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Leaking Hua Hin attack footage "damaged the country" say authorities


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"So if a old lady slapped you in the face,would you hit Her?"

I'm thinking to myself about this question and a good part of me says no, of course I wouldn't, it's not the done thing amongst civilised people, is it!

BUT I do think that if I was faced with a 65 year old woman who slapped me for no reason that I could see, AND if she clearly was using her age and gender as a means of license and to protect herself from me, AND if her attitude was blatantly aggressive and unwarranted, I reckon I just might respond out of character, why not.

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I only managed to read 5 pages of this sad tale, as an ex-seaman I have seen plenty of punch ups and bar room brawls, but never witnessed such depraved, gratuitous savagery as this and many other Thai incidents.....if these people react in this way towards farangs for no obvious reason, how are they going to react when the World economy worsens, according to Jim Willie, Jim Rogers, Bix Weir, Jim Rickards, Bill Holter, Andy Hoffman etc, all Financial Analysts all the fiat currencies are going to fail....I don't know whether theyr'e right.....but I got a feeling they are........how are the Thais going to react when the banks close.....I've been here too long to go elsewhere, but am not looking forward to the future here.

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Whistleblowers are not appreciated here in Thailand. They are capable of blowing the cover off of many lies, and fabrications. The person who leaked this video footage deserves praise, and an award, for being an excellent citizen, not criticism by small minded men, who cannot see the bigger picture, and are motivated strictly by politics and greed. Shame on this creton for even mentioning this. Makes him look even smaller than he is, which is quite small.

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To those who claim that the Mother pushed the son, I think you should watch the video once more- the son seems to push a Thai guy who, presumably, walked into/ across him, this Thai guy 'retaliates' with a push and the mother tries to steady the son as he falls.

It's pretty easy to see.

I have no idea whether they were aggressive or loud mouthed, but watch the video if you think that Granny pushed the son.

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Thats exactly how I see it too

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A police spokesman states that the footage belongs to Hua Hin municipality therefore should not have been released. Perhaps the continuing statement should have addressed that articles in publications indicated that the police, in fact, had released the video. Why, because it would help them identify and arrest the bad boys since the attack had taken place two weeks previous. Did the municipality and police honchos really want justice done or, as we all know, the image of Thailand is damaged because justice was ignored initially. Insert both feet into mouth at same time fi you can possibly do so(shouldn't be difficult).

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Well this or similar happen in every country....i remember than the english have a tradition to kick someones head over and over when he is on the ground...in any place in england or aussie when drunks gather outside a pub unprovoked attacks on bypassers are the usual with often lethal results...in germany gangrape happens way more often than published köln newyear and the police are masters of the cover up to practice newspeak newthink ...so why thailand should be different at a festival

Like songran when ever,body gets pissed like hell and releases a year long repressed anger...i mean i feel this what happened was a 100000% wrong and needs to be punished BUT keep the perspective guys in your homecountrys 100 times worster things are the everyday common so dont cry like babys when human beeings display there real inner selfes ...killing murdering torture rape is much wider spread in the world than compassion goodwill and love ..I guess 90 to 10 ratio want proove ? see all the wars now tchetchenia ukraine syria afghanistan northern africa many forgotten conflicts in central africa middle east etc etc and all sponsered by western and eastern guntrade and so called civilised government policys hidden from ur eye etc...

Oh yes, Sadly you are 100% correct. It is not about nationality at all. It unfortunately is just a microcosm of the unpleasant nature of some human beings and happens all over the world. Much of it because of a prevalence of soft approaches to dealing with it and the lack of education and family principles. Bullies continue to be bullies, unless they are taught not to be. I think the reason this became such a big story is the video and of course this is a web site called Thai Visa, so it is mainly about Thailand and events in Thailand. So people respond to the topic. Equally you can see loads of videos on youtube too where nasty violence occurs all over the world. And on those specific ones people write in shock and disgust too. It is very sad reflection on humanity 2016. But of course this thread is about this specific incident, not ones anywhere else in the world. But I love to see the reaction of people here. Because what it does for me, is give me confidence that there are decent people in this world, who live by a code and a set of principles. It gives me hope that the majority of people do not like to see old people beaten and to see violence. The more people speak out against such disgusting behavior is a good thing. People are tired of it all over the world. In the same way as I see people protesting unnecessary war and brutality anywhere in the world. It is good people have a platform to do this. To show people it is not acceptable, whoever you are, or whatever country you live in.

yes it does happen other places...BUT....if someone had done that in the US or UK or AUS they would have been tried on attempted murder charges and with video evidence likely a very long jail term. The problem here is we likely will not have that...Thai boys are often excused for bad behavior unless it is drug related or politically motivated. Beating someone senseless is not really a big deal here...therein lies the problem, a lack of accountability unless you happen to be a Burmese or Cambodian laborer...then you are sunk.

Absolutely correct and very well said. I'd also like to think that in the US, UK or AUS the public wouldn't have just stood by and watched.

