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Why there is so much stereotype around Thai girls?

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Sometime ago I there was a report thais are the second bigest cheaters in the world after some african country.

I had 3 gfs who had other relationships when we were dating and having sex, 1 was married to a thai.

When I moved here I also thought they were the best, years on and after dating many I can assure you they are not. They have a very different mentality than us westeners. Today I would never marry a thai women. I dont know how long the Op has been living here but u will realize soon or later

I don't have a problem with unfaithful girlfriends, I'm unfaithful too.
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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.[/quote

"Age appropriate" please define

16 y together with my GF age difference 20y and I financially support her. Could't be more happy, we have a great relationship!

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My experience with "nice caring girls" is worse than the pay for play. At least with PfP they're is little to no drama... My nice girls have cheated and lied. The bar girls ..freelancers etc..are a better option. Have you met her family yet? Good look with that.

all excellent points. stick to the bar girls, at least you know where you stand. i think the non bar girls are even worse than having a western girl. even worse is all the foreign men who are trying to kid themselves and everyone else that their girl is not a hooker. thats even worse again.

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Most guy's first sexual experience in Thailand is with a bar girl. Mainly because it is cheap, easy and in most cases solicited by the girl. These guys don't know what hit them and can't believe their luck. Either too lazy or just happy with their new found goldmine they never look beyond the bars. Now there are some who don't take this path or divert from it and look for an experience more like back home, a normal relationship that doesn't start with a bar fine. Sadly however all the talk back home comes from these guys who found this "goldmine" and are so proud. But at the same time these same guys put down these girls because the girls didn't fall in love and only took their money. That's the way I see it....

And one more item...

Bar Girls are for play only ! Repeat until you get it through your thick head... Don't date them, don't fall in love with them .... And for sure don't marry them.

Edited by ttthailand
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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

i am not so sure it is that easy. there is a real stigmatism for thai girls against dating western men. i asked my pretty little accountant if she had a ferang boyfriend, she said no and looked a bit shocked at the thought of it. this is why it is typically only poor esan girls who go with foreigners. of course there are exceptions but they are rare. after a decade in thailand i dont know of many, infact i cant think of any off the top of my head.

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Oh, my friend, you came to the wrong place to express those sorts of opinions.... prepare to be educated on how scheming and wicked all Thai women are and how delusional you are if you dare to think otherwise.

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Oh my Buddha, it is what it is......you figure that they make their own bed.....most are bar girls or have friends that are so guilty no matter how you slice it.....you cannot change the preception no matter how you dress it up....live with it and just enjoy the ride for however long it lasts.......????

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

i am not so sure it is that easy. there is a real stigmatism for thai girls against dating western men. i asked my pretty little accountant if she had a ferang boyfriend, she said no and looked a bit shocked at the thought of it. this is why it is typically only poor esan girls who go with foreigners. of course there are exceptions but they are rare. after a decade in thailand i dont know of many, infact i cant think of any off the top of my head.

Could i humbly suggest you get your head out the sand then...there was even a news article on this exact subject on TV middle of last year entitled " new trend of young Thai women with farang husbands"

And not as rare as you think

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Well if there is a significant age difference, people are going to think that no matter where she is from. Maybe not always a Bar Girl, but a Gold Digger at least.

But you don't have to travel all the way to your own country to find that out. Just check in to a hotel in Thailand with your Passports, and she want reaction she will get. Some are okay, but then there are many others who will treat her like a Bar Girl. That is until her last name is the same as your through marriage, and in which case it all changes. So get used to this.

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I am not so simple as to believe that culture or skin colour are indicative of a person's worth.

Statements like Thai women are subservient, kind loving etc are ignorance at best, pure stupidity at worst.

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It isn't a small percentage, it's 95% of all Thai girls foreigners are able to meet.

Among the foreigners I know with Thai girls, 100%, despite 75% claiming they aren't.

Good luck with the 'loyal and caring'

Not sure about them being 'the best quality' but they are certainly easy and cheap.

Ahahahah, only because your a burnt farang... Met a lot of divorced Englishman dissing English girls as well..

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a lot of men seem to be burnt.. funny as.. Yet, a lot of these MEN, seem to be married in there own country.. Even funnier, divorced, dissing English females, and after Thai females, a lot should look in the mirror, as they are the problem...

60 year old man, dating a 20 year old, ahahahahah, sure they have something in common clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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a lot of men seem to be burnt.. funny as.. Yet, a lot of these MEN, seem to be married in there own country.. Even funnier, divorced, dissing English females, and after Thai females, a lot should look in the mirror, as they are the problem...

60 year old man, dating a 20 year old, ahahahahah, sure they have something in common clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Something in common...drawing cash out the same bank account ?

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It isn't a small percentage, it's 95% of all Thai girls foreigners are able to meet.

Among the foreigners I know with Thai girls, 100%, despite 75% claiming they aren't.

Good luck with the 'loyal and caring'

Not sure about them being 'the best quality' but they are certainly easy and cheap.

