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Back in England, Still have Cough from Thailand


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I'll start off by saying I'm 24 years old, slim, vegetarian/vegan - quite a healthy guy.. rarely get sick/ill in England - I was in Thailand for around 3 weeks, this is my third time in Thailand, the first 2 times I never got sick.

so I arrived in Bangkok, Thailand on 30th March, On my first day I met a woman from a thai dating website and we had casual sex, unprotected oral and protected sex, I stayed at her place that night, then went back to my room the next day to rest (didn't sleep much with her) then the next day I woke up with a sore throat, cough, runny nose, mucus etc...

I had travel plans, had hotel rooms booked and paid for In Pattaya, Ko Mak and Ko Kood so I didn't have to see a doctor right away, so I brought some lozenges and just hoped it would go away soon, In pattaya I still had the symptoms and also my left ear started to hurt, so I went to a pharmacy, explained my symptoms and the woman got some pills, said they was anti virals, after taking the medication for around 3 or 4 days I did feel some improvement, runny nose was gone, ear pain gone, sore throat gone, but still had a cough, phlegm..

I felt ok on the islands I visited, until I got back to Bangkok, after 2-3 days returning to bkk, my throat was feeling strange, I had shortness of breath and felt like I was going to vomit after dinner one night, next day I went to Bangkok Christian Hospital in Silom, a nurse done some tests and told me I had no fever, then I spoke to a doctor, told him about the sex on my first night, about my symptoms, he said he thinks its air pollution, dry air, dirty air cons in room etc.. he said he does not think its because of this woman I had sex with, he gives me some anti inflammatory pills and pills for the mucus, tells me to gargle warm water and salt, check my air cons in my room etc..

I also noticed the back of my tongue had a white/yellowish coating

I did feel some improvement in my throat after 2 days of taking the pills, but still have cough and phlegm. I've been back in England now for 3 days, I of course went to a sex clinic to get tested, the nurse told me that HIV doesn't cause flu like symptoms so soon after having sex so I'm sure its not HIV, I got a throat swab, HIV blood test and a urine test, next day I saw a nurse about my white/yellowish coated tongue, she told me to buy anti septic mouthwash, which seems to be working.

I still have a cough and phlegm though, my phlegm is yellow, I am not coughing all the time, but still cough, I stopped taking the medication from the doctor in bangkok because I started to feel worse after taking them (more coughing, discomfort in throat) I'm a little worried as I have a 3 month trip planned around southeast asia starting on 1st June, I have a doctors appointment booked next week in case my cough hasn't gone.

if anyone knows what it could be, any advice/help would be nice

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Play with fire burn your fingers. Or perhaps it should read eat hot (soi) dog burnt mouth !!!

At your age you should be well aware of the dangers associated with casual sexual encounters.You have yourself to blame if it is a sexually transmitted infection.

However it may well be you have a reaction to the air conditioning and possibly an infection related to the delights of the air con system. Pollution from the open environment may well be a factor as well.

Of course there is a possibility it is a psychosomatic health and posting issue, such matters can click together as a bait for such a condition and circumstances.

Edited by metisdead
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Play with fire burn your fingers. Or perhaps it should read eat hot (soi) dog burnt mouth !!!

At your age you should be well aware of the dangers associated with casual sexual encounters.You have yourself to blame if it is a sexually transmitted infection.

However it may well be you have a reaction to the air conditioning and possibly an infection related to the delights of the air con system. Pollution from the open environment may well be a factor as well.

Of course there is a possibility it is a psychosomatic health and posting issue, such matters can click together as a bait for such a condition and circumstances.

the nurse at the sex clinic also told me that its very unlikely that I can get a STD from giving oral sex to a woman, so I think its not that, I think I have a chest Infection.

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It does not sound like any sort of STD; oral gonorrhea has an incubation period of at least a few days and would not cause this sort of cough.

The sexual encounter was likely unrelated, or possibly you picked up a respiratory virus from her, but just as likely could have done so on the plane coming over - air travel is especially prone to this as you are in a confined space with a large number of people breathing the same recirculated air for many hours.

You most likely have a viral respiratory infection but bacterial infection needs to ruled out, as I expect your doctor will do when you see him next week.

Taking zinc or a supplement containing zinc immediately prior to air travel may help reduce the risk of getting a respiratory infection in flight. there is a preparation called "airborne" sold in many airport pharmacies that some people believe is helpful, it contains zinc along with some other vitamins and herbs.

