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Military Court orders Watana detained for another 12 days


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Military Court orders Watana detained for another 12 days


BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Military Court today endorsed the police enquiry officers’ request to detain former Pheu Thai MP Watana Muangsook for another 12 days pending further interrogation of witnesses.

The second detention period starts tomorrow (Tuesday) and will last until May 14.

The court also granted bail for Mr Watana.

The core member of the Pheu Thai party was charged with defying Order 39/2557 of the National Council for Peace and Order.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/161844

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-02

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Good news for fat folx, forget those Mayo Clinic diets…go on that 30-day AA diet…Watana's on it, and so far he's lost 15 days! Thankfully, AA will not change this man, you can only address what he is, not what the NCPO wants him to be!

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I think the Junta/NCPO granted themselves the right to detain anyone for up to twelve (12) stints at seven (7) days each, for a maximum of eighty-four (84) days before they have to formally charge them (and deny bail), or release them.

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

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I think the Junta/NCPO granted themselves the right to detain anyone for up to twelve (12) stints at seven (7) days each, for a maximum of eighty-four (84) days before they have to formally charge them (and deny bail), or release them.

Should have been like some democratic civilian governments that have laws to detain them indefinitely...

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I think the Junta/NCPO granted themselves the right to detain anyone for up to twelve (12) stints at seven (7) days each, for a maximum of eighty-four (84) days before they have to formally charge them (and deny bail), or release them.

Should have been like some democratic civilian governments that have laws to detain them indefinitely...

No, no. Much better to have juntas rule Thailand forever with article 44 giving the godlike powers. Why bother with elections and other Western nonsense, right?

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

Thanks for the joke. I was very funny.

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

Thanks for the joke. I was very funny.

Some people are naturally talented....

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

They are all trying to rob the country to the bones mate. The names and personal allegiances change. But the game's always the same.

The only chance Thailand has is the double force of internet freedom (with it's uncensored information and social media exposures) now that it's widely available in Thailand, and an extended stab at voting for governments without excessive unelected oversight. It will, of course, mean ugly, corrupt democratic governments, which will come under ever-increasing scrutiny due to said internet freedoms, and which will become much more populace-friendly in the medium term. This is how it has worked in the vast majority of civilised nations. The alternative is uglier, equally corrupt undemocratic governments protected from exposure of corrupt practices by such things as internet gateways. We all know about the only way of getting rid of the latter, and it's rarely pretty.

Why else do you think the current Mafia are so keen on locking down the internet?

Edited by Khun Han
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If only he had been this principled when that Amnesty Bill was being rammed through...

Which, the one that the junta successfully rammed through, or the one that was stopped by the democratic processes?

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

The majority of the Thai people seemed to like the previous regime. Now wouldn't you say that that's the important thing here?

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

They are all trying to rob the country to the bones mate. The names and personal allegiances change. But the game's always the same.

The only chance Thailand has is the double force of internet freedom (with it's uncensored information and social media exposures) now that it's widely available in Thailand, and an extended stab at voting for governments without excessive unelected oversight. It will, of course, mean ugly, corrupt democratic governments, which will come under ever-increasing scrutiny due to said internet freedoms, and which will become much more populace-friendly in the medium term. This is how it has worked in the vast majority of civilised nations. The alternative is uglier, equally corrupt undemocratic governments protected from exposure of corrupt practices by such things as internet gateways. We all know about the only way of getting rid of the latter, and it's rarely pretty.

Why else do you think the current Mafia are so keen on locking down the internet?

Excellent post. Now if only the fanboys could see outside of their blinkers.

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

Seems to me that almost any part of the world has a better understanding than you do. Your analysis is not even at the same development level as your written English. Are you really in the third grade or were you held back?

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If only he had been this principled when that Amnesty Bill was being rammed through...

another broken record.

Why are you not so vocal about the amnesty the Junta have given themselves for past, present and future actions that involved overthrowing elected governments?

Hypocrisy of the highest order.

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By the time he is let out, he will goose-step like the North Koreans. gigglem.gif

yeah, like Nicholsen in the 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest' just returning from an attitude adjustment.

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If only he had been this principled when that Amnesty Bill was being rammed through...

yeah and the end result to the Amnesty bill is Prayut, aren't we lucky.

Prayut Who granted amnesty for him and the Junta for past, present and futur actions

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If only he had been this principled when that Amnesty Bill was being rammed through...

I find it truly amazing that the same few here keep crying foul to a failed amnesty bill yet the junta leader has bestowed an amnesty for himself and cohorts that covers past present and future. That's quite a massive little gift form themselves don't ya think? And yet nothing from you people, quite pathetic really when you apply your litmus test of morality to one side and judge massive abuse, and nothing of a sort to the other, seems you guy's have a massive problem with consistency huh.

And yes for the record I think the amnesty bill was a poor move by the last gov, much like the current one, that would be applying consistency guy's......

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If only he had been this principled when that Amnesty Bill was being rammed through...

blah blah blah blah blah

if you really can't tell the difference between this regime and their behavior and one that can be voted in & out by the Thai people, then lord help you.

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

only to that part of the world that don't understand

that Watana is not standing for democracy but for a former regime that robbed the country to the bones and want to resume asap

he is not following his consciousness but is a dishonest trickster payed by another even greater dishonest trickster


the military regime is the only alternative Thgailand has to the previous robbing dishonest regimes which were far from democracy (t: democracy is NOT the ggoal) but using the word democracy for just opportune reasons

and there is no developed strong democratic group that could bring the country forward

the present military regime is the only chance Thailand has - they performed better than the previous dishonest, even criminal regimes - let's wait what they will achieve

"they performed better than the previous dishonest regimes - let's wait what they will achieve".

A line that is often used here on TVF to some who try to give legitimacy to the junta, and often by many refuted charging them with doing sweet FA except for lotto tickets, deck chairs on the beach and putting them self well above the law and beyond reproach.

So here's your chance yet again The facts of the Thaksin lead governments economic and social achievements are well documented, now the challenge for you would be to list the PM's achievements, and make compare them. Good luck with that mate cheers.

You also claim Watana " is not acting with (consciousness)"? but is a trickster and paid by a trickster, guess you have proof of that also huh? again good luk with that.whistling.gif

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Not at all - it's still fine doing business here.

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Regardless of who or what Watana maybe , the message this sends to the international business community is to stay well away from Thailand..........................coffee1.gif .

Actually, the message it sends to the whole world, is to stay well away from Thailand.

Sorry I was in a benevolent mood when I wrote that.cheesy.gif

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