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Thai gang attack on Laotian 'gik' - graphic violence caught on tape


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Where I come from you hit a woman your a FN coward, real tough guys 5 on a 90 pound girl,

dont want a real fight every time someone comes to help they show their guns, guns are for

pussy's real men fight men one on one, Not girls.


If the husband was cheating then he should get the beating.

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It is all about 'loss of face'. Once an insult causes loss of face- Thais fly into a rage and even more so when it happens in public. This man caused his wife to lose face in the community. Once the rage started it was out of control and she struck back with a vengeance. The thugs- either hired or family saw this as a personal insult to the family or simply believed what they were told. The thugs looked as if they had done this type of thing before- they were organized. When the man goes home- he may or may not get a taste of her rage but if I were him I would be real careful for a long time.

I have said this before and I will say it again- never, ever cause a Thai person to lose face. Think before you act and watch how you say things especially in a public setting. If alcohol is involved be especially careful. I don't know whether Thais can ever overcome this part of their psyche. I have noticed that when Thais live abroad for a considerable period of time they realize how ridiculous this concept is so it can be unlearned.

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Typical behavior of gangs anywhere in the world.

A gang of men going to beat 1 small young woman. No, that doesn't happen everywhere, sorry.

There is no excuse for this kind of behaviour, none whatsoever, but to say that it does not happen anywhere else is total nonsense. I have wish to denigrate you personally or those who have supported your post, but it clearly shows that you have little or no experience of other countries, or choose to keep you head in the sand.

I an not saying it is not disgusting and it certainly does not reflect well on Thailand, but (although this sort of attack is not unknown here) it is relatively uncommon, whilst much worse vicious attacks on women are made daily in other countries.

Check out what gangs of girls have done to other women in the UK alone for similar boyfriend "infringements", check out what happens to women in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh on a hourly basis, what do you think happened to people in Cambodia in the 80's? do you think life for women (or men) with those "oh so tough" 555 Vietnamese is perfect (check out how many Vietnamese were killed by Thai's if you want to make stupid comparisons). How about those "poor maligned peaceful Buddhist Burmese" do you think women (and men) have been treated well their - ask a few Karen or Muslims what they think. Philippines, yes spend an hour in the back streets of Manila to see how peaceful it is and how well women are treated! and As for Laos, why do you think that girl was in terrible Thailand?

Attacks on foreign tourist old ladies? just look up a few incident in UK/Europe every week.

Want to leave Thailand its so horrible, why not book a short holiday break in Syria or Saudi, or Afghanistan, or, or................. maybe the good old US of A? See how long you can last walking round the capital city without getting shot or mugged or beat-up. See what would happen to you if you brushed into somebody at night in Miami?

Holiday destinations, go and walk too near some drunk kid in Blackpool or Brighton, or Paris, or Milan, or Moscow, or Mumbai, you will have plenty of choice. Gangs of young thugs beating up women, ditto.

Blame the thugs and the woman who put them up to it, but don't blame Thailand as a country, that is what so many here do and it is a pathetic as the attack itself.

Thailand is not by any means perfect (and I think the current 555 "government" is actually contributing to acts of violence as frustrations build up with the vice gip of the army on any form of free speech or political activity) but it still is better than all its neighbors.

Rant over.

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I thought a "Gik" was a kept male whereas a Mia Noi was a mistress, so is the headline wrong or does "Gik" apply to a female?

On a different subject, what is it that makes Thai males so full of anger and malevolence? It seems to be there just under the surface.

They are poor

They are uneducated

They are stupid

They have no way to get ahead in life except by socially unacceptable means, in the caste hierarchical and racist/bigoted society in which they live..

They are buddhist, and are taught to suppress their anger

So... the foreigners come...

They are richer

They are more educated and smarter, doing well in life

They are more handsome, endowed, and treat their women with respect

They haven't needed to suppress their anger

They take their girlfriends, their sisters, their mothers and so on and so forth

The women get the money, they get nothing

I'm surely not condoning it, but really... it ain't rocket science why they're angry... it's just human animalistic nature, sort of like Lord of the Flies with some twists.

Welcome to the Land of Crocodile Smiles

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That video was really hard to watch. I felt helpless for the victim. The LOS has a lot of heartless and cowardly inhabitants. I saw 8 of them in this video. Actually I saw more than that.... the onlookers who did absolutely nothing to help shield or protect this victim. Yeah she obviously made a mistake but this could be our 20 year old daughter who made a bone head decision to get involved in a bad relationship. It happens but to get your ass kicked by males.....<deleted>....I'm dumbfounded at the psyche of the thai male who in this video seemed to thoroughly enjoy kicking, hitting and punching a small defenceless female who attempted to walk away. How insecure does one have to be to actually agree to do something like this. The very very sad part of this is that it seems to be a way of life here. They truly think it's okay to do this. What's worse is that most of these stories are covered up. Media control here is an art of science that they have gotten very good at.

