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Baby owl


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glib comment first, feed him minced meat.

serious question, is there a proper thai native animal rehab/refuge?

glib comment 2, take poor little fella to phuket/pattaya get idiot tourists to pay for photos with him.

onya your mrs for helping him.

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Looks similar to one i caught in the chant hall. They're fairly common in SE Asia, but I don't remember the specific name. The one I released was an adult but only a little bigger than my hand.

If you google owl species in Thailand you'll find it.

Edited by hookedondhamma
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What are you going to do with it?

For now I am just feeding it but I guess I will let it go in a few weeks.

I have it in a bird cage for now.

When it gets a little stronger I am going to let it out in my old guinea bird house it has room to fly out around the top of the house.

The neighborhood dogs dug under the house and killed all my birds a few weeks ago.

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glib comment first, feed him minced meat.

serious question, is there a proper thai native animal rehab/refuge?

glib comment 2, take poor little fella to phuket/pattaya get idiot tourists to pay for photos with him.

onya your mrs for helping him.

I am feeding it chicken for now started out with just the skin now giving it skin and meat. He will not eat or drink on his own.

I gave it a little sugar water in med dropper for the first time now just water. It will drink from that but not from the bowl.

It will not eat from the bowl only by hand.

I left a little bit of water and put a few of the small pieces that it eats by hand in the water bowl this afternoon after he had it's fill by hand feeding.

I will check in the morning and see if he eats anything tonight.

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I worked with owls for years in California while doing wild life surveys.

I once asked an authority on owls" what makes young owls leave their nest?"

He said when the nest finally gets so infested with fleas, lice and yes aunts...they leave the nest.

It seems this one is not quite ready to fend for himself yet and it is great that you are willing to help him.

It is difficult to get them to eat peices of meat and force feeding them meat usually has poor results.

Even as babies their mother feeds them live prey, usually small mice or rats.

If you can find a source of live baby mice to feed it, his chances of survival are much greater.

I don't know if Thai pet shops sell baby mice or not, they are commonly used to feed pet snakes in the US and are readily available there.

I rehabbed many injured owls in the past and actually raised mice to provide food for them.

Good luck on your endeavor, and good on you and your wife for making the effort!

Don't get too upset if it does not make it, he has less than a 50-50 chance...

But that is a much better chance than it would have without you!

Edited by willyumiii
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I hand raised an owl a few months ago. Found it on the road. During the day I let it roam around the garden and yard ( completely enclosed). Nights I locked it away in a cage.

Finally the day came when "Who" just flew away.

Feed it minced meat (we used chopsticks to feed it) and I used to give it fresh fish from my pond (young Platties).

They truely are beautiful creatures.

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Can a babyowl like that become tame? Would be great to see it come back sometimes to beg for food.

In our moobaan we have small owls and i've seen a huge one sitting on a roof early in the morning. It had a big rat in it's claw.

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My wife previously found a mynah bird chick after the adults had been killed. She hand fed it until it could fly. The bird had a cage to protect it from cats but the cage was always open. As the bird reached maturity, it would fly away for an odd day but always returned only permanently leaving after five years when it only returned one day a week. One day the bird was acting strangely and not entering the house, my wife went outside only to find the bird had brought its mate to the house and they still return weekly.

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My wife previously found a mynah bird chick after the adults had been killed. She hand fed it until it could fly. The bird had a cage to protect it from cats but the cage was always open. As the bird reached maturity, it would fly away for an odd day but always returned only permanently leaving after five years when it only returned one day a week. One day the bird was acting strangely and not entering the house, my wife went outside only to find the bird had brought its mate to the house and they still return weekly.

That's awesome! I would like to have a pet like that. We get many mynah's on the lawn and i like them, they can make weird noises.

They are always in couples but don't share food ,they even get agressive to their partner if he/she comes close to their food.

I would like to have a parrot who fly's around and comes home regularly.

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Update it started to eat a little on it's own today. I have not seen it drink water it keeps turning over the water bowl I put the little pieces of chicken in the water and keep paper in the bottom of the cage so when it turns over the water and chicken the paper keeps everything wet for a while. It is easy to see if eats the chicken as well.

I keep the bird cage in the chicken house after I finish repairing the damage the dogs did when they broke in and killed all my guinea birds I am going to turn it loose in the 9 by 11 house with about a 9.5 foot roof with places it can roost.

Next week I going to leave the door open in the day time to see if it will leave on its own.

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I have tried to tame 2 young black crows but i couldn't keep them alive. I found them along the road early in the morning.

But my grandpa told me his neighbour also had a tame crow who always followed his owner when he was outdoors. Would be great to have an owl coming to sit on your shoulder when you go outside.

Just feed it the best food you can find and good luck!

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Great job caring for the owl. It's great to know there are people like you in Thailand. In California I knew someone with a Ph.D in animal nutrition. She very much advocated the importance of organ meat. It might be good to add things like liver and whatever other innards you can to the owl's diet in proper proportions. This should be very easy to find as Thai's use assorted innards for making laap. The more closely the diet resembles what an animal gets in the wild, the better. It might also be good to search some other sites on this topic, though I suspect you already have.

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Bear in mind that many Thais are terrified of owls, especially if one should land on their roof after dark, they believe they are a harbinger of death. You may well find that your Thai friends and neighbours may be reluctant to visit you if you have an owl flying about. Obviously your wife isn't worried but I doubt my missus would want to pay you a visit.

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campassion for animals is much better than reading harbingers of doom about no thais visiting you. Many vets and organisations like Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand can always help

There still is a large amount of caring thais not all are animal abusers

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Maybe get hold of some day old chicks to feed them. I knew a guy in UK who used to do what you're doing. He had several tawny owls and a couple of barn owls.

Edited by lemonjelly
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It keeps going back in its cage it will stay out for maybe 30 minutes then go back.

Gave him chicken liver today

At least it's staying out for 30 minutes, it's young, in a strange environment with no parents to give it the confidence.

Give it time and it'll stay out longer. The cage gives it protection and no matter how young, all animals recognise when their safe.

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He looks cool! I would just put food in the cage every day, wether he eats it or not. If he disappears one day than good luck to him but if he wants to come back for food it would be great.

Maybe he even feels more safe if you close the cage at night so no cats or snakes can come in.

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I worked with owls for years in California while doing wild life surveys.

I once asked an authority on owls" what makes young owls leave their nest?"

He said when the nest finally gets so infested with fleas, lice and yes aunts...they leave the nest.

But that is a much better chance than it would have without you!

So even owls suffer from all the relatives turning up in Thailand ?rolleyes.gif

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