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London may elect first Muslim mayor, after ugly, 'dog-whistling' campaign


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I saw the headline and exactly knew, what would be the first responses here!

You islamophob right wingers understand, that he will be the MAYOR of London...not the EMPEROR of London, right?!

Well...probably you don't, so let me explain: no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

I saw the headline and knew the keyboard warriors couldn't help but cream their pants as result!

I mean, they've got the gall to criticize a bloke who's stuck his hand up, gone to the voters and look as he asks to lead one of the great cities of the world. A job for which he'll be accountable for every day and puts him up front and centre every nut job to have a go at him anytime they want.

What have the keyboard warriors done? Move to the otherside of the world, chuck rocks online in their dark rooms while barely able to string two words in the native language of the country they've migrated to......

As of yet I dont think I have ever read a story or newslink about farangs carrying out "honour killings" or FGM in Thailand.

Please feel free to post any such links.

Sorry fella,

I don't go lumping people together cause of my bigotry. Nor to I respond to invitations to bigot linky bingo.

But good try....though predictable.

Edited by samran
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i want to know his stance on brexit.

i also want to know what trump has to say lol

is trump going to ban him from america because the new mayor is muslim?

Edited by god2u
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i want to know his stance on brexit.

i also want to know what trump has to say lol

is trump going to ban him from america because the new mayor is muslim?

Trump made a statement in favor of Brexit.

Under Trump, all Muslims would be banned from entering the USA.

Yes, craziness.

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After all we could also ask why it is worth to mention that he is a Muslim. What if he would be a Buddhist, or a Shinto? Who would care about it? To me, religions (believers) are equal to superstition which don't should affect political business.

However, have a nice weekend guys.

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After all we could also ask why it is worth to mention that he is a Muslim. What if he would be a Buddhist, or a Shinto? Who would care about it? To me, religions (believers) are equal to superstition which don't should affect political business.

However, have a nice weekend guys.

Don't be naive.

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perhaps they can replace the big ben sound with the loud speaker wailing multiple times a day that can be heard in muslim countries

Don't worry, but yet another Labour politician was just suspended for Jew hating online posting. Possibly a pal of the new mayor. Hmm.


David Watson, recently suspended for Jew hating facebook posts pictured with Sadiq Khan.

Edited by Jingthing
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perhaps they can replace the big ben sound with the loud speaker wailing multiple times a day that can be heard in muslim countries

Don't worry, but yet another Labour politician was just suspended for Jew hating online posting. Possibly a pal of the new mayor. Hmm.

does the new mayor hate jews?

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To lower the tone a bit, a Daily Mail columnist has said she will run naked down Regent Street with a sausage up her bum if Khan wins.

Readers replies to her column are asking what time, will there be seats available for booking, will the sausage be up her bum or just between the cheeks etc.

would the sausage be a halal one? huh.png

Halal bangers sprinkled with holy water. Much better than Tesco finest*.


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Well, he's won it. Suck it up, islamophobes.

Well let's see how having the first mayor that is beyond any criticism works out. His word will be gold. Beyond reproach or question. Doubt anything this man does, you will be called a vile bigot. I can see some potential issues arising from this nonsensical situation. FWIW I have repeatedly said that elevating muslims above the law of the land will lead to problems. 1,600 kids in Rotherham agree with me - belatedly.

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perhaps they can replace the big ben sound with the loud speaker wailing multiple times a day that can be heard in muslim countries

Don't worry, but yet another Labour politician was just suspended for Jew hating online posting. Possibly a pal of the new mayor. Hmm.


David Watson, recently suspended for Jew hating facebook posts pictured with Sadiq Khan.

David Watson got suspended not for anti Semitism but for publishing the simple truth...

"David Watson, a fundraising co-ordinator for the Walthamstow Labour Party, referred to Zionism as a "racist ideology" on Facebook, according to the Jewish Chronicle."


There is a huge difference between anti semitism and anti Zionism. But Zionists try to muddy the waters and conflate the two to pursue their own agenda.

You are using the same "dog whistle campaign" tactics as Zac Goldsmith.

If David Watson is a friend of Sadiq Khan, then they are both in good company.

Congratulations, Sadiq.

Edited by dexterm
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perhaps they can replace the big ben sound with the loud speaker wailing multiple times a day that can be heard in muslim countries

Don't worry, but yet another Labour politician was just suspended for Jew hating online posting. Possibly a pal of the new mayor. Hmm.

does the new mayor hate jews?

At least one London based Jewish media organisation doesn't think so..


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no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

There is no constitution and it is Christian city.
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What size must a city be before it is classed as a MAJOR western city ???

Quote from link :

"Until recently, there was no harmonised definition of ‘a city’ for European and other countries member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This undermined the comparability, and thus also the credibility, of cross-country analysis of cities. To resolve this problem, the OECD and the European Commission developed a new definition of a city and its commuting zone in 2011."


Don't feed the troll. They know full well London is Europe's main/biggest centre and THE world alpha. Other alphas are pretenders. London mayor is an important roll.
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To lower the tone a bit, a Daily Mail columnist has said she will run naked down Regent Street with a sausage up her bum if Khan wins.

