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Survey: Is Chinese Influence in SE Asia a positive or negative?


SURVEY: Is Chinese influence in SE Asia a positive or negative?  

97 members have voted

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In your opinion, do you believe that in the next decade, the increasing influence of China in SE Asia will have a positive or a negative affect on the region?

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At this point in time, I would have to say that SE Asia would be better of steering clear of China and Chinese influence. Over time it remains to be seen whether China can learn to handle foreign policy and business in a manner which is mutually beneficial to all parties. At this point, they don't seem to do that.

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What a pity the vote question was not the same as the lead question---- "Is Chinese Influence in SE Asia a positive or negative?"

Of course its always better to have more than 1 superpower---more than one salesman to chose from,.

Then the Vote question added --"is (it) wise to align itself with China"----no not always, or America--or Russia-- it is best to be independent and take the best choice on different matters between the 3 superpowers (4 if you include Japan as an economic superpower)

its a pity that the question to vote on was not the same----it will slant it against the reasons to vote..........................coffee1.gif

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SE Asia is better off to steer clear of involvement with China.

I voted The effect will likely be negative - but a country should exercise a pragmatic foreign policy, especially in proximity with a superpower like China.

To stay clear of involvement with China is not only impractical but potentially a danger to Thailand's economic security.

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Chinese look out for one group - themselves. Two steps forward, one step back, until the whole world is theirs. Their record on human rights is abysmal. Their behaviour towards animal rights is detestable. I will never be able to "unsee" the dog, still alive, looking around as it had just been freshly skinned by a Chinese fur merchant. People go on and on about The Holocaust but not much is mentioned of the intentional, systematic elimination of tens of millions of their own citizens called "The Great Leap Forward." Google THAT little bit of history I dare ya!

Other than their innate cruelty, thirst for world domination, and disgraceful personal hygiene in public, I say "Welcome aboard!"

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Chinese look out for one group - themselves. Two steps forward, one step back, until the whole world is theirs. Their record on human rights is abysmal. Their behaviour towards animal rights is detestable.------quandow

So we will put your vote down as a "maybe" then.................................coffee1.gif

.................................Yes those sneaky Chinese they took my job without even leaving their country.....................

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Get in bed with the Chinese, become a vassal state like Lao. With war looming in the China Seas ASIAN countries would be wise to limit involvement with China. Ask the Lao people how they like being a vassal state, the answer won't be pretty. Lao and allegedly Cambodia are aligning with China over the South China Sea but a Cambodian Representative has denied any pact with China. In fact many Asian countries are against China's attempt at conquering Asia and have condemned their actions.

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If you want to know what Chinese influence can do to the world just look at the what they're building on the Mekong river and the path of destruction it's leaving.

Then look at the proxy parties they push to get into power in Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan.

And finally, take another look at that video of them eating prawn at a recent buffet here :)

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If you want to know what Chinese influence can do to the world just look at the what they're building on the Mekong river and the path of destruction it's leaving.

Then look at the proxy parties they push to get into power in Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan.

And finally, take another look at that video of them eating prawn at a recent buffet here smile.png

epic video... seriously frightening when you consider their regional ambitions.

They are the ultimate predators on the planet!!

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Kind of a silly poll considering China has the longest continuous history (over 5000yrs) of any country in the world. So of course they have been an influence in the region long before farang had ships to sail the world.

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its inevitable as dams are being built in China to hold back the water from Thailand,

many countries will need to follow suit if they can

read here

Understanding the Impacts of China’s Upper Mekong Dams

China has built seven hydropower dams on the upper Mekong River (known as the Lancang in China), and plans to build 21 more. The Lancang crosses through Qinghai, Tibet and Yunnan before flowing into Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. There have been many concerns from the Lower Mekong communities on how these dams will impact their lives and livelihoods.

hold back the water means control over countries - do as I say or we dont release the water to them

also whos going to buy all the empty condos in Pattaya?

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I met my first Chinese people when I was about 6 yrs. old. They had escaped from Mao. My parents church had been one of their sponsors. The man spoke excellent English, nobody else. Very polite, gracious and friendly people. Great tea and SE Texans are not "tea" drinkers...lol. I learned how to eat "Chinese style" and it wasn't impolite. Children were about my age and although we couldn't speak to each other, we had no problem playing, and playing all around the entire neighborhood. Old fashioned foot powered scooter, red wagon etc. Ahem, kids could do that back then. A very favorable impression that has probably had a lot to do with my interest in Asia ever sense (a little expense paid vacation courtesy Uncle Sam's Misguided Children to sunny SE Asia didn't leave quite so favorable of an impression). The family moved to the DC area and established a very large church. Reading and putting 2 and 2 together years later, he was a CIA spy and well taken care of after they got him and his family out. I don't think any of us are going to meet his kind today. China must be stopped and stopped now.

