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Farang Website Designers

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I can tell you who not to use in Bangkok. :o

If a member here PM's you and his nick is only 4 letters long, do not use him - a big warning.

This "*******" is expensive, builds crap websites and then steals your domain name and has the hide, to use it for his own website. :D

I was charged 60k and paid for my domain name using his credit card (paid him in cash as I didnt have my cards with me). He is still using my domain name for his own website. :D

In the end the site looked like <deleted>!

I had the website made by another company for 22,000 Baht and it looks and functions brilliantly.

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I can tell you who not to use in Bangkok. :o

If a member here PM's you and his nick is only 4 letters long, do not use him - a big warning.

This "*******" is expensive, builds crap websites and then steals your domain name and has the hide, to use it for his own website. :D

I was charged 60k and paid for my domain name using his credit card (paid him in cash as I didnt have my cards with me). He is still using my domain name for his own website. :D

In the end the site looked like <deleted>!

I had the website made by another company for 22,000 Baht and it looks and functions brilliantly.

Put his name here, can be fun to know who he is.

60 K is huge amount. In the past one of main sponsort used to ask 10 000 for a website, and it was a fair deal. 60 K is about what the society I work for (baed in Florida) is asking for dynamic , DB drived , with payment system and lot of cusotmisation website, and those price is for US customers.

22 000 bhts is a normal local pricing for exemple a OSC based customised to the client design.

So please, post it the name of the sucker who used to ask 60K bht, or message me I will be glad to make him some advertising (at least I will simply block him to be referral or indirect referral to APnic, Arin and Internic).

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True. the basic www shouldn't cost much - unless you're dealing with ***** or ***** company. All money are into php programming and billing | shipping | inventory part. ALso, SEO might cost some. true.

20K means nothing - it's jsut a 550 smuckers

Also, hosting - lotsa crap on the street - beware

good luck

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True. the basic www shouldn't cost much - unless you're dealing with ***** or ***** company. All money are into php programming and billing | shipping | inventory part. ALso, SEO might cost some. true.

20K means nothing - it's jsut a 550 smuckers

Also, hosting - lotsa crap on the street - beware

good luck

Assuming the OP , or any people asking about www here, is not looking for a site that will gather 1000 hits per minutes, 20 K is the price.

Not sure whatyou mean by nothing. but 20 K is still money (some thai people have to work more than a month to earn it), and even if basic a website is still work to do. Right now (I post here because I am turning bore with it) I correcting a OSC based website for an OZ socciety who sell 'ready to use' e-commerce ... I got wonderfull mock up (those guys are great with photoshop and certainly also in selling) but God, they have no clue of what programming (I know php is a script language, but still programming skills are needed when methodology is needed).

My true advice would be to avoid any of those who will private (with less or more than 5 letters in the nickname), eventually better to go to www.rentacoder.com, and post your work. There you will find reliable coders who are professional (in case you get/choose a bad one you re protected), and the prices will be cheaper than anythign you can get here. You will be able to get western standart quality, real dead line, propositions made by professional coders and not by wannabe overstayer in thailand who are litterate with front page but without any real clues on maintenance, reusability of coding ... (if I do a work, I will not wish the client to come back to me after some weeks because it does not work anymore, and if I create a custom payment/shipping module I will try to make it standart enought to be able to resell it for OSC, Zend Cart, X cube .... so as client better if you find someone like that).

On the other hand, yes you have reputable and well renowed firms here in Bangkok, I know one not far of MBK, but there is a lot of wanabee, a lot of people who sell but not realize, a lot of people who will give you headhache with huge technical words but who do not know what hey really mean. Be very careful.

One exemple, in the place I use to go to play pool no one know what is my job, 3 weeks ago, a guy asked me, my answer was : I am doing business on internet (true as I work remote for foreign clients), so he started to try to sell me a website that will maximise my profits on the net.Pricing near the price you payed (55 K), OSC based, explaing me as I was french he will be necessity to create new module for payment, shipping and with french zip .... lot of BS ... it ended when he asked me what I was selling on the net and me to answer I was a coder. So be very careful.

Keep in mind a e-commerce based on a big name (OSC, Zend, X-cube) will take btw 2 and 4 weeks to be ready, keep also in mind mostly it will be DESIGN work (a good coder or a goodfirm will have already developped the custom modules you are lookingfor) and by so need no real IT skills (but artistic skills). A fair price (assuming you are not looking for a site that will have 1000 hits per minutes) will be btw 10K and 25K (depending if flash or not, depending if static or dynamic ....).