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"So if a old lady slapped you in the face,would you hit Her?"

I'm thinking to myself about this question and a good part of me says no, of course I wouldn't, it's not the done thing amongst civilised people, is it!

BUT I do think that if I was faced with a 65 year old woman who slapped me for no reason that I could see, AND if she clearly was using her age and gender as a means of license and to protect herself from me, AND if her attitude was blatantly aggressive and unwarranted, I reckon I just might respond out of character, why not.

Interestingly the guy who got slapped didn't hit anyone in the face.

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10 years in jail and a 500,000bht fine for leaking the video.

Bail and a 500bht fine for kicking granny and grandpa unconscious.

Amazing Thailand!

Sick, sick, sick!

It's turned into a loss of face issue, so they want to shoot the messenger. Absolutely pathetic.

They should be investigating more pertinent questions such as:

Why were there no police on duty at a place where a large number of drunks were carousing over Songkran only 50 metres from the police station?

Why did police allow bars to remain open later than 2.0am, when official closing time is 1.00am?

Why do police allow bars and prostitution to take place within 20 metres of a temple? The street is called Soi Bintabaht meaning "alms offerings to monks".

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If Hua Hin police are unable to police the town there are hundreds of army officers with the rank of sub-lieutenant and above, who now have police powers, stationed in army camps all around Hua Hin.

The thugs would never have dared to attack the pensioners, if there had been a squad of soldiers armed with battens in the street under a 2nd lieutenant.

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But the elephant-in-the-room in all these threads about the state of things in los, is not what will be done about IT, but how MUCH of IT each of you will take before you decide enough-is-enough, and take the decision to pack up and leave ? There is after all, something deranged about ranting on and on about how awful it all is and at the same time volunteering to remain.

Because a lot of us are married to Thais. I'd have been off my marks years ago if I'd been single. My respect for the locals diminishes by the day. Land of smiles my aris.

same here,

honestly, my respect and any liking i had for the people has litterally gone , i have seen enough, i have had enough over the years. i am now looking at clawing back any money i have in the country from condo sale and bank and i will not return.

sorry to say am actually starting to hate the people and their ways ( generally ) which is a shame but im speaking from the heart.

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Why did he hit the woman? Because he's a thug.

no bcos 51 sec in the video she slapped a Thai man, she not exempt form a slap after she and her husband were the first to throw the first punches. som nam na

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This really shows the disregard Thailand has for it's visitors .To me what they are saying is they don't care much about the actual incident and the injured tourists BUT they don't want people to find out .REALLY PATHETIC .They really need a full rethink of the way they see and treat the visitors who bring a lot of money to the country .

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

The first 2 Thai men deserve a break. The other 4 who appear out of nowhere kicking people in the head whilst they lay on the ground moaning and semi conscious need to be skewered (you can take that literally or figuratively..whatever way you choose) Scumbags like that have no place in any society and should be removed.

you need to read my post then look at the video again one of the first Thai men was the man that hit all 3 of the foreigners

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Looked like granny started it - she don't be doing that again in a hurry.

That is an incredibly unsympathetic, niaive and distasteful post. What's wrong with some of the 'people' on here?

I agree with A she started it look at the video 51 seconds in, seems to me she got a bit more than she bargained for.

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To date there has been over 2.2 million views of the video on youtube. I would implore you all to post a link on your facebook/twitter account and ask all of your friends to share the link, and their friends to do the same. The more hits it gets, the more media attention it will generate in turn generating more hits etc etc hence the more chance that these disgusting vermin will get an appropriate jail term.

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Why did he hit the woman? Because he's a thug.

no bcos 51 sec in the video she slapped a Thai man, she not exempt form a slap after she and her husband were the first to throw the first punches. som nam na

Som nam na??? Oh dear...

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Looked like granny started it - she don't be doing that again in a hurry.

Oh so I suppose that justifys a thai flying kick... sick in the head ........Thai boy on booze.....Perhaps we should warn all grannies and grandpas not to come to Thailand and visit the neighbouring countries which are much safer and friendly and hospitable.... Thailand you amaze me.... Grinning lot....
Of course this incident is a great opportunity for all the Thai bashers on here to rub their hands in glee and tell the world how unsafe Thailand is - and making out that such things only happen in Thailand because only Thais are nasty vicious people - the rest of us are all civilised..

Sadly people being stamped on, and even kicked to death while they are on the floor is something that can\does happen even in some of the allegedly 'safe' western countries....









That's just the tip of the iceberg - a result of 5 minutes searching of English language news media. No doubt I could fill this whole page with such links given an hour or so.

What I find ironic is that these cases occurring in other countries fail to raise as much outrage and international publicity as this current case in Thailand has..

Just stick with England. The rest of Europe is quite different.

