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Think your supermarket 'Organic' vegetables are pesticide free?

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All of that, and yet you didn't bother responding to my last point that many infertile fish were found in rivers (?) as a consequence of estrogen or other chemical run-offs from farms.

I ignored it because you said:

I can remember...

Followed, in the very next sentence, by:

I can't remember...

I'm really not interested in doing your legwork. f you've got some smoking gun about how estrogen (in the absence of other pollutants) sterilizes fish, let's see it. I did some cursory poking around and could find only studies that blame women who flush their old/excess contraceptives down the toilet. Another study blames excessive use of manure on farm fields that are near the watershed. As with all other things, proper oversight and regulation are called for - not banning.

[continued in the next post]

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Common sense tells me that adding toxic chemicals and hormones/antibiotics etc. to food is unlikely to be good for my health - although it is good for food producers' profits.

Sure, I can just hear the executive planning committee now: "Alright gentlemen, let's sicken and kill off our customer base with toxic chemicals. Well figure out how this fits in with our bottom line later."

You're doing it again - assuming right in your argument that some chemical is automatically toxic, and then using that as a stepping stone to your desired conclusion. Once again - estrogen is not toxic. The pesticides alluded to in the OP might be toxic at certain levels but crucial information wasn't provided. Most likely the levels weren't dangerous at all, but their mere presence threatens some company's precious 'organic' certification (and therefore, their hugely obscene profit margin as well).

And you're still ignoring the thing that really horrifies me - battery farming of animals.

It's off topic. It feels like you're trying to put some meat on the bones of this non-issue by bringing in side-discussions that are only tangentially related at best. Why not start a new thread?

You're happy with the way food is produced here, whereas I soak all my veg in 'washing liquid' and just hope that Villa Market's meat is free-range.

Missing the point. And at no time did I say "I'm happy". I said that I wasn't concerned about some organic marketing scam being busted.


I won't pay extra in a shop for something organic because there is no way to know that it is. It's a real sucker's setup. If there was a situation where I personally knew a certain farmer took care to avoid chemicals etc that would another story. This applies to everywhere, and doubly so for countries that have no consumer protection laws (or no enforcement of).

A truck driver in the US told me that when loading up the trucks they load the organic stuff first, so that it is on the floor of the truck -- less chance of getting damaged there, so less financial liability than with the cheaper produce bouncing around on top of the load. Thing of it is the chemicals on the other stuff falls downward (of course) and the organic stuff is showered with the chemicals the grower put so much effort into avoiding.


If I thought the food wasn't safe to eat here I would move.

Perhaps you haven't read the Thai-PAN.org report, read it and didn't understanding it or read it and chose to ignore it.


I challenge you to show me a report showing a crop where enough pesticides were detected to qualify as being "full of" toxic chemicals.

It seems that you have missed the fact that the whole thread is based upon the Thai-PAN report of toxic chemicals in Thai vegetables: http://www.thaipan.org/node/831

Apart from the 100% samples containing pesticides in excess of the regulated maximum levels is the evidence of the presence of 11 chemical products that have been banned.

You may wish to reach into your tool box of pedantry and obfuscation to argue definitions of 'full of toxic chemicals', that water is a 'chemical' and a discussion on 'tolerance levels', if this helps you avoid the issue of 'in excess of regulated maximum' and the presence of 'banned chemicals'.


If I thought the food wasn't safe to eat here I would move.

Perhaps you haven't read the Thai-PAN.org report, read it and didn't understanding it or read it and chose to ignore it.

Or perhaps I don't give a happy rat's a** about it.

Where are all the sick people?


If I thought the food wasn't safe to eat here I would move.

Perhaps you haven't read the Thai-PAN.org report, read it and didn't understanding it or read it and chose to ignore it.

Or perhaps I don't give a happy rat's a** about it.

Where are all the sick people?

Dead...............they dont complain much that way, round here they pump so much crap onto their produce which is pushed on them with all sorts of freebies, the woman selling the stuff in the local Mom PoP shop has got 3 free iphones due to her sales and it seems every month they have a tent set up outside the shop with music and freebies promoting the latest wonder chemical.

"more" is better is what they think, Glyphosate use was rampant and now the weed s just laugh at it here.

Anyway heres my peed on mangos today getting bigger (7 inches currently) and bigger, like most fruit n veg here all they really need is LOTS of water, the supermarket bananas are all skinny thin things, mine watered daily are all fat.

This is my first two red mangos so Im interested to see how they taste, got two other varieties also



If I thought the food wasn't safe to eat here I would move.

Perhaps you haven't read the Thai-PAN.org report, read it and didn't understanding it or read it and chose to ignore it.

Or perhaps I don't give a happy rat's a** about it.

Where are all the sick people?

