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Thailand vs Philippines;more fun in the Philippines; You Betcha.

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I went with a friend to Angeles city a city near Manila and suppose to be like Pattaya. Oh my God after 3 days we didn't know what to do. There was a bad gym, food was horrible could only find something almost decent in the only Mall in the city. Hotel was expensive. Yes the girls were pretty. Was not feeling very safe as most guards in front of super market, bar, disco, hotel etc were carrying pistol or a machine gun. It shows they were expecting that something might happen.

After 10 days I was happy to be back in Pattaya. And yes the only advantage was English.

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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

1. Just understanding them is sometimes the issue.

2. Just often not English words.

3. More varied looks in Thailand - and surly as much style.

4. Because inedible for the most part - rip off western fast food that most will not want a second time.

5. There are no roads to drive on - and those they have are parking lots 9 hours a day.

6. You forget the typhoons and rain?

7. There hands are in your pockets if not asking for cash.

8. Hotels much more expensive - only the beer is cheaper.

9. American brand names at high prices because nothing made locally.

That said there indeed is good and bad to be said for both - as is true of most places.

Yeah, perhaps the OP has rose-colored glasses. I’ve lived and worked in the PI for more than ten years and in Thailand for almost ten years. I first visited each in 1967—and there have been very few years between then and now I haven’t visited each.

The PI has some good things going for it—cheap local rum, gin, whiskey, beer, cigarettes and cigars compared to almost anywhere, especially Thailand. The PI has many more beaches, islands, hills and mountains than Thailand. Almost everyone speaks English in the PI. The girls are less demanding and more available in the PI—and most want out, but are willing to stay with a foreigner. Cases of the cuckolded foreigner are fewer, but still happen. The drivers in the PI are better than Thailand. Marry a Filipina and you get free unlimited one year permissions to stay—don’t even have to leave every year, if you pay a fee.

However, the PI also has its downside. Accommodation is more expensive than Thailand for the same quality, but you can find cheaper if you don’t mind. Food is more expensive and of lesser quality than in Thailand, but if you can subsist on canned beans, corned beef, sardines, saltine crackers, pan de sol, rice, hot dogs, chicken, fish, pork, and limited fruits and vegetables; you can make it. Many more beaches, islands, hills and mountains than Thailand, but the roads and boats to get there are worse. The civil and technological infrastructure is better in Thailand. The weather may be cooler in the PI, but it is prone to natural disasters like typhoons, mudslides, volcanoes. Corruption in the PI makes Thailand look above board. The PI is hampered by Christianity more so than the Thais by Buddhism. The Filipino people always have their hands out and unemployment and poverty are rampant.

So, if your priorities are alcohol, tobacco, women, and unhassled stay; the PI may be better for you.

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Ask any Filipino working here in Thailand and they will tell you Thailand is better on infrastructure, and everything is cheaper , they send money they earn here back to the families but they also send packages full of clothes and food because it's cheaper here. Then add the rain and typhoons they struggle with every year.

That's enough information for me to even consider relocate to Phils.

Edited by balo
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1; everyone[just about] can speak English

2:everything is written in English

3; The women are generally prettier than Thai's,very few fatties,and no slobbing around in football shirts and shorts,every Filipina takes the effort to look good,and are much more fashionable than Thai's.

4: food that does not sear your mouth off,and heaps of western food.

5 Better driving ,Thailand #2 road fatalities ;Philippines #129

6 better climate,since i am here hottest day 33c,most days 29c to 31c,not <deleted> 44c

7 friendlier people,no one gawps at you,no giggles falang this ,falang that,much nicer,they actually seem to like us.


9 better choice of western food in supermarket

If Rodrigo Duterte comes to power on May 9, the Philippines may change dramatically. Becoming extremely unwelcoming for tourists, expats and locals as he's promised "blood in the streets for at least the first 6 months". If Ms Poe wins, I think bloodshed will be averted and it will be a peaceful destination. Please be safe, stay out of their politics.

