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my girlfriend says she cannot manage on 25000 month

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All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

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Just ask her for an itemised breakdown of her expenses.

Errr, but he should be able to do that himself rather easily, I cant imagine why he cant

25k baht a month at the moment is US$175 a week

Certainly more than enough to live like the thais do, he said Isaan, many families there "existing" off 5000 baht a month

But do you really want your kids to live like that?

The operative word is "girlfriend" in the thread title, likely she wants to tuck some money away, becuase falang wont marry her and she thinks she will get dumped in the not too distant future. As so many girls around her get abandoned by thai guys, let alone falangs.

OP said motorcycle not car, I'd be horrified with mine just driving around with the kids on a motorcycle in Thailand and not in a car, I think the OP is cheap in that way.

All depends on how much the guy can afford in the end I suppose, I will pretty much always take the girls side, especially if there are kids involved

I didnt see what country the OP was from, but tell me if you didnt do the same thing back in your home county it wouldnt cost 3,4 times as much. He said the house is already paid for, and how much did he save on that compared to where he lives back home, 1/2 a million? (dollars not baht)

On the flip side the guy has to make sure there is going to be enough money when the kids grow up

25k a month is enough, but its nothing to really crow about...he said it means the village school.

OP should open a thai bank account, pay for some things directly himself. Whether or not she believes he is going to stick with her you still have to manage her in a way, well not so much her, the rest of the family. He said the parents arent fully dependant on her...what does that mean? by how much? Likely he would not have a clue about how much the father is spending on lottery tickets, the nong chais on whiskey, or its actaully the mother doing the hoarding


All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

Yes. food and real estate is cheap in thailand

But most electronic and consumer goods are maybe only really around 20% cheaper, if at all, depending on what country you come from

If none of the family has a pickup, they cant go to the nearest tesco or the markets and bulk buy. Id imagine it would just be on the motorcycle zooming to the local mom and pop corner store most of the time.

Car is the greater expense, but it cuts the food bill in half. And if the wife or mother has some kind of stall themselves, cant really do that without a pickup, or at least is a whole lot easier


All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

The obvious trouble with is you have got her accustomed to, or rather, expecting, a certain lifestyle.

In the future when your situation changes and you arent earning as much, the s#it will hit the fan when you cant keep up the charade..and it will be bye bye farang.


I have lived in Isaan (Muang Kalasin) for 15 years... The city which I live in is far more "Up Scale" and expensive when compared to Village life... Our house is paid for, vi chicle, appliances and all furniture and such paid for, leaving only our daily living costs to cover...For my GF, her son and his wife, and a 16 year old niece in school, our monthly cost of living runs in the 12,000 to 15,000 baht range... That is without considering my "Farang" Foods and activities which are only for myself and would only add another 15,000 baht... We have two Air Con., two fridges and a freezer, a pond and waterfall that runs 24/7, 3 TV's and Thai Satellite system... Oh, I forgot a Truck and two motor bikes which are paid for...

If your GF can not live comfortably on 25,000 baht per month, she is either giving or throwing money away, possibly to try and show off how "Lucky" / "Rich" she is... The importance of "Face" in a village is unbelievable... Or is hooked on gambling which can plunge her into a debt situation that will end up costing you / her huge amounts of money...

Remember that the above figures are for a larger Isann City, and Village Life could / should be close to half of those amounts...



All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

The obvious trouble with is you have got her accustomed to, or rather, expecting, a certain lifestyle.

In the future when your situation changes and you arent earning as much, the s#it will hit the fan when you cant keep up the charade..and it will be bye bye farang.

Huh? Bye Bye falang.....like when she is 40?, becuase she'll so easily be able to find a thai guy that will be able to match 25,000 a month....and in Isaan no less


I know most of you guys want to believe thats what will happen

But pfffft, as if


All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

The obvious trouble with is you have got her accustomed to, or rather, expecting, a certain lifestyle.

In the future when your situation changes and you arent earning as much, the s#it will hit the fan when you cant keep up the charade..and it will be bye bye farang.

It's not a "Charade" It's a fact. We only have one AC in our B/R, no fancy furniture, outside make-shift kitchen. We don't live fancy but we live a carefree life. 10,000 baht pocket money for myself would be min. per month so why would I expect my lady to do with less. Her friends like to call her "madame" for fun because she can afford things.

