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Ubc Rfeception Problems

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My UBC has been bugging out for last hour or so, totally unwatchable, anyone else getting the same?

All Ok at our place too. But sometimes I find it necessary to either trim the trees around the dish as the wind blows the leaves in front and cause disruption and at other times I find it necessary to do a full reboot of the receiver box by unpluging it, taking out the card and then plugging it in again and replacing the card. It then goes and tests all its settings etc and makes things much clearer. The key is to take out the power cord, not just turn it off.

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nope, looks like we need the ubc people round. Tried everything now.

oh I forgot to mention, I had 2 receivers blown out by lightning in 2 days last year and just took them back to UBC and they replaced them no problems .. and when I asked if they would do it again a third time they said yes ... it was just one of the dangers of having a satellite based system in a stormy place, nothing anyone could do about it - not as if they can hide the dish under a shield or something...

so maybe just needs a new box...

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