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Pai police arrest three French women found in possession of heroin

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The number of idiots in this world never ceases to amaze.

How anyone can be so stupid as to act this way in this day and age is beyond me.

I have never bought, sold or used heroin but even I know that acting in the manner these fools did could only end in tears.

Addiction is a disease that could happen to you. Sometimes you really should stop and think before posting - is it because of low self-esteem that you constantly try to belittle sick people?

Well they should be addicted in their own country where the penalty may not be so severe. I'm with Bluespunk.....how cold they be so damned stupid??

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They would've been better off going to wat thamkrabok for a detox than thinking of using in Thailand I mean you go on visa runs and see the anti smuggling posters. Dumb move ladies where they really not aware I mean don't they get Big Trouble in Thailand in France

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I met a Swiss guy some time ago who'd travelled up to Chiang Mai to meet up with some friends. They'd all bought heroin from the local police. Dead now. You lot banging on about haha 'druggies', and alluding to their taking advantage of 'our hosts'. So funny laugh.png

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The number of idiots in this world never ceases to amaze.

How anyone can be so stupid as to act this way in this day and age is beyond me.

I have never bought, sold or used heroin but even I know that acting in the manner these fools did could only end in tears.

Addiction is a disease that could happen to you. Sometimes you really should stop and think before posting - is it because of low self-esteem that you constantly try to belittle sick people?

I am belittling their stupidity at walking into such an obvious set up.

Because that's what it was, a set up.

And that's what they were, stupid.

Drug taking as a sickness, not sure? Might be, might not be.

However that's no excuse for acting in such a idiotic manner.

I take no pleasure from their situation, but I have no sympathy either. You reap what you sow.

If you don't know jack about heroin then you have no right to comment one way or the other. Your ignorance speaks volumes. Yeah, all the sociopaths in the world ruining millions of lives have certainly reaped what they've sown, haven't they? Or are you one of those deluded folks who believes "all will be sorted out in the afterlife" but still advocate ruinous laws that further destroy the lives of people already caught in the web of addiction.

Since you're so squeeky-clean and devoid of faults maybe you should start your own religion.

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This thread is going mental - it is like some form of mad addiction is taking place ... to either slag off junkies or defend them coz they have a problem...

I have had loads of problems in life - but never once did I think it might be a good idea to insert chemicals in my body in a foreign country with a biased legal system and jails that resemble something out of a horror movie..... someone even posted they were just planning on "having a bit of fun" yeah ? Fun ? a future sharing one toilet with a hundred other nut cases will be a luagh a minute 5 5 5

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This thread is going mental - it is like some form of mad addiction is taking place ... to either slag off junkies or defend them coz they have a problem...

I have had loads of problems in life - but never once did I think it might be a good idea to insert chemicals in my body in a foreign country with a biased legal system and jails that resemble something out of a horror movie..... someone even posted they were just planning on "having a bit of fun" yeah ? Fun ? a future sharing one toilet with a hundred other chained up nut cases will be a laugh a minute 5 5 5

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Of course what they did was stupid, incredibly stupid. But that's what addicts do. Self-destructive behaviour, but comparing them to rapists and murderers?

Buying heroin indirectly hurts others, to be sure, but their part in that is 1/1000th of the dealers and, if what's commonly said is to be believed, the corrupt cops are liable for.

Lots of kiss-up kick-down folks on TV, and a lot of folks (guys) who probably have drunk way too much beer and lost too many brain cells to follow a straight line of reasoning. Been away for a while, now it's all coming back to me.

Edited by PaPiPuPePo
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I regularly pass through Swampy,with Morphine tablets,plus Morphine syrup,the latter in a sealed plastic bag on open display.

Have never been questioned.

You need to search this forum and elsewhere regarding morphine in Thailand. There will be a time that the inspector doesn't assume that it's perfume. I'm thinking you're getting away with because they would never suspect such overtness.

What you are doing could have dire consequences for yourself. Although I believe morphine is classed category 2 rather than 1 as with heroine there can be very similar penalties available.

You have been lucky.

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  • 3 months later...
On 25/04/2016 at 10:42 PM, garyk said:

I have mixed feelings about this. I have been up there many times, and the hill tribes people swarm down on you selling Heroin, marijuana, Opium. Several occasions they have been so messed up they could hardly walk.

I don't understand why it is legal for them to use it and sell it, but illegal for foreigners to buy it? It goes on in broad daylight in the open. Everyone knows it. The police are there with them? What gives with this?

Does anyone know the answer? I am curious.


Contrary to your assertion, the answer is it is not legal for anyone to use or sell it in Thailand.

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On 25/04/2016 at 10:45 PM, nausea said:

Their naivite,given their ages,is amazing. I think there was an article recently, about some old guy with a crutch, getting busted for buying heroin from the hill tribes. Pays to keep up with Thai Visa (note to self - don't buy heroin from the hill tribes).


"Pays to keep up with Thai Visa..."


Only if you're so ill-informed that you think that buying, using or selling illegal drugs in Thailand is ok.

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On 4/25/2016 at 9:11 PM, alfalfa19 said:

that's because they are smacked out on high quality white heroin. it will soon wear off, and they will be hurtin' for certain. nothing is quite like kicking a high quality white heroin habit.

Kicking a big Benzodiaziapine addiction is worse. 

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On 4/29/2016 at 2:15 AM, andrew55 said:

You need to search this forum and elsewhere regarding morphine in Thailand. There will be a time that the inspector doesn't assume that it's perfume. I'm thinking you're getting away with because they would never suspect such overtness.

What you are doing could have dire consequences for yourself. Although I believe morphine is classed category 2 rather than 1 as with heroine there can be very similar penalties available.

You have been lucky.

Not an issue if he has a legit prescription. 

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6 hours ago, ThaiByNight said:

Kicking a big Benzodiaziapine addiction is worse. 

indeed, that is correct.  kicking a long term valium habit makes kicking heroin, and even methadone, look like a little girl's birthday party.  i know from personal experience, as i took 100-200 mg of valium a day for 10 years.   for a graphic and accurate representation, see the Jill Clayburgh movie:  "I'm dancing as fast as I can"

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On 26/04/2016 at 11:11 AM, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Pai is notorious for the drug market they provide : you can go to nearly any bar and buy weed, opium and other stuff like this. They have literally menus with the prices for each drug on it...

When was the last time you in Pai?  

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I wonder if any tvf members lived in chronic pain which is was so bad that suicide that was the only hope of releif and self medicacating for pain relief and not to get high is your only option. 

Many of yo would feel quite foolish piling on this group of women if that we're the case. 

Don't be so quick to pile on without knowing the facts. 

Things aren't always what it seems and rarely do we see women of age travelling up country to procure heroine. 


What if they we're terminal cancer patients? 

How many smack addicts do you see this sex & age? 

This looked like a trip of desperation to someone that has lost numerous relativives to this insidious disease. 

Some of you sicken me

Edited by ThaiByNight
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