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Drinks with high content of sugar will be taxed 20-25 percent


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No problem with this, but copious amounts of sugar are found everywhere in the food chain/diet here.

Maybe better to analyze the entire food spectrum, then address behavior modification based on education and price?

Be interesting to see if the energy drink sector gets a pass?

The problem with that is that the food chain/diet (base) hasn't really changed that much.

What has changed is the availability of the junk food/fast food & confectionery, including these soft drinks that are being targeted. (Interesting to see how the big players fight back with this).

For me, the biggest change, and this is happening all over the world folks, is that of life style of the young. The majority of the youth of today have their heads buried in their smartphones, playing games on their PC's or notebooks or wasting their intellect on social media. Their intake of food hasn't changed that much, but the burning up of that intake isn't happening as it should.

Get the kids active again and watch the obesity fade away.

The big problem for governments is that they can't tax that....................wink.png

Actually.. you cant out train (or out play) a bad diet.. so even if the kids were active it would not help because they would get too much sugar and other crap in their diet. This is a step in the right direction hopefully it will make big companies put in more healthy options because demand for the sugary crap goes down because of the price.

I never needed big government as part of my training routine before, nor do I need big obtrusive government in my training routine now. Once they get a toe-hold, they'll want more. Your lifestyle, whatever it is, will eventually come into focus for taxation. Be careful what you wish for and endorse as 'good.' I guarantee it will bite you in the butt at at later date.

In this case i say its good it might help people to become more aware and healthy alternatives might come available.

I don't like a government telling me what to do either.. but I also hate paying for others bad lifestyle. Suppose you were a taxpayer and because others are fat and flabby and suffer from heart failure / diabetic and erectile dysfunction (all can happen when fat) and they expect the taxpayer to pay the health cost that healthy non fat people pay for.. in that case i rather have them pay for their own treatment by taxing products that will get people fat easy.

Just my 2 cents.. just like i think that health-insurance for smokers and drinkers should be higher as for those who don't.

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