After living in both countries I'd say it's a matter of personal preference since both places are really, very nice. With their own unique charms.

1. They speak 3 languages. English, Tagalog, and their native island, like Visayan. I love the music! They got lost in time and still play American 80's hits. Actually, their American music is pretty cool and played all over the country.

3. Well now, the women are very pretty in both countries. However, Pinays tend to be more demure, easier, cheaper and uneducated. My ex from the Philippines asked me if dragons were real. She thought the sun was 100 miles above the earth, and the earth was flat. You know what. Who cares if dragons are real. She was super fun to be around! Thai girls can be lazer focused on $, where Pinays are half about the money, and half about making you her boyfriend(They don't have the best options with their Pinoy counterparts who often treat them badly, don't have jobs, drink, cheat on them, have babies and leave them) And, you're right! Thai girls have much more fashion sense. Pinays wear jean shorts and a top. Not much fashion there. Poverty can be to blame. They just can't afford more than the ukay-ukay. However, if you take her to buy some second hand clothes, she will be very grateful and it's cheap. Thai girls want GOLD, name brand, but you can get by at the ukay-ukay & Jolly Bee with a girl from the PI.

4. Thai food is delicious and Filipino food is disgusting. Is this opinion, or fact. (Goat feces soup. Fried chicken intestines. Balut - When should I vomit?)

5. Driving in the provincial areas in the PI. There are no road rules. I drove a dirt bike with a plastic bicycle helmet. It's not dot snell approved, it's just for show. It's okay, all the trikes have taillights out, or a family of 10 riding in 1 trike. No such thing as emissions testing.

6. Climate is same-same, hot & hot.

7. You'll be treated pretty good by both, but Pinays will be flocking to you so much, and so often, that you'll feel like you're Brad Pitt around star struck fans. Even when we're not, it sure is nice to be looked at like that. "You're so gwapo!" (Why, yes I am, thank you for noticing!)

8. Food, electricity will be more expensive in the PI, but beer and girls are cheaper in the PI.

9. I like Rimping supermarket in Thailand. Good food is rarer in the PI. Pink unicorn rare.

*I'd like to add a couple things

The PI is comprised of 7,200 islands. Tubbataha reef, Coron, El Nido. AC is cool, but there's so much more! You can swim with whale sharks off Cebu, Palawan, Donsol. Tarsiars and chocolate mountains on Bohol.

I'll avoid covering what everyone has already said. Thailand has better infrastructure, fast internet, working telcom.

The PI is for laxed island life and a nippa hut. I'm not talking about Manila, or Cebu where you can get fast internet via a satellite dish, because the internet speed is not even close to advertised. The people are what makes the Philippines great.

Edited by seadigital
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Ask any Filipino working here in Thailand and they will tell you Thailand is better on infrastructure, and everything is cheaper , they send money they earn here back to the families but they also send packages full of clothes and food because it's cheaper here. Then add the rain and typhoons they struggle with every year.

That's enough information for me to even consider relocate to Phils.

That's a good point. When we advertise technical positions here in BKK on JobsDB, we get loads of applications from Filipinos. But that doesn't work the other way around with Thais applying when we advertise for positions in Manila.

Interestingly, I was at Above 11 last week and our waitress was Filipina. How do they get work permits for something like that? Or do they?

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Always interesting to hear the excitement of young boys in their first trip to Philippines. It gets toned downed a bit after a few trips, once you get fed up with the food, the dirt and the people. Philippinos have, on average, quite low IQs, which explain why they do the things they do. They are simple creatures and most of them are poor. Poverty and lack of intelligence, blessed with a heavy dose of religion, is the reason why they tend to be friendly. Our Romeo OP would have had a much harder time to take a middle class, educated woman "to the sack after one date" (as he gallantly puts it). Volleyball players (well toned, thanks for the visual Joe) cum maids are pretty common in the Philippines, but they generally emigrate to slave-hold locations like Singapore or Hong Kong to be exploited in exchange for a salary that is 6-10 times more than a maid can earn in Manila. We all want to believe that our OP was generous with her. After all, she speaks English and that is a real plus for monolingual punters anywhere they go.

