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LATEST: Vicious Hua Hin mob attack on British family caught on video stuns the world


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0:19The black shirt British guy pushed the Thai guy away. 0:22 the thai guy pushed back n the floor was slippery resulting in the black shirt british man fall. 0:50 Then after some argument the lady slap the thai guy in the face. 1:13 the Black shirt british man proceeded to lock the black shirt thai man in a headlock 1:13 same time the purple shirt british man threw a punch at another thai( guy who had a bottle in hand who got push by the black shirt british and push back in 0:19). Thats when the Thai gangsters retaliated. Study the video closely. Again I don't condone the acts of the Thai Gangsters but it takes 2 hands to clap.

follow the movements of the purple shirt british man from 1:08 to 1:13. it might not be clear but u can see him moving across and throwing a punch at 1:13. watch closely. He punch the thai man who had the bottle in his hand who was pushed by the Black Shirt British man in 0:19, He fell to the ground after being punch by the British man. after which he got up from the floor. Thats why the black shirt thai man broke free of his headlock and walk all the way across to punch him 1st. Mayhem Ensues Thats what actually caused the thais to start fighting.

Its not right how the Thais kick the family and the old lady when they are on the floor. But the British family started it 1st by pushing slapping n throwing the 1st punch. They even punch n knock a Thai man onto the floor. Don't tell me they r 50 n 60. A thai man got knock down on the floor by a punch. They got too much what they ask for. I don't condone violence. In this case I don't condone violent acts from both sides. Its just that the Thais were more violent in retaliation.

Why does the RTP think that its solely the fault of the Thais? Fear or Bad News for Tourism? pls do your job n investigate properly. Every expat i spoke to n when saw the video how i pointed it out in detail saw it too. it wasn't solely the fault of the thais. Please be fair.

should the thai men push back after he was push?

should the Thais punch them n knock the whole family out?

Should the Thais kick the British Family while they were on the floor?

should the Thais kick the old lady on the floor?

should the British shoved the Thai out of the way?( start of this trouble)

should the british lady slap the man?

should the purple shirt punch n knock a thai man onto the ground?

Put away your emotions for abit. I know we dont like it that the lady got kick on the floor.

But fact of the matter is the British family started it n got too much what they ask for. It takes 2 hands to clap. RTP should investigate this case clearly. I have shown the video to my wife n some friends of mine n pointed out in detail what happen. After watching it together with me. Everyone was fair in saying the British should not have started it by shoving slapping n punching the thais and the Thais retaliated too violently. Violence should never be an answer to your anger. It applies to both the British Family n the Thais in this case.

I agree with your sequence of events. The British guy looked drunk and pushed the white shirted guy in a very arrogant and disrespectful way but you then seem to disregard the white shirt guy shoving the British guy who fell and is obviously hurt, upsetting his parents. This is the start of the violence - The British guy was rude the Thai guy caused the first blow (head hitting the pavement). At this point the mother should have not reacted with a slap but we also do not know what is being said that may have wound her up even more. Maybe the Thai guy should have apologised at this point as what he did was far worse than being pushed out of the way.

Where I strongly disagree with you is you seem to say that what the Thais did was justified and no worse than what the British did.

Maybe you should have another look at the video and see how badly hurt each side was - Thai men running away uninjured 3 British hospitalised and you still think the Thais involved were in the right!!! Those animals turned a skirmish into a kicking that could easily have ended up with someone dead. You said "the Thais retaliated too violently" - rather an understatement especially considering the ages of 2 of the victims.

The world is not stunned because there was a fight it is stunned by the level of violence directed at an elderly couple by a group of young Thai men regardless of how it started. That is why it is solely the fault of the Thais!

Anyone who watches that elderly couple being punched and kicked and still thinks they deserved it, needs help.

Chang1, very reasonable reply. I have no idea what transpired prior to this video (that is, if anything did). It not about who is to blame it's about the level of violence. All that was needed was a couple of shoves and then move on, but no it went to the next level. Any man that can't that can't take a slap from an old woman lacks courage, self control and all the rest. Imo, it isn't the original Thai chap that should be taking the rap for this but the one who kicked the old lady while she was down. I know thugs do this elsewhere but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be seen for what it is, pure and utterly uncontrolled violence. Defend yourself, yes! but using sledge hammer tactics was unnecessary in this case.

