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My Kindle is about four years old and up to recently it has worked fine and i have used it a lot.

Never downloaded anything from Amazon just put in book from my pc. using Calibre.

The problem i have is i can not find anything on the Kindle anymore.I can send books from my pc.and it shows it is in the main memory but i can not find it.

I tried to do all the things i found on the internet about it,restart,reset and changing the name of books but nothing works.

Took it down to the IT.shop today but they had never seen a Kindle before so no joy there.

Is there any body here who can help me?Is there a place to get it fixed or should i just dump it an buy a new one?

Any body had these same problems?


I have a Kindle Paperwhite, but they may have points in common.

When you load the books to the Kindle with Calibre (as I do) do you delete them with Calibre?

If not. and you use the Kindle delete book function, then it will not delete a small additional file that Calibre leaves on there

and these may be using up all your memory. To check, connect your Kindle to your computer and look at it with

Windows Explorer in 'My Computer', ie treat it like any other removable disc. The Paperwhite has a folder called 'documents'

and in there are the books, each one in a folder under the author's name.

See if your 'documents' folder is full of authors you thought you had deleted. Delete them if so.

You can delete all the author directories in there, except the dictionaries, and see if that makes a difference, assuming you have the original e-books still.

Again, this is the Paperwhite, but the same idea should apply.


Report the problem to Amazon. I have found their service with Kindle excellent even when out of warranty. When they have been unable to suggest a fix they have at least offered a pretty good deal on a replacement.


Had problems with my Kindle paperwhite yesterday with the page not opening and some part opened screens etc.

Internet help suggested

Press Off/On switch for 7 seconds and then try again - worked perfectly for me touch wood

Also suggested if that doesn't work hold Off/On switch for 40 seconds.

Not quite the OP's problem but may be helpful to other Kindle owners


I have a Paperwhite and have had problems loading books using Calibre. They appeared to load but could not be found.

As "lungbing" suggests, I now load them into the main memory from my computer as a removable disk, and have no problems.


Thank you for your answers.I have tried to load now as suggested but still no books visible.

When i open the Kindle as a removable disk it shows the books are inside but yet i can not open them in the reader itself.

Deleted everything also and same thing again,they are inside but they do not show.


I have a Kindle Touch, about the same age and have had a similar problem. I had over 600 books I had downloaded using Calibre as well and no problem accessing them when I wanted.

I received a new Paperwhite as a gift and the Touch sat pretty much unused for a while. I did not copy the content of the Touch to the Paperwhite.

When I finally did open the Touch after close to a year of non-use, all the books I had downloaded with Calibre had disappeared from the index. I assumed that Amazon had done some kind of "DRM" sweep and cleaned out my files. I was annoyed but didn't have any idea what to do about it. I shelved the Touch again.

A few months later, I opened the Touch and all 600+ books were back in my index and accessible. I am at a loss to explain how this all happened but now six months after that and they are all still there.

Sorry I don't have a more effective solution than to sit and wait but that's what worked for me.

Another thought: My Kindle account is kind of a mess. In addition to my Touch and Paperwhite, My account also lists more than half a dozen of my former and current Android phones and tablets, all upon which I had installed the Kindle app. I wonder if that hodge-podge of accounts may be having some kind of detrimental effect. The OP may or may not have a similar situation but it might bear looking into.


I had a problem locating my books after the latest software update. Make sure that in My Library you check the Downloaded tab as well as the All tab.

The books I put on my device from my computer sometimes appear under the All tab but more often in the Downloaded tab (even though they were not downloaded through Amazon.


You can rebuild the library using a hard reset. - hold the power button for about 10-20 secs and it will cycle a reset (try to make sure you have a full battery before you do this as I suspect it might get ugly if it runs out of power during the rebuild - which is quick but not instantaneous).


You can rebuild the library using a hard reset. - hold the power button for about 10-20 secs and it will cycle a reset (try to make sure you have a full battery before you do this as I suspect it might get ugly if it runs out of power during the rebuild - which is quick but not instantaneous).

I have tried that already ,it doesn't work.I will try dddave's suggestion and let the battery drain completely.

If all else fails i will have to buy a new one.

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