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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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All it takes is one post to bring out all the NUTS this morning......jeezus

All it takes is one post for the "sheep" to come out and defend their little world!

You should change your name to Don Quixote. There are many windmills that need attention.

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A delusional American expat, trying to debunk delusional American conspiracy theories, in Thailand, such irony.

I've actually heard these ridiculous conspiracy theories more from non-American than from Americans. This guy is a nut.

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All it takes is one post to bring out all the NUTS this morning......jeezus

All it takes is one post for the "sheep" to come out and defend their little world!

I agree, they are terrified of the truth.

Shame on you America! The truth will be revealed.

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All it takes is one post to bring out all the NUTS this morning......jeezus

All it takes is one post for the "sheep" to come out and defend their little world!

I agree, they are terrified of the truth.

Shame on you America! The truth will be revealed.

The truth was revealed a long time ago. Sadly, many refuse to belive it. As mentioned in the OP. Many believe the moon landings never happened. 5555

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Ok..just to play devil's advocate a bit before I start my day.....what happened to the planes that were scheduled flights that disappeared off the radar and never landed....perhaps you cna explain to the families whose loved ones never came home after 9-11 who happened to be on those flights....if there was no plane hitting the Pentagon....where is the missing plane and it's passengers.

The web gets more complicated to maintain with each strand of silk you spin my friends.

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He is Donald Trump's VP choice. Together debate the many conspiracy theories together starting with did dinosaurs exist or not.

Of course dinosaurs exist...all Thai children are taught that they were invented in Kohn Kaen.

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There are those who believe their own birth was a comspiracy. These people live their life viewing the world from google maps. 911 was real to the thousands of good people who lost their lives. It was real to the first responders, many who died. Real to the people who lost loved ones. Thai reporters can not report important news so fill their columns with nonsense like this.

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The man is thinking outside the box. Not common here....

The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

How many jet planes have flown into skyscrapers?

Central World collapsed and it didn't even need jet fuel to weaken the steel.

Yep, proven impossible - unless you need to amplify the war on terror ?

Sinister, how far they'll go. Gullible race, massive collateral damage

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It is a bit sad that so many educated people deny 9/11, the moon landings, the Holocaust etc. and instead look for conspiracies in everything. No wonder movements like Hitler and Daesh can flourish when there are so many non-rational thinkers out there!

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I met this guy, two years ago. Regarding a restaurant idea. He started talking about 9/11.

Americans did it, this and that.

He seemed like a normal guy, before he opened his mouth.

Fruit cake.

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always lovely to see threads like this filled with assumptions and opinions.

i have learned quite a bit about peoples behaviour on different topics and what amazes me most is when someone believes something and other party does then usually the ones who do not believe will fight hard and strong with them, instead of just not caring when some concept is just way below common sense. i then always wonder do those non believers try to fight so that they too can start to believe.. 55.

do you see what i see?

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You would have to be delusional, incredible ignorant or just plain stupid, to believe that those buildings just "fell" down.... particularly building 7, from small office fires..... I was Aviation engineer and a demolitions supervisor in the Aus military for over 20 years and it is not possible that they fell down as stated by the American govt. Wake up people.

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All it takes is one post to bring out all the NUTS this morning......jeezus

All it takes is one post for the "sheep" to come out and defend their little world!

Yes, because your world (where there's a conspiracy behind every bush (no pun intended)) is so much BIGGER, isn't it?

BTW, I've hidden a secret message in the above sentence. If you can figure it out you'll win three tinfoil hats and a month's supply of Valium!

Edited by MZurf
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A delusional American expat, trying to debunk delusional American conspiracy theories, in Thailand, such irony.

you are correct , but please be careful what you call people here . (the hall monitor is listening)....they think they are foo foo here .

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He is Donald Trump's VP choice. Together debate the many conspiracy theories together starting with did dinosaurs exist or not.

Of course dinosaurs exist...all Thai children are taught that they were invented in Kohn Kaen.

And today they're in charge of the country...coffee1.gif

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To call these attacks as stated by the official narrative "THE TRUTH " is the only thing that I see as delusional. I here so much wisdom on this site from westerners ( and I am one ) , does not any of you really ( I. mean really ) put any thoughtfulness into your so called comments i.e. armchair research. You blokes are way way below the curve IF any of you believe any of the official narrative out of ANY government institution. As an aside, this guy doesn't have to prove this info to the wasteful tune of 10 million baht!!! It has already been accepted in the world community of engineers, physicists , seasoned and accredited pilots , and all manner of the most respected people in all the various fields that have been doing this research. Any of you arm chair commentators experts in any of these fields???

Like I said, I think the man is flushing the $$$ down the toilet for something is already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that what the corrupt governments statement to the public was nothing and I mean NOTHING but a big FAT lie.

Obviously those of you who put these comments out that the official narrative is written in stone ARE the real problem that humanity faces because you LACK critical and analytical thinking. How many times does the system have to punch you in the face until you say OUCH.

If this guy wants to blow the bucks on proving that then he can give me the money ( I can always use a little spare change ) and he can get in touch with me and I CAN and will put him on the right path to the possibilities any there are several , but one thing for sure what the populace say on TV and sold to them could not, did not happen the way they were told. IT WAS A LIE TO TAKE YOUR FREEDOMS and nothing more and to incite a war in the middle east to destabilize the area and to take over 7 countries which was on the bucket list of the power brokers of the world.

If there are any of you arm chair pedophile expats who want to tell the world what they should believe about 9/11 then YOU and only you are DELUSIONAL. There is no airframe that can penetrate a concrete steel reinforced building of the most highly regulated building codes to withstand earth quakes ,fires and any number of stressors. I repeat those aircraft are by structural physics standards incapable of entering a structure and exiting a structure on the other side. NO freak way. It was a well placed plan to set up to instantly detonate super thermite ( which was found all over remaining material ) in the shape of a place. Why were no plane parts found in the incineration , but one of the hijackers passports and an engine that wasn't from that type of aircraft some 5 or 6 blocks away.

I could/can go on and on but I am done wasting my breath on simple minded folks that just lay over and accept their slavery from their handlers.

I am open to discussion any time any place any where. If you want to face the truth , stick you head down the rabbit whole and ( if you a brave ) understand what is really perpetrated against you and all of humanity.


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