So your first post and you choose to call me monolingual,i actually speak Thai as i have lived here over 4 years,also,spanish,and some french,also she took me to the sack,something i would doubt would happen to an obvious know all like yourself,as you you seem to be an older rather bitter guy.Good day to you sir.

well said marko, ive been to both countries over the last 15 years and your coments are exactly my thoughts of these 2 countries. I live perm in Thailand now bcoz of my kids but do miss phils very much cheers

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Personally, when considering relocating to a new country, I think it is much easier to maintain objectivity if you avoid getting emotionally or sexually involved with a local. This can really short-circuit the evaluation process, as it is too easy for feelings about the country to become intertwined and confused with romantic feelings.

The danger is that if or when the relationship goes south, the feelings for the country sour as well. You definitely see examples on TVF of guys who become very negative about Thailand after a romantic breakup. I would seek out a place which offers things which attracts you regardless of whether you're romantically involved with someone.

For me, Thailand's appeal is that I feel more socially comfortable here than in my home country. This has sustained me through a lot of relationship ups and downs. I like eating spicy food as well. smile.png

Agree. That's the problem with TV, there's too many guys who've been involved with the wrong kind of women (and their circle of relatives/friends) and come to the asinine conclusion that all of Thailand is like that and out to get them. Unfortunately, you can't argue with stupidity. If one is objective, there's no comparison between Thailand and the Philippines. This is not an indictment against Filipinos. I've met many Filipinos (mostly not living in the PI) and they're wonderful people. But their country is a mess. And they know it.

I will say that the PI may have one advantage over Thailand. If you're a farang seeking to find an Asian wife who wants to relocate to the west, you're better off seeking a Filipino. Most are desperate to leave the PI...unlike Thailand, where most of the "normal" females would prefer to stay in-country. The thing is, once the Filipina is settled in the west, she will dedicate the rest of her life to bringing her family over.

Pinoys are like manure. Spread them around and they can do a lot of good. Leave they in a big pile and they....

That said, one man's meat......

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I have never been to phillipinz but I have been to Thai dating websites a few years back and would always get 50 messages a day from Filipino and zero from Thai. It's desperation.

I was on the Filipino Cupid website several years back and one older Filipina had a go at me because I described myself as a bird that had lost some of its feathers?! "You have a low opinion of Pinoy women." My reply:

While on this site, after minimal contact I was asked:

1) Pay my rent.

2) Pay for my internet.

3) Pay for my school.

4) Pay for my Mother's operation.

5) Pay for my abortion!!

Low opinion? Yes you hit the nail on the head.

After 2 weeks, no reply from her, so I exited stage left.....

That said, one man's meat.....

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The basement restaurant level of Paragon Mall is full of Filipino waiters and waitresses.

So might this mean that we will soon be seeing a headline such as:

Thai Immigration Announces Crackdown on Filipino Waiters and Waitresses


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Having only spent a 5 week holiday in the Philippines, I came away with the impression that the country is beautiful - but far too many of the people were dishonest, greedy, cruel to animals and just obviously not nice people!

It was only a 5 week holiday, so its debatable whether the obviousness of the situation is a positive or a negative.

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Ask any Filipino working here in Thailand and they will tell you Thailand is better on infrastructure, and everything is cheaper , they send money they earn here back to the families but they also send packages full of clothes and food because it's cheaper here. Then add the rain and typhoons they struggle with every year.

That's enough information for me to even consider relocate to Phils.

That's a good point. When we advertise technical positions here in BKK on JobsDB, we get loads of applications from Filipinos. But that doesn't work the other way around with Thais applying when we advertise for positions in Manila.

Interestingly, I was at Above 11 last week and our waitress was Filipina. How do they get work permits for something like that? Or do they?

Bubba, indeed! If you're a typical Anglo-American, then I fully understand how the Russians, so easily, won the Cold War. Loose lips, sinks ships.