You surely have a lopsided opinion BriittMan.It may be 95% of the Thai women you meet, but it is not 95% of all Thai women. Again, 100% of the foreigners you know may indeed be involved with bar girls. That in itself is a shame; for your life must revolve around bars, bar girls, and foreigners who go with bar girls.

Your statement about, the only types of Thai women foreigners can meet are bar girls; is no doubt self-incriminating.

I am a foreigner and certainly no angel. Since 1967, I have spent my fair share of time in the bars of SEA--some say far too much time. However, the bars are not my entire life. My wife is not Thai, so I know many Thai women who are her friends. I am a professional expat who has worked in industry with Thai women who are not bar girls; my son's former Thai girlfriend and his Thai wife are not a bar girls; I know many of the wives of my Thai and foreign friends who are not bar girls, I know several Thai female teachers and nurses who are not bar girls, I have Thai neighbor ladies who are not bar girls, and I know several Thai female travel agents, hotel and bank workers, and shop owners who are not bar girls.

Nevertheless, I do know several bar girls and I have several foreign friends who have Thai wives/gfs who are bar girls. Consequently, I am not denying there are plenty of Thai bar girls. However, the majority of Thai women are NOT bar girls.

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

i am not so sure it is that easy. there is a real stigmatism for thai girls against dating western men. i asked my pretty little accountant if she had a ferang boyfriend, she said no and looked a bit shocked at the thought of it. this is why it is typically only poor esan girls who go with foreigners. of course there are exceptions but they are rare. after a decade in thailand i dont know of many, infact i cant think of any off the top of my head.

Could i humbly suggest you get your head out the sand then...there was even a news article on this exact subject on TV middle of last year entitled " new trend of young Thai women with farang husbands"

And not as rare as you think

I remember reading that article and thinking that it was more wishful thinking than actual research. But anyways, I checked out that article again and this was one of the reasons she cited for the "trend":

[Third, most of these women do not possess the appearance which is valued by Thai men (Chinese-like faces, white skin and skinny bodies). White men however find them attractive.]

Regardless, William has a point. The stigma still exist. And if you'll note from the OP, it exists in western countries as well...maybe even more so.

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As far i know, most of the people who come to thailand do end up with a Bar girl as its not easy for them to meet up with a normal Thai girl unless they know how to pick up (Which Thai girls arent that used to) or if they work in some office. Now when their relationship doesnt work, they just label all Thai girls the same. Thats too bad

That is unfortunately true for most Asian women associate with foreign men anywhere. I have taken two SEA wives to the US--one older and more educated, the other younger and less educated. Neither were bar girls; yet both were assumed to be whores by the Americans we met--even my family and friends--just because they were Asian. Americans do not travel overseas as extensively as Europeans; so the majority of Americans with Asian wives are former military. It seems most of their wives were from the bars; because, as so many here have alluded, most foreigners meet only bar girls.

Having others think your wife is/was a whore, if she was; is a great deal different than the feeling you get if she never was.

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

Thats pretty much it... Of course, the older guys with younger girls won't like to read it...

Additionally, many will suggest your example is a rarity, and exception... this is because people won't or can't think beyond their own experiences.

The stark reality is, whether guys like it or not they end up with as you wrote 'age inappropriate' girls... its a tough term to use, especially when people are happy, but guys who come here and 'get much younger girls' are very unlikely to be able to do so in their home countries whether they wanted to or not - the simple answer is 'security and finance'.... they are offering something to financially insecure girls.

The stereotype here is that any guy can come here and get a girl.... and its true. The stereotype JeffreyO alluded to is that older guys can come here and get a girl - that is also very true - and the reasons they can is money which offers security etc.

All of that said, there is a huge portion of Thai society now who have no hangups mixing it with foreigners - Thailand's multiculturalism and modernism now means that financially independent and educated Thai women can pick and choose, in many cases they are comfortable in the presence of a respectable and educated Westerner... This can be observed in many of Bangkok's shopping malls and restaurants where we can observe many 'normal - age appropriate' mixed couples....

Of course, the 'farang' stigma may be a little slower vacate some who lack independent thought and trip over themselves with the 'good girl' act, but in reality financially independent women can and do make their own choices....

The stereotype exists for a reason - but its also becoming less and less accurate as Thailand's ladies become more independent.

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

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Most of the foreigners who never married and end up here are losers. It makes perfect sense they end up with the bottom class isaan girls.

I feel embarased when I see foreigners w their tirak from isan. It just lowers the level of every other foreigner here because thais will think we are all the same.

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My wife has never been viewed in poor light, either here or o/s.

Her Father and Mother are proud, honourable people.

She's a "good girl", savvy and switched on and I love her unconditionally.

The hard part living here is finding similar couples to befriend. I see them infrequently and I doubt many of the men are on this forum.

What's disappointing is the lads I know with the former whores who wish to maintain friendship. It'll never happen but the dudes just can't see it. They're desperate for their Lo-so girls to be friends with my girl but neither of us will have it.

