get to the back of the queue" reffering to a trade agreement. Today i read that he wants us to back him up in a possible war with Russia...we should say "sorry Barry mate, OFF, GET TO THE BACK OF THE QUEUE" what goes around comes around.

not really.

This is what happens. The American's say 'jump!'.

You answer 'how high?'

All in the expecation that they'll throw you a bone when it comes to trade talks.

Welcome to the world of not being in the EU....

It is called Realpolitik.....and it only gets prettier from here.

We have another joker in the pack...if it wasn't for the British, you would still be using bows and arrows...read your own history mate, WE made you the way you are. Look at all your town names down the east side, they are all english town names, you are all descendants of the British, you ARE British...55555

It has been my experience that people who are always looking back while trying to move forward tend to stumble.

A good point,that is why the British electorate should be looking at what the Eurocrats in Brussels have in store for the EU in the future. Some of that information is now staring to trickle out,not a good read.
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