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Another violence in Thailand post


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Everyday there is something in the news about violence against foreigners.

It made me wonder. How many Thai Visa members have been victim to violence in Thailand. I would like to hear any and all stories if it has happened to anyone else here.And what happened.

My biggest story is in Pattaya about 25 years ago. It of course never made the news.

I met 2 women on walking street. The said they worked in a shoe factory,and came to Pattaya on a 3 day holiday.They were average looking and no make up.Simple looking women.They told me they wanted to have sex with a foreigner but had not done so yet. They claimed they were leaving the next morning and ask if they could come to my room and have sex.As every one knows I am quite the gentleman so I agreed.In the room they kept asking me to chew gum they had brought with them There was something in the gum I got knocked out for over 24 hours.The maids saw me on the bed but thought I was drunk and passed out,and left me alone. I donot drink,smoke or do drugs so impossible but they did not know. At that time in Pataya every week 2 or more incidents like this were happening and young guys were dieing of what was called heart attacks.i was lucky to survive.

This is one personal example of the dangers in Thailand I have experienced first hand that no one ever would have heard about if I did not put it on the internet.

So are there other Thai Visa members who have stories of violence against them in Thailand that never made the news? If so lets hear them please.

Maybe I am the only one huh.

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No violence took place though .

They also didnt target you because you were a foreigner, they targeted you because they thought that you were more likely to have more things to steal than a local guy would have

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For me the most trouble that almost came to violence was with other foreigners. So far after 11 years of living here apart from the usual could have been an accident incident, no Thai person has threatened me personally. Maybe I am lucky as I do not live in a tourist fueled environment or I just do not seem worth the bother, either way I am also not naive and I know that violence does occur. Just so far not directly towards me.

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Everyday there is something in the news about violence against foreigners.

It made me wonder. How many Thai Visa members have been victim to violence in Thailand. I would like to hear any and all stories if it has happened to anyone else here.And what happened.

My biggest story is in Pattaya about 25 years ago. It of course never made the news.

I met 2 women on walking street. The said they worked in a shoe factory,and came to Pattaya on a 3 day holiday.They were average looking and no make up.Simple looking women.They told me they wanted to have sex with a foreigner but had not done so yet. They claimed they were leaving the next morning and ask if they could come to my room and have sex.As every one knows I am quite the gentleman so I agreed.In the room they kept asking me to chew gum they had brought with them There was something in the gum I got knocked out for over 24 hours.The maids saw me on the bed but thought I was drunk and passed out,and left me alone. I donot drink,smoke or do drugs so impossible but they did not know. At that time in Pataya every week 2 or more incidents like this were happening and young guys were dieing of what was called heart attacks.i was lucky to survive.

This is one personal example of the dangers in Thailand I have experienced first hand that no one ever would have heard about if I did not put it on the internet.

So are there other Thai Visa members who have stories of violence against them in Thailand that never made the news? If so lets hear them please.

Maybe I am the only one huh.

Are you Indian and are you sure they were 'ladies'?

Seemed there was a wave of Indians getting drugged a while ago.

Anyway, glad you survived the reaming.

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I was taking a rented girlfriend to Pattaya bus station on my Scooter ,Her bag was snatched rather violently ,and we were lucky not to crash . Also my phone was snatched while getting on a public bus in Bangkok. Was robbed by a lady of the night in Samui .That all happened over a time frame of 15 years or so .The only time i was attacked and mugged with violence was in London back in the 90 s . Some people think Chiang mai boring ( i admit that it can seem so after Pattaya ) but after living 6 years here ,i find it very safe .Then again i have a family now and am rarely out after 12 midnight .

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I responded to two Thai guys on a motorcycle as they rode past shouting "<deleted> you Farang !"

They U-Turned and got off their bike and squared up for a fight. I was ready.

After facing off, they turned away, got on their bike and rode away... I thought that was it.

5 mins later, 6 Thai Guys rocked up and faced off to me... I saw a large Machete slung over one guys back...

Bugger... I was in trouble...

As they approached me I gave a Wai and an apology... they seemed to shrug their shoulders, turn round, get back on their bikes and rode off...

That was that... I was very lucky... but I remember it and learned from the encounter.

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I responded to two Thai guys on a motorcycle as they rode past shouting "<deleted> you Farang !"

They U-Turned and got off their bike and squared up for a fight. I was ready.

After facing off, they turned away, got on their bike and rode away... I thought that was it.

5 mins later, 6 Thai Guys rocked up and faced off to me... I saw a large Machete slung over one guys back...

Bugger... I was in trouble...

As they approached me I gave a Wai and an apology... they seemed to shrug their shoulders, turn round, get back on their bikes and rode off...

That was that... I was very lucky... but I remember it and learned from the encounter.

Where was that ?