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I met my first Chinese people when I was about 6 yrs. old. They had escaped from Mao. My parents church had been one of their sponsors. The man spoke excellent English, nobody else. Very polite, gracious and friendly people. Great tea and SE Texans are not "tea" drinkers...lol. I learned how to eat "Chinese style" and it wasn't impolite. Children were about my age and although we couldn't speak to each other, we had no problem playing, and playing all around the entire neighborhood. Old fashioned foot powered scooter, red wagon etc. Ahem, kids could do that back then. A very favorable impression that has probably had a lot to do with my interest in Asia ever sense (a little expense paid vacation courtesy Uncle Sam's Misguided Children to sunny SE Asia didn't leave quite so favorable of an impression). The family moved to the DC area and established a very large church. Reading and putting 2 and 2 together years later, he was a CIA spy and well taken care of after they got him and his family out. I don't think any of us are going to meet his kind today. China must be stopped and stopped now.

2 + 2 = CIA spy.coffee1.gif Large Church as evidence. Hmmmm. As the plastic veneer wall of rampant corporate (now Made in China and erected by Hispanics and extremist Muslims) starts to sag because the requested specifications were complied with ( at lowest and most profitable onsale cost) a sense of panic presents itself. gigglem.gif

And not one shot fired ! cheesy.gif

Suckers! And the Trump card will solve it ? 55555555555555555

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Get in bed with the Chinese, become a vassal state like Lao. With war looming in the China Seas ASIAN countries would be wise to limit involvement with China. Ask the Lao people how they like being a vassal state, the answer won't be pretty. Lao and allegedly Cambodia are aligning with China over the South China Sea but a Cambodian Representative has denied any pact with China. In fact many Asian countries are against China's attempt at conquering Asia and have condemned their actions.


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OK, a news article I picked up from Military Times, albeit from the very discredited faux news and I'm not looking for the others: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/05/06/china-seeks-global-support-for-south-china-sea-policies.html I'm not doing your research, many Chinese missionaries were spies for the US, one of the reason they had to boogie out when Mao took over. Do the research, the info is out there and it is old. I do believe you will find that the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan have all condemned and had problems with Chinese aggression. Your TV name seems to fit. I'm not quoting what Lao people have told me, nor am I quoting anybody I talked with at the Marine Corp Birthday Ball in Vientiane. And before you get even more lost, I'm no right winger, I'm a far left radical militant with more time in the chow line than you have in life.

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The Chinese already run the economies and politics of Southeast Asia with perhaps the exception of Malaysia with its jus soli policy (Malays first). For example, look at the politicians in the Thai government including the PM, and leaders of the parties, they are all Sino-Thais as is Thaksin. Suthep and Sondhi the puppet leaders of PAD to serve the military and Bangkok elites to overthrow elected governments are also Sino-Thais.

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Unfortunately the Communist party (until the inclusion of capitalism) wiped away their citizens being sensitive to one another or to ones community-everything (the decision process) was up to the communist party. This created a very different society than from the WEST that is more conscious about the environment, and how to treat each other with respect and compassion (religion roots do help with this). The Chinese have no guilt in polluting another country's river from mining; wiping out a virgin jungle in SE Asia for the sake of farming; or ruining the coral reef from illegal net fishing. They are known to smuggle in animal skins and organs from animals that are becoming extinct; to sell counterfeit medicine or electronics (that can be a danger to ones life). and not to follow the WTO agreements. Needless to say, their manners are primitive which is due to being raised in an underdeveloped country and in a deprived free society in the past. True, we can point our fingers at the European colonial powers in the past...but this is the 21st Century. NO excuse!

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It would be a happier and more positive, productive world, if everyone could be friends.

Even the survey is negative.

We can try. But if the other side doesn't want to be friends, what can we do?

This world will never be perfect, because humans are not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Chinese economy will prove to be the greatest ponzi system to have ever existed. To keep up the facade, they constantly need new players. Thailand is being sucked into into it as the junta will align themselves with any country that will accept the status of the current government. When it finally unravels and is exposed as nothing more than borrowed money on over inflated and falsely valued securities, China's "house of cards" will collapse taking many others with them.

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Get in bed with the Chinese, become a vassal state like Lao. With war looming in the China Seas ASIAN countries would be wise to limit involvement with China. Ask the Lao people how they like being a vassal state, the answer won't be pretty. Lao and allegedly Cambodia are aligning with China over the South China Sea but a Cambodian Representative has denied any pact with China. In fact many Asian countries are against China's attempt at conquering Asia and have condemned their actions.

Both countries simply love China's free development "assistance", particularly Laos, where parts of the north are almost an exact copy of what's across the border in China:

Chinese writing, Chinese speakers, they accept Yuan and in the Kings Roman casino along the Thai border in the golden triangle, they even use Beijing time and Chinese mobile networks have signals. If you can't speak Chinese as a Lao in parts of northern Laos, you can't even order a bowl of noodles anymore! It's absolutely outrageous.

Fortunately, the Thai government is much smarter than the Lao and is rightfully concerned about limiting the influence of China here. The on again off again high-speed railway project is only one of many proofs of this.

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