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New Eye Hospital in CM ?


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A 96 year old friend recently had a cataract operation and now after a month his vision is not clear but Improving.

His son, BKK based took him to a New Eye Hospital for a second opinion.

My friend is under the impression that the new hospital is on Suthep Rd opposite side to main Suan Dok Hospital.

I use Suthep Rd most days but am unaware of this new Hospital.

Does anyone have any information ?

I have just tried Eye Hospital CM in Google and no luck.


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Is the building you refer to next tot he P.E.T. Centre, in the same parking lot as used by Suan Dok? If so, my understanding is that the centre is part of the Mahraj/Suan Dok complex although others may know differently.

EDIT: I just looked at the map and that land is not part of the same complex so unsure if my answer is correct but can assure you their is a new eye centre and PET Centre at that location, ownership is however unclear.

Edited by chiang mai
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Maharaj (Suan Dok) is doing eye surgery in the newer nine story building that is behind the parking lot on the south side of Suthep Road. That's the same building where Dr. Greg Greer has his office on the fifth floor. So, it's not a new eye hospital, but rather a new location one of Suan Dok's departments.

Interestingly, that building is a mish-mash of both Suan Dok and Sripat outpatient clinics, much like the current Sripat building is. I was taken on a tour of that newer nine story building a few months ago by someone in Sripat's marketing dept and she was showing me all the Sripat clinics in the building (pediatrics, dermatology, obesity, health screening). I saw the eye clinic and asked about that -- oh no, that's a Suan Dok clinic. So, where is the Sripat eye clinic? Still back at the old Sripat building, was the answer.

Doesn't make sense to me. Why not move Sripat's clinics to the newer nine story building and turn more of the older Sripat building on the main hospital campus over to Suan Dok? Of course, I know that someone in their marketing dept. doesn't make decisions like this, but to me it would have been an obvious way for Sripat to better compete with CM Ram and even Bangkok Hospital. It's very off-putting for newcomers to have to deal with seeing a doctor in a Sripat clinic. You walk into the lobby of that building on the main campus, encounter the heaving mass of humanity, no signs in English, an elevator queue and well, let's just say I've heard of several expats who give up at that point, walk out to Suthep Rd. and hail a songthaew to CM Ram.

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Maharaj (Suan Dok) is doing eye surgery in the newer nine story building that is behind the parking lot on the south side of Suthep Road. That's the same building where Dr. Greg Greer has his office on the fifth floor. So, it's not a new eye hospital, but rather a new location one of Suan Dok's departments.

Interestingly, that building is a mish-mash of both Suan Dok and Sripat outpatient clinics, much like the current Sripat building is. I was taken on a tour of that newer nine story building a few months ago by someone in Sripat's marketing dept and she was showing me all the Sripat clinics in the building (pediatrics, dermatology, obesity, health screening). I saw the eye clinic and asked about that -- oh no, that's a Suan Dok clinic. So, where is the Sripat eye clinic? Still back at the old Sripat building, was the answer.

Doesn't make sense to me. Why not move Sripat's clinics to the newer nine story building and turn more of the older Sripat building on the main hospital campus over to Suan Dok? Of course, I know that someone in their marketing dept. doesn't make decisions like this, but to me it would have been an obvious way for Sripat to better compete with CM Ram and even Bangkok Hospital. It's very off-putting for newcomers to have to deal with seeing a doctor in a Sripat clinic. You walk into the lobby of that building on the main campus, encounter the heaving mass of humanity, no signs in English, an elevator queue and well, let's just say I've heard of several expats who give up at that point, walk out to Suthep Rd. and hail a songthaew to CM Ram.

ye go to ram get your eye wiped card swiped new white sick if lucky complete charlatans there, And that's from experience apart from the white stick.
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Really more interested in the quality of service and price than any thing else.

Has any one real information.

I was planning on going to the Ram next week to have a check up. Last year I went there and had the most complete check up I have had in Thailand and was told about a year for the cataract removal.

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