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There was a Thaivisa member who got hit over the head with his own frying pan by burglars while he was typing away on his computer.

I know him well. But robberies happen in every country around the world. And he lived in a very remote area.

I've had a relative threaten me. Absolutely bizarre. Trying to save face when I asked him about a very small scratch in my car after he used it for a month while we were gone.

I've had more problems with foreigners....

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Never any violence.. I hate violence.. but I look like I could do serious damage if I wanted too. But I never get confrontational I try to avoid that. Maybe that and how I look has kept me from any violence or I have just been lucky.

I really do my best to avoid fights.. if you get in one then even if you win you can loose.. just imagine doing serious damage to someone.. you could end up in jail. Unlike in the movies the human body is not that strong and gets damaged easy in a fight. Fall.. hit the head.. maybe end of story.

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4 years in Thailand, most of the time spent in pattaya, the last 5 month i chiang mai.

problems once and that was on soi lengkee where a bristish/indian guy put all his check bills in my cup...

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My name is Kevin Matthew Wall and live in Nong Ki buriram I sustained a vicious attack by a motorcycle gang of youngsters between the ages of 13-18 and I will tell you this they were trying to kill me I stayed in a coma for almost 3 months in the hospital in buriram for 6 months then mother took me to Tampa bay general brain injury hospital and it took me till right now just to go out and walk I used to be a excellent athlete and these lousy no good Thai people injured a man for nothing at all just because they are jealous and weak, and can never fight one on one

Yeah you hear all this talk about muay Thai kick boxing yeah right I'm Santa Claus to

Believe me what I say China is going to come here and obliterate these stupid cockroaches who have disabled a very good loving man

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My name is Kevin Matthew Wall and live in Nong Ki buriram I sustained a vicious attack by a motorcycle gang of youngsters between the ages of 13-18 and I will tell you this they were trying to kill me I stayed in a coma for almost 3 months in the hospital in buriram for 6 months then mother took me to Tampa bay general brain injury hospital and it took me till right now just to go out and walk I used to be a excellent athlete and these lousy no good Thai people injured a man for nothing at all just because they are jealous and weak, and can never fight one on one

Yeah you hear all this talk about muay Thai kick boxing yeah right I'm Santa Claus to

Believe me what I say China is going to come here and obliterate these stupid cockroaches who have disabled a very good loving man

I am sorry to hear about your attack on your life. Your attack of course didnot make the news either right. This is what this thread is about guys who have had mishaps and no one knows about it but them. I am curious to know how many Thai Visa members have had such events in their stay here. Thank you for sharing.

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Kicked off my motorcycle 2 drunk Thais, one kicked my bike over while I was driving. Police report says I dropped the bike, no mention of Thais. Kalasin Thailand. Minor injuries police escorted me to the hospital, paid the bill then asked me for the money.

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Why do you want to know? are you researching a book? doing an article for some a publication

Otherwise whats the point why you want to know?

Why do you want to know why he wants to know ??? are you doing an article for some publication of why some ThaiVisa members ask certain questions??whistling.gif

I figure the answer is pretty obvious - you are being facetious, objectionable and daft.


It's pretty obvious why the Op is putting forwards this question: Given the apparent recent increase in violence against Westerners in Thailand its interesting to know whether this is an actual increase, or whether the increased reports are a result increased access to social media.

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It was common knowledge 30 years ago not to accept sweets from strangers. I think it has changed for the better.


Now it's don't accept a taxi ride from a taxi driver that's a stranger.

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Around 1990 I was lecturing at a university in Bangkok and living with a bar girl in an apartment just off Sukhumvit. While I was at work she would gamble at cards and smoke ganja or ya ba every afternoon with the other girls living in the apartment building. She wasn't very bright and of course lost everything every day. I finally had enough and told her "one more time and I will pack your things and put them outside the door." The very next day I came home and she was drunk and gambling with the girls. I packed her things in one of my suitcases and bags and put everything outside the door. A few hours I hear knocking on the door, looked through the spy hole and there she was. I opened the door but blocked it with my body. Her friends had loaned her a butcher knife which she proceeded to wave around. I picked up a kitchen chair but unlike most this one had bottom supports running front to back and not side to side. She walked right up into the chair and stabbed me three times in the abdomen before I could get the door closed. Called the front desk and they sent someone around but her friends had already helped her hide somewhere. Had to open me up at the hospital as one stab nicked my liver while the other two did little damage. Never filled out a police report and never saw or heard from her again. Valuable lesson learned though.

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Never ride a songtao alone late at night! I got taken to a dark and deserted area by a songtao driver. He told me to get out and quickly drove away. I started walking back to the main road and two Thai guys stopped me. One had a homemade gun, the other a knife. They were young and high on yaba. They made the mistake of looking at each other instead of me. I kicked one in the groin, he dropped to his knees as I punched the other in the face, breaking his nose, ...then I ran like hell.