Sorry if I was verbous, but it's just a way to go far of my work for some minutes and also maybe to be of some help. And by the way, for those who think I do unfair comments, I do precise I live here, I work as freelance coder but I do not acept any locals or fellas as clients, so I do not have any bad ideas hidding behind my comments, but they based on my experience or on what I witnessed

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Not sure whatyou mean by nothing. but 20 K is still money (some thai people have to work more than a month to earn it)

No, it's not. its a banana startup for templated site

My true advice would be to avoid any of those who will private (with less or more than 5 letters in the nickname), eventually better to go to www.rentacoder.com, and post your work. There you will find reliable coders who are professional (in case you get/choose a bad one you re protected), and the prices will be cheaper than anythign you can get here. You will be able to get western standart quality, real dead line, propositions made by professional coders and not by wannabe overstayer in thailand who are litterate with front page but without any real clues on maintenance, reusability of coding ... (if I do a work, I will not wish the client to come back to me after some weeks because it does not work anymore, and if I create a custom payment/shipping module I will try to make it standart enought to be able to resell it for OSC, Zend Cart, X cube .... so as client better if you find someone like that).

Then why are you using free license shopping carts? Posting jobs at rentacoder ? Western standard quality ? reusability of coding - man, you try way too hard :-)

On the other hand, yes you have reputable and well renowed firms here in Bangkok, I know one not far of MBK, but there is a lot of wanabee, a lot of people who sell but not realize, a lot of people who will give you headhache with huge technical words but who do not know what hey really mean. Be very careful.

Very True. 100% agree

Keep in mind a e-commerce based on a big name (OSC, Zend, X-cube) will take btw 2 and 4 weeks to be ready, keep also in mind mostly it will be DESIGN work (a good coder or a goodfirm will have already developped the custom modules you are lookingfor) and by so need no real IT skills (but artistic skills). A fair price (assuming you are not looking for a site that will have 1000 hits per minutes) will be btw 10K and 25K (depending if flash or not, depending if static or dynamic ....).

1000 hits per minute ? you're saying about a 1 minute ? what flash, static, dynamic and so has to do with it ? At least didn't make me bore - I'm still laughing

but I do not acept any locals or fellas as clients,

That's a bold statement! Keep writing, I'm off to get more beer, hope will read more from you, pls

something about Ozy customers and your pool skills, anything - i love it :-)

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I can tell you who not to use in Bangkok. :o

If a member here PM's you and his nick is only 4 letters long, do not use him - a big warning.

This "*******" is expensive, builds crap websites and then steals your domain name and has the hide, to use it for his own website. :D

I was charged 60k and paid for my domain name using his credit card (paid him in cash as I didnt have my cards with me). He is still using my domain name for his own website. :D

In the end the site looked like <deleted>!

I had the website made by another company for 22,000 Baht and it looks and functions brilliantly.

Please write ut who it is, so us others with 4-letter-nicks aren't blamed! =)

I work with php and webdesign too (amongst other things), but have yet to work against a local client. Someone suggested you to hire via rentacoder. Can work, if you select properly. I'm there too btw. :D

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That's a bold statement! Keep writing, I'm off to get more beer, hope will read more from you, pls

something about Ozy customers and your pool skills, anything - i love it :-)

Not bold, or maybe am I bold myself (lo, Alexander reincarnation :o)

What I do say : I do not work for local (thais) or expats ... Not interresting work to do, the most interresting work in Thailand is forwarded abroad. SO here stay only the basic shit (raw HTML, basic php ...)

Trying hard? No, not in my case. I am still selling for 45 us$ the same coding that I created 6 years ago for exemple : how to cover a dropdown (tag <select>) with a DHTML menu in IE 6 or less (mean 5.5,5,4...). Fact is I had some hardtime to create it, fact after 6 years it took to me less than 10 mn to insert it, so it's good money (well and only 6 lines of CSS + 2 lines in javascript so no headhache). Reusability is a key word for any responsible coder (mean someone who intend to do that job for a while and who love what he is doing).

I use, promote, maintain free shopping cart because I believe in the free coding. People (client) in that case pay for the real ability to maintain on the long run the script working. The day the script is not accurate anymore they can change, they are not legally tie by any fuc**** licence. Well, maybe that is not the earning wise for me, but I do prefer to have trustfull clients than to have to run everyday to earn my money. Same apply for RAC, I am there since 4 years, have a pool of clients that provide me with regular jobs (in more of my regular job) and it's okie. Be able to survive and have activity in RAC is worth something I think (mostly people there do not last long because it need big 'corones').