Complete nonsense.

The situation went "to the next level" because the tourists brought it to that level. They threw the first strikes. Look around 52sec and 1:10sec Both the woman and man throw strikes before any Thai person throws a strike.

Edited by Metapod
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Update re major Thai media coverage.

- Bangkok post - page will not open

- The Nation - still reporting: I.e. <http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Four-arrested-for-savage-beating-of-British-family-30284942.html>

Odd, the BP is my favourite for news

The BIG question is, why were Tourist a Police not out in force and I mean hundreds, to monitor what is an annual piss-up. Add crowds, pushing, shoving, it's amazing there's not more of this. In most other countries, they do celebrate with booze-ups (think St. patricksDay) but it's almost always light- hearted, happy day. There is something black- hearted about what' has evolved for Thais working in these major tourist centres, over the past 20 years. Heartbreaking, really and one reason why we moved far away from a tourist centre.

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The Police in Hua Hin is part of the problem, they show the Local public how to mistreat and discriminate the Farangs, also the Tourist, by only stopping Farangs on Motorbikes, and checking for Driving Licenses and fining them for 1000 Baht, but reducing the Fee to 400 Baht if you ask for a receipt, or stopping only the Farang without a Helmet, the 4 Thais around you also without Helmet are let go. This is not a Police Department what they have in Hua Hin, it’s a shame for Thailand and Hua Hin.

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Beat us senseless Thailand; Mame,Murder and rob us and our sons, daugthers, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, wives, husbands and friends until we are no longer in denial. The government has already stated they can not guarantee the safety of our loosely clad women so where does that leave the lot of us?

Answer to your question; It leaves us not unlike unwrapped candy.

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Shocking to watch.

I believe things will only continue down this slope while police automatically take the side of Thais and only see farangs as potential money providers.

Give them a small fine, a short sentence then maybe a pardon, before letting them loose on the streets again.

Oh, and don't forget to charge the victims for hospital fees, and a fine for overstaying their holiday visa.

You've hit the nail on the head. These thugs are quite confident they will get away with the most minimum of punishment. And they are probably right.

A message needs to be sent out that this sort of behavior will not be tolerated. Don't hold your breath......

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I have read the posts on this in both threads and I am frankly amazed at the lack of understanding of the chain of events and those that hate all Thais and want street justice to prevail. If the posters on this site are any example, is it no wonder the World is such a violent place.

The video is explicit and shows the escalation occurred because the British woman slapped the Thai man and her husband struck someone. Had this not occurred- there would have been no escalation. All the Brits had to do was move on...they move on....no issue. However, the reaction by the Thais to the punch and slap was excessive and the actions were violent and a violent assault. The Brits should be charged with simple misdemeanor assault and the Thais with felony assault. Compensation should be paid to the Brits for hospital expenses etc. However, the Brits should be chastised by the court that striking another individual is not justified except in self defense (which this was not). They should be fined and released. All parties should be encouraged to seek anger and alcohol counselling. I cannot even imagine my grandmother or grandfather acting in such a way in a foreign country let alone their own. People have forgoten what responsible behavior is. The same can be said of the Thais involved. In addition, the onlookers who just stood and watched this without intervention should all be ashamed and given a stern lecture by the court. I would round as many of them up and march them in for a 'scolding'.

I fully agree that alcohol fueled this incident and where were the police/army. This was Songkran- a holiday noted for over indulgence and the incident was outside a bar district. there should have been a visible police presence that could have nipped this whole incident in the bud. Songkran has developed into a drunken festival akin to a 10 day full moon party. The authorities have lost control of the populace and need to be called out on it.

I hope the actual truth of this incident is fully publicized because all parties bear responsibility- the Brits; the Thai attackers; the onlookers who did nothing; the police and the government. Thailand indeed looks bad but so does humanity in general.

