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‘I Watched Him as He Died,’ Witness to Disabled Man’s Murder Recalls


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Thailand should do regarding alcohol the same as many Middle East countries do. There if you are a foreigner you can buy a license but locals can not buy one. As Thai's are obviously incapable of handling drink probably best to make sure they do not have access to it

Is that because europeans are supremely capable of being harmless drunks? Obviously unknown to you Thais and many asians can consume more alocohol and remain more functional than europeans on average. The reality is that alcohol unleashes a mindset common to both but in this venue the outcome is localized and socially less inhibited. Alcohol is a major problem but the lack of personal culpability and responsibility is the factor that is missing in Thailand. However the outcome of this may be more severe than is publicly made known.

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The lawyers are pressing charges against the girlfriend of one of the accused.

She post threats against the lawyer.

She was captured on cctv cheering the gang on to kill the crippled man.

This is what I have translated using google translate from this news source.


Needs to be confirmed.....



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A relative of the victim pleads for witnesses to come forward. Only the lawyer is brave enough so far.

Apparently other witnesses refuse to talk to police because they are terrified of what will happen if they do.
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I was riding back from Central Pinklao @3pm or 15.00 today. When approaching the, usually quiet, road leading up to the Krung Thorn Bridge when I was assaulted by several buses, ambulances & police cars blocking my way. I had a quick look but couldn't see much, except for something on a stretcher wrapped in a bin bag, so I made my way into my soi.

Later I learnt that it was a hit & run involving a pickup & a man & wife on their motorbike. Both died at the scene.

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The lawyers are pressing charges against the girlfriend of one of the accused.

She post threats against the lawyer.

She was captured on cctv cheering the gang on to kill the crippled man.

This is what I have translated using google translate from this news source.


Needs to be confirmed.....

Yes, from the article the police arrested her and charged her with conspiracy to murder which she denied. She also denied posting threatening messages on her Facebook page to the family's lawyer.

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Great parenting skills evident in this story: where was your 18 year old between 0200-0800? Oh, out drinking and attacking disabled people. Just the usual high jinx for teenagers. Parents do have to take some responsibility for their kids and it is certainly not the first time these creeps have been out and up to no good: first time offenders? BS, this will be part of a pattern of anti-social behaviour but this time it went way too far and they got caught. Get them off the streets for the next 20 years and the parents can visit them every Sunday.

This story so represents the dark underbelly of Thai society and the sense of entitlement/privilege assumed by these 'connected' types. Made all the worse by the fact that the victim was trying to made the best of his lot, working under difficulty to support his family.

If the authorities let this lot off lightly or try to weasel out of it in some backhanded way, they will lose what little credibility they have left. Enough is enough.

Education is a huge problem.... i saw it on my own..terrifying ..... and ...... dangerous....something is wrong.....

I believe thai people are very respectful people.... and buddhism shouldn't allow them to do terrible thing like this .....

But sometimes....people.... are just animals....they are just too bad....and those people can do anything....The non imaginable thing...They will do it...not only in thailand everywhere around the world...... so..i guess..... a huge sanction is necessary.......

And they ALL know how insane are the PRISON ....They should fear it.....they really should........ i hope the perpetrators got life prison . i really hope so .....maybe death penality..am against it......but in this situation.... honestly..... this too bad ......

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On the surface it has all the hallmarks of a 'thrill kill'. Even one of the attackers supposedly received a serious wound during the melee. Must have been quite a frenzied lust for blood.

A terrible thing to witness. Those who did will probably suffer nightmares for many years.

I have a question. Was the bread seller known to these police (fathers) in any way? Just a thought.

Was it just a mere verbal altercation that set these animals off? if so, this is extremely worrying.

Blaming it on the grog these days is niether an acceptable, nor believable excuse. The only thing the grog did in this case, it appears, is to give them the 'dutch courage' to carry out the premeditated attack. I doubt it was the grog which provided them with the motive to kill. Why else would you ride around tooled up with a mini arsenal of lethal weapons? In preparation for acting out a scene from Grand Theft Auto? Not that I have ever seen or played the PC Game but it is hugely popular with many idol young thai males with too much time on their hands.

Sins of the fathers. We don't now anything about the fathers or families, many assumptions are being made, I won't be so quick to condemn them all just yet, I think they should be given the benefit of the doubt until more is known. Even the best 'kids', coming from the 'best' homes, with the best parents can go bad. Not uncommon where I come from.

As for the claim of 'self defence'? Just a formality I reckon, desperately clutching at straws for any form of defence.

It is a heinous crime in anyone's language. One of the worst. No-one likes the idea of animals like these running loose amongst society. I sincerely hope justice prevails. For everyone's sake.

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The lawyers are pressing charges against the girlfriend of one of the accused.

She post threats against the lawyer.

She was captured on cctv cheering the gang on to kill the crippled man.

This is what I have translated using google translate from this news source.


Needs to be confirmed.....

Yes, from the article the police arrested her and charged her with conspiracy to murder which she denied. She also denied posting threatening messages on her Facebook page to the family's lawyer.

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And the old lady from Wales thought physically assaulting a drunk Thai man was an acceptable response..

Now!!! I'm in no way blaming the old lady or disabled man for responding like they did..

And for sure! Beat the angry drum! Demand long prison terms and death sentences for those guilty men..

Just don't think age or a disability is a free pass to respond to drunks as you please, with no consequences.

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