No doubt this will affect her for a very long time to come. The fact that she is alive will have taught her a very tough lesson indeed. The more stories I read that involve Thai males carrying out acts of vengeance on foreigners and even other Thais for that matter is very sad. I'm not a political fanatic but the PTB obviously have no idea how to run a country. The LOS is going down the drain........ definitely not something I anticipated when I came here :-( I wish her a speedy recovery. Can't be easy for a young woman. I hope she has a good support system to rely on.

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I hate to have to keep saying it.......but another group of FEMINIZED Thai men stomping and kicking the head of someone who is already on the ground. People like this deserve death.

Let's say it nicely, they forfeited their right to coexist with other people on this planet.

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This woman unfortunately had no chance to escape these thugs.

Those of us who live here, however, have to find a way to deal with them (read: avoid them) because it's always dangerous to end up in unwanted situations.

I learned a bit from the so-called hiso-Thais. They avoid the lower classes wherever they can and if they encounter them, treat them with either contempt (servants) or give them hand-outs (tip for parking space), as long as a hierarchy is established. And to avoid meeting them by chance, hiso-Thais never frequent places these thugs would visit. So they book a hotel with private beach or shop at well-patrolled department stores and not open markets.

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This woman unfortunately had no chance to escape these thugs.

Those of us who live here, however, have to find a way to deal with them (read: avoid them) because it's always dangerous to end up in unwanted situations.

I learned a bit from the so-called hiso-Thais. They avoid the lower classes wherever they can and if they encounter them, treat them with either contempt (servants) or give them hand-outs (tip for parking space), as long as a hierarchy is established. And to avoid meeting them by chance, hiso-Thais never frequent places these thugs would visit. So they book a hotel with private beach or shop at well-patrolled department stores and not open markets.

In other words...the hiso-Thais know it is unsafe to move freely about the country...and establish personal safe zones...a kind of self-imposed prison...to live safely? Is this about right?

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This woman unfortunately had no chance to escape these thugs.

Those of us who live here, however, have to find a way to deal with them (read: avoid them) because it's always dangerous to end up in unwanted situations.

I learned a bit from the so-called hiso-Thais. They avoid the lower classes wherever they can and if they encounter them, treat them with either contempt (servants) or give them hand-outs (tip for parking space), as long as a hierarchy is established. And to avoid meeting them by chance, hiso-Thais never frequent places these thugs would visit. So they book a hotel with private beach or shop at well-patrolled department stores and not open markets.


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I will be giving Thailand a big miss now i understand what Thainess really means, this country make me sick.

I suppose if you hang around places where cheap hookers and men who drink like to gather you may expect to see this type of behavior. One reason I choose respectable things to do in the evenings and in twenty years have never had a problem. I'm sure if I hung out night after night in hooker dens in my hometown in the west I would see just as bad or worse.

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I will be giving Thailand a big miss now i understand what Thainess really means, this country make me sick.

I suppose if you hang around places where cheap hookers and men who drink like to gather you may expect to see this type of behavior. One reason I choose respectable things to do in the evenings and in twenty years have never had a problem. I'm sure if I hung out night after night in hooker dens in my hometown in the west I would see just as bad or worse.

well because you have never had a problem i guess no one does, ive never had a road accident in thailand guess that means thai roads are safe

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Have you seen how the guy, who was sitting there having a drink, kust move out of the way ???

so many by-standers and no one does anything!


You gonna tackle those guys when they have guns tucked into their pants? Brave guy!!!
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I would like to see these lowlifes out on the town trying to do the same in Wolverhampton/ Dudley where i grew up

i know its never going to happen but the thought of seeing them get knocked into the middle of next week and back and begging for buddha or Mommys help makes me smile

Hope the girl recovers quickly and something particularly nasty happens to the wife who arranged it

Yep, its really nice to think that.

It is how we all like our egos, and those of who grew up around us to be. Alas, that is all it is no matter how hard you think you are.

I know (for a fact) if that happened where i grew up (Belfast) and somebody showed a gun in their waistband as two of them did in the clip, nobody would do anything.

Sad fact of life that most people are afraid to admit to.

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I will be giving Thailand a big miss now i understand what Thainess really means, this country make me sick.

I suppose if you hang around places where cheap hookers and men who drink like to gather you may expect to see this type of behavior. One reason I choose respectable things to do in the evenings and in twenty years have never had a problem. I'm sure if I hung out night after night in hooker dens in my hometown in the west I would see just as bad or worse.

well because you have never had a problem i guess no one does, ive never had a road accident in thailand guess that means thai roads are safe

Just saying the chance of witnessing or becoming a part of something like that escalates exponentially when you choose that type of environment to hang out in.

