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Englishman 'arrests' ladyboy pickpocket in Pattaya


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A "class A" Englishman thumbsup.gif Really looks like one too coffee1.gif

who goes on a Baht bus trip with £3,000 in his pocket? blink.png

interesting to see that 80%+ of the crime in Pattaya is done by Lady-boys.....

So you have all the crime statistics for Pattaya, do you?

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Quite brave or foolhardy. A large arab-looking man chasing down and grabbing a small Thai man in public.

Could have been an invitation to the passing Thai macho men to give him a good kicking. Lucky it turned out so well.

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The victim has a passing resemblance to Moeen Ali who plays cricket for ----- wait for it ----- England. Many with Asian heritages regard themselves as British and/or English or Scottish or Welsh. They remember and respect their heritages as do many worldwide, including just about everyone in the US, Canada, NZ & Oz who isn't an aborigine (meaning from the beginning). We are all citizens of the World.

Edited by champers
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A "class A" Englishman thumbsup.gif Really looks like one too coffee1.gif

who goes on a Baht bus trip with £3,000 in his pocket? blink.png

interesting to see that 80%+ of the crime in Pattaya is done by Lady-boys.....

So you have all the crime statistics for Pattaya, do you?

Well from the practice.....looks like an Arab or Middle Eastern bloke....afterall when then die they prefer to be buried with everything they own....so the pockets are a vault and the mind a labyrinth.

Good Guy.... lesson learnt I hope....use the banks, if you do not trust the hotel safe or the lady. There are many other possibilities of safely stacking away.

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1) Normally these articles refer to nationality in describing someone (rather than racial or ancestral heritage). If he's go a UK Passport he'll be called British, English, or Englishman (most non-native-English people don't know there's another definition for Englishman) In this situation I suspect he's got a UK passport, so, he's English.

2) How odd he has that much in GBP on him. If he was planning to exchange it, no need to carry 3k on him. And why carry it in such a haphazard manner. Loose bills in the pocket, not even in a wallet? I would never say he's 'asking' for it, but that's definitely risky and he would have no one but himself to blame if it was successfully taken. If he was en-route to a bank to convert or deposit it, it should be kept in a more secured manner than loose bills.

3) That's a lady boy? Is the article wrong?

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Yeah he doesn;t look very 'English'. I was expecting a photo of Hugh Grant.... and the other one looks like 'boy' not ladyboy ....

You don't look much like a national of the country that issued your passport, either.

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He's not English, he might have been born there but I'll bet a penny to a pound neither of his parents or grandparents are English. Just because a pig is born in a stable, doesn't make it a horse.

Your ignorance doesn't change the fact that this gentleman holds a British passport, and undoubtedly has a British birth certificate; that's what counts, not where his parents were born.

You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts!

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Sorry your article should have read English resident, not English man.

Never in a million years is he an English man.

If Born in the UK and holds a British Passport - he's British...

IF you are saying that he can't be British or English because of his looks / race, then I'd suggest you may be fumbling into racist territory.

Daft Bugger though - Carrying £3000 in his pocket in Pattaya, on a baht bus !!... maybe going to a money changer perhaps ?

That said - what other transport options could there be if the 'English' chappy wished to get his money changed ?

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For those that think doubting the Englishness of the victim, he probably has a double passport.

So either he is an Englishman with another passport, or he is the nationality of his other passport and also having a British passport.

My money is on the latter.

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Prior to 1 January 1983 almost any child born in the UK automatically acquired British citizenship. Since then the rules have changed. A child born today in the UK will only have British citizenship if at least one of their parents is a British citizen or was living in the UK with permission to stay here permanently.

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The Thai definition of a ladyboys also includes effeminate males. This caught me out last year when the gf said we were going to visit an old friend, who she said was a ladyboy. So I'm expecting to see a girlish figure, lots of make-up, and plenty of silicone cleavage, what I met was a fat balding guy who was more camp than a bus load of Larry Graysons!

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I hope the readers understand chasing a thief is not recommended even for this sum of money if it costs you your life.

Gangs are more common now and they do carry weapons. When you think you are running after one, three or more can be behind you with guns, knives and stones!

Again the victim didn't use common sense with the sum of money he was carrying, combined with chasing a citizen alone.

If a gang was involved they may arrange a beat down or worse for causing them a nights income. He does have to leave the Police Station! One seldom knows who the gangs work for!

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The yanks have it right,African American etc., this one Asian English would be right,to say English no matter if born there would raise eyebrows

Should say Asian UK the ethnicity,is not "English"

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The yanks have it right,African American etc., this one Asian English would be right,to say English no matter if born there would raise eyebrows

And yet whenever the 'Farang' debate comes up, all of a sudden labelling people by their race is deeply offensive.

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Yeah he doesn;t look very 'English'. I was expecting a photo of Hugh Grant.... and the other one looks like 'boy' not ladyboy ....

Hugh was round the corner in the car getting a good talking to at the time.

Or something to do with oral anyway......................rolleyes.gif

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