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Are the Thais Falling Back in Love with Pattaya? by The Pattaya Sleuth


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Are the Thais Falling Back in Love with Pattaya? by The Pattaya Sleuth


Are the Thais Falling Back in Love with Pattaya?

It is fair to say that if you mention the word “Pattaya” to many Thai people you will get a look of disgust and distain staring back at you. To be honest you will get a similar look from many Westerners who live outside of the area but has there been a shift in the attitude, particularly from the Thais, towards the city that is perhaps associated most with red light districts, drunken parties and less than perfect beaches filled with sunburnt tourists?

Although finding any accurate figures to confidently back things up is proving difficult, the number of Thai people who are coming to the city for short breaks seems to be notably on the increase. Developers and Real Estate agents have also been known to comment that sales of condominiums in Thai quote is “on the up” and quite frankly that can only be a good thing for all concerned.

So what are the reasons for falling back in love with a city that had previously been so despised? Perhaps it is because the city has certainly cleaned up its image in recent years. Families are now welcome and actively encouraged to come where in the past it may have raised a few eyebrows. This probably results in Thai nationals feeling more comfortable and less embarrassed and when they have actually got to Pattaya they have found that isn’t that bad after all and told family and friends of their enjoyment rather than their shame.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/thais-falling-back-love-pattaya-pattaya-sleuth/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-05-07

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Are the Thais Falling Back in Love with Pattaya?

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif and one more cheesy.gif

out of curiosity, do these journalists people from inspire & whatsonsukhumvit are actually living in thailand? and do they get paid for for they nonsense?

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

I've gotten bad reactions from respectable Thais in Bangkok. Not sure I would call it disgust exactly but definitely putting me into a stereotype box for living here.

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

I've gotten bad reactions from respectable Thais in Bangkok. Not sure I would call it disgust exactly but definitely putting me into a stereotype box for living here.

Maybe they were so called HiSos with a lot of self importance .I mix with middle class thais .Working and own their own houses .

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It's not only the sexpat stereotype but also a perception that Pattaya expats are less likely to be interested into integrating into Thai culture because it's an international tourist zone here. Obviously both of these stereotypes don't fit all expats here. In my case, the latter one does. I can understand that most Thais would have disdain for that, not that I care at all about avoiding such disdain. The longer I live in Thailand the less interested I have become in Thai language and culture. (Yes, I'm working on leaving.)

Edited by Jingthing
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>> The longer I live in Thailand the less interested I have become in Thai language and culture. (Yes, I'm working on leaving.)<<..I have long given up on learning the Thai language .Learning the culture still interests me .I was brought up Catholic ,but a mere moments critical analysis of their teachings makes be believe thats its even more unbelievable than father christmas .I am more and more leaning towards Buddhist beliefs .I still love Thailand after 10 years full time here .I have a love hate relationship with my own Country ,Southern Ireland .) I may never go back there .

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

Thais are open about sex

thai women are conservatives, its only the old farangs living in pattaya who are open about sex...whistling.gif

This must be way you will never see a Thai women working in a go-go bar.

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

The Pattaya Sleuth is just used to getting looks of disgust and distain whenever he asks a question or people unfortunately read his dribble.

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Are the Thais Falling Back in Love with Pattaya?

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif and one more cheesy.gif

out of curiosity, do these journalists people from inspire & whatsonsukhumvit are actually living in thailand? and do they get paid for for they nonsense?

I've been led to believe (although I could be wrong ) that they are Russians, which would explain everything.

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Oh good. The association of broke-assed Pattaya realtors have managed to co-opt yet another conduit of factual, concise, honest and well-respected information to argue that the perpetually moribund state of play in their chosen vocation is all illusory.

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>> The longer I live in Thailand the less interested I have become in Thai language and culture. (Yes, I'm working on leaving.)<<..I have long given up on learning the Thai language .Learning the culture still interests me .I was brought up Catholic ,but a mere moments critical analysis of their teachings makes be believe thats its even more unbelievable than father christmas .I am more and more leaning towards Buddhist beliefs .I still love Thailand after 10 years full time here .I have a love hate relationship with my own Country ,Southern Ireland .) I may never go back there .

If youve given up on Catholocism (more unbelievable than Father Christmas). then why look elsewhere.? All religions are unbelievable---not a shred of evidence for any of them. Then you can enjoy all the excesses Pattaya has to offer, without feeling any religious guilt.smile.png

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

I've gotten bad reactions from respectable Thais in Bangkok. Not sure I would call it disgust exactly but definitely putting me into a stereotype box for living here.

Maybe they were so called HiSos with a lot of self importance .I mix with middle class thais .Working and own their own houses .

Never met a Thai who showed disgust at Pattaya. I have met many Farangs who have though.

Came here 30 years ago and still loving it.