"I was at Above 11 last week and our waitress was Filipina. How do they get work permits for something like that? Or do they?"

I'm sure that Filipina waitress (all things considered) would certainly not appreciate you, for posting her business location, on the TVF, for all to see.

Good Morningcoffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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The basement restaurant level of Paragon Mall is full of Filipino waiters and waitresses.

So might this mean that we will soon be seeing a headline such as:

Thai Immigration Announces Crackdown on Filipino Waiters and Waitresses


Thanks to both of your blabbing mouthes, no doubt. Phew!

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Ask any Filipino working here in Thailand and they will tell you Thailand is better on infrastructure, and everything is cheaper , they send money they earn here back to the families but they also send packages full of clothes and food because it's cheaper here. Then add the rain and typhoons they struggle with every year.

That's enough information for me to even consider relocate to Phils.

That's a good point. When we advertise technical positions here in BKK on JobsDB, we get loads of applications from Filipinos. But that doesn't work the other way around with Thais applying when we advertise for positions in Manila.

Interestingly, I was at Above 11 last week and our waitress was Filipina. How do they get work permits for something like that? Or do they?

Bubba, indeed! If you're a typical Anglo-American, then I fully understand how the Russians, so easily, won the Cold War. Loose lips, sinks ships.

"I was at Above 11 last week and our waitress was Filipina. How do they get work permits for something like that? Or do they?"

I'm sure that Filipina waitress (all things considered) would certainly not appreciate you, for posting her business location, on the TVF, for all to see.

Good Morningcoffee1.gif

Sorry Mr. Ben, but for a server who probably encounters hundreds of people in public each week, I did not think I was compromising anything that could remotely be considered confidential. My question was an honest one: how do they get work permits for waitress positions? or do they have one? I have no idea and made no inference either way.

If the mods consider my post an inappropriate disclosure, I have no problem with their deleting my post.

Edited by bubba
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The Philippines is good also

Do not hesitate to check it out at least one time and you will enjoy it also.

Loads of fun and great travel adventures to be had.

Been going there since 1981 and introduced numerous people to the pleasures and fun and adventures to be had while they all had

pre-conceived negative notions about the place because someone they knew told them Thailand is better and they did not like the Philippines for some silly, small minded personal reasons..... so they never had the desire to go there believing it would be better to use their money spent in Thailand...a place they were already familiar with.

But ....When the met up with me in the Philippines they soon regretted listening to the so called know it all advice of others and wished they had come to the Philippines long before and now include it as a regular part of their South East Asian travel adventures.

Once they get to know the Filipina Women as compared to the Thai women they all admit that they were missing out for all those years and given a choice they would marry with a Filipina women before a Thai woman...in their opinion...from their experiences.


Edited by gemguy
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As said security is a very big negative for the Philippines - and those that write here for the most part have lived in both countries so indeed do know some of what they are talking about. I lived there five years and never really felt safe. I suspect that, combined with the extremely high level of corruption, is a major reason that most prefer to leave - unlike Thailand where most prefer to remain. That said there will be some who love it and can adapt well and make a good life there - but for the most part believe majority of those who marry will be pressed to move elsewhere.

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Did she have those big bags under her eyes and a HUGE facial mole?

Personally I hate the Philippines,

1.the beggars don't leave you alone,

2.the hotels are double Thai prices,

3.the food is crap (last time there I got food poisoning from the mall food court),

4.they are lazy and bludgers.

5.try to get any of them to do anything and you get a vacant stare.

6.Manila Airport says it all about the country.

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The Philippines is good also

Do not hesitate to check it out at least one time and you will enjoy it also.

Loads of fun and great travel adventures to be had.

Been going there since 1981 and introduced numerous people to the pleasures and fun and adventures to be had while they all had

pre-conceived negative notions about the place because someone they knew told them Thailand is better and they did not like the Philippines for some silly, small minded personal reasons..... so they never had the desire to go there believing it would be better to use their money spent in Thailand...a place they were already familiar with.