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As we say: Up to You! Get some tests done. What people say and think is irrelevant. An infection can be diagnosed through laboratory tests.Have to say Sheryl's posts are a breath of good sense. Have to disagree though on this one!

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As we say: Up to You! Get some tests done. What people say and think is irrelevant. An infection can be diagnosed through laboratory tests.Have to say Sheryl's posts are a breath of good sense. Have to disagree though on this one!. Pharyngeal gonorrhea can give you symptoms like a "strep throat" Usually there would be no immediate symptoms as it can take up to 3 weeks for them to develop,Something similar to a bronchial infection is a possibility. Sure maybe it was the air con!! Or the hotel cleaning fluid. People die of both in Thailand!

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Play with fire burn your fingers. Or perhaps it should read eat hot (soi) dog burnt mouth !!!

At your age you should be well aware of the dangers associated with casual sexual encounters.You have yourself to blame if it is a sexually transmitted infection.

However it may well be you have a reaction to the air conditioning and possibly an infection related to the delights of the air con system. Pollution from the open environment may well be a factor as well.

Of course there is a possibility it is a psychosomatic health and posting issue, such matters can click together as a bait for such a condition and circumstances.

the nurse at the sex clinic also told me that its very unlikely that I can get a STD from giving oral sex to a woman, so I think its not that, I think I have a chest Infection.

Unlikely? Maybe.....but absolutely possible. If you are worried about it, have them swab your throat and send it to the lab.

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Sounds like oral gonococcal infection. Many STDs in Thailand have a an antimicrobial resistance. If you can't face your doctor go to an STD clinic

Well unless he was going for a training course, I think he did.

I of course went to a sex clinic to get tested, the nurse told me that HIV doesn't cause flu like symptoms so soon after having sex so I'm sure its not HIV, I got a throat swab, HIV blood test and a urine test, next day I saw a nurse about my white/yellowish coated tongue, she told me to buy anti septic mouthwash, which seems to be working.

To the OP: Did anyone prescribe you a course of full spectrum antibiotics, and did you complete it?

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Sounds like oral gonococcal infection. Many STDs in Thailand have a an antimicrobial resistance. If you can't face your doctor go to an STD clinic

Well unless he was going for a training course, I think he did.

I of course went to a sex clinic to get tested, the nurse told me that HIV doesn't cause flu like symptoms so soon after having sex so I'm sure its not HIV, I got a throat swab, HIV blood test and a urine test, next day I saw a nurse about my white/yellowish coated tongue, she told me to buy anti septic mouthwash, which seems to be working.

To the OP: Did anyone prescribe you a course of full spectrum antibiotics, and did you complete it?

no I have not been given any antibiotics

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The more you see of this thread and the O.P who claims he is in England the more I come to suspect looking at the posting times here as compared to the U.K. times he is either a night worker in the U.K or possibly in Scandinavia who lives under a bridge and preys on innocent passers by.

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Likely it's the air. Bangkok air can be very nasty at times. Then there is the quality of any hotels you stayed at and the AC in the rooms. Maintainenceis not a part of the Thai language.

I have been here almost 15 years, and get similar symptoms from time to time. Antibiotics should normally be taken for 5 to 10 days. Maybe you stopped too soon. I do antibiotics only if the symptoms are severe and persistant. Otherwise a good gargle with listerine, or some such, and a change to a cleaner atmosphere should clear it up.

Edited by WhizBang
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The more you see of this thread and the O.P who claims he is in England the more I come to suspect looking at the posting times here as compared to the U.K. times he is either a night worker in the U.K or possibly in Scandinavia who lives under a bridge and preys on innocent passers by.

why you think that ?

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I came over one time with a chest infection and 3 days later ended up in ICU with fungal lung pneumonia.because my apartment was closed up for 3 months it got damp inside and when I moved out I found green like fungal spores in the corners of my furniture.a week of tlc in bkk Phuket hospital and 250,000 baht later I was bouncing up and down bangla rd again.just watch what you eat and stay away from meat as your a veggie.

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The more you see of this thread and the O.P who claims he is in England the more I come to suspect looking at the posting times here as compared to the U.K. times he is either a night worker in the U.K or possibly in Scandinavia who lives under a bridge and preys on innocent passers by.

why you think that ?

Attention seeker! I knew it.

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