The one thousand per minute was used to say the usual websites do NOT have the same needs than a site like TV or NYC stock exchange, or ebay. Usually an e-commerce will be happy to get some hits every day.

Ozie customers? I definitively like them, they are polite, usually easy to deal with. What I call Ozie customers are mostly firms who sell e-commerce and ask me to finalize stuffs that are a bit complex to realize. Pool skills? Well unsure, I went in final of french Championship in 1999, so I suppose I am still a decent player (if you have some money to loose I can show you if you dare;) )

Anyway you have right to laught about me or my professional life, no probs my lad, Bozo could be my second name ... anyway after some years in that business and 4 years in this business in thailand I at least found a way to stay here and enjoy wihtout crooking other people or expats. Obviously the guy the OP met was not at this level.

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Some interesting info but lots of misleading stuff as well. Sting you cannot say that a website should cost between 10-20,000, all you do is make people think they can get any site for that and they bloody well can't.. I'm fed up of people asking me to do something for next to nothing!! If you are going to people advice on how much things cost, maybe you should be more specific ,how many pages, how many images scripts, commerce, flash etc etc... Personally I won't do a site for less than 20,000 because I figure if it takes me 4-5 days at least plus testing then that's fair.

So let me just say again... some very basic websites you can get for 15,000 baht but if you want e-commerce and design it will cost double.... IMHO!!


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Some interesting info but lots of misleading stuff as well. Sting you cannot say that a website should cost between 10-20,000, all you do is make people think they can get any site for that and they bloody well can't.. I'm fed up of people asking me to do something for next to nothing!! If you are going to people advice on how much things cost, maybe you should be more specific ,how many pages, how many images scripts, commerce, flash etc etc... Personally I won't do a site for less than 20,000 because I figure if it takes me 4-5 days at least plus testing then that's fair.

So let me just say again... some very basic websites you can get for 15,000 baht but if you want e-commerce and design it will cost double.... IMHO!!


Well, it's up to you.

What I did say it's 20 000 is the max price assuming you will use an already ecommerce shopping cart (OSC, Zend , X-cube). So most of the work will be work on the templates. Do we agree? I can give you a bunch of URL realised by my boss company who took about 1 week and were paid 400 or 500 $. And the company is in USA, not here.

Do you work here? Do you have a business here?Do you have a WP and by so have thai staffs? If yes it can explain your pricing. Working as freelance for abroad companies made things totally different, in both legal requirement and pricing.

In rentacoder, that kind of website is cost about 250 us$.

Now, if you get clients willing to pay 30 000 bht, that is great for you. If real , maybe shold I stop to do outsourcing work and prospect the local market (it would explain why someone said I had bold statement). But if I compare with the global market, it's simply overpriced.

Better if people go to RAC, scriptlance, freelance or other websites like that. They will save money for sure.

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I can tell you who not to use in Bangkok. :o

If a member here PM's you and his nick is only 4 letters long, do not use him - a big warning.

This "*******" is expensive, builds crap websites and then steals your domain name and has the hide, to use it for his own website. :D

I was charged 60k and paid for my domain name using his credit card (paid him in cash as I didnt have my cards with me). He is still using my domain name for his own website. :D

In the end the site looked like &lt;deleted&gt;!

I had the website made by another company for 22,000 Baht and it looks and functions brilliantly.

I would suggest you refrain from "naming and shaming" as there are always two sides to every story and we have only heard yours. You state that you "don't play that way" but continue to drop hints and make accusations.

Any further discussion along these lines will result in posts deleted and the thread closed. Capiche?

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Interesting to see comments from so called "professionals" 30k for a basic site setup according to one...

If a site is basic, there is no reason why you can't do it yourself, get yourself a domain name, hosting (much cheaper outside thailand) and download a free template, experiment with settings in nice graphic based environment such as dreamweaver. You will learn alot that will help you as you forge ahead with your business.

The general design quality of sites coming from Thai businesses is very very poor, and there is simply no reason you need to use one. Given the very nature of the internet, just shop around, there are many designers that will get you a basic setup for well under the stupid prices I see here.

One such example was a site I came upon that was designed by a farang owned Thai company.. the fee for everything was over 35K USD, somthing I would have charged 1k for max. Even then W3C standards eluded them, with non-validating code, and non-existant SEO work.