Dead...............they dont complain much that way, round here they pump so much crap onto their produce which is pushed on them with all sorts of freebies, the woman selling the stuff in the local Mom PoP shop has got 3 free iphones due to her sales and it seems every month they have a tent set up outside the shop with music and freebies promoting the latest wonder chemical.

"more" is better is what they think, Glyphosate use was rampant and now the weed s just laugh at it here.

Anyway heres my peed on mangos today getting bigger (7 inches currently) and bigger, like most fruit n veg here all they really need is LOTS of water, the supermarket bananas are all skinny thin things, mine watered daily are all fat.

This is my first two red mangos so Im interested to see how they taste, got two other varieties also

So everyone that eats vegetables in Thailand is dead?

I might try gardening when I retire, don't have the time now.

I love the big yellow mangos.

We have coconuts, bananas and rose pears in the yard that are always good.


Seems to me there are some operational problems with a company that is in business to harm its customers; but I'm not a CEO so what do I know.


Dead...............they dont complain much that way, round here they pump so much crap onto their produce which is pushed on them with all sorts of freebies, the woman selling the stuff in the local Mom PoP shop has got 3 free iphones due to her sales and it seems every month they have a tent set up outside the shop with music and freebies promoting the latest wonder chemical.

"more" is better is what they think, Glyphosate use was rampant and now the weed s just laugh at it here.

Anyway heres my peed on mangos today getting bigger (7 inches currently) and bigger, like most fruit n veg here all they really need is LOTS of water, the supermarket bananas are all skinny thin things, mine watered daily are all fat.

This is my first two red mangos so Im interested to see how they taste, got two other varieties also

So everyone that eats vegetables in Thailand is dead?

I might try gardening when I retire, don't have the time now.

I love the big yellow mangos.

We have coconuts, bananas and rose pears in the yard that are always good.

No...................butI can guarantee one day..................they will be.

Im also growing a VERY big yellow one but its only been in about 6 months, the fruits are about12 inches long like rugby balls


Seems to me there are some operational problems with a company that is in business to harm its customers; but I'm not a CEO so what do I know.

attachicon.gifso its agreed.png

Noooooooooo they are looking for the slow kill not the quick kill and theres also the "addiction" side of it with fags


Their definition of 'Organic' = 'No chemicals'.

I trust you'll agree that this definition lacks certain statutory rigor. Water is a chemical; is that also disallowed? You may think I'm being flippant but to prove a point - since everything is a chemical, how can a statement like "no chemicals" be meaningful or useful?

Is that toxic water you are referring too or simply the pedentry you wish to employ to poison the discussion?

Water is not toxic. By claiming that something is free of chemicals and then, in the very next breath, stating you use compost and water (both of which are chemical compounds), it's YOU who are clearly engaging in pedantry.

It just occurred to me that maybe you're being totally serious and you really don't think that water is a chemical. In that case this is your lucky day as you're about to learn something. Here is the chemical profile for water on PubChem.

If, on the other hand, you're being facetious, then your contributions to this thread won't be of much value if you insist on using imprecise terms.

Drinking too much water can kill you, there are numerous examples of this (referred to as over-hydration). Also water is corrosive. It entirely possible (even likely) he may have been engaging in pedantry but he was not technically incorrect.


And thank goodness we now have restrictions on tobacco so that it doesn't appear in quantities greater that one billion parts per billion in cigarettes!


And thank goodness we now have restrictions on tobacco so that it doesn't appear in quantities greater that one billion parts per billion in cigarettes!

No what we have is precisely the business plan you say doesn't make sense suplemented by your old friends denial and obsfucation.

But thanks for giving us the oprtunity to demonstrate why you are not a CEO.


And thank goodness we now have restrictions on tobacco so that it doesn't appear in quantities greater that one billion parts per billion in cigarettes!

No what we have is precisely the business plan you say doesn't make sense suplemented by your old friends denial and obsfucation.

But thanks for giving us the oprtunity to demonstrate why you are not a CEO.

Your contributions (to be very generous with the term) to this thread are becoming tiresome. I invite you to add something that is more relevant to the OP and less of a personal dump on somebody. Got anything that's actually useful?


Monsanto has been in business for over 100 years, and while a lot of people hate the, people are living longer than ever.

AIDS has only been around 30 years or so.

People are living longer than they did 31 years ago, but I doubt it's because of AIDS. More likely, in spite of...


Seems to me there are some operational problems with a company that is in business to harm its customers; but I'm not a CEO so what do I know.

You've obviously never heard of the tobacco industry and the fact that they knew as far back as the early 1950s that their products where killing their customers.


Their product is a lot different than what insecticide they are using.

That said, every heavy smoker always knew it was killing them long before the tobacco companies were lying about it.

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