Just remember, you're in a class driven society.

Accept your choices.

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IMHO Western women stereotype Thai women from fear, and Western men from envy. When I am back in Australia, the reactions are as predictable as sunrise and sunset.

Most Western women know it's impossible to compete with a younger Thai woman in terms of looks and libido. So their response is to stereotype them as sluts stealing from the available gene pool. And Western men who prefer Thai women are low-lifes anyway. Saving face is not restricted to Thais.

Many Western men are tied to a relationship where love no longer exists. They are also petrified they will be dragged into a court and legally mulcted of at least 50% of their assets. The reaction is always a "wink,wink,nudge nudge" type where the envy of my freedom is obvious. While I don't express the opinion to them, I wonder if they will ever grow a pair.

Edited by bazza40
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It isn't a small percentage, it's 95% of all Thai girls foreigners are able to meet.

Among the foreigners I know with Thai girls, 100%, despite 75% claiming they aren't.

Good luck with the 'loyal and caring'

Not sure about them being 'the best quality' but they are certainly easy and cheap.

You surely have a lopsided opinion BriittMan.It may be 95% of the Thai women you meet, but it is not 95% of all Thai women. Again, 100% of the foreigners you know may indeed be involved with bar girls. That in itself is a shame; for your life must revolve around bars, bar girls, and foreigners who go with bar girls.

Your statement about, the only types of Thai women foreigners can meet are bar girls; is no doubt self-incriminating.

I am a foreigner and certainly no angel. Since 1967, I have spent my fair share of time in the bars of SEA--some say far too much time. However, the bars are not my entire life. My wife is not Thai, so I know many Thai women who are her friends. I am a professional expat who has worked in industry with Thai women who are not bar girls; my son's former Thai girlfriend and his Thai wife are not a bar girls; I know many of the wives of my Thai and foreign friends who are not bar girls, I know several Thai female teachers and nurses who are not bar girls, I have Thai neighbor ladies who are not bar girls, and I know several Thai female travel agents, hotel and bank workers, and shop owners who are not bar girls.

Nevertheless, I do know several bar girls and I have several foreign friends who have Thai wives/gfs who are bar girls. Consequently, I am not denying there are plenty of Thai bar girls. However, the majority of Thai women are NOT bar girls.

This is to all the replies that Thai prostitutes are working in bars.

What about the escort services available, what about the girls that do their day jobs and

then go off and work in a Thai nightclub for men or a Japanese only club?

I even know of nurse's at Bumrungrad International Hospital that do their normal hours

of work and then go off to the fancy clubs at night looking for extra money.

Around university areas is another good place to pick up girls that are

out for play for pay.

Love it when some of these replies say they have a university gal!

Meet a lot of them from Univ of Patpong, Univ of Nana Plaza, and Univ of Soi Cowboy.

No matter how long you are married to a Thai girl, most of them you will never know their complete background.

And then we have the comments about the "nice girls" back home in Australia,

GB, and USA.

Around the universities they are giving away sex like it was candy!

Also the ones that are putting themselves through college working on their backs.

I should marry a Thai girl and then I would not have to pay for sex! Hahahaha

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.[/quote

"Age appropriate" please define

16 y together with my GF age difference 20y and I financially support her. Could't be more happy, we have a great relationship!


Read all the way to bottom , has pics of many celebrities with huge age gaps they don't seem to mind

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

There are very few male-female relationships in the world that don't have money in the mix somewhere. Financially independent women are a fairly small minority.

Is a relationship based on money offensive to you? If so,why?

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.


Tell your wife you have no more money and you will have to sell the house or condo,

cars and everything to pay the bills.

She will be running out the door so fast you'll be able to pour cocktails on her coat tails!

Money is their God; next is home, condo, car, motorbike, before family, children, friends.

Guess where you fit in Mr ATM?

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Yes when i first came here i thought they were great too.

Married one and she stole from me.

After three years divorced her.

Next G/F for 4 years, went with guys when i went back home to see my family.

Next G/F for 3 months, had other guys while she was with me.

Next G/F for 3 months, i took her to many places in Thailand.

Was planning on taking her home for a holiday.

Bought her and her family gifts and took them for dinner.

One day after we ate out at a nice restaurant, she wanted me to but her some Durian.

I said NO it is too expensive and we just ate anyhow.

Result she never even spoke to me for ONE WEEK.

So i told her to go away, if she does this over a piece of fruit, what would happen if it was serious.

So In a nutshell would i have another relationship with a Thai Lady NO.

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a lot of men seem to be burnt.. funny as.. Yet, a lot of these MEN, seem to be married in there own country.. Even funnier, divorced, dissing English females, and after Thai females, a lot should look in the mirror, as they are the problem...

60 year old man, dating a 20 year old, ahahahahah, sure they have something in common clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Divorced 60 year old British man, you're talking about me!

Not dissing any nationality of women, if they're young, under 50Kg, and available at the right price, I'm up for it!

There just happens to be a lot more of my style available in Thailand than there are in the UK.

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