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

The first 2 Thai men deserve a break. The other 4 who appear out of nowhere kicking people in the head whilst they lay on the ground moaning and semi conscious need to be skewered (you can take that literally or figuratively..whatever way you choose) Scumbags like that have no place in any society and should be removed.

you need to read my post then look at the video again one of the first Thai men was the man that hit all 3 of the foreigners

Initially yes, but they were provoked which is why I think tonray says they deserve a break. The serious damage was done by the the wild pack that came in while they were down.

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The four neanderthals who couldn't handle their booze and assaulted a senior citizen lady, among others, "damaged the country".

Trying to hide the incident "damaged the country".

Saving face after the fact instead of conducting oneself in a manner in which face doesn't have to be saved "damages the


Yeah, and what is sad that travel agents world wide keep on selling thailand as the land of smiles, pretending or denying none of this ever happens.

same same as thailand trying to save the tourist industry.

Edited by wabothai
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Its lovely with the power of the internet press control is impossible. The world now can really see what happens in the land of smiles !

Land of smiles or land of assaults?

I don't see any smile on Thai peoples faces anymore, only hate in their eyes lately.

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I have to say after studying the video the tourist asked for it and they got it. 18sec in son pushes Thai man,21 sec Thai man pushes son back 51 sec mom slaps Thai man in face,1.14 sec dad sucker punches Thai man 1.29 all hell break loose and apart from the kick to moms face they got what they deserved. I would of done the same had they done that to me. on this occasion I think the Thais deserve a break.

So if a old lady slapped you in the face,would you hit Her?

Just in case you din't see the first post,here's another chance for Catman 20 to reply.

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The four neanderthals who couldn't handle their booze and assaulted a senior citizen lady, among others, "damaged the country".

Trying to hide the incident "damaged the country".

Saving face after the fact instead of conducting oneself in a manner in which face doesn't have to be saved "damages the


Yeah, and what is sad that travel agents world wide keep on selling thailand as the land of smiles, pretending or denying none of this ever happens.

same same as thailand trying to save the tourist industry.

People still use travel agencies?

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The four neanderthals who couldn't handle their booze and assaulted a senior citizen lady, among others, "damaged the country".

Trying to hide the incident "damaged the country".

Saving face after the fact instead of conducting oneself in a manner in which face doesn't have to be saved "damages the


Yeah, and what is sad that travel agents world wide keep on selling thailand as the land of smiles, pretending or denying none of this ever happens.

same same as thailand trying to save the tourist industry.

People still use travel agencies?

Yes, back home in 1985.

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Why did he hit the woman? Because he's a thug.

no bcos 51 sec in the video she slapped a Thai man, she not exempt form a slap after she and her husband were the first to throw the first punches. som nam na

But the Thai man who hit her wasn't the Thai man she slapped. So what you're saying is if any woman slaps a man then any other man is then entitled to hit the woman? Seems pretty strange to me.

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Why did he hit the woman? Because he's a thug.

no bcos 51 sec in the video she slapped a Thai man, she not exempt form a slap after she and her husband were the first to throw the first punches. som nam na

But the Thai man who hit her wasn't the Thai man she slapped. So what you're saying is if any woman slaps a man then any other man is then entitled to hit the woman? Seems pretty strange to me.

I believe the guy in the black shirt who decked all three of them was hit in the face by the father although this is open to dispute since the video is not clear.

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Every single baby born in Thailand is brainwashed from birth to believe that Thailand is not only the finest country in the world but it is also the largest. This is the literal teaching they receive every day in school and is enforced by the press and the TV. Along with this is the implication that all foreigners are by nature inferior, somehow not entirely human, and to be tolerated, at best. At worst, particularly with young Thai men (who have a mental age of an adolescent out of control with an excess of testosterone) farangs are to not to be tolerated, given the slightest excuse. Add to this cultural belief that any kind of loss of face concerning a farang needs addressing immediately, and the aggression and hatred bursts out. As Thai men never go anywhere alone, this usually involves an enraged mob.

This wasn't just someone pushing back to save face. This was an outburst of hatred and rage - coming back again and again to punch and kick the old people who were already semi-conscious on the ground.

If further argument is needed, the same culture teaches Thai people to venerate the aged. Which they do. Unless the old people are not real people - ie foreigners.

It is irrelevant who pushed first or if the farangs started it or not. This incident is yet another example that Thailand is not a civilised nation in the way the rest of the world understands the concept. This is a country where there is so much dissatisfaction and aggression that the name of the daily exercise for everyone is to make everything *appear* wonderful and keep things in line with way that the Thais like to perceive themselves - smiling and gentle. In other words - do absolutely anything at all to save face.

Unfortunately for Thailand, again and again and again over the last few years, the instantaneous nature of social media and its global coverage is revealing the lies and cover-ups almost daily to the rest of the world. And the more it happens, the more tragic the Thai reaction, as they panic and flap about pathetically with implausible explanations and responses which only serve to dig them deeper in the shit, as they desperately try to save some last despairing shred of face like senseless schoolkids babbling obvious lies at the teacher.

Very sadly, I think it's all going to get a lot worse before it begins to get any better.

Brilliant Rob !!!!!

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