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For you men with Thai wives in Thailand....


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I'm not so sure this is so much of a Thai gynocentric issue..., my feelings are it may be more of a world wide gynocentric issue.wai.gif

Indeed. Women think they know everything the world over.

...this latest generation must have been outside when the lessons were on!

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I'm not so sure this is so much of a Thai gynocentric issue..., my feelings are it may be more of a world wide gynocentric issue.wai.gif

Indeed. Women think they know everything the world over.

Very true

It doesn't help that we have being blowing smoke up their (you know what) to get what we want, (you know what;) ) Just think of some of the lines you used when you were dating, and try using them with a straight face around your mates.

Their attitude is in a big part our fault. We have created a monster, In my case a very very cute monster and I love it.biggrin.png


I concur I have noticed this opinionated feature in my g/f as well. When she gives advice on medical issues I usually say "Thank you doctor" I find it one of her funny features and now at my advanced age I rather enjoy it. 50 years ago not so much. I guess its tolerance as we age. This is a good thread as I thought I was the only one with a g/f with this feature.

"Thank you doctor"

HaHaHa , that's funny,

same here, when my wife get's bossy and try to tell me how to do something I say to her in my best southern accent (which is not very good) "Yas MamBoss, please don't hit poor me " and we both burst out laughing, then she gives me a fake slap. Or when in the car I call her Mis GPS cause she is always trying to tel l me how to drivelaugh.png or Misdirections 'cause her directions are always wrong.

But you are right, perhaps it has to do with getting a little older, and perhaps being confident enough in your self not to get bothered by it, and to see the humor in it.

Very funny posts here. Like the GPS reference. My wife tells me everything she sees on the road; look the truck turns, look the bus stops; look the motorbike might turn etc.

I usually just grumble an "I see" .....

We have a good lough about it and carry on.

Getting older is getting wiser. No need to seriously argue about our idiosyncrasies.

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I was driving the motorbike and made a turn. This was followed by tapping on the back and yelling "NO NO NO, you go the wrong way!"

This went on for a little while and so I pulled into a petrol station and told her to go ask directions.

She came back and said "It's ok, you can go this way AS WELL"

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Yep - they love to give 110% & think that they are doing their upmost for you.....

They don't realize the value we inadvertently place on independence.....I get all the free space and time I want around the house - no problem.....And she (& daughters) handle/manage the house so well while all catering/contributing to all that I seldom notice or mind....It's much smoother & symbiotic than with western gals.....

But when away from the domain the "backseat driver" is in full force....Turns, parking spots, lanes are all in play.....

It's part & parcel to the umbrella of their/her commitment & they really are doing/trying their best for us - - in spite of how WE perceive it....

We/they are 180' from one another....That's what draws us (and repells us - within us).....

It's not love/hate thing as it is an appreciated difference thing that we don't completely understand.....And they don't really care if we "don't get it" - they're doing their best for US.. ....

And I semi-appreciate-understand-treasure-welcome it ------ I think.....

I'm happy, so I must......

Exactly. My wife was "helping" me with directions when we were driving in the States...of course, she had never been there before. I confess, I rather enjoy her looking after me, even knowing I have functioned many years on my own and survived. What is it they have said? "Thailand is a male dominated society run by females"!

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Whenever she asks me if I'm sure the wrench I'm using is the right size, I usually tell her it doesn't really matter as I'm going to use it as a hammer anyway.

Answer seems to satisfy.......

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Well I am never right, never

Just for fun!

After nearly 27 years of marriage, three children and now 2 grandchildren my Thai wife still insists on telling me how to drive. I reminder her that she drives like a Bangkok taxi driver and that she could star in a fast and furious movie. I even offered to open her a driving school so she could vent on someone else. I often remind her, I have been driving for 52 years. You make the best Tom Yam Kung. I never tell you how to make it is perfectly delicious so why do you have to tell me how to drive, what to wear, etc.

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When my wife comes up with a better idea for doing something than I did I usually say to her....."I knew that all along.....just waiting and checking to see if you know same me".....then we both have a good laugh.

You can imagine the rows we used to have before she got to understand my type of sense of humour ....now we laugh a lot during the day.

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Yes and often I feel it necessary to remind her that I was doing this job (whatever it is) before she was born or that I studied this subject at college.

I might add that we do mostly laugh over it and it never gets really serious.

So you're old enough to be her father?

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I like that in the wife. When i grab the machete and start working she gets frustrated with how i do it. Takes the machete away and goes to work. She does all the hard stuff. I just follow and pick up.When i cook she stands there and criticise's every thing I do because i am doing it wrong as she see's it. If I want her to do some thing for me no need to ask, just let her watch,in 2 minutes she will be doing it for me.Some times i just ask how she wants some thing done and she gets tired of explaining and just does it. The down side is when I really want some thing done my way she makes a poor helper.

And I thought I was the only one with this syndrome. One thing has come out of my wife managing everything and critisizing all is that it has made me lazy. :-)

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Have to relate what happened this morning.

I want to build some simple scaffold to do some work on the house. The wife and I went to the wood supplier to buy the wood. I picked out the first piece than she felt I did not know what to pick so started to point out what I needed. She did not even understand what I had in mind to so with the wood but felt it was the wrong wood.I was using all the same length so I just gave up and told her to pick the wood,knowing I could work with what ever we got.Some times she try's just a little to much.