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

I've gotten bad reactions from respectable Thais in Bangkok. Not sure I would call it disgust exactly but definitely putting me into a stereotype box for living here.

Maybe they were so called HiSos with a lot of self importance .I mix with middle class thais .Working and own their own houses .

Never met a Thai who showed disgust at Pattaya. I have met many Farangs who have though.

Came here 30 years ago and still loving it.

The frog in boiling water syndrome

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Came here 30 years ago and still loving it.

I too came to Pattaya 30 years ago. Started in Jomtien, where there was nothing...just the beach and all for me. (but that lasted less than 2 years)

Once Pattaya connected with Jomtien; the mafia from all over the world arrived; the traffic became like Bangkok; and the prices just went up and up and up. Had to put up with the Royal Jomtien fire which killed 100+, damaged my property, but no compensation. Then they built their airconditioning plant next to my house...90/100decibels day and night (F...you. we're OK!). it was time to call it a day and move to isaan.

Best move I ever made.

Edited by prakhonchai nick
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Here in Jomtien the numbers of Thai families at beach has increased dramatically. Why? Any number of guesses: fewer farangs maybe, more space to spread mat for picnic on concrete, hot spell.... who can say?

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I'm in Jomtien and every weekend and holiday it's the same. Beach road jammed with traffic and Thais outnumbering everyone on the beach.

Guess the Thais aren't as snooty as the expats living the dream in a rice field up country and looking down their noses at everyone else.

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Came here 30 years ago and still loving it.

I too came to Pattaya 30 years ago. Started in Jomtien, where there was nothing...just the beach and all for me. (but that lasted less than 2 years)

Once Pattaya connected with Jomtien; the mafia from all over the world arrived; the traffic became like Bangkok; and the prices just went up and up and up. Had to put up with the Royal Jomtien fire which killed 100+, damaged my property, but no compensation. Then they built their airconditioning plant next to my house...90/100decibels day and night (F...you. we're OK!). it was time to call it a day and move to isaan.

Best move I ever made.

I remember the Royal Jomtien Hotel fire. Absolutely horrible.

The in-laws live in Na Jomtien which is further South and is not as built up and still nice. I'm not sure how long it will stay that way because developers are moving in.

The traffic congestion on Sukhumvit is hell though on any long weekend.

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Not sure it's love for Pattaya,

More likely hate of hot,polluted

Noisy BKK ..they want to get out

Of town every chance they get.

Out of town leaves thousands of places besides Pattaya. And though BKK has always been hot, polluted, and noisy (and think pre-BTS/MRT), they weren't flocking to Pattaya on weekends & holidays before.

Our experts have mostly conceded, finally, that Thais are but remain mystified as to the reasons, esp. those experts still living in the 80s - 90s. Unfortunately the OP doesn't shed any light.

Edited by JSixpack
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Thais were not flocking to Pattaya before because they did not have means to do so. If they did- they went to Bangsaen or Sriacha. Now more Thais have transportation- cars etc and more money to come to Pattaya plus it is only a few hours away. Actually, more Thais go to the Navy beaches in Sattahip which are off limits to Foreigners. The whole Pattaya - Jomtien and now Bangsaray area are overbuilt and continue to be causing widespread pollution; a dirty sea; and traffic. This does not necessarily stop the Thais because they have all that in Bangkok- they come to sit by the seaside, eat and drink and get some relaxation. They do not go to the bars and the so called 'entertainment' sections. As Western tourists become less and less- most of the entertainment areas will dwindle and eventually Pattaya will revert back to its original family destinations coupled with the Chinese invasion.

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

The Pattaya Sleuth is just used to getting looks of disgust and distain whenever he asks a question or people unfortunately read his dribble.

True, but this particular dribble isn't "his" but written by "Nina," who for all we know might be some freelance Filipina writing from Cebu who's never visited Thailand and is being paid a peso a word to fill up some space.

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Never met a Thai who showed disgust at Pattaya. I have met many Farangs who have though.

Came here 30 years ago and still loving it.

The frog in boiling water syndrome

Don't knock it 'till you've tried it?

...or, "Come on mate, jump in! The water's lovely."

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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

The Pattaya Sleuth is just used to getting looks of disgust and distain whenever he asks a question or people unfortunately read his dribble.

True, but this particular dribble isn't "his" but written by "Nina," who for all we know might be some freelance Filipina writing from Cebu who's never visited Thailand and is being paid a peso a word to fill up some space.

Equality as useless.
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I have yet to see a Thai person react with disgust about Pattaya .When i lived in Jomtien (now live in Chiang mai ) ,every weekend the beach was filled with Thai families .Thais are open about sex ,and know what goes on but dont have our Christian guilt about it .

well 2 girls i told i live in Pattaya and asked if they have been here. The answer was same from both , I DONT GO PATTAYA!

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More than likely just their bad grammer .You took a completely different meaning out of what they said .

Edited by anto
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