I have also had attempts made to pick my pocket, and have had the necklace snatch attempted two times. Van drivers can also be very obnoxious. One time I was coming back from Bangkok to Jomtien. I was assured I would be taken to Jomtien when I bought the ticket, but got dropped at Bali Hai Pier. When I told the driver to take me to Jomtien as promised he punched me in the face. I chose not to retaliate as there were several other Thai guys there, and they are all very brave and aggressive in a group!

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No violence took place though .

They also didnt target you because you were a foreigner, they targeted you because they thought that you were more likely to have more things to steal than a local guy would have

Well, that's almost like saying; they didn't profile you because you were black, they just thought it was unusual for you to be driving a nice car.

In all the years I have spent in Thailand, I have been involved in three dubious acts—not violent, but dangerous.

In the first, I was riding with a Thai friend down a one-way street; an SUV was coming up the wrong way, flashing its lights, refusing to slow down or pull to the side. I offered the one-fingered salute as he ran me off the road. Well, the cretin actually turned his SUV around and ran up next to me pointing an automatic out the window. My Thai friend had to profusely apologize for my farang behavior before the cretin put away his piece and turned around.

In the second, I was riding with my wife on the back of my Harley when two yayhoos on a Honda Wave grabbed my wife’s purse, and sped off. Well, suffice to say, the yayhoos dropped the wife’s purse unmolested on the street, we picked it up and went on our merry way.

In the third, I was in a karaoke and some drunken Thai came over and offered a drink from his glass, as they do. I wai’d, took a sip, and even offered a sip of my JD soda; whereupon he and a buddy sat down and started helping themselves to my bottle of Jack. I allowed them to have a drink, but when they reached for a second drink, I grabbed the bottle. They apparently took exception to that and were joined by another two or three Thais wanting my bottle. While weighing the benefits of using my best Chuck Norris or giving them the bottle; a couple of Thais, fellow bikers I did not even know were there, convinced the rowdies to back off. So, I shared the Jack with the bikers . . .

So, nothing serious; just one gun threat, one attempted robbery, and one attempted bullying.

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As an expat who's been living here for over 15yrs, it doesn't need much intellect to

know that if you put yourselves in a vulnerable situation then you could easily be taken

advantage of, whether it's violence towards you or financially scammed.

Just remember that you are the foreigner, and that makes you a target for the Thais

who think it's fair game.

In my case, the only Thai's that have scammed me financially over the years are the

ones that are hard to avoid and retreat/retaliate from, without consequences, and yes

they have all been in uniform.

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I am a victim.

A group of young Thais (around 18 to 22 I guess) wanted to have my new iPad. First it was only one motorbike with 2 ppl on it. I walked in Suk soi 50 to go to 7-11 as they approaching me on motorbike and asking to get my iPad.

I just walked further and didn't give them of course. They stopped and got of the bike starting a fight. I fought back and they got scared and.went away on motorbike.

I thought I'm lucky and went to 7-11. Already forgot about the incident and walked home. Suddenly I heard something from behind and looked back. Then it made boom and they hit me with an iron bar to head. Seems they were hiding in the bushes.

Same.minute 3 other motorbikes came and I was surrounded by 6 Thais. All with iron bars. They hit on me like crazy, shouting like wild animals. After getting 4 or 5 hits to the head blood spread all over my head but that didn't make them stop. They just got more angry and hit me everywhere.

I threw the iPad to the ground and all 6 stormed to it and fled on their bikes.

This attack was.filmed by 4 CCTV and my manager from apartment helped me go to police with it.

Guess what was the outcome? Nothing. Even they had the numbers of at least 2 bikes, nothing happened to them. At least I think so because police never contactede again after.

I went to hospital with last powers I had, there I got 45 stitches to my head and 2 broken fingers were treated.

That's my story...

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I had parked my car at Talad Thai (Pathum Thani) to go buy food.

When I returned, another pick-up truck was parked behind mine, blocking me.

I sat in the car waiting for at least 20 minutes before a Thai guy walked to his car, briefly turning his eyes at me so he couldn't possibly ignore that I was stuck here waiting for him. Not a word. He sat into his car, started the engine so I thought that I would be able to take off soon, but he didn't move.

Becoming seriously p.ssed off, I walked to his window and started to tell him (in Thai) without raising my voice but firmly, that I had been stuck here for a while and that the very minimum I would have expected would be an apology and him freeing me quickly.

The guy then opened the door with great violence, making me taking a few steps back, got out, titled his seat to grab a machete that was behind the seat and started threatening me. I ran away to my car and locked the doors. After shouting a few insults he went back to his car and left.

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