Readers replies to her column are asking what time, will there be seats available for booking, will the sausage be up her bum or just between the cheeks etc.

would the sausage be a halal one? huh.png

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To lower the tone a bit, a Daily Mail columnist has said she will run naked down Regent Street with a sausage up her bum if Khan wins.

Readers replies to her column are asking what time, will there be seats available for booking, will the sausage be up her bum or just between the cheeks etc.

would the sausage be a halal one? huh.png

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What size must a city be before it is classed as a MAJOR western city ???

In the United States the requirement is a mere 1,500 population to be able to call a community a City. London is a Major City.

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What size must a city be before it is classed as a MAJOR western city ???

Quote from link :

"Until recently, there was no harmonised definition of ‘a city’ for European and other countries member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This undermined the comparability, and thus also the credibility, of cross-country analysis of cities. To resolve this problem, the OECD and the European Commission developed a new definition of a city and its commuting zone in 2011."


Don't feed the troll. They know full well London is Europe's main/biggest centre and THE world alpha. Other alphas are pretenders. London mayor is an important roll.

everyone knows london is a major city. but my question was intended to find out what other cities fit in this category, not challenge it for the title!

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no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

Got it?

There is no constitution and it is Christian city.

Whilst it was true that London was a Christian City in 2001 (58.2%) This is no longer the case and Christians, although the largest religious group, are now outnumbered by other religious groups and atheists.

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I'm guessing most of you have never lived in London, or known any Muslims.

Stick to talking about something you have a clue about. So much idiotic nonsense.

I agree. Bunch of weak minded old fools. TVF at its finest.

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I'm guessing most of you have never lived in London, or known any Muslims.

Stick to talking about something you have a clue about. So much idiotic nonsense.

I agree. Bunch of weak minded old fools. TVF at its finest.

I like it when someone portrays self criticism.

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multiculturalism -- all well and good until you have to actually live the reality of the buzz word. your insulated borders have made you ignorant of what is in this world and i am not going to tell you. there peoples on this planet who you definitely don't want as neighbours.

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As must be obvious by now, I am anti-Muslim. I wasn't always like that and I have been turned that way because of events over the past couple of decades and as I've become more informed about their cultural norms and social mores

However, I am an optimist and can see there is an opportunity for an educated pro-British (I hope Muslim) to take action in London at least against some of the objectionable behaviour we see. As a lawyer, I wonder what his views on creeping Sharia law will be....

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As must be obvious by now, I am anti-Muslim. I wasn't always like that and I have been turned that way because of events over the past couple of decades and as I've become more informed about their cultural norms and social mores

However, I am an optimist and can see there is an opportunity for an educated pro-British (I hope Muslim) to take action in London at least against some of the objectionable behaviour we see. As a lawyer, I wonder what his views on creeping Sharia law will be....

cultural norms and social mores?? do tell??

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multiculturalism -- all well and good until you have to actually live the reality of the buzz word. your insulated borders have made you ignorant of what is in this world and i am not going to tell you. there peoples on this planet who you definitely don't want as neighbours.


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As must be obvious by now, I am anti-Muslim. I wasn't always like that and I have been turned that way because of events over the past couple of decades and as I've become more informed about their cultural norms and social mores

However, I am an optimist and can see there is an opportunity for an educated pro-British (I hope Muslim) to take action in London at least against some of the objectionable behaviour we see. As a lawyer, I wonder what his views on creeping Sharia law will be....

cultural norms and social mores?? do tell??

"In your face" dress codes and beards

Treatment of Women

Medieval laws

Female genital mutilation

Honour killings

Arranged marriages

Call to prayers disturbing the peace

Halal butchery practices

Intolerance of other religions

Birth rate

Madrasah schools

Dressing little kids in religious outfits

Failure to integrate

Forming gettos in British cities

Medieval punishments like stoning to death

Praying on aircraft in front of other passengers

Failure to appreciate a decent bacon sandwich

The last one is a joke

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As must be obvious by now, I am anti-Muslim. I wasn't always like that and I have been turned that way because of events over the past couple of decades and as I've become more informed about their cultural norms and social mores

However, I am an optimist and can see there is an opportunity for an educated pro-British (I hope Muslim) to take action in London at least against some of the objectionable behaviour we see. As a lawyer, I wonder what his views on creeping Sharia law will be....

cultural norms and social mores?? do tell??

"In your face" dress codes and beards

Treatment of Women

Medieval laws

Female genital mutilation

Honour killings

Arranged marriages

Call to prayers disturbing the peace

Halal butchery practices

Intolerance of other religions

Birth rate

Madrasah schools

Dressing little kids in religious outfits

Failure to integrate

Forming gettos in British cities

Medieval punishments like stoning to death

Praying on aircraft in front of other passengers

Failure to appreciate a decent bacon sandwich

The last one is a joke

most of those are far from the norm and the others are no big deal compared to the behaviour of most poms I see

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Well, he's won it. Suck it up, islamophobes.

Well let's see how having the first mayor that is beyond any criticism works out. His word will be gold. Beyond reproach or question. Doubt anything this man does, you will be called a vile bigot. I can see some potential issues arising from this nonsensical situation. FWIW I have repeatedly said that elevating muslims above the law of the land will lead to problems. 1,600 kids in Rotherham agree with me - belatedly.

Despite your pity party, I don't think he'll be short of unsolicited advice from the keyboard warrior crew.

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