Invite us to a birthday party they know we'll have a box of beer to bring. And, by the way I don't buy any farang food for the house as many farang do. We go to Makro buy lots of squid, shrimp, chicken breast, wings and pork. Veggies like asparagus, brocolli. We don't survive on 30baht street food. When her family shows up do we feed them? Of course we do...they help prepare and the wife cooks for everyone.

Could we survive on alot less? Of course we could, but why would we. It's nice to have money.


All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

The obvious trouble with is you have got her accustomed to, or rather, expecting, a certain lifestyle.

In the future when your situation changes and you arent earning as much, the s#it will hit the fan when you cant keep up the charade..and it will be bye bye farang.



Give her 15 or 20 or 25 or 50k a month and she will spend it all before the month is over. She has no idea where it goes because she is paying for everything everywhere she goes no matter who she is with, my guess. I can spend 100k in a month and have nothing to show for it all because it's 100 baht here and 1000 baht there. Everyone has their hand out and when ever you hold back the long faces start. I would bet she has loads of friends and she is the center of attention. Hard to break the mindset as they have an image to uphold. If possible have her list her expenses and show receipts. Electric, gas and water can't be so much so the remaining must be going for food, medical, clothing, school and showing big face with partying ..... She has enough but doesn't know how to control herself.

One last thing, teach her to say NO. This way when people ask her to foot the bill she will have a ready answer. NO !


Give her 15 or 20 or 25 or 50k a month and she will spend it all before the month is over. She has no idea where it goes because she is paying for everything everywhere she goes no matter who she is with, my guess. I can spend 100k in a month and have nothing to show for it all because it's 100 baht here and 1000 baht there. Everyone has their hand out and when ever you hold back the long faces start. I would bet she has loads of friends and she is the center of attention. Hard to break the mindset as they have an image to uphold. If possible have her list her expenses and show receipts. Electric, gas and water can't be so much so the remaining must be going for food, medical, clothing, school and showing big face with partying ..... She has enough but doesn't know how to control herself.

One last thing, teach her to say NO. This way when people ask her to foot the bill she will have a ready answer. NO !

All good advice but the mindset is nearly impossible to change. Something needs to change and maybe, just maybe it might need to be her location. Tell her you want to move her&kids and that she can tell all her local 'friends' that she's moving to a better area.

All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

The obvious trouble with is you have got her accustomed to, or rather, expecting, a certain lifestyle.

In the future when your situation changes and you arent earning as much, the s#it will hit the fan when you cant keep up the charade..and it will be bye bye farang.

It's not a "Charade" It's a fact. We only have one AC in our B/R, no fancy furniture, outside make-shift kitchen. We don't live fancy but we live a carefree life. 10,000 baht pocket money for myself would be min. per month so why would I expect my lady to do with less. Her friends like to call her "madame" for fun because she can afford things.

Invite us to a birthday party they know we'll have a box of beer to bring. And, by the way I don't buy any farang food for the house as many farang do. We go to Makro buy lots of squid, shrimp, chicken breast, wings and pork. Veggies like asparagus, brocolli. We don't survive on 30baht street food. When her family shows up do we feed them? Of course we do...they help prepare and the wife cooks for everyone.

Could we survive on alot less? Of course we could, but why would we. It's nice to have money.

It is totally a 'charade' though one at your expense, the charade being she is showing off to her pals and family at how she's landed a total mug who will bankroll her every whim and throw money at her willy-nilly.

Still, in my experience mugs like you just won't be told and will tell themselves any manner of lies (including posting on fora) to maintain the illusion that they are something more in the 'relationship' than an ATM, getting belligerent and angry when people tell you what you can't see for yourself as you have already done....

All the best for when your money runs out, so will your fair-weathered friends enjoying the lifestyle of 'big spending' down at Makro....

When that happens and she is going to her 'friends' hoping to see some reciprocation for her current generosity at your expense they won't be calling her 'madame' then...


While we're away in the UK our maid is getting 500 sterling (about 25K THB) from us per month, all for going to the house and condo every week, giving them the 'once over', so she's getting 25K THB for four - six days work a month (though she is on 'standby' for emergencies and sending bits to the missus when needed).

She is usually 'live in' but is living the 'Life of Riley' in a nice room near her pals in Khlong Tan, going out to the local singasong bar a couple of times a month, scoffing the local market empty, and sitting getting pssst with her pals most nights....both times we've paid her she's still had money at the end of the month and that is partying it up a bit in Bangkok (albeit a cheap area).

