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Budweiser Just Renamed Its Beer 'America'


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Why don't they just rename it to 'Water'. biggrin.png

It out sells whatever beer that you are drinking.

I'm sure it does as I don't drink for years now. Years ago when in the military then university I did drink Bud, Pabst BR, Schlitz, Coors. When I started traveling internationally I discovered real beer.

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Agreed, chances are the drinkers are not aware of the foreign ownership anyway.


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Soon to be changed to "Freedom Water" after the next "terrorist" attack.

This story, the freedom fries stories and others makes me wonder if it is the american population who is retarded while their elite is smart enough to communicate at their level, or more worrying, if its maybe the american elite who is retarded... Worrying when you consider the fire power they hold. Well, we are past the worry point, we are actually in a permanent state of world war, and we keep on voting, i guess the overall world populatuon is retarded.

Can't fight the bell curve... Nor the negative skew is seems to exhibit in the States.

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Stupidest marketing idea I ever hear. This will be like the "new Coke" fiasco and they'll change it back.

Yes, it is because of poor business decisions like this that Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV is the world's largest brewer with approximately 25% market share. They should do more research.

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Stupidest marketing idea I ever hear. This will be like the "new Coke" fiasco and they'll change it back.

Yes, it is because of poor business decisions like this that Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV is the world's largest brewer with approximately 25% market share. They should do more research.

Maybe they should read the wise advertising guru's on TVF?

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The original Budweiser was Czech. Some years ago there was a court case over the name. Maybe that has something to do with it. A backroom agreement? I'll take the original over the American brand any day.

Have to say, American style beer is really good on a hot day, you are dying of thirst and you want to down something cold and bubbly that's not 50% sugar. German beer ... well, that's something you want to sit down and enjoy.

I was going to post the same thing. If you've been to the US and just want something to refresh you after a hot day then beers like Bud and the rest are just fine.

Edited by Humberstone
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Sort of like the Dallas Cowboys self aggrandizement that they are America's Team, hell I am an American and they were not, nor will they ever be, my team

Actually the :America's Team" moniker came from NFL Films review of the Cowboy's 1978 season. It stuck on the game broadcasts and the team embraced it.

"Bob Ryan, now Vice President and editor-in-chief of NFL Films, coined this for the Cowboys while preparing and editing the team’s 1978 season highlight film.[6] He was quoted as saying:

I wanted to come up with a different twist on their team highlight film. I noticed then, and had noticed earlier, that wherever the Cowboys played, you saw people in the stands with Cowboys jerseys and hats and pennants. Plus, they were always the national game on television."


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Sort of like the Dallas Cowboys self aggrandizement that they are America's Team, hell I am an American and they were not, nor will they ever be, my team

Actually the :America's Team" moniker came from NFL Films review of the Cowboy's 1978 season. It stuck on the game broadcasts and the team embraced it.

"Bob Ryan, now Vice President and editor-in-chief of NFL Films, coined this for the Cowboys while preparing and editing the team’s 1978 season highlight film.[6] He was quoted as saying:

I wanted to come up with a different twist on their team highlight film. I noticed then, and had noticed earlier, that wherever the Cowboys played, you saw people in the stands with Cowboys jerseys and hats and pennants. Plus, they were always the national game on television."


Not too off-topic but we also are aware of why Dallas Stadium has an open dome too, correct?

So God can look down on his favorite team! smile.png

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Stupidest marketing idea I ever hear. This will be like the "new Coke" fiasco and they'll change it back.

Yes, it is because of poor business decisions like this that Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV is the world's largest brewer with approximately 25% market share. They should do more research.

"Bud Crowded Out by Craft Beer Craze
Faded Beer Brand Unhitches Clydesdales in Favor of Fresher Pitches to Young People"


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One of the early posts on this thread claimed Bud was an OK beer compared to other popular mass-market brands in the US.

I would agree with that.

Why all the vilification and the comparisons to "water" and "piss"?

Is it the beer, or is it Americans you don't like? I don't particularly like them myself, and I was born there; but I voted with my feet a long time ago and don't let them bother me.

American-bashing on this forum seems to run a close second to Thai-bashing.

Anyway, there is the mediocre beer, and there is the absurd patriotic re-branding.

The Samuel Johnson line is still the best and the truest - "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." - not because there is no such thing as genuine patriotism, but because it tends to get buried under tons of bombast, drivel, and nonsense.

The vast majority of the time people invoke patriotism in defense of principals that they can't logically defend in any other way.

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