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Young guy in Udon Thani


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So I'm heading over to Thailand at the end of July. I'll probably arrive in Udon on the 1st of August.

I was looking at other areas of Isaan, but Udon seems like my best bet for "livability" that is my opinion. I understand everyone is different lol

Had thought about Khon Kaen or Ubon..

But anyway I'm ranting here.

What would life be like in Udon Thani for a young farang in his early 20's?

Are there many young farang guys in Udon Thani ?

Easy to pick up girls who aren't bar girls ?

Is the nightclubs there any good ?

I've done a load of research on udon, but it's quite hard to get upto date info. I imagine there will be some people on here who live in Udon Thani who can help me answer some questions :)

Thanks in advance!

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" Easy to pick up girls who aren't bar girls ? "

Yes ,.........If you can speak thai fluently,wai.gif

"Is the nightclubs there any good ? "

Maybe " are the nightclubs..." ?

And about the question, everywhere in Thailand, if you want to become deaf rapidly, they are the good places sad.png

After all, I'm still young, only 67 old and french ( nobody is perfect, isn't it ? ) but not living in Udon Thani which is 75 km from my village in Sakon Nakhon province .

If you are looking for a big town in Issan, I think Khon Kaen is the town ; bigger than Udon Thani .

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Thanks for the help :)

Khon kaen was my original idea.

I figured there would be enough people speak English there with all the universities around the area?

I only know enough thai to be polite.

Would you say khon kaen is better for a young farang than Udon thani ?

I actually enjoy deafening nightclubs once in a while, so that ticks a box for me lol.

I'm still swaying toward Udon Thani because there are more westerners and the night life seems to be better. Not a big party guy, but I do enjoy bars and nightclubs

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Khon Khaen is the better of the two imo. Though I've admittedly spent more time there than Udon. Since it has one of the bigger unis in Thailand, and definitely the biggest in Isaan, there is a large amount of young people and places to hang out. If you don't look like a troll and can speak enough Thai to be 'narak' you'll clean house, if that's your goal.

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Go to Khon Kaen get a small room near the university campus which is thriving and has many bars around it oh and loads of hot young lonely students,pop into the city for your weekend clubbing at Rad complex and up to you club many more places.......early 20's! you will have a ball and after burn out can then retire to the bars in Udon thumbsup.gif

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Khon Khaen is the better of the two imo. Though I've admittedly spent more time there than Udon. Since it has one of the bigger unis in Thailand, and definitely the biggest in Isaan, there is a large amount of young people and places to hang out. If you don't look like a troll and can speak enough Thai to be 'narak' you'll clean house, if that's your goal.

How long were you in Khon Kaen ?

How did you find it as a farang ?

I get the feeling there won't be many young farang living at all. Unless there students

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Khon Khaen is the better of the two imo. Though I've admittedly spent more time there than Udon. Since it has one of the bigger unis in Thailand, and definitely the biggest in Isaan, there is a large amount of young people and places to hang out. If you don't look like a troll and can speak enough Thai to be 'narak' you'll clean house, if that's your goal.

How long were you in Khon Kaen ?

How did you find it as a farang ?

I get the feeling there won't be many young farang living at all. Unless there students

I never lived in KK, but I lived close enough that I'd go for a weekend or holiday once a month or so.

I really enjoyed it. I didn't meet any other people my age (early 20s) but then again I wasn't looking for that. But yeah stay near the uni, plenty of fun bars and clubs. KK also has all the comforts you'd find in the other big cities. I'm sure there are at least a few younger farang teaching in the town or nearby.

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Khun UK, if you are planning on staying in Thailand for a long time, I suggest you take a Thai course before you settle down. AUA offer them in Bangkok and many other locations. I just did a Google search, AUA Thailand, and you're in luck, they have one in Udon. I have several friends who have gone to them and have been very happy. My understanding is the courses are 6 weeks. One 6 week course will give you a basic understanding of Thai, then the next level will have you speaking not bad. It is said if you finish the third level, a total of 18 weeks, you should be at a stage that you can pretty well carry out conversations no problem and teach yourself new vocabulary etc. So go to AUA, or another school in Udon, learn the language and see if you like Udon. In your young twenties you will have no trouble picking up girls if you speak Thai.