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The details seem clearer on this video, starting from the left of the screen:


A shocking and horrific incident !

Thanks, it is much easier to see exactly how the events unfolded in the video you posted the link to.

Thank you for that link.

Seems like the son started this. The old lady escalated the whole event by jumping in the man's face and slapping him. Dad sucker punched the guy in the black shirt, who retaliated. Mom mouthed off again and then things exploded.

Search you tube for 'when women attack men'. It is mostly from America, but the women instigate fights, assault men and think they can get away with it.


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This looks bad on Thailand but it wasn't the Thai's who started it so much. The dad in the flowery shirt was the first to punch and the guy who got punched just came back around to seek revenge, the old lady was just caught up in all drunk rage.

They didn't deserve the beating they got because they were old and drunk and the Thai was drunk also and should have Jai Yen Yen

Are you serious? Regardless of who was responsible for the first brush and whatever perceived rudeness that involved, you suggest that the Thai response was only disproportionate because the victims are elderly? Did you look at the video, the King hitting, violent face stomping? On what level and in what fantasy could this ever be a justified response, regardless of age...ok if the victims were 30 or 40 rather than 60s?

This was an attempt to kill these people. Any reasonable person, looking at the video, would conclude that this was attempted murder. A full force stomp to the unprotected head of a defenceless victim= attempted murder. That is what the charge should be. I hope they rot in prison. Being drunk and stupid is not an excuse: these are violent psychopaths

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This looks bad on Thailand but it wasn't the Thai's who started it so much. The dad in the flowery shirt was the first to punch and the guy who got punched just came back around to seek revenge, the old lady was just caught up in all drunk rage.

They didn't deserve the beating they got because they were old and drunk and the Thai was drunk also and should have Jai Yen Yen

Are you serious? Regardless of who was responsible for the first brush and whatever perceived rudeness that involved, you suggest that the Thai response was only disproportionate because the victims are elderly? Did you look at the video, the King hitting, violent face stomping? On what level and in what fantasy could this ever be a justified response, regardless of age...ok if the victims were 30 or 40 rather than 60s?

This was an attempt to kill these people. Any reasonable person, looking at the video, would conclude that this was attempted murder. A full force stomp to the unprotected head of a defenceless victim= attempted murder. That is what the charge should be. I hope they rot in prison. Being drunk and stupid is not an excuse: these are violent psychopaths

Attempted murder?

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YOU need to sit quietly and study the video footage and you'll see very clearly that the woman started things by slapping the Thai mans face, this was followed by her son punching another Thai. I know that doesn't fit well with what you want but that is what happened and you can't change that.

As awful as this is, it underlines my number one rule that I advise expats and tourists to adhere to when in Thailand:

1. Do not get into an argument, heated discussion or fight with a Thai person for whatever reason, no matter how justified you are.

There are some (many) Thai people who do not have our (Western) sense of social decorum when it comes to disputes. They are not unlike the 'hoodies' or 'skinheads' in Britain who would knife you if you just looked at them funny, which might be no more than a curious stare lasting more than 3 seconds!

If you rile a Thai person, particularly if it's done in public (e.g. disputing the quality of work of a builder in front of his subordinates, or swearing at a Thai person in a bar) seems to flip them over the edge and they will become hell-bent on taking out a vendetta. If the Thai person is drunk then it'll usually trigger an OTT response there and then, or at most within the next hour or so (knifing or shooting, maybe physical blows, kicking, punching or a striking you with a deadly object). If not so drunk, the incident may simmer in his (or her) mind and friends will be called, you will be ambushed later on and either beaten up (if you're lucky) or knifed or shot.

No matter how it goes against the grain of our sense of principle or fairness, the only way to avoid a dangerous escalation is simply to smile, even apologize, and walk away!

I don't condone the cowardly behavior seen in the video, but you can't change deep resentments and senseless violence by complaining about it (or punishing the perpetrators). You wouldn't get annoyed and so pick a fight with a hyena or a mad dog, no matter what it did to you. You can't defend yourself against a vicious animal. All the animal wants to do is to destroy you. It has no human or social perspective.

