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I thought this was a medication prescribed by a Dr. for your own personal use.

I have, however, seen your other topic and am, therefore, disinclined to assist further.


You would probably have to travel to Fascino in Thonburi to find this.

It is very dangerous to take this if there is any inflammation of the gall bladder present or if the stones are causing any obstruction --- and if they are not then usually no treatment is necessary. Hence these medications have limited therapeutic application and really should be used only under medical supervision. The hospitals here have it and Thai GI specialists do sometimes prescribe it.

If your GF is Thai she would be best served by going through the Thai public health system which is free of charge for her (or nominal charge of 30 baht, depending on hospital). They will prescribe this medication if indicated.

If the stones were discovered during an abdominal ultrasound as part of a routine physical and she has never been symptomatic, this does not warrant treatment and is a good example of why abdominal ultrasounds are not recommended for routine check ups...leads to all sorts of unnecessary interventions.


this is your medicine you can find it in most major pharmacies in Bangkok, I bought it in the sukumvit area, don't forget to take the photos with you to show the pharmacists as 95% of them wont understands you if you just tell them Ursodeoxycholic Acid.





I thought this was a medication prescribed by a Dr. for your own personal use.

I have, however, seen your other topic and am, therefore, disinclined to assist further.

Thanks. I quite understand. My girlfriend has had ultrasound checks just this week and been told she has small gallstones but in the words of the doctor "nothing much to worry about now". He suggested if it became a problem she could have the gallbladder removed. If possible I would like to consider alternatives and now that I have heard about Ursa I will be hoping to talk with another doctor who could help monitor her condition and advise on the use of this drug.


Many, many people have asymptomatic gallstones. Usually they do not know it, or it is found incidentally on an ultrasound done for other reasons.

The overwhelming majority of these people never develop problems as a result. Hence there is no need to treat symptomatic gallstones. The "if it becomes a problem, you can get the gallbladder removed" was referring to an unlikely event, not a likely threat that requires measures now.




By the way, the medication, when used, take a very long time to work..even years. Which is another reason why not indicated for asymptomatic stones.

If she is on birth control pills, these are a risk factor and changing to non-hormonal contraception or a progestin-only contraceptive may help.


Further, to repeat what I've said on the other thread, this works -- when it works at all -- only on cholesterol gallstones, and not all gallstones are considered cholesterol stones.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, doctors seem loathe to use it because if it does work in getting rid of stones, there's a good chance the stones will just come back in a few years. So when gallstones start giving you serious pain, removal of the gallbladder is usually considered a more permanent solution (oddly, some people do still have gallstone-like discomfort even after the gallbladder is removed).


In OP situation there is no pain. The stones were found on an ultrasound done for other reasons. These are asymptomatic stones and there is no reason to seek treatment at this time.

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