Edited by Issangeorge
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Go to Khon Kaen get a small room near the university campus which is thriving and has many bars around it oh and loads of hot young lonely students,pop into the city for your weekend clubbing at Rad complex and up to you club many more places.......early 20's! you will have a ball and after burn out can then retire to the bars in Udon thumbsup.gif

Hahaha.... you sound like a venerable senior monger advising a novice monger.

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I would stay away from the night clubs,bars etc.Um there is A big University at Udon you might want to go there.Mabe hang out at

The Library.If I was n your shoes I would learn as much Thai as you can in the shortest amount of time as you can.

Why go with the so so ladies when you can be with quality ones.Udn does have A large farang population there.Hang out around

Central Plaza.

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Khun UK, if you are planning on staying in Thailand for a long time, I suggest you take a Thai course before you settle down. AUA offer them in Bangkok and many other locations. I just did a Google search, AUA Thailand, and you're in luck, they have one in Udon. I have several friends who have gone to them and have been very happy. My understanding is the courses are 6 weeks. One 6 week course will give you a basic understanding of Thai, then the next level will have you speaking not bad. It is said if you finish the third level, a total of 18 weeks, you should be at a stage that you can pretty well carry out conversations no problem and teach yourself new vocabulary etc. So go to AUA, or another school in Udon, learn the language and see if you like Udon. In your young twenties you will have no trouble picking up girls if you speak Thai.

The AUA in Udon teaches English only, no Thai. I think the only viable AUAs for Thai are BKK and CM.

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" Easy to pick up girls who aren't bar girls ? "

Yes ,.........If you can speak thai fluently,wai.gif

"Is the nightclubs there any good ? "

Maybe " are the nightclubs..." ?

And about the question, everywhere in Thailand, if you want to become deaf rapidly, they are the good places sad.png

After all, I'm still young, only 67 old and french ( nobody is perfect, isn't it ? ) but not living in Udon Thani which is 75 km from my village in Sakon Nakhon province .

If you are looking for a big town in Issan, I think Khon Kaen is the town ; bigger than Udon Thani .

Asterix, the pedant. Try ... "nobody is perfect, are they?" ... absolutely true, as you have just proved.

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I still keep in touch with some of the thai people I know from my last trip. I have no objections to learning thai, I'd love to learn more of the language! Anyone done an online course? I have no real interest in reading Thai.

I'm only really looking to spend a month or 2 in Thailand before heading to Ho Chi Minh to base myself for 6 months to year. But for sure I'll be back in Thailand for a long stay.

I'm not really into the bar girl scene, but I did find comfort in having a beer and playing pool with farangs and bar girls in my last trip. Which meant I was hanging around the bar scene.

Friendly people that speak enough English to get by is all I need.

The hooking up with girls part just makes the trip more enjoyable when you can have a local friend or slightly more than a friend to spend time with during the trip. Someone who introduces you to foods and places you might not have experienced otherwise.

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Thanks for the help smile.png

Khon kaen was my original idea.

I figured there would be enough people speak English there with all the universities around the area?

I only know enough thai to be polite.

Would you say khon kaen is better for a young farang than Udon thani ?

I actually enjoy deafening nightclubs once in a while, so that ticks a box for me lol.

I'm still swaying toward Udon Thani because there are more westerners and the night life seems to be better. Not a big party guy, but I do enjoy bars and nightclubs

Enjoy the best of both places, find accommodation in both towns and rent on a monthly basis,there is plenty of transport from Central to KK.

There are not so many young farang around either town though.

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You dont have to have knowledge of Thai with University girls or HI So ladies they all can speak English.my experience.


Unless this person is a university student or a recent graduate, why recommend that he set up shop in close proximity to a university? Do people honestly believe that there is some sort of magical desirability with a foreigner who is not of the same social class as the "target" Thais? Students are not going to go running just because some foreigner shows up. Unless he is good looking, or has gained renown on the internet for his adventures or has an amazing profile on tinder/grinder/pintrest/couchsurfing etc. it's not going to be a big "partay". He's not Pewdie Pie or one of the guys from SMOSH and he isn't singing in 21 Pilots etc. Young Thais really are not interested in visiting farangs unless there is a specific reason like being a whore, or yaba freak in need of money. Ask your kids. No one is interested in people who are alien to their culture and who will disappear in a short while.