But ....When the met up with me in the Philippines they soon regretted listening to the so called know it all advice of others and wished they had come to the Philippines long before and now include it as a regular part of their South East Asian travel adventures.

Once they get to know the Filipina Women as compared to the Thai women they all admit that they were missing out for all those years and given a choice they would marry with a Filipina women before a Thai woman...in their opinion...from their experiences.


99% of these Filipina women are looking for the Golden Goose to give them a Visa out of the place, and then three years later, once Citizenship granted, leave the poor joker, take him for 50% of his owning and then bring their family out.

They make a Thai professional bar girl in most cases, look like a novice in kindergarten in nappies.

Give me a Thai any day or the week and let that cesspit of a Country that they call the Philippines, rot in its third world conditions.

Source: 25 years of dealing with the Philippines

Security is a large problem. I was in a robbery via gunpoint in my taxi from a driver 13 years ago. I was pistol whipped, had eight stitches to my head and the police did not care at all. The culprit never was caught. I was on my way to Ortigas to a hotel after 13 hours on a plane. It was my 12th trip to Manila. It is the only place in the world; I have had my wristwatch stolen from me. My ex-Filipino wife was targetted one night for being with me and she was robbed at knifepoint when she went to go to a toilet.

On another trip up past La Union, my bus driver advised me not to eat any of the food that I was being offered on the bus as he was afraid it could be drugged. Further North of Baguio, I was looking at some old churches and we had a car following us. The local priest told us there had been a rash of Chinese kidnappings and to be very careful. Stuff you just do not hear in the media. My ex-father-in-law carried an automatic Colt 45 in his glove box.

Yes, I had a good time there as well at times but really, I was drained of most the time looking over my shoulder and having a lecherous family trying to bleed me dry all the time. Food is simply terrible. Don't get me going on elections, the corruption, the pork barrelling, the vote buying, the daily killings that go with it.

For a short term holiday down south to the Islands or across to Palawan or El Nido, you can have an okay time but as for the rest of it, you can have it.

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The Philippines is good also

Do not hesitate to check it out at least one time and you will enjoy it also.

Loads of fun and great travel adventures to be had.

Been going there since 1981 and introduced numerous people to the pleasures and fun and adventures to be had while they all had

pre-conceived negative notions about the place because someone they knew told them Thailand is better and they did not like the Philippines for some silly, small minded personal reasons..... so they never had the desire to go there believing it would be better to use their money spent in Thailand...a place they were already familiar with.

But ....When the met up with me in the Philippines they soon regretted listening to the so called know it all advice of others and wished they had come to the Philippines long before and now include it as a regular part of their South East Asian travel adventures.

Once they get to know the Filipina Women as compared to the Thai women they all admit that they were missing out for all those years and given a choice they would marry with a Filipina women before a Thai woman...in their opinion...from their experiences.


Source: 25 years of dealing with the Philippines

How? You told me you spent most of your adult life in Thailand.

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The Philippines is good also

Do not hesitate to check it out at least one time and you will enjoy it also.

Loads of fun and great travel adventures to be had.

Been going there since 1981 and introduced numerous people to the pleasures and fun and adventures to be had while they all had

pre-conceived negative notions about the place because someone they knew told them Thailand is better and they did not like the Philippines for some silly, small minded personal reasons..... so they never had the desire to go there believing it would be better to use their money spent in Thailand...a place they were already familiar with.

But ....When the met up with me in the Philippines they soon regretted listening to the so called know it all advice of others and wished they had come to the Philippines long before and now include it as a regular part of their South East Asian travel adventures.

Once they get to know the Filipina Women as compared to the Thai women they all admit that they were missing out for all those years and given a choice they would marry with a Filipina women before a Thai woman...in their opinion...from their experiences.


Source: 25 years of dealing with the Philippines

How? You told me you spent most of your adult life in Thailand.