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Yes, I love my Thai Wife to bits and yes she feels she can do everything better than me, but that's okay. If it is a discussion about parking and she says, park over there, I just say "yes Dear" and park where I want. If she complains, I respond again with a "yes Dear". After a few more "yes Dears" she gets frustrated and gives up complaining! We also have House Rules. Rule 1. Hubby is always right. Rule 2. In the case of confusion, refer to Rule 1. Does it work? In a word NO. But it does give us a laugh.cheesy.gif

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Reminds me of the old joke ad: "Full set of encyclopedias for sale. Just married, wife knows everything."

Mine has had her driving licence for 6 months, can't park the car, can't drive on the highway, but still tells me what I'm doing wrong. When I complain about a bus or truck sitting in the outside lane doing 40mph she'll find some excuse why they have to be there. Oh, and she's an expert mechanic despite never having owned or driven a car before meeting me.

You have to love'em!

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Apparently us farlangs, according to my lovely wife, don't know how to wash the dishes correctly. I always pretend to disagree and then sit back quietly laughing when she takes over.

The most regular arguement we have is on parking. I like to choose a nice easy spot for my ease of getting in and out of while the wife will try to insist I park as close as possible to wherever we're going...I usually ignore and park where I want...cue argument.

I have the same problem and I am an expert in the formulation of detergents and automatic washing systems. In fact, I have also advised Unilever at Port Sunlight on formulations of Cationic Detergents (Conditioners) and Anionic Detergents (Washing Up liquids), however my wife knows better. I try to educate my wife in the fact that detergents are only required to lower the surface tension of the water and the use of excessive amounts of detergent and foam does not help get the plates clean and leads to excessive pollution. Last week she finally gave up arguing with me but still rewashes them behind my back.

Edited by Estrada
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I'm not so sure this is so much of a Thai gynocentric issue..., my feelings are it may be more of a world wide gynocentric issue.wai.gif

Indeed. Women think they know everything the world over.

Sure Jase. But Thais are special. They are never ever wrong, about anything. The "Thai way" of doing anything is always far superior to any other suggestion. Even if the suggestion is easier, simpler, more effective and takes accounts of consequences. the Thai way is still best.

My missus favorite expression is "let me manage" which really means don't ask questions, don't hold me accountable, don't make suggestions and never ever point out my <deleted> ups. Thainess, gotta love it. She should go into politics instead of teaching!

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Apparently us farlangs, according to my lovely wife, don't know how to wash the dishes correctly. I always pretend to disagree and then sit back quietly laughing when she takes over.

The most regular arguement we have is on parking. I like to choose a nice easy spot for my ease of getting in and out of while the wife will try to insist I park as close as possible to wherever we're going...I usually ignore and park where I want...cue argument.

Well, I see two possibilities on the wife commenting upon how it should be done; either your wife thinks you are so incompetent you need her assistance or she would rather do it herself. Quite frankly, I prefer to think she would rather do it; therefore, I allow my wife to do the things I do not like to do--going shopping, doing the housework, doing the yard work, paying the bills, driving the car, washing the car and bike, hassling with tradesmen, etc. Now, she rarely tells me how to do something, knowing I will surely let her do it.

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Well I am never right, never

Just for fun!

Weeeell, perhaps when she hears my angels singing voice she doesn't give me any verbal...giggle.gif

Now hang on mate....thats taking it tooooo far....biggrin.png

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I don't experience this kind of behaviour so much but I wonder if it is related to the Thai female "sulk" which seems can quite often be induced by the slightest form of innocent criticism.

Can the "sulk" be included in the typical Thai female behaviour or is it just me lucky enough to experience mysterious form of female behaviour. It has it's benefits sometimes when tiresome conversation can lapse allowing me to enjoy my own peace and cheer.

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Similarly, does anyone else have a wife who will believe what some random ban nok stranger from the village says over what her husband says even though her husband is always eventually proven to be correct?

Oh yes...."man tell..."

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I don't experience this kind of behaviour so much but I wonder if it is related to the Thai female "sulk" which seems can quite often be induced by the slightest form of innocent criticism.

Can the "sulk" be included in the typical Thai female behaviour or is it just me lucky enough to experience mysterious form of female behaviour. It has it's benefits sometimes when tiresome conversation can lapse allowing me to enjoy my own peace and cheer.

Remove "Thai" from the phrase.

My ex-wife (from USA) could do the female sulk just as well as my Thai wife can.

Fortunately, I have found myself impervious to that...even to the point of refusing "makeup sex".

If they want to start that shit, I can outlast them.

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Her favorite expression is " I read in the book " yeh those books or tv have all the answers. Try to help her back out of a space won't listen has to do it her way.

Concerning health issues will say " see it says right here you should do this or eat that just like I told you before ! " My comment " go away and leave me alone "

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In a lot of Asian cultures, saying 'I love you' is rarely done and viewed as awkward or superficial. Instead 'love' is demonstrated through one's acts or helpful advice.

So look at your wife's unsolicited commentary as a demonstration of caring and concern for your well-being :-)

Edited by nemrut
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This behaviour hard wired into all women. I don't let it bother me. I feel sorry for her it's obsessive compulsive disorder. What I don't understand though is that she rarely does this when dealing with a woman.

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