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Seems to be a growing theme developing

Let's see where the apologists are on this.....

Typical behavior of gangs anywhere in the world.

The Thai apologists have arrived.

What's up with you? He's not apologizing but staying a fact.
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I apologise if this has already been mentioned earlier but what I find equally disgusting is the behaviour of her " guy " . If he is not waiting for the arrival of this gang at the very least it doesn’t take him long at all to back away from her and simply abandon her altogether. blink.png He knew instantly these people were coming for her and did nothing to protect her even though she was holding onto his arm. What a total creep and a coward.bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

Edited by Asiantravel
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Typical behavior of gangs anywhere in the world.

A gang of men going to beat 1 small young woman. No, that doesn't happen everywhere, sorry.

There is no excuse for this kind of behaviour, none whatsoever, but to say that it does not happen anywhere else is total nonsense. I have wish to denigrate you personally or those who have supported your post, but it clearly shows that you have little or no experience of other countries, or choose to keep you head in the sand.

I an not saying it is not disgusting and it certainly does not reflect well on Thailand, but (although this sort of attack is not unknown here) it is relatively uncommon, whilst much worse vicious attacks on women are made daily in other countries.

Check out what gangs of girls have done to other women in the UK alone for similar boyfriend "infringements", check out what happens to women in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh on a hourly basis, what do you think happened to people in Cambodia in the 80's? do you think life for women (or men) with those "oh so tough" 555 Vietnamese is perfect (check out how many Vietnamese were killed by Thai's if you want to make stupid comparisons). How about those "poor maligned peaceful Buddhist Burmese" do you think women (and men) have been treated well their - ask a few Karen or Muslims what they think. Philippines, yes spend an hour in the back streets of Manila to see how peaceful it is and how well women are treated! and As for Laos, why do you think that girl was in terrible Thailand?

Attacks on foreign tourist old ladies? just look up a few incident in UK/Europe every week.

Want to leave Thailand its so horrible, why not book a short holiday break in Syria or Saudi, or Afghanistan, or, or................. maybe the good old US of A? See how long you can last walking round the capital city without getting shot or mugged or beat-up. See what would happen to you if you brushed into somebody at night in Miami?

Holiday destinations, go and walk too near some drunk kid in Blackpool or Brighton, or Paris, or Milan, or Moscow, or Mumbai, you will have plenty of choice. Gangs of young thugs beating up women, ditto.

Blame the thugs and the woman who put them up to it, but don't blame Thailand as a country, that is what so many here do and it is a pathetic as the attack itself.

Thailand is not by any means perfect (and I think the current 555 "government" is actually contributing to acts of violence as frustrations build up with the vice gip of the army on any form of free speech or political activity) but it still is better than all its neighbors.

Rant over.

Good rant and spot on, but doesn't excuse the weak pussy yob's for beating into a woman at the request another excuse for a human being.

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Typical behavior of gangs anywhere in the world.

Makes it OK??? You don't find this incident a bit disturbing? The gang(note gang i.e. multiple individuals) ride up, kick the living hell out of the girl, everyone stands back because guns may have been involved(not a bad idea), the proud men continue to kick someone on the ground who is defenseless and they ride off figuring that they are the baddest bunch on the planet. Who knows, maybe the assaulted girl has friends as well and one thing leads to another. Grab the "wife" who essentially caused this. Thainess, Thainess, Thainess. The only way is through violence and always using multiple folks on one, unless it's 2 guys on a bike with a gun. I really don't care about other places in the world, I live in Thailand and still believe that it is OK except for the last two years.

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I thought a "Gik" was a kept male whereas a Mia Noi was a mistress, so is the headline wrong or does "Gik" apply to a female?

On a different subject, what is it that makes Thai males so full of anger and malevolence? It seems to be there just under the surface.

They are poor

They are uneducated

They are stupid

They have no way to get ahead in life except by socially unacceptable means, in the caste hierarchical and racist/bigoted society in which they live..

They are buddhist, and are taught to suppress their anger

So... the foreigners come...

They are richer

They are more educated and smarter, doing well in life

They are more handsome, endowed, and treat their women with respect

They haven't needed to suppress their anger

They take their girlfriends, their sisters, their mothers and so on and so forth

The women get the money, they get nothing

I'm surely not condoning it, but really... it ain't rocket science why they're angry... it's just human animalistic nature, sort of like Lord of the Flies with some twists.

Welcome to the Land of Crocodile Smiles

Misguided representation.

There are very few foreigners that i know that have a mia noi compared to the number of Thais that do.

Truth is the foreigners can't (in general) afford them........................wink.png

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It appears that all "Thai Gangs" are simply groups of low life cowards that only dare to "execute their missions" in a group. Even the drive-by-shootings are also in two. These young vermins are really born without real balls!

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