In the same way, treat a slighted Thai person like a potentially vicious animal.

Smile. Apologize. Back away.

You may suffer from indignation, humiliation or feelings of impotence, but surely you're grown up enough to handle that, right? We are civilized Westerners, after all!


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Quite amazing really that after 14 pages on this thread and 26 pages on the other, the issues have been identified time and time again yet the hang em high brigade still keeps coming, maybe they can't read, just write, dunno.

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Funny how everybody is an expert the events that transpired by using a grainy CCTV video. Whoever, whatever started this incident does not rise to the level of "beating" the tourists experienced.

Some people say the Brits started it, some Thai. I doubt the Brits started it even though it seems they look to have "thrown the first punch". The first punch does not make the instigator. I doubt a woman would slap a person without due cause.

Bottom line, Thais are aggressive and with alcohol or even drugs its worse.

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0:19The black shirt British guy pushed the Thai guy away. 0:22 the thai guy pushed back n the floor was slippery resulting in the black shirt british man fall. 0:50 Then after some argument the lady slap the thai guy in the face. 1:13 the Black shirt british man proceeded to lock the black shirt thai man in a headlock 1:13 same time the purple shirt british man threw a punch at another thai( guy who had a bottle in hand who got push by the black shirt british and push back in 0:19). Thats when the Thai gangsters retaliated. Study the video closely. Again I don't condone the acts of the Thai Gangsters but it takes 2 hands to clap.

follow the movements of the purple shirt british man from 1:08 to 1:13. it might not be clear but u can see him moving across and throwing a punch at 1:13. watch closely. He punch the thai man who had the bottle in his hand who was pushed by the Black Shirt British man in 0:19, He fell to the ground after being punch by the British man. after which he got up from the floor. Thats why the black shirt thai man broke free of his headlock and walk all the way across to punch him 1st. Mayhem Ensues Thats what actually caused the thais to start fighting.

Its not right how the Thais kick the family and the old lady when they are on the floor. But the British family started it 1st by pushing slapping n throwing the 1st punch. They even punch n knock a Thai man onto the floor. Don't tell me they r 50 n 60. A thai man got knock down on the floor by a punch. They got too much what they ask for. I don't condone violence. In this case I don't condone violent acts from both sides. Its just that the Thais were more violent in retaliation.

Why does the RTP think that its solely the fault of the Thais? Fear or Bad News for Tourism? pls do your job n investigate properly. Every expat i spoke to n when saw the video how i pointed it out in detail saw it too. it wasn't solely the fault of the thais. Please be fair.

should the thai men push back after he was push?

should the Thais punch them n knock the whole family out?

Should the Thais kick the British Family while they were on the floor?

should the Thais kick the old lady on the floor?

should the British shoved the Thai out of the way?( start of this trouble)

should the british lady slap the man?

should the purple shirt punch n knock a thai man onto the ground?

Put away your emotions for abit. I know we dont like it that the lady got kick on the floor.

But fact of the matter is the British family started it n got too much what they ask for. It takes 2 hands to clap. RTP should investigate this case clearly. I have shown the video to my wife n some friends of mine n pointed out in detail what happen. After watching it together with me. Everyone was fair in saying the British should not have started it by shoving slapping n punching the thais and the Thais retaliated too violently. Violence should never be an answer to your anger. It applies to both the British Family n the Thais in this case.

You say you don't condone violence but you do because you point your finger at the family and say they started this and therefore 'deserved' what happened.

If you really wanted to condone violence you would be against this vicious attack in any case, no matter whose fault it is.

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First off hate it when they use alcohol as an excuse for violence....

Suppressed anger towards westerners shows true colors of what the local loc class average population comprised of - a ticking time bomb looking for a fight....pathetic animal behavior

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This looks bad on Thailand but it wasn't the Thai's who started it so much.

What looks bad for Thailand regardless of who started it was an elderley women was kicked fair and square in the head whilst already laying on the ground and hundreds of thai's didnt do a thing.

A combination of Cowadice and no morals.

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I guess in a way, the apologists are right, this isn't a place for decent western foreigners to visit.

Especially western women and children.

