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Need opinions on what caused my testicular swelling, which I think has resulted in atrophy


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In the month of March, I woke up to intense pain in the groin area. I soon discovered that my left testicle had swelled. I immediately went to the ER as I could not bear the pain.

I had an ultrasound done, and it was concluded that I did not need surgery. Although they did find a mild left varicocele and some hydroceles. The urologist conducted a prostate exam and concluded that I had prostatitis based on the pain I was experiencing during the exam. He prescribed me with 3 weeks of Tarivid (ofloxacin). After I finished the course he further prescribed me with 3 months of the same medicine. I phoned a friend who is also a doctor and told him about what happened. He said he found it strange that the doctor diagnosed me with prostatitis since its more common in men aged 50 and rare for people in their 20s. He directed me to stop the antibiotics immediately.

I am somewhat sexually active and I am guessing that what actually caused it was a STD. Last sexual encounters (regrettably with a bar girls) I had was unprotected oral, protected sex. However I had no symptoms at all no - penis discharge or burning when urinating. But I am now aware that STDs dont show symptoms most of the time. Looking back I am surprised the urologist didn't make me do a STD test.

I'm quite sure I've experience testicular atrophy. I am feeling extremely bad atm as I know what happened to me is entirely my fault and I really now regret those encounters. This shit can cause irreversible damage.

So I guess it's pretty clear that what caused the swelling was a STD? I feel as though my balls were atrophied before the swelling though. Is it possible for a STD to cause atrophy even before epididymitis (which is most likely what I experienced).
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Happened to me when I was 27. I was playing football and was carried off the field in agony, my left testicle swelled to 3 times it's normal size. A few weeks later I was working in a betting shop and it happened again. My colleague called an an ambulance and they took me to Southwark hospital and they found nothing wrong with me and sent me home after a couple of days. Looking back, it's funny now as my colleague, when asked by the operator what was wrong with me replied, "He's done his <deleted> in a betting shop!" I was sitting on the toilet upstairs, cradling my testicle as it hurt even more when I laughed.

Anyway, I went to see a specialist who immediately diagnosed a hernia which required a minor op to put it right.

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I soon discovered that my left testicle had swelled. I immediately went to the ER as I could not bear the pain. [...] So I guess it's pretty clear that what caused the swelling was a STD? I feel as though my balls were atrophied before the swelling though. Is it possible for a STD to cause atrophy even before epididymitis (which is most likely what I experienced).

I'm not entirely clear what you are really asking. A few key points:

You consulted an urologist who gave a diagnosis and treatment plan. If you are not happy with this, you should consult another urologist and seek a second diagnosis. Asking random people on the phone (even if they incidentally are a doctor) is not good. I suspect the reason why you were prescribed two courses of antibiotics was to make sure that the diagnosed prostatitis will not develop into a chronic condition. Whether this was the right course of action needs to be determined by a specialist, who indeed might agree or disagree with another specialist.

Contrary to what you (or your friend) had said, prostatitis can affect men of all age. Also there is a possible link to STDs. Certain STD in men can result in complications, such as prostatitis or epididymitis. If you think that you have or had a STD, seek an opinion from another specialist! This will give you more certainty and peace of mind. It is also important to understand that people who have a history of sexually transmitted infections are at greater risk of STDs.

Finally, whether STDs can cause testicular atrophy; I'm not sure that would be the case unless you have a chronic infection.

Edited by Morakot
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If an STD was the cause, given your lack of immediate symptoms it was most likely chlamydia -- which the oflaxacin you were prescribed would have treated (the doctor was presumptively treating you for possible chlamydia), but unfortunately it sounds like you may have not completed the full course of treatment prescribed

Chlamydia would also be a likely culprit if in fact you had epididymitis, and the same treatment would have been indicated.

It is very unlikely this has causes testicular atrophy, if in fact you have this. STDs are a risk factor for atrophy over time but will not rapidly cause what you describe.

You should go either to a urologist for further evaluation and tell them about the interrupted course of prior treatment. If you are in Bangkok, Dr. Viroj Chodchoy is very good.


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If an STD was the cause, given your lack of immediate symptoms it was most likely chlamydia -- which the oflaxacin you were prescribed would have treated (the doctor was presumptively treating you for possible chlamydia), but unfortunately it sounds like you may have not completed the full course of treatment prescribed

Chlamydia would also be a likely culprit if in fact you had epididymitis, and the same treatment would have been indicated.

It is very unlikely this has causes testicular atrophy, if in fact you have this. STDs are a risk factor for atrophy over time but will not rapidly cause what you describe.

You should go either to a urologist for further evaluation and tell them about the interrupted course of prior treatment. If you are in Bangkok, Dr. Viroj Chodchoy is very good.


Have sent you a pm....

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  • 2 weeks later...

prostatitis is often ruled out by giving you 1 month of the floxins (which are strong antibiotics, strong adverse reactions), if your symptoms resolve, then they were right, not always cut and dry, other than if it worked, they may have got it right, i believe it is diagnosised by pain with palpation/digit exam, which may be subjective, 'do you have pain here?, how about now? ' etc

trouble is in general, you never want to stop antibiotis partial way through, unless you have side effects

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I have known many patients under 50 with Rx for chronic prostatitis.Changing a Rx plan for the reason offers seems "strange" as it is not so absurd after all.

Be advised testicular torsion can present as you describe (epidytimitis). Subsequent atrophy requires someone to be evaluating you. See a doc.

Note: You can self eval for general health observations with a small flashlight and darkened room. Shining this underneath the scrotum as you move the contents illuminates them in a way that hydrocele/other are noted. Self evaluation, not diagnosis.

PS. stop "feeling bad" and placing fault. You would be surprised how many people present with a similar complaint and it is from torsion or rotation of the scrotal contents during sex, etc, rather then infection.

Edited by arjunadawn
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I have known many patients under 50 with Rx for chronic prostatitis.Changing a Rx plan for the reason offers seems "strange" as it is not so absurd after all.

Be advised testicular torsion can present as you describe (epidytimitis). Subsequent atrophy requires someone to be evaluating you. See a doc.

Note: You can self eval for general health observations with a small flashlight and darkened room. Shining this underneath the scrotum as you move the contents illuminates them in a way that hydrocele/other are noted. Self evaluation, not diagnosis.

PS. stop "feeling bad" and placing fault. You would be surprised how many people present with a similar complaint and it is from torsion or rotation of the scrotal contents during sex, etc, rather then infection.

Nonsense !

Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency -----------------------------------


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Diagnosed it myself and treated it myself with Doxycycline 100 mg orally twice a day for 10 days.

The swelling was gone after about 72 hours yet a bit tender. My testicle was as large as a plumb and it came about not long after having intercourse with a prostitute. I did in fact look her up and let her know she was a carrier and even had a friend write everything down in Thai. Don't know if she took the advice, but I did my part.

Good website (menu on RH side): http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/436154-treatment#d1

It caused by STD: Chlamydia, a lesser form of gonnorhea

No worries... you will be OK in 10 days after treatment... but I would wait a full 14 before engaging in sex, just to let the antibiotic run fully through your system. It naver came back after that and that was over 7 years ago.

Just my opinion, and I hope it is only that, which you describe!

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May be not the same reason, but 3 years ago I had a very big testicule , two times the normal size, from, I think , my new bicycle saddle; after two days it was very painful and going up to my body, so I went to the doctor, who told me it was a scrotum infection ; he gave me antibiotics and after 9 days, my testicule became normal

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