I'd say your missus is having a giggle unless she's gambling, partying every night (even on a small scale) or worst case scenario, running around with a toyboy and supporting his 'fun' with your money.

Apologies if that last part is harsh but in such cases is not an unheard of scenario and is often the proverbial 'Rhinoceros in the Room' in such cases.

Would it be possible to PM me your maids number or Line ....I am hansome man smile.png


While we're away in the UK our maid is getting 500 sterling (about 25K THB) from us per month, all for going to the house and condo every week, giving them the 'once over', so she's getting 25K THB for four - six days work a month (though she is on 'standby' for emergencies and sending bits to the missus when needed).

She is usually 'live in' but is living the 'Life of Riley' in a nice room near her pals in Khlong Tan, going out to the local singasong bar a couple of times a month, scoffing the local market empty, and sitting getting pssst with her pals most nights....both times we've paid her she's still had money at the end of the month and that is partying it up a bit in Bangkok (albeit a cheap area).

I'd say your missus is having a giggle unless she's gambling, partying every night (even on a small scale) or worst case scenario, running around with a toyboy and supporting his 'fun' with your money.

Apologies if that last part is harsh but in such cases is not an unheard of scenario and is often the proverbial 'Rhinoceros in the Room' in such cases.

Would it be possible to PM me your maids number or Line ....I am hansome man smile.png

She's 55 and 'cheer Liwerpoo' so I think that may not be 'up your alley' Mr R


While we're away in the UK our maid is getting 500 sterling (about 25K THB) from us per month, all for going to the house and condo every week, giving them the 'once over', so she's getting 25K THB for four - six days work a month (though she is on 'standby' for emergencies and sending bits to the missus when needed).

She is usually 'live in' but is living the 'Life of Riley' in a nice room near her pals in Khlong Tan, going out to the local singasong bar a couple of times a month, scoffing the local market empty, and sitting getting pssst with her pals most nights....both times we've paid her she's still had money at the end of the month and that is partying it up a bit in Bangkok (albeit a cheap area).

I'd say your missus is having a giggle unless she's gambling, partying every night (even on a small scale) or worst case scenario, running around with a toyboy and supporting his 'fun' with your money.

Apologies if that last part is harsh but in such cases is not an unheard of scenario and is often the proverbial 'Rhinoceros in the Room' in such cases.

Would it be possible to PM me your maids number or Line ....I am hansome man smile.png

I just hope Miss's Red is not reading this Thread mate I have heard she is very handy with a carving knife and has some ducks to feed.


Give her 15 or 20 or 25 or 50k a month and she will spend it all before the month is over. She has no idea where it goes because she is paying for everything everywhere she goes no matter who she is with, my guess. I can spend 100k in a month and have nothing to show for it all because it's 100 baht here and 1000 baht there. Everyone has their hand out and when ever you hold back the long faces start. I would bet she has loads of friends and she is the center of attention. Hard to break the mindset as they have an image to uphold. If possible have her list her expenses and show receipts. Electric, gas and water can't be so much so the remaining must be going for food, medical, clothing, school and showing big face with partying ..... She has enough but doesn't know how to control herself.

One last thing, teach her to say NO. This way when people ask her to foot the bill she will have a ready answer. NO !

That would describe 90% of westerners in their 20s...male or female

Spend the paycheck, never save, waste time trying to impress other people

Oh my god, a thai girl in her 20s does that too, how utterly surprising


All these remarks saying 25,000baht/mo is excessive is also laughable. All this about it being so cheap to live in Issan is nuts. Guess it depends on the earnings of the OP. When I'm home I can blow thru 10,000baht pretty damn quick. A trip to Makro, stop off and get a few things at a hardware store, clothes. Of course the average Thai in an Issan village doesn't live this way. They don't wake up and say Oh, think I'll go to makro or Big C and blow 3000baht on groceries and household items. They can't afford to buy the best formula and diapers for baby. Their kids go to village school, ours don't. We eat good meats and vegetables, if a few neighbors show up around meal time then we feed them as well. The only way to live cheap is to never leave the village.

Most of the responses came from guys on bar stools. Is she giving a little money to family along the way? maybe, probably so.

The way I see it is, If I make 25,000baht in one day working I'm not worried about alittle overspending.