My ex-wife and I worked both here and in the Philippines. We spent most of our time here when we could. My dealings have been mostly SEA based for my whole life working between Australia, Thailand, Philippines, Japan and China. We used Thailand as our main base for eight years from 1999-2007. My first trip to Thailand was when I was 17 and actually, have been coming in and out at that point.

Being smart, I should have married a Thai but I met my wife when she was working for and International Company and this is all history now.

Edit: I still do have dealings with the Philippines now but in only contact to one or two relatives that treated me fine.

Edited by totally thaied up
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after one date,she was living in the hotel with me,forget,"oh they are catholics,you will have to wait" let me tell you she is better in the sack than most Thai bar girls,and yet she is not a bar girl,

Not a bargirl? What else might you call it?

Armed guards everywhere and the food is awful - right?

ps - there are many Thai dishes that are delicious and still not spicy...

You obviously have some difficulties in understanding relatively easy english;

Not a bar girl,well a girl who has not worked in a bar.

Armed guards -yes,food i found some quite good

Ps - i have lived in Thailand for 4 years i know that konk.

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I have never been to phillipinz but I have been to Thai dating websites a few years back and would always get 50 messages a day from Filipino and zero from Thai. It's desperation.

Ye Gods possibly blind as well ,if your avatar looks remotely like your self,or where they Star trekkies.

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The Philippines is good also

Do not hesitate to check it out at least one time and you will enjoy it also.

Loads of fun and great travel adventures to be had.

Been going there since 1981 and introduced numerous people to the pleasures and fun and adventures to be had while they all had

pre-conceived negative notions about the place because someone they knew told them Thailand is better and they did not like the Philippines for some silly, small minded personal reasons..... so they never had the desire to go there believing it would be better to use their money spent in Thailand...a place they were already familiar with.

But ....When the met up with me in the Philippines they soon regretted listening to the so called know it all advice of others and wished they had come to the Philippines long before and now include it as a regular part of their South East Asian travel adventures.

Once they get to know the Filipina Women as compared to the Thai women they all admit that they were missing out for all those years and given a choice they would marry with a Filipina women before a Thai woman...in their opinion...from their experiences.


99% of these Filipina women are looking for the Golden Goose to give them a Visa out of the place, and then three years later, once Citizenship granted, leave the poor joker, take him for 50% of his owning and then bring their family out.

They make a Thai professional bar girl in most cases, look like a novice in kindergarten in nappies.

Give me a Thai any day or the week and let that cesspit of a Country that they call the Philippines, rot in its third world conditions.

Source: 25 years of dealing with the Philippines

Security is a large problem. I was in a robbery via gunpoint in my taxi from a driver 13 years ago. I was pistol whipped, had eight stitches to my head and the police did not care at all. The culprit never was caught. I was on my way to Ortigas to a hotel after 13 hours on a plane. It was my 12th trip to Manila. It is the only place in the world; I have had my wristwatch stolen from me. My ex-Filipino wife was targetted one night for being with me and she was robbed at knifepoint when she went to go to a toilet.

On another trip up past La Union, my bus driver advised me not to eat any of the food that I was being offered on the bus as he was afraid it could be drugged. Further North of Baguio, I was looking at some old churches and we had a car following us. The local priest told us there had been a rash of Chinese kidnappings and to be very careful. Stuff you just do not hear in the media. My ex-father-in-law carried an automatic Colt 45 in his glove box.

Yes, I had a good time there as well at times but really, I was drained of most the time looking over my shoulder and having a lecherous family trying to bleed me dry all the time. Food is simply terrible. Don't get me going on elections, the corruption, the pork barrelling, the vote buying, the daily killings that go with it.

For a short term holiday down south to the Islands or across to Palawan or El Nido, you can have an okay time but as for the rest of it, you can have it.

Hey Buddy ,thanks point taken,look i lived in Mexico and Guatemala for over a year ,hell that sure as was not safe,i looking at Bohol if i relocate,in a month no problems,but i do take your advice on board and thanks for your input.

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