I could say that a different way and it kind of means the same thing, becuase it isnt exactly a good thing

Ill leave out the "decent", whatever that actualy means.

Western woman and children are too fragile for thailand....too spoilt

I can define my idea of decent for you.

Decent = people that don't hire prostitutes, commit acts of violence, take drugs or get falling down drunk every night.

Wow, well 1 out of 4 isn't bad.

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0:19The black shirt British guy pushed the Thai guy away. 0:22 the thai guy pushed back n the floor was slippery resulting in the black shirt british man fall. 0:50 Then after some argument the lady slap the thai guy in the face. 1:13 the Black shirt british man proceeded to lock the black shirt thai man in a headlock 1:13 same time the purple shirt british man threw a punch at another thai( guy who had a bottle in hand who got push by the black shirt british and push back in 0:19). Thats when the Thai gangsters retaliated. Study the video closely. Again I don't condone the acts of the Thai Gangsters but it takes 2 hands to clap.

follow the movements of the purple shirt british man from 1:08 to 1:13. it might not be clear but u can see him moving across and throwing a punch at 1:13. watch closely. He punch the thai man who had the bottle in his hand who was pushed by the Black Shirt British man in 0:19, He fell to the ground after being punch by the British man. after which he got up from the floor. Thats why the black shirt thai man broke free of his headlock and walk all the way across to punch him 1st. Mayhem Ensues Thats what actually caused the thais to start fighting.

Its not right how the Thais kick the family and the old lady when they are on the floor. But the British family started it 1st by pushing slapping n throwing the 1st punch. They even punch n knock a Thai man onto the floor. Don't tell me they r 50 n 60. A thai man got knock down on the floor by a punch. They got too much what they ask for. I don't condone violence. In this case I don't condone violent acts from both sides. Its just that the Thais were more violent in retaliation.

Why does the RTP think that its solely the fault of the Thais? Fear or Bad News for Tourism? pls do your job n investigate properly. Every expat i spoke to n when saw the video how i pointed it out in detail saw it too. it wasn't solely the fault of the thais. Please be fair.

should the thai men push back after he was push?

should the Thais punch them n knock the whole family out?

Should the Thais kick the British Family while they were on the floor?

should the Thais kick the old lady on the floor?

should the British shoved the Thai out of the way?( start of this trouble)

should the british lady slap the man?

should the purple shirt punch n knock a thai man onto the ground?

Put away your emotions for abit. I know we dont like it that the lady got kick on the floor.

But fact of the matter is the British family started it n got too much what they ask for. It takes 2 hands to clap. RTP should investigate this case clearly. I have shown the video to my wife n some friends of mine n pointed out in detail what happen. After watching it together with me. Everyone was fair in saying the British should not have started it by shoving slapping n punching the thais and the Thais retaliated too violently. Violence should never be an answer to your anger. It applies to both the British Family n the Thais in this case.

I agree with your sequence of events. The British guy looked drunk and pushed the white shirted guy in a very arrogant and disrespectful way but you then seem to disregard the white shirt guy shoving the British guy who fell and is obviously hurt, upsetting his parents. This is the start of the violence - The British guy was rude the Thai guy caused the first blow (head hitting the pavement). At this point the mother should have not reacted with a slap but we also do not know what is being said that may have wound her up even more. Maybe the Thai guy should have apologised at this point as what he did was far worse than being pushed out of the way.

Where I strongly disagree with you is you seem to say that what the Thais did was justified and no worse than what the British did.

Maybe you should have another look at the video and see how badly hurt each side was - Thai men running away uninjured 3 British hospitalised and you still think the Thais involved were in the right!!! Those animals turned a skirmish into a kicking that could easily have ended up with someone dead. You said "the Thais retaliated too violently" - rather an understatement especially considering the ages of 2 of the victims.

The world is not stunned because there was a fight it is stunned by the level of violence directed at an elderly couple by a group of young Thai men regardless of how it started. That is why it is solely the fault of the Thais!

Anyone who watches that elderly couple being punched and kicked and still thinks they deserved it, needs help.