The cost of websites differs greatly depending on if custom software is required, time taken etc. I should also point out that you should expect to pay 5% of your total costs for the actual site, and 95% for marketing.. unless you follow a faith based marketing plan (like so many in Thailand) where you make a site and expect traffic to come by magic.

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The website is simply to display a product and information to people who have already found the site address through non-web based advertising, any custom from someone just finding the site by chance would be a bonus but not a market we are aiming for.

Presented like that, and assuming that is really what you are looking for, pricing should be around 10K.

If ONE product, relational DB is not needed (a flat one, such as a CSV file, will be enought).

There is a free e-cart , named AGORA. Nothing to pay, moslty you can install it yourself, there is a huge support or directly by the firm who maintain it, or in yahoo group.

In that case you will jsut to hire a designer, read someone able to use photoshop, and that is what cost the less (using photoshop is NOT an IT skill, doign action script that are optimised are an IT skill).

Sure there is people who run a business and have to have earning (blls to pay, employees to pay ..). Do you want to support them by paying what they think you have to pay, or as Van Zam pointed out, do you prefer to save your money for what really matter?

And one more time I do repeat, I can say so because I do not look for local market, more I do not do website, so I am not trying to woo the OP. I jsut tell my mind, with the accuracy that imply (I can be drunk and saying BS, I can also tell the truth ...)

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I can tell you who not to use in Bangkok. :D

If a member here PM's you and his nick is only 4 letters long, do not use him - a big warning.

This "*******" is expensive, builds crap websites and then steals your domain name and has the hide, to use it for his own website. :D

I was charged 60k and paid for my domain name using his credit card (paid him in cash as I didnt have my cards with me). He is still using my domain name for his own website. :D

In the end the site looked like &lt;deleted&gt;!

I had the website made by another company for 22,000 Baht and it looks and functions brilliantly.

I would suggest you refrain from "naming and shaming" as there are always two sides to every story and we have only heard yours. You state that you "don't play that way" but continue to drop hints and make accusations.

Any further discussion along these lines will result in posts deleted and the thread closed. Capiche?


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I would suggest you refrain from "naming and shaming" as there are always two sides to every story and we have only heard yours. You state that you "don't play that way" but continue to drop hints and make accusations.

Any further discussion along these lines will result in posts deleted and the thread closed. Capiche?

Well, I do not quite understand.

Why that reaction?

Is it possible to have more details (not on the crap website part, but on CC part)?

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Interesting to see comments from so called "professionals" 30k for a basic site setup according to one...

One such example was a site I came upon that was designed by a farang owned Thai company.. the fee for everything was over 35K USD, somthing I would have charged 1k for max. Even then W3C standards eluded them, with non-validating code, and non-existant SEO work.

You have to be kidding!! You charge 1000 baht for a site... it must be good then!!! I wouldn't take a p*ss for that!!

And you expect SEO for next to nothing.... hahahahahahaha!!!


Edited by ourmanflint
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Interesting to see comments from so called "professionals" 30k for a basic site setup according to one...

One such example was a site I came upon that was designed by a farang owned Thai company.. the fee for everything was over 35K USD, somthing I would have charged 1k for max. Even then W3C standards eluded them, with non-validating code, and non-existant SEO work.

You have to be kidding!! You charge 1000 baht for a site... it must be good then!!! I wouldn't take a p*ss for that!!

And you expect SEO for next to nothing.... hahahahahahaha!!!


Why dear and beloved admin do I have the feeling you are trying by a way or anohter to promote your business and your pricing????????????

What I do mean is assuming we are in thailand, with a cost ofthe life that is not the cost of life in USA, why not charge a thai price your localcustomers? Why instead do you want people pay the US (or EU) standart price? Because you work folowing western standart? So well, why not do it in US or EU? If you run your business here, you should apply local pricing ... Yes maybe it sucks to not earn 20K bht or more per week, but here is thailand, and prices are not the same as in our original countries.

Check the various freeelance websites, and have an idea of the price there. One poster is also a member of RAC, I suppose he can confirm a site + relational DB + payment + shipping + correct design is way less than 500$.

And by the way, dear and belovec and respected moderator, understand there is no insult intended, nor any kind of personall attack. I just tell my mind, maybe also tell why I am still poor but that is another problem. As banning seems the usual reaction here, feel free to do it if you feel offended or attacked, I use to have been banned a lot of time sinceI am registred here lol

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