The obvious trouble with is you have got her accustomed to, or rather, expecting, a certain lifestyle.

In the future when your situation changes and you arent earning as much, the s#it will hit the fan when you cant keep up the charade..and it will be bye bye farang.

It's not a "Charade" It's a fact. We only have one AC in our B/R, no fancy furniture, outside make-shift kitchen. We don't live fancy but we live a carefree life. 10,000 baht pocket money for myself would be min. per month so why would I expect my lady to do with less. Her friends like to call her "madame" for fun because she can afford things.

Invite us to a birthday party they know we'll have a box of beer to bring. And, by the way I don't buy any farang food for the house as many farang do. We go to Makro buy lots of squid, shrimp, chicken breast, wings and pork. Veggies like asparagus, brocolli. We don't survive on 30baht street food. When her family shows up do we feed them? Of course we do...they help prepare and the wife cooks for everyone.

Could we survive on alot less? Of course we could, but why would we. It's nice to have money.

It is totally a 'charade' though one at your expense, the charade being she is showing off to her pals and family at how she's landed a total mug who will bankroll her every whim and throw money at her willy-nilly.

Still, in my experience mugs like you just won't be told and will tell themselves any manner of lies (including posting on fora) to maintain the illusion that they are something more in the 'relationship' than an ATM, getting belligerent and angry when people tell you what you can't see for yourself as you have already done....

All the best for when your money runs out, so will your fair-weathered friends enjoying the lifestyle of 'big spending' down at Makro....

When that happens and she is going to her 'friends' hoping to see some reciprocation for her current generosity at your expense they won't be calling her 'madame' then...

I don't understand the emotion showed by some posters toward the OP. Who cares how much or how little someone chooses to give to his partner? Isn't that ultimately his business? He was simply asking how that amount would work for a lady with the situation he described in Issan.

Calling him a mug? That's just plain rude.


He was simply asking how that amount would work for a lady with the situation he described in Issan.

Calling him a mug? That's just plain rude.

And the answer to that question would be 3,000bht a month. Like all the other farming families.

But remember, most of the rural family groups will consist of 3 or 4 adults per dwelling, her living alone is unusual.

Adding to that, most of them are earning at the rate of 100-150bht/day, nobody is giving them money for sitting around.

(Assuming the average rural income of 3,000bht per adult)

25k = mug


I live in a small Isaan village, and although you can get by on 25k, you are not living luxuriously, she may be giving her parents more than you think. It basically comes down to what you can afford. If you are living well and can afford it, why should she not also live well. However if you are skimping, why should she live well?


I do not live with her she lives with the 2 children.The 9 year old attends the villiage school.

Her parents live next door but are not fully dependant on her.


Now how about her brother?


It would be good fun to separate opinions based on country. The ones who call going to Makro and spending 3,000baht "big spending" are most likely Hollanders. Am I right?

It all boils down to how much you can afford. If I was living on a 30,000baht pension then my spending would reflect that. When I stop working my saving money will stop but the money I spend monthly will remain the same. It's called planning ahead.

And for those who advocate leaving the mother of his child over a few dollars, well that speaks well of your character.



Just ask her for an itemised breakdown of her expenses.

Then explain to her how to economise.

Like not spending fortunes calling her farang boyfriends for example.

Or giving her Thai boyfriend drinking and gambling money.

...she is only ever going to tell you what she wants you to know.


It would be good fun to separate opinions based on country. The ones who call going to Makro and spending 3,000baht "big spending" are most likely Hollanders. Am I right?

It all boils down to how much you can afford. If I was living on a 30,000baht pension then my spending would reflect that. When I stop working my saving money will stop but the money I spend monthly will remain the same. It's called planning ahead.

And for those who advocate leaving the mother of his child over a few dollars, well that speaks well of your character.


just went to Makro Ubon this week for my beer Lao consignment and 15 box is 19.350 Baht.



25000 divided by 30 days = 833 bht, seeing as most Isaan folk earn half that figure l cannot see her problem. Many folk with government jobs don't earn 25,000 in Isaan.

Between diapers formula food for 3 that could easily be 400. Now a few thousand for Necessities {clothes, transportation, utilities l soon there will be little left. I haven't found retail shopping any cheaper in issan than anywhere else in Thailand. She also needs money to have some sort of social activities...

Yes its enough and should be ok on that amount but surely she isn't living a hiso lifestyle

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