Chang1, very reasonable reply. I have no idea what transpired prior to this video (that is, if anything did). It not about who is to blame it's about the level of violence. All that was needed was a couple of shoves and then move on, but no it went to the next level. Any man that can't that can't take a slap from an old woman lacks courage, self control and all the rest. Imo, it isn't the original Thai chap that should be taking the rap for this but the one who kicked the old lady while she was down. I know thugs do this elsewhere but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be seen for what it is, pure and utterly uncontrolled violence. Defend yourself, yes! but using sledge hammer tactics was unnecessary in this case.

Why exactly should a man take a slap from a strange woman in the streets, any women big enough to go around slapping people is big enough for a punch in the face.

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This outrageous thai behaviour reminds me of the TAT advert that goes:

"Thai people…we are different...

When we are bored, we kick"

Damn right, they kick…they kicked a woman who posed zero threat directly in the head.

Someone should make a video using all the words of that ad juxtaposed against all the images of violence towards foreigners….

I reckon it would make good social commentary.

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"Thaivisa has been instrumental in seeing the matter come to light."

1. But Song Kran was nearly two weeks ago and the story just appeared yesterday.

2. Guess Hua Hin is not on the Army's list of tourist locations (Phuket, Pattaya, Chaing Mai) where local police need assistance?

Oh, that's right the Army has only been active in Phuket.

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0:19The black shirt British guy pushed the Thai guy away. 0:22 the thai guy pushed back n the floor was slippery resulting in the black shirt british man fall. 0:50 Then after some argument the lady slap the thai guy in the face. 1:13 the Black shirt british man proceeded to lock the black shirt thai man in a headlock 1:13 same time the purple shirt british man threw a punch at another thai( guy who had a bottle in hand who got push by the black shirt british and push back in 0:19). Thats when the Thai gangsters retaliated. Study the video closely. Again I don't condone the acts of the Thai Gangsters but it takes 2 hands to clap.

follow the movements of the purple shirt british man from 1:08 to 1:13. it might not be clear but u can see him moving across and throwing a punch at 1:13. watch closely. He punch the thai man who had the bottle in his hand who was pushed by the Black Shirt British man in 0:19, He fell to the ground after being punch by the British man. after which he got up from the floor. Thats why the black shirt thai man broke free of his headlock and walk all the way across to punch him 1st. Mayhem Ensues Thats what actually caused the thais to start fighting.

Its not right how the Thais kick the family and the old lady when they are on the floor. But the British family started it 1st by pushing slapping n throwing the 1st punch. They even punch n knock a Thai man onto the floor. Don't tell me they r 50 n 60. A thai man got knock down on the floor by a punch. They got too much what they ask for. I don't condone violence. In this case I don't condone violent acts from both sides. Its just that the Thais were more violent in retaliation.

Why does the RTP think that its solely the fault of the Thais? Fear or Bad News for Tourism? pls do your job n investigate properly. Every expat i spoke to n when saw the video how i pointed it out in detail saw it too. it wasn't solely the fault of the thais. Please be fair.

should the thai men push back after he was push?

should the Thais punch them n knock the whole family out?

Should the Thais kick the British Family while they were on the floor?

should the Thais kick the old lady on the floor?

should the British shoved the Thai out of the way?( start of this trouble)

should the british lady slap the man?

should the purple shirt punch n knock a thai man onto the ground?

Put away your emotions for abit. I know we dont like it that the lady got kick on the floor.

But fact of the matter is the British family started it n got too much what they ask for. It takes 2 hands to clap. RTP should investigate this case clearly. I have shown the video to my wife n some friends of mine n pointed out in detail what happen. After watching it together with me. Everyone was fair in saying the British should not have started it by shoving slapping n punching the thais and the Thais retaliated too violently. Violence should never be an answer to your anger. It applies to both the British Family n the Thais in this case.

I agree with your sequence of events. The British guy looked drunk and pushed the white shirted guy in a very arrogant and disrespectful way but you then seem to disregard the white shirt guy shoving the British guy who fell and is obviously hurt, upsetting his parents. This is the start of the violence - The British guy was rude the Thai guy caused the first blow (head hitting the pavement). At this point the mother should have not reacted with a slap but we also do not know what is being said that may have wound her up even more. Maybe the Thai guy should have apologised at this point as what he did was far worse than being pushed out of the way.