In any case, I doubt someone who speaks with an Ali G dialect with a query such as" Is the nightclubs there any good ?" (sic) will seduce the local women. The bars around Central in Udon and the entertainment strip around back from the Pannerai and Centara are rather grim and are more for the elderly chain smoking dullards in need of the companionship of the intellectually challenged women and transvestites who work in the bars. If a younger person shows up, capable of obtaining an erection without the use of a pill, he may intimidate the resident farang patrons. This could result in a clash or he might feel a bit isolated as most everyone would be old enough to be the cranky old guy on the street that kids would TP or on who's lawn they would toss their dog turds or toss cherry bombs at 3 am.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Being close to university isn't just about picking up girls. It would be a concentration people around my own age who may well speak English.

Please don't judge me on saying "is the nightclubs there any good" ... Easy mistake for a person from my area of Scotland

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Think I'm going to head to Khon Kaen first anyway. Then take a trip to Udon for a few days and see what I think smile.png

As a matter of interest, why are you going to that area of Thailand? Chiang Mai tends to attract a younger crowd of foreigner.

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You dont have to have knowledge of Thai with University girls or HI So ladies they all can speak English.my experience.


Unless this person is a university student or a recent graduate, why recommend that he set up shop in close proximity to a university? Do people honestly believe that there is some sort of magical desirability with a foreigner who is not of the same social class as the "target" Thais? Students are not going to go running just because some foreigner shows up. Unless he is good looking, or has gained renown on the internet for his adventures or has an amazing profile on tinder/grinder/pintrest/couchsurfing etc. it's not going to be a big "partay". He's not Pewdie Pie or one of the guys from SMOSH and he isn't singing in 21 Pilots etc. Young Thais really are not interested in visiting farangs unless there is a specific reason like being a whore, or yaba freak in need of money. Ask your kids. No one is interested in people who are alien to their culture and who will disappear in a short while.

In any case, I doubt someone who speaks with an Ali G dialect with a query such as" Is the nightclubs there any good ?" (sic) will seduce the local women. The bars around Central in Udon and the entertainment strip around back from the Pannerai and Centara are rather grim and are more for the elderly chain smoking dullards in need of the companionship of the intellectually challenged women and transvestites who work in the bars. If a younger person shows up, capable of obtaining an erection without the use of a pill, he may intimidate the resident farang patrons. This could result in a clash or he might feel a bit isolated as most everyone would be old enough to be the cranky old guy on the street that kids would TP or on who's lawn they would toss their dog turds or toss cherry bombs at 3 am.

Normally younger people are students or just recently graduated.

The rest of your response is just drivel and geriatric!! Most students are infact interested in people from another culture as it is educational and interesting.

Ali G? lol! you are being very judgemental on the OP and also a lot of farangs and Thai women with you assesment of the bar areas of Udon.

I bet your a barrell of laughs on a saturday night arent you just...whistling.gif

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MrRed wrote : " Most students are infact interested in people from another culture as it is educational and interesting. "

In europe yes but not in Thailand ;

I have three children in Thailand , my oldest girl is 28 y old and did university during 4 years;

now she is working ; if I want to speak english with her, it's nearly impossible; she cannot make a normal phrase;

my second is a boy , 26 old , who is working in Taiwan since two years; I know he can speak a good chinese;

and the third is a girl, 19 y old, she will go to university this year; I hope she is good in english but as for her older sister, impossible to speak english with her; they are shy; don't want to loose face so they prefer not to speak .

But, as my son working in Taiwan , I know that thai people who were working overseas knows how to speak chinese, japanese, korean or other language ; in the middle east for example .

In my Amphoe, there is a " cafe-bar" , the owner is a thai man; he has a fluent japanese;

why I know about that and I don't speak this language ?

easy; two yeras ago a nephew of mine went to visit me in my village;

he is a lecturer in a University in Tokyo ; he speaks, read and write japanese maybe better than many japanese people;

he is doctor in history from a japanese university; his thesis , about 800 pages is written in japanese .

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