Where I strongly disagree with you is you seem to say that what the Thais did was justified and no worse than what the British did.

Maybe you should have another look at the video and see how badly hurt each side was - Thai men running away uninjured 3 British hospitalised and you still think the Thais involved were in the right!!! Those animals turned a skirmish into a kicking that could easily have ended up with someone dead. You said "the Thais retaliated too violently" - rather an understatement especially considering the ages of 2 of the victims.

The world is not stunned because there was a fight it is stunned by the level of violence directed at an elderly couple by a group of young Thai men regardless of how it started. That is why it is solely the fault of the Thais!

Anyone who watches that elderly couple being punched and kicked and still thinks they deserved it, needs help.

It sounds like the poster named Moonmoon is a Thai and it would seem impossible to even consider a Thai would be in the wrong when against a farang.

I would say to him/her:

Better to just say nothing as your words clearly tell your Thainess.

Its like saying the farang lady deserves to be raped and killed because she wears sexy clothes and rejected the sexual advances of a rich Thai guy.

Please tell Moonmoon:

If a Thai youth (nong) knocks and an old Thai lady (Pee) to the ground and then kicks her in the head..

what do you think?

Is ok because the old lady "started it"??

It is not ok to kick an old lady in the head. Read my comments properly. I dont condone the acts.

But i just said to be fair n dont use your emotions. I think its cowardly of the thais to kick an old lady on the ground.

But the British family wasn't that innocent. They started it n paid the price for it. In this case they ended badly beaten senselessly.

Ask yourself now. If the Thais didnt retaliated in this violent way. Just forget for 1 instance they did knock the british family to the ground. Just for once.

And look at the video closely. Ask me if YOU condone what the British Family did in SHoving a Thai man out of the way, then slapping in the face n Knocking him to the ground with a Punch. Is this behaviour accepted??????? (everyone thinks its just shove n slap from old lady,(BUT MISSED THE FACT N DETAIL IN THE VIDEO THE PURPLE SHIRT BRITON PUNCH A THAI MAN KNOCKED HIM TO THE GROUND FOLLOW HIM FROM 1:08 to 1:13 then see the Thai getting to his feet after that. WATCH CLOSELY) THIS WAS WHY THE FIGHT WAS REALLY STARTED A THAI MAN GOT KNOCKED TO THE GROUND 1st. Tell me thats ok. I already say its not ok to kick an old lady on the ground or knock her out. I ask if anyone can tell me its ok to knock a Thai man or any man whatever age he is to the ground?????

Just because the Britons got knock out cold n stomp on doesn't excuse the Britons from the fact that they SHOVE, SLAP and PUNCH a Person to the ground. They did use violence as well. It's just they got retaliated in with more.

I dont justify any actions of the Thais. I keep saying I dont condone the acts of the Thais. I just lay out the facts. The sequence of events is the most detailed of what actually happened. What happen in the video.

I just dont think its a random attack. Even gangfights n riots or robbery's all comes with a motive, In this case its not just a case of I don't like your face so I beat u up thing. The Britons did shove, slap n punch a man to the ground. N then The Thais retaliated by knocking them out n kicking them in the ground. No EXCUSES for behaviour for both sides. The Britons paid for it by getting physically abused n hospitalised. The Thais r paying for it by getting prosecuted by the Law.

I am not Thai, but I lived in Thailand and have a Thai Wife. I run my own business here. It doesn't matter whether I am Thai or not

Race is not an issue. Just be Fair.

PLS read my comments 1st before replying or quoting me again thanks. I dont make any excuses for the THAIS violence.

I dont make any excuses for the Britons Violence as well.

If you don't want to be violently abused just don't abused others with violence or stupidity as well. Its not a race or culture issue. I think this is understood everywhere. FOR the last time I say again I dont condone violent acts on the old lady from the Thais. I also dont condone the violence of the Brits as well. Thank you

Edited by Moonmoon
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I guess in a way, the apologists are right, this isn't a place for decent western foreigners to visit.

Especially western women and children.

I could say that a different way and it kind of means the same thing, becuase it isnt exactly a good thing

Ill leave out the "decent", whatever that actualy means.

Western woman and children are too fragile for thailand....too spoilt

I can define my idea of decent for you.

Decent = people that don't hire prostitutes, commit acts of violence, take drugs or get falling down drunk every night.

Wow, well 1 out of 4 isn't bad.

I tend to agree with the violence, drugs (except for innocent ganga), and falling down drunk every night. But, where does the hiring a babe for fun come into all of this? Are you born again, or part of a cult? If not, for sure you must be American, or Quaker. How is having fun with a babe for hire indecent? As long as it is consensual, and she is of legal age.

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This looks bad on Thailand but it wasn't the Thai's who started it so much. The dad in the flowery shirt was the first to punch and the guy who got punched just came back around to seek revenge, the old lady was just caught up in all drunk rage.

They didn't deserve the beating they got because they were old and drunk and the Thai was drunk also and should have Jai Yen Yen

Are you serious? Regardless of who was responsible for the first brush and whatever perceived rudeness that involved, you suggest that the Thai response was only disproportionate because the victims are elderly? Did you look at the video, the King hitting, violent face stomping? On what level and in what fantasy could this ever be a justified response, regardless of age...ok if the victims were 30 or 40 rather than 60s?

This was an attempt to kill these people. Any reasonable person, looking at the video, would conclude that this was attempted murder. A full force stomp to the unprotected head of a defenceless victim= attempted murder. That is what the charge should be. I hope they rot in prison. Being drunk and stupid is not an excuse: these are violent psychopaths

Attempted murder?

Yes, he is absolutely correct. When someone is lying down on the concrete, a full stomp to the head can quite possibly kill them. Convict them for attempted murder. 20 years in prison is appropriate.

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This looks bad on Thailand but it wasn't the Thai's who started it so much. The dad in the flowery shirt was the first to punch and the guy who got punched just came back around to seek revenge, the old lady was just caught up in all drunk rage.

They didn't deserve the beating they got because they were old and drunk and the Thai was drunk also and should have Jai Yen Yen

Are you serious? Regardless of who was responsible for the first brush and whatever perceived rudeness that involved, you suggest that the Thai response was only disproportionate because the victims are elderly? Did you look at the video, the King hitting, violent face stomping? On what level and in what fantasy could this ever be a justified response, regardless of age...ok if the victims were 30 or 40 rather than 60s?

This was an attempt to kill these people. Any reasonable person, looking at the video, would conclude that this was attempted murder. A full force stomp to the unprotected head of a defenceless victim= attempted murder. That is what the charge should be. I hope they rot in prison. Being drunk and stupid is not an excuse: these are violent psychopaths

Attempted murder?

Yes, he is absolutely correct. When someone is lying down on the concrete, a full stomp to the head can quite possibly kill them. Convict them for attempted murder. 20 years in prison is appropriate.

I'd say a hefty fine is an appropriate consequence. Jail time if it a first offence is over the top.

Why an old woman is taking part in drunken New Year celebrations is questionable.

This was a fight, that's all. yes, a woman was hit but because she started it.

All the hang em high brigade are out just because it is Thais v us.

Also, Spidermike, Thais do fight alone. I've been here over 30 years and seen it many times. It's a myth about Thais only fighting when outnumbering the other, unless it is a holiday resort like Pattaya, where often the Thais have good reason to dislike the average tourist.

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It has been reported that the son has left Thailand, leaving his parents in the country (mother in hospital). There is only one reason

why one would "abandon" family members in such a sitiuation.

He lives and works in Singapore.

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It has been reported that the son has left Thailand, leaving his parents in the country (mother in hospital). There is only one reason

why one would "abandon" family members in such a sitiuation.

And what would that be?

Maybe he had important work to go to. Maybe his mother told him to go as she is ok.

My God, talk about a storm in a teacup